Upvote vs like

Graphics/UI and are one side of the project, UX that is combined with functionality and design is a slightly different story. Looking at the project from the beginning I was wondering about the sense of mixing upvotes and likes. Of course, I know that this from the functionality of federated applications, but also in them this function, especially combined with upvote, is not logical for me. It's just duplication of the same functionality and many users don't see the difference, and it causes unnecessary confusion.

In the case of a link aggregator such as /kbin, this is an additional problem, because the main principle of ranking results since digg and earlier is the upvote. Mixing this function and likes makes it unclear how content is sorted. Or at least, or rather, it is not obvious.

The problem is getting worse and worse. I am writing this because there are already entries with 70+ likes and only one upvote.

likes vs upvote

In the case of Twitter, expressing interest in a post is possible by liking or retweeting. In the case of , the user can raise or lower the rating, "reward" but in a limited way, share or save the entry. Although the functionality of these options mixes with each other in a way, it is not duplication of functionality.

In the case of Mastodon, Calckey, etc. We just have an upvote and a like. But after just a few minutes of using the site, you can see that users use these options randomly.

In my opinion, there are several solutions.

  • If someone likes content in an external, federated project on /kbin, it's only considered a boost. Because it's basically the same expression of approval. And the like as such disappears and can, for example, be replaced by saving the entry to "favorites" for later.

  • If someone likes content on an external service on /kbin, it is displayed as an upvote and a like.

  • If it is required to add other forms of expressing one's reluctance or approval, the standard reaction module can be used.


SparkIT avatar

I'm not sure if this could work with federation but personally I don't care much about favourites/like here... I'm not sure what's the benefit of knowing that a post has been "liked" by N people (in general, but specifically here).

One thing that came to mind is that when I see federated microblogging posts in the random magazine I wish I could "label" them to add them in a specific one so magazines could be curated by the community as well.

If something like this is possible maybe the "like" on the microblogging platform could mean that somebody put your post somewhere because it mattered, just like you can add any reaction on misskey/calckey and on mastodon it's just a like.

ernest avatar

@cody This actually makes me wonder how #kbin interacts with Mike Macgirvin's old #FederatedSocialWeb projects #Friendica and #Hubzilla and the more recent #Streams. For at least Friendica and Hubzilla (optionally) also have a dislike button. Friendica had it before everything else back then.

I'm not even sure if the #ActivityPub connectors (none of these projects is based on ActivityPub, all are based on protocols developed by Mike himself) translate dislikes in the first place. They're the only way to establish connections between Friendica and the other two, but I don't know if ActivityPub itself supports dislikes.

ernest avatar
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@ernest @cody

i don't want a separate reddit-like app, I want that ability to rank comments built into other apps. to have a view that looks like reddit. i don't want to have to post in multiple places.

Ada avatar


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    @wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

    @Ada @cody @ernest


    Ada avatar

    @wjmaggos I don't like your chances there. The last thing I want on my main Fediverse timeline is voting.

    It fits here because that's the platform, but for me at least, I have very different content and experiences on different platforms and I'm not keen on diluting that.

    @cody @ernest

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