grmpyprogrammer, avatar

If you use I think that you should take a look at the efforts of the PHP Foundation

j3j5, avatar

Does anybody on the fedi Laravel community knows Aaron Francis? It's really sad that his (awesome) fast-paginate package seems abandoned like this, maybe just a statement acknowledging he can't/doesn't want to maintain it anymore can make the community fork it to keep it maintained. This L11 support PR has been opened and unanswered for 2 months already.

#PHP #Laravel

stefanzweifel, avatar

@j3j5 I feel you. Had the same inner monologue when I had to nudge him last time.

He helped me bring sidecar-browsershot to a v1; but that is all the interaction I had with him.

Maybe a friendly comment on that PR can move a new release forward faster.

j3j5, avatar

@stefanzweifel no worries, there are already enough comments there. I have a fork with that PR already merged that I'm using in the meantime. I held my nose and went to twitter to check and apparently he's aware of it🤷

I'll just wait.

Crell, avatar

Classes are not a tool for code organization.

They're a tool for problem/business definition.

Using them as an organization tool is how you get 10,000 line trainwrecks.

typo3, German avatar

📰 Exciting News! We've introduced four new award categories giving you more chances to shine at the TYPO3 Awards! 🏆Get the details on the new categories, deadlines and eligibility criteria in our latest blog post.

Don't miss the TYPO3 Awards in Düsseldorf this fall!


wowa_TYPO3, German avatar

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Crell, avatar

Ha! I forgot, I did once do an article version of my arrays talk for php[architect].

Subscribers can get it from the archive. I don't recall if I still have a copy myself I can put on my blog. :-)

shudder, avatar

@Crell Oh come on. You've posted your blogpost link before. Don't remember asterisk in the title though, because I thought it was funny when I first saw it as it was right after you've published a library that... used arrays.

Crell, avatar

@shudder I have a couple of blog posts that talk about some issues of arrays. The talk I just gave was apparently also a direct port of an article I had forgotten about. :-)

beste, avatar

Twenty. Seven. Thousand. Daily. Downloads. 🤯 I don't know where this sudden jump comes from, but WHERE'S MY SPONSORSHIP MONEY! 💪🏻😡

(Just kidding, of course, I know where it is - Firebase is almost exclusively used by businesses/corps)

opsone, German avatar

Seit dem xz-Exploit, der die IT-Welt über Ostern in Atem hielt, ist wieder in aller Munde, was sonst viel zu wenig thematisiert wird:

Was treibt Menschen an, unentgeltlich Software für die Allgemeinheit zu entwickeln?

Das Schweizer TYPO3-Camp 2024, das letzten Donnerstag bis Samstag stattgefunden hat, brachte zumindest für unsere Blog-Schreiberin ein klein wenig Licht ins Dunkel.

Den Bericht (mit vielen Camp-Fotos 🙌🏻) findest du hier:

stevegrunwell, avatar

Hey , less than two hours until we talk about on the . Be there or be…in another session more aligned with your interests and/or learning goals.

Or taking time for yourself (remember: we’re only halfway through the conference and it’s important to pace yourself).

Or building lifelong friendships with fellow attendees.

I hope you spend the 3pm hour with me, but however you choose to spend it I hope you enjoy!

davidbisset, avatar

“If the Internet was a country, it would be the world’s fourth largest polluter!”

Crell, avatar

Uh oh. Andy Snell found a loophole in #PHP Enums. @ilutov should we care? :-)



@Crell implementation detail leakage

stof, avatar

@Crell @ilutov Nothing forbids a method to call a static method of another class that would hold that static counter anyway. So I don't see a way to close such loophole entirely anyway.

Crell, avatar
Crell, avatar

Proposal for a conference talk: How to configure and all its tooling extensions (xdebug, phpstan, php-cs-fixer, etc.) to use a docker container consistently.

That could easily fill a tutorial...

heiglandreas, avatar

@Crell @alessandrolai The "use relative paths" usually is what makes it a tad more complex for me than it should be. Though it is expected 🙈

alessandrolai, avatar

@herndlm @Crell no you can't. Other IDEs like VS code solve the issue with dev containers, basically running the IDE from the inside of Docker.

I have many colleagues with Macs and they all solved the performance issues with some tool, but I don't know how.

dcoderlt, avatar

Unpopular opinion:

Writing HTML through template engines like Twig is like writing C through preprocessor macros. It has its place, but it should not be glamorous or default.

“So my daughter tells me you write HTML by hand, like I used to”
“Yes, I write plugins that contain Twig templates that extend Twig templates in the theme we use, that extend Twig templates in the platform’s base package”
“You have exactly 10 {{ ‘second’|plural(10) }} to get the fuck out of my house”

nf3xn, avatar

@dcoderlt High and low level programmers. I guess what is going there is that the dev only looks as far as they need to go right? They are not even aware of the nuts and bolts or even why it would be bad.

Does this happen with django, rails, liquid idk?

Ironically the ultimate high level devs - react frontend people are discovering/reinventing 'server components' at the moment.

ravetracer_22, avatar

Hey people. Here's a short story of one of our trainees from his vocational school:

One of our teachers mentioned callback functions yesterday, then quickly added: "You probably don't know what callback functions are."
We pointed out that we actually do know what callback functions are.
He amended: "Oh, but the web developers among you wouldn't know, because web developers don't do OOP. Web development is just html and some JavaScript and maybe PHP, but in PHP you don't do OOP either."

thgs, avatar

@ravetracer_22 I can be as bold as saying that people that think that to do OOP you need the language to have "classes" then they should not be the ones teaching others.

It's pretty sad when you encounter these ones that actually teach others. I mean.. what you show here is just a glimpse onto their teachings, I cannot even think how many more like this the students will hear and will have to conform to.

Crell, avatar

@ravetracer_22 Well, someone hasn't learned anything since 1999.

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