
sqhistorian, avatar

I did a short guest spot in this @AGH video about "OH HELL NO" moments in . My pick might surprise you because it's from a game I actually love and adore... Gabriel Knight 2.

Also features my AGH Network friends OneShortEye, @PhantomFellows, and Adventure Game Geek.

cc @adventure @adventuregames

gmr_leon, avatar

Call it nostalgia, but the moment video games on consoles couldn't launch and be played as quickly as the machine could load them, they went astray.

Consoles were pretty much always proprietary computers, but the tradeoff was that they were dedicated to playing games, removing complexities to get you to playing ASAP.

Adding in online updates and license checks, and subscriptions for online play? You're getting closer to being any other device, or worse.

#Gaming #VideoGames

gmr_leon, avatar

Plus it does well to remember that part of how Nintendo brought back the console market from its downturn was its seal of quality across games for its system.

With online updates even on console games, any sort of quality assurance for being on a console might as well be tossed out. That undercuts what could still be a big selling point for consoles.

Classic convenience plus games Just Working™. But money and its momentum don't care about that.

#Gaming #VideoGames

mick, avatar

Sopwith is 40 years old! I can’t even guess at how many hours I spent playing this when I was a kid.

UniversalBlue, avatar

Bazzite 3.0 is live - now based on Fedora Atomic 40!

Bazzite brings you

  • All of the drivers, codecs, and under-the-hood software you need to start gaming on first boot
  • Support for computers and handheld devices like the Steam Deck or ROG Ally
  • Atomic updates to reduce breakage and make rollbacks easy

Learn more:
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Try Bazzite today:

atozi, French avatar

Hear ye, hear ye! 📯
Baladins will release on May 15th on PC!
A joly adventure for friends en family!

Gather your team of up to 4 (local or online co-op) and traverse the four regions of Gatherac on your journey to appease Colobra, the time-eating dragon who's awoken from its deep slumber.

endeavorance, avatar


Here's a chunk of this week's Stuff Keeps Happening with a rundown on some goings-ons in the gaming world.

A video of Endeavorance talking about a few recent updates in the gaming news world. The video includes audio and captions.

Imperor, avatar

Let's have a look at Bellwright (Released to Early Access)

I wouldn't recommend it at the moment, but maybe the game is totally for you? I spent two hours with it and tried my hand at editing it down to something more watchable.

Note: I am trash with the combat system.


Rooki, avatar

This time with the “Early access” directly on discord was a nice thing :)

Imperor, avatar

@Rooki Glad you enjoyed it! I was thinking that this is actually something that could some day be a patreon or subscriber perk.

Like, something that I can legitimately offer as an extra!

gmr_leon, avatar

Last repost is of music from a defunct(?) Half-Life 2 mod called Neotokyo. It was a multiplayer shooter mod that drew heavily from cyberpunk aesthetics, specifically from Japanese cyberpunk aesthetics as seen in anime like Ghost in the Shell.

It had a notable level of aesthetic quality to it that set it apart when it came out, & honestly I'd love to read more on how the team coordinated it all.

#Gaming #VideoGames #GameDev

gmr_leon, avatar

I say aesthetic quality not to knock the gameplay, but only because I never played enough of it to get a good sense of it.

I just know like many multiplayer shooters, I tended to suck at it and didn't know others to play with to make that more tolerable.

Toshiro73, Italian avatar
filippodb, avatar

@Toshiro73 😂 meravigliso!! 😂
Non avevo mai visto questo spot, piacerà sicuramente anche a @DarioZanette 👍

DarioZanette, avatar

@filippodb @Toshiro73 è una delle mie immagini di copertina su... Facebook 🤪

gmr_leon, avatar

From my last repost, that's a great mix of composers to collaborate on an album!

The album, Giants, has composers that have worked on Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy, Sonic, Celeste, and the like. Well worth checking out!

Bonus: it's available on Bandcamp!

#Gaming #Music #VideoGameMusic #VGM #RetroGaming #VideoGames

mikey, avatar

Gamers were so focused on Xbox vs PlayStation, they didn't notice that little ole Steam coming in as the future king of the gaming industry. Both Microsoft and Sony are now focusing on being publishers for PC, while Valve focuses on hardware.

mikey, avatar

Both Xbox and PlayStation are going to be making Valve money... I never would've imagined this even 3 years ago.

mikey, avatar

And then there's Nintendo.....

ricard, avatar

Look at this cute little thing 🤩

It emulates a dozen consoles with hundreds of games (already included).

Will start by rocking some old Pokemon games :ablobcatbongo:

If you're interested, it's called: ANBERNIC RG35XX Plus.

OffTheBooks, avatar

What game initially put you off by it’s graphics, that now you’ve come around to truly appreciate as artful?

jake4480, avatar

@OffTheBooks Undertale for sure

thevglibrary, avatar

The #Grandia series is still sitting in my backlog. 😅

Released in 2000 exclusively in Japan, this comprehensive "World Guidance" art book covers everything you'd want to know about #GrandiaII 📚


#Grandia2 #GameArts #VideoGame #VideoGames #Game #Gamer #Gaming #RPG #JRPG #ArtBook #Book #Books #Bookstodon #Dreamcast #PS2 #PlayStation #PlayStation2 #Switch #Nintendo #XboxOne #Xbox #PS4 #NintendoSwitch

trabex, avatar


I have Grandia III on my PS3 as a digital download (9.99). It's pretty good. Has a lot of unique ideas.

thevglibrary, avatar

@trabex Is it a series that I should start with the first entry?

Ajo1322, avatar
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