
New Book / Discussion—“Cheddi Jagan and the Cold War: 1946-1992” (

Cheddi Jagan (1918–1997) was the first major politician in the Anglophone Caribbean enraptured by Marxism-Leninism as espoused by the Soviet Union − the beacon for the radical transformation of colonies like his country, British Guiana (Guyana). Moreover, he sought to persuade US President Kennedy, that although this was the...

10 Ukrainian books about Russia’s war available in English (

Ukraine’s authors should have been able to dedicate their lives to honing their craft. Instead, many of them have stepped up to contribute to the war effort and fight back against Russian aggression. Like any other member of society, Ukrainian authors have lost loved ones and colleagues to Russia’

What If The Messiah Was Already Here? (

This group of short fictional stories describes how the Mafia, Catholic Church, Mormons, Amish, and Messianic ended up creating a new world order based on a plan created by the Rebbe of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. For those not familiar with the Chabad movement or unfamiliar with their membership, you might find these bearded...

#AttackAnxiety: Winning The Fight (

Are stress and anxiety becoming unwelcome companions in your daily life? Feel like you're losing the battle against anxiety, unsure of how to regain control? "Attack Anxiety: Winning The Fight" is not just a book; it's your ally in the war against anxiety. Don Womble, the author, shares his personal journey, seamlessly weaving...

An Act of Vengeance: Unraveling Familial Intrigue in Hawaii (

Step into the intricate familial dynamics, power struggles, and unexpected connections in "An Act of Vengeance." Set against the picturesque backdrop of Hawaii, this gripping narrative explores the consequences of political ambitions and long-standing business rivalries....

The Ghost of Nakagusku (

A young Marine Corps sergeant newly assigned to a tour of duty on Okinawa, Japan, encounters a six-hundred-year-old ghost. Both the marine and the ghost have a history of violence and no desire to move past it. After a tumultuous beginning to their relationship, a relationship embroiled in murder investigations involving a local...


In the harrowing memoir "Red-Headed Stepchild," Dr. Powell invites readers into the dark corridors of his childhood, a journey fraught with danger, abuse, and an unrelenting will to survive. Raised in a home plagued by violence and fear, he endured unimaginable torment at the hands of his stepfather, facing physical,...

A Christmas Tree Reunion (

Embark on a heartwarming journey with Sprucy, the charismatic narrator of "A Christmas Tree Reunion," as he unveils the untold story of a Norway spruce Christmas tree and its enduring bond with nature. In this enchanting tale, Christmas takes on a whole new meaning when viewed through the lens of Sprucy's perspective....

MACAW BECOMES A RAINBOW: Three South American Indian Folktales (

🌿 Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of the Ecuadorian and Brazilian rainforests with "Macaw Becomes a Rainbow." This enchanting collection, born from ethnographic fieldwork in 1967, unveils the rich tapestry of human-bird interaction through three mesmerizing South American folktales....

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