How many steam deck folks are here and what are you playing?

Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.

What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?


Dave The Diver!


Last game I played on it, yesterday, was Just Cause 3. It’s… not great. The game just doesn’t run consistently enough and is too CPU heavy.

I recently played Red Dead Redemption 2 on it, that was great. Surprisingly so. I’m playing Skyrim now. I’ve had the game for years but never took the time to properly get into it. I beat the main quest and messed with mods back in the day but that’s it.

Now, I’m playing it vanilla and I want to just go deep into the game, completely ignoring the main quest, I don’t want to be the hero, if the universe needs saving, it can find someone else. Khajiit have caves to explore and stuff. Oh and the new Survival Mode is neat!


If you haven’t played sleeping dogs, it’s one of the biggest underrated games and runs Amazing on the deck

Cevilia, avatar

I've recently started working my way through the Telltale Games and Don't Nod back catalogues. Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People is great fun, and Life Is Strange Before The Storm plays really well too. :)


Mostly play indie top-down retro stuff like Core Keeper, but the occasional bout of Halo MCC/Infinite, RDR2, Wasteland 3, and a few others.

If the new Battlebit release anti-cheat functions properly under Proton then I'll be picking that up.


Mostly point and click adventures. Harvey's New Eyes is my favorite among those I've finished for now


I'm using it almost exclusively during commuting between my hometown and my girlfriend's current city (nearly 4h) for which the deck is an absolute godsent

Played through the Sherlock Holmes games and now am playing the Ace Attorney games (for which the Deck is probably a bit overpowered but so what).

Not a huge fan of fast-paced games on the deck since I have a pretty good PC at home with a 144hz 1440p monitor which I really miss with games like Else Ring or (especially) Rocket League

TheDemonBuer, avatar

Batman Arkham City, then I moved on to Arkham Knight but I streamed that from my desktop because it's more demanding. Now I'm trying to figure out what to play next. Maybe Jedi Fallen Order.


I'm playing fallen order at the moment and it's way better than on the desktop because I traditionally use keyboard and mouse for desktop games.. this game is made for the controller so steam deck is perfect


I love how simple it is to play games on the Steam Deck The user interface is straight-forward, like it is with the other gaming consoles

PRO TIP: Turn Off the FPS Counter, you get to enjoy the game you are playing MORE


Playing Cyberpunk and Ace Combat.

As a toddler+newborn dad I flat out need the option of playing on TV or in bed, and instantly flipping on or off.

I honestly never dreamed of something like this when I grew up gaming on Windows 95+. Can't wait 'til I can game with my sons.


Not the same games but exact same vibe. Need to be able to turn it off literally minutes after I start. Can't wait to game with the kids. I want them to be older already but also not yet.


Careful what you wish for. All my kids play is the Roblox SDK to design train games lol. Ok I guess we do rock the occasional Mario Cart 😁


Just started playing Persona 5 Royal. I've got a ton of looong RPGs installed, and nowhere close to enough free time for them.

Spaenny, avatar

I have been playing a lot of BotW and DRG on it. Playing BotW on it is amazing, for DRG or mainly any shooter on it there is the problem of me not being used to aim with the gyro properly yet.


I know it isn't typical, but I love using my deck as a Steam Link client.


Been playing BOTW but also XCOM 2 and the roguelike deckbuilders bundle from Humble Bundle recently. Loving the steamdeck so much.


how is Botw performing?


I am playing TOTK and it's pretty decent. 30FPS 95% of the time.


I was looking to scratch the FromSoft itch after Elden Ring finally converted me into a lover of those games.

I bought Sekiro on my deck and got crack cocaine addicted to it. Plays GREAT. Also recently finished Celeste on there which is a game I see myself going back to again and again.

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