@steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar



Superb user research consultant (www.portigal.com) author of Doorbells, Danger and Dead Batteries & Interviewing Users (http://portigal.com/books), Host of Dollars to Donuts podcast

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Teri_Kanefield, to random
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


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  • steveportigal,
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield You've done so much for the many years I've been following you! I'm sorry people are shitty but hey, I'm grateful; I miss you when you aren't as active but respect to you for making the right choice for you!

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Any chance the gag order still applies??

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Felonious Trump 🎷

    Meyerweb, to random
    @Meyerweb@mastodon.social avatar

    I know language is fluid and I try not to be overly prescriptivist, but I am never going to be able to accept “learnings” as a valid noun. I’ve tried, but I just can’t, and I need to accept that about myself.

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @Meyerweb findings though?

    LibrarianRA, to food
    @LibrarianRA@worldkey.io avatar

    Red Lobster 1985 ad with the Platters
    #RedLobster #ThePlatters #Platters #advertisement #food #Retro #vintage

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @LibrarianRA i hope someday I'll come across the TV ad for Lobsterfest that used the Allman Brothers song Revival ("People can you feel it? Love is everywhere") with "Lobsters everywhere!" Feels like a fever dream but I remember it.

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    How to Turn Off AI Overview in Google and Set "Web" as Default

    Turn off AI Overview in Google
    Set "Web" as default
    On May 15th Google released a new "Web" filter that removes "AI Overview" and other clutter, leaving only traditional web results. Here is how you can set "Google Web" as your default search engine.


    GottaLaff, to legal
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    started earlier than I did today. Grabbing coffee, starting THREAD HERE🧵1/…

    Here’s the list of Trump’s allies attending his trial today:

    AG Alan Wilson
    Rep. Eric Burlison
    Rep. Andrew Clyde
    Rep. Mary Miller
    Rep. Keith Self
    John Coale
    Alan Dershowitz
    Will Scharf
    Steve Witkoff
    Bernie Kerik
    Kash Patel
    Vernon Jones
    Jerry Kassar
    Chuck Zito

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    Is this a sarcastic "for some reason" - eg implying something like Fox wanting to avoid legal consequence? I am thrown by "for some reason" and wonder how people interpret it

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    a "good-bye lunch" seems like a nice thing to host /s

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Sammy, a hot dog mascot with strips of yellow fabric emulating the appearance of the hot slaw, was a hit at the festival.
    (via NYT)

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Can you imagine the shitshow that is Nextdoor wherever Mr. and Mrs. Alito lives?

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Being in an in interview is a powerful opportunity to provoke deeper reflection - beyond but not limited to the 'data' - about what it is that you're trying to understand and even change about the world.

    Here's a short excerpt from my recent appearance on the Nielsen Norman Group podcast.


    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar
    GottaLaff, to legal
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    NEW 🧵starts HERE.

    Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

    1/... Erica Orden:

    Trump returned to courtroom accompanied by Eric, Lara Trump, + rest of entourage.


    Back in overflow, the rules are as strict as ever—even Chris Hayes
    gets ID'd.

    "Press credentials?" a court officer demands, as another reporter gives a good natured, "You sure you're a member of the press, Chris?"

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL crocodile esque

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    Cloud Brightening Study in California Is Halted by Local Officials
    Researchers had been testing a sprayer that could one day be used to push a salty mist skyward, cooling the Earth. Officials stopped the work, citing health questions.

    The experiment, conducted by researchers from the University of Washington, involved spraying tiny sea-salt particles across the flight deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Hornet, docked in Alameda


    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    What responsibilities do researchers have for the decisions made by their colleagues? Pushing back on the demand for implementation-specific .

    A man in a blue shirt with brown hair and eyeglasses sits in front of a bookshelf behind an orange wall.

    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar



    steveportigal, to random
    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    I've been thinking about this old Heart video I just saw the other day.

    The band seems tired and isn't really rocking out, but Ann Wilson's vocal is just unbelievable. She's kind of low key in vibe but opens her mouth and just wow.

    I've heard this song a zillion and one times, and am a bit tired of it to say the least but this really moved me.


    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @tantramar interior of Rush's 2112 album, released in 1976

    MissingThePt, to random
    @MissingThePt@mastodon.social avatar

    Breaking: Kristi Noem offers to shoot RFK Jr. brain worm.

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @MissingThePt Missing The Pet indeed

    tantramar, to random
    @tantramar@nojack.easydns.ca avatar

    Making a list of cranky old white guys whose opinions usually suck & who should therefore mostly be ignored.

    Top of the list: Christopher Mackay

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @tantramar oh yeah forget that guy

    mathowie, to random
    @mathowie@xoxo.zone avatar

    Apple keynote first thoughts:

    A big new iPad Pro with the new keyboard would be great but I checked and it’s $1848 which is $500+ more than a new 15” MacBook Air, and I didn’t see any mention of MagSafe charging being added to iPads.

    If Apple made a home dock wireless charger/holder like the Google tablets have, I’d buy one for the kitchen counter as a family Apple Home controller/recipe lookup screen that is always charged and ready to play tv/movies when undocked.

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @ninavizz @mathowie Phone not iPad but one of us has an older iPhone and it will no longer run the NYT games or Airbnb which require a more up to date iOS

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @ninavizz @mathowie Oh I'm not sure what I'll have to give up when either of us upgrades. No more thumbprint button? No more lightning connectors? Our current SIM is too large to simply plop into a new slot? And yes - form factor is a big one I hadn't even started to worry about yet!

    GottaLaff, to legal
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    New 🧵starts HERE. 1/…

    Plz remember to use "NFL" (Not For Laffy) & remember: typos are theirs, not mine. No time to correct.

    Inner City Press (aka Press):

    They're back.

    Trump's lawyer Blanche: Half an hour ago, we learned who the next witness is - and we have some objections. Invoices from Michael Cohen are not business records of the Trump Organization. If she stamped them, sure

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL now we can chant PICK THEM UP instead

    Teri_Kanefield, to random
    @Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

    I know the joke for May 4th is May the Fourth Be With You.

    I prefer Metaphors Be With You.

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @Teri_Kanefield You're the Boba Fett of Star Wars Day observers

    cmconseils, to random French
    @cmconseils@mastodon.social avatar

    me, rearranging my spice rack alphabetically Ok, what comes after thyme?

    Cyndi Lauper: thyme

    @steveportigal@mastodon.social avatar

    @wonka @christerk @cmconseils Ah, not the above-mentioned bluegrass version!

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