@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar



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@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I reckon someone must have been watching the Spiffing Brit innit

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

In my experience, most women tend to prefer wine

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Have you tried buying some multivitamins at the store just to rule out that THAT was the issue?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

LOL I remember this guy. First video game I ever played.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

The problem is if you earn that money doing something you hate, you’ll very often find that no amount of money is enough to compensate for your loss of happiness. The trick is finding a way to earn enough money not to have to worry while doing something you enjoy (or at least can tolerate) doing.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I’m glad to hear that and I wish you all the best. The world can certainly use more happy and fulfilled people right now.

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Imagine how many ranches had to die in order to make ranch dressing.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Like if you steal out of necessity, and get caught once, you then just starve?

I mean… you could try getting on food stamps or whatever sort of government assistance is available in your country for this purpose?

In pretty much all civilized western countries, you don’t HAVE to resort to becoming a criminal simply to get enough food to survive. It’s really more of a sign of antisocial behavior, i.e. a complete rejection of the system combined with a desire to actively cause harm to it.

Or it could be a pride issue, i.e. people not wanting to admit to themselves that they are incapable of taking care of themselves on their own and having to go to a government office in order to “beg” for help (or panhandle outside the supermarket instead).

MacNCheezus, (edited )
@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

In case you are talking about the COVID vaccine, no, that was not demonstrated to be effective, it was claimed to be. Big difference, especially when Pfizer then wanted a moratorium of 70 YEARS to release the full trial data.

Also, even if they were effective, there was no evidence that they were also safe and didn’t cause any long-term side effects, because such a study was impossible to carry out given the speed at which these vaccines were developed. In fact, the usual requirement for these studies to be done before the product could be put on the market were deliberately waived in order to roll them out as quickly as possible.

People were right to be skeptical of this, and they were right to protest being forced to take them. The people who blindly trusted “the science” are, in fact, the Brawndo consumers here.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Sure you can, but don’t expect them take you serious.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Schools are literal concentration camps if you ask me.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information (futurism.com)

You know how Google’s new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won’t slide off (pssst…please don’t do this.)...

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Alternatively, having a lot of money also works.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

That’s a good point, and kinda reminds me of the Efficient Market Paradox, which basically says an efficient market is impossible since there would be no profit to be made, and hence, no point in participating. But if people drop out because of that, inefficiencies will invariably pop again, thus presenting an opportunity for those seeking to profit, which of course only ends up restoring the efficiency.

So in essence, the market is always just teetering on the edge of efficiency, never fully getting there yet never straying too far either. Perhaps there’s a corollary here (or a similar paradox) that explains why the assumption of rationality, as ridiculous as it seems at face value, is in fact also valid and reasonable.

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