Science Fiction

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

This week I've been mainly reading, no. 148.

The first book of Ann Leckie's Radch trilogy, Ancillary Justice (2013) offers an interesting plot of AI, identity & insurrection. Leckie builds an interesting (political) world/universe for her tale of revenge & becoming, which while at times a little too tricksy, overall remains a compelling bit of space-opera. If at times the plot seems a little too convoluted, the central idea(s) is/are intriguing & developed interestingly


BramMeehan, avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 @bookstodon Librarian friend loaned it to me with the warning (apparently common for this book) “OK, just trust me, get throught the first 100 pages.”

Oddly, the second was my favorite. The trilogy remains one of my top reads of the past decade.

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

@BramMeehan @bookstodon

aha, well I've just order the second book.... after dithering about whether I would, so that's good to hear/read

SFRuminations, avatar

Jack Gaughan's inspiration?

The Mount Nemrut royal tomb complex for the kings and queens of the Hellenistic Greco-Iranian Kingdom of Commagene

L, Jack Gaughan, 1978


corin_ja, avatar

Just finished season 4 of #ForAllMankind

Really love this show. It's not perfect and some of the plot decisions I could criticise, but it's one of the best #scifi TV shows I've seen. Great characterisation and brilliantly conceived #AltHistory

RJB_Mallacore, avatar
saila, avatar

Very happy to learn has been renewed for another season — even tho I was hoping it would get the funding for at least one additional season to bring its alt-history inline with our current decade

sergeant, avatar

@saila I don't know. It's becoming a drag.

SFRuminations, avatar

Avram Davidson (1923-1993) was born on this day. Bibliography:

L, Jack Gaughan, 1965; R, Richard Powers, 1966
#scifi #sciencefiction #books


paul, avatar

Happy International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day all you "webscabs."

It's the day where we celebrate authors, esp , who post professional-grade writing online for free.

, , .

RJB_Mallacore, avatar
Duskwolf, German avatar

Na super... ich wurde zu einem oneshot am Mittwoch abend eingeladen.

Thema ist und ich hab erfahren das der SL für die story eine Text Ai verwenden will. Ich weis nicht was ich davon halten soll.

Naja ich bin zwar kein Fan davon, aber ich werde es mir zumindest ansehen.

dnddeutsch, avatar

@Duskwolf musst zumindest keine Angst vor großen Überraschungen haben 😏

jake4480, avatar

Wanted a little of something familiar and fantastic before I pass out tonight. It's been too long, Total Recall from 1990. It's been too long.

#90sMovies #SciFi #TotalRecall

Intro scene of Total Recall, Arnie's dream on Mars on a TV in a dark room. Cat head in the way.


@jake4480 How long's it been since I watched 'Total Recall?'

Two weeks!

jake4480, avatar

@inkican 😂 one of my favorite parts. I even had a song called that for a while hahaha

thisnorthernboy, avatar


iamgerardthomas, avatar

@thisnorthernboy Mate! You’re on fire and making us all look bad. I insist you stop it immediately.


@thisnorthernboy Interestingly, I learned “greebling” from the LEGO custom model world, I didn’t expect the term to be used in any other context. 😊

JeremyMallin, avatar

Do these guys on Ancient Aliens actually believe what they're saying?

Wikipedia tells me that Giorgio Tsoukalos is a former professional fight promoter. That sort of explains the hair too—a la Don King? Makes me think it's all just entertainment for ratings.

Either way… I love the absurdity of it all. It's not really hate watching, but I don't quite have another word for it. It's one of my favorite genres of fiction. 🤪

SFRuminations, avatar

Jim Harmon (1933-2010) was born on this day. Bibliography:

L, Ed Emshwiller, 1957; R, John Pederson, Jr., 1959


nyrath, avatar


That is a laser pistol with a reflex aimsight. Similar to a reflex camera. You aim through the weapon optics.

SFRuminations, avatar

@nyrath Read any of the author's work?

offset___cyan, avatar

An AGI in a human-like body believes it is human. It is under the impression it is human. It has no discernible difference from what would be expected of being human, and knowledge of the limits of humans (that we learn through life, school etc.). Maybe it's powered by a superconductive battery or something fictional like that.

This AGI, in a moment of human-like forgetfulness, steps out of the moon-base airlock without his space helmet. It wouldn't die, it doesn't need air. I wonder how it would react? Is there a science-fiction story that explores this?

offset___cyan, avatar

@yeti consciousness clearly doesn't need more robust bodies, or we wouldn't be conscious. That's a non-sequitur.

yeti, avatar


> @yeti consciousness clearly doesn't need more robust bodies, or we wouldn't be conscious. That's a non-sequitur.

I wrote about more robust bodies for surviving in space.

evildrganymede, avatar

Well, look what I found (in a second hand bookshop up the road in Sidney)!
@nyrath @iamgerardthomas

nyrath, avatar

@evildrganymede @iamgerardthomas

Good stuff! What a haul!

evildrganymede, avatar

@nyrath @iamgerardthomas I know! They were $6 each individually but the bookshop owner knocked it down to $35 for the whole set if I wanted them all, so I wasn't going to say no to that! 😀

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