Gugel, to photography German avatar

Die Nacht vor dem Foto von letzter Woche. Die Milchstraße fotografiert in der Rhön beim letzten Neumond.

#silentsunday #photography #fotografie #astrophotography #milchstraße #milkyway #nightscape #landscape #landscapephotography #stars #night #naturephotography #fujifilm

Zandus, to astrophotography German avatar

Die Nachricht hat ich heute früh sehr traurig gemacht.

Ich mochte die großartigen Bilder von Alyn Wallace sehr, und seine fundierten YouTube-Videos waren immer eine (auch inhaltliche) Bereicherung.
Er starb viel zu früh. Rest in Peace.😔✨

Lukasz, to photography avatar
Jlkeeton, to Lisboa avatar

WIP Lisbon Nocturne 20” x 30” Oil On Linen
I'm actually getting kind of close on this one. Maybe another week of work?

BrownKnowser, to photography avatar

Random photo of the day. (Also, likely my last random photo until next Wednesday.)

bryanhansel, to photography avatar

While it looks like a great night for northern lights, it's cloudy where I'm at. If it's clear where you are, get outside and look north. It could be a good event tonight.

This is a shot of northern lights that I took a couple of years ago.

artistsgarden, to Artist
socratubik, to France avatar
Jlkeeton, to Portugal avatar

This lovely photo was taken by my neighbor Pedro Maria, who came with me to Lisbon in the middle of the night to take photos. The next post is the photo I was taking at the time.

The night scene I was shooting, looking up a street at night

AlexSanterne, to tes avatar

I have to say I am always when I go to the ( webpage to see that one of my is used in the frontpage...

See the same picture on my gallery:

Picturavis, to astrophotography

Galactic Tree

This image is a composite taken during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower on the 13.08.2023 at a remote location near Göhrde in Germany. It consists of 14 photographs of the Milky Way stacked with . 3 additional photographs of the same scene captured meteorites that I added with to the final Milky Way image. The single image processing was conducted in .

Nikon D500, Tokina AT-X 11-20 f2.8 PRO DX, 11 mm, f2.8, 10s, ISO 3200, tripod

BrownKnowser, to photography avatar
bryanhansel, to photography avatar

The Milky Way over Ellingson Island at Split Rock (vertical image, so if you haven't changed your default settings, click it to see the entire image).

Shot with a modified camera to capture more of the h-alpha spectrum.

Roentare, to photography avatar
BrownKnowser, to photography avatar
Roentare, to photography avatar
socratubik, to photography avatar

City of Ljubljana by night in Slovenia.The Triple Bridge over Ljubljanica River with reflection in water and Franciscan Church of the Annunciation on Preseren Square.

elaterite, to snowboarding avatar
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