NetHandle, to RedditMigration in I still appear on Google and I edited and deleted all my comments, this is BS!

People finding out the internet never forgets, and never forgives.


Based on EU law, reddit has to delete your stuff when you ask. Right to be forgotten and all that .


This is Google remembering. Not reddit.

abff08f4813c avatar

Google cache does expire so it will forget eventually. The problem is when you go to the original on reddit, we're seeing that some of the comments still have their text intact, but with a [deleted] username now.

valaramech avatar

This is the expected behavior on Reddit when you delete your account. None of your posts go anywhere. You have to manually, before you delete your account, edit them to remove their contents. Requests for deletion under GDPR may function differently.

abff08f4813c, (edited )
abff08f4813c avatar

Sadly, at the moment, they do not.

Several folks here have reported this noncompliance to their gov't and i expect an epic showdown where reddit gets its behind handed to it, but that's likely some years away.

The important thing is to get people to be aware of this. A lot of folks seem to delete their accounts and then, too late, be caught by surprise that nothing they wrote is deleted - and now cannot be removed.

Some folks do the right thing, but then get surprised when it turns out that or or Power Delete Suite failed to delete all of their comments for various reasons.

We shouldn't let reddit get away with this.

Hegar, to worldnews in ‘Not genocide’ says Biden after ICC warrants sought
Hegar avatar

I generally recoil from comparing biden to putin but this really requires russian levels of post-truth politics.

Israel is committing war crimes like trump commits all his crimes - openly, in public and shielded by US elites.

jadero, to mensliberation in Where did the construction workers go?

I can’t speak to the general problem, but I can tell you why I left construction and manual labour more generally.

A lot of the work is still as damaging to the body as it was in 1930.

Toxic coworkers enabled and even encouraged by psychopathic supervisors.

Safety is not only not built in to procedures, but actively mocked and even deliberately worked around, even when doing so slows things down.

And all that for less than double minimum wage for experienced workers when it used to be easily triple minimum wage to start.

dumples avatar

Exactly. It's not worth the strain on the body for the pay.


I’m still am apprentice, and I already make more than I ever did in my first career (20 years as a chef). Journeyman rates are over $40/ hour and once you included insurance and retirement theyre around $80/ hour. Oh and were among the lower paid locals in our state.

I walked off a jobsite because they failed to provide us with safe conditions, had the safety officer on site that day, had the local union officers follow up, contractors apologized fixed the conditions and paid me for my missed time.

If you let them joke about it, they will. If you make them follow it, they will. Safety starts and ends with you brother.


Most construction jobs are not unionized like yours.

I refused to do a job because it was unsafe, and mysteriously found my hours cut to almost nothing shortly after. From 60+ hr weeks to <10.


All the more reason to go join a union


Yep 😊👍 … worked many job sites, never bumped into OSHA. Maybe I was supposed to report the unsafe work environment / employer? shrug

Ginjutsu, to world in Australian man and his dog rescued by Mexican tuna boat after drifting 3 months in the Pacific Ocean

Link to 9 news report w/ video

Full article text>A Sydney sailor who survived months at sea eating raw fish and drinking rainwater with his dog is “stable and very well”, his doctor has said. > >Tim Shaddock, from Sydney, and his dog Bella were found stranded in the Pacific Ocean after their boat was damaged in a storm, weeks into their trip from Mexico to French Polynesia. > >Shaddock’s doctor told 9News the man had “normal vital signs”. > >Professor Mike Tipton, an ocean survival expert, says luck was only a part of the pair’s incredible story. > >“It’s a combination of luck and skill,” he told Weekend Today. > >“And also knowing for example, as Tim did, that during the heat of the day you need to protect yourself because the last thing you want when you’re in danger of becoming dehydrated is to be sweating.” > >Tipton said the key element for survival was being able to secure a fresh supply of water - and for Shaddock this came down to climate and location. > >“These voyages of any great length tend to occur in the Pacific,” he said. > >“If you look back through history, they tend to occur in warm environments because if it was a cold environment you don’t survive long enough.” > >Nonetheless, he described Shaddock’s rescue as a “needle in a haystack” situation. > >“People need to appreciate how small the boat is and how vast the Pacific is. The chances of someone being found are pretty slim,” he said. > >How did the ill-fated journey unfold? > >Shaddock and Bella departed La Paz in Mexico three months ago, but just weeks into the voyage they were hit by a storm, which crippled their vessel. > >The pair got the bare essentials by drinking rainwater and eating raw fish for months. > >They spent their days waiting, and hoping for rescue. > >Salvation came about two months later when a helicopter accompanying a tuna trawler spotted the drifting boat. > >When Shaddock was found, he appeared to be healthy and in good spirits - all things considered. > >“I have been through a very difficult ordeal at sea,” he told 9News. > >"I’m just needing rest and good food because I have been alone at sea a long time. > >“Otherwise I’m in very good health.” > >The 51-year-old is still on his way back to dry land, where he will be met with further medical assistance. > >His companion Bella is also looking safe and well. > >Tipton said it would have been an isolating few months and likened Shaddock’s story to a real-life Cast Away, referring to the 2000 movie tarring Tom Hanks. > >He said having Bella onboard would have helped a “tremendous amount”. > >“I think that may have well made the difference,” Tipton said.  > >"You’re living very much from day-to-day and you have to have a very positive mental attitude in order to get through this kind of ordeal and not give up. > >"But also, having a plan, rationing yourself in terms of water and food, is really the secret to long survival voyages. > >“Just imagine how dark and lonely it would feel out there at night time.” > >Tipton added Shaddock will need to slowly wean himself back onto a normal diet. > >“It has to be a slow return to normal and he will probably need to be kept an eye on for several months.”

idunnololz, avatar

This reminds me of the life of pie

Annoyed_Crabby, to RedditMigration in I still appear on Google and I edited and deleted all my comments, this is BS!

I think it's in their cache or something. During the blackout they will still show your comment on private sub when googled

Sidenote: anyone have better way to edit all comment? I tried using power delete suite and it only edit some but not all my comment

Awhiskeydrunker avatar


Thanks, imma try using this

Woofcat, to tech in Reddit CEO seeks to end site protest by allowing users to vote out moderators

It's amazing that they have had years of people complaining about mods and it's always been "if you don't like the moderation policy of a community, you can find one that better suits your tastes" but when it impacts them suddenly there is a need for a policy change and democracy.

nevernevermore avatar

"democracy" lol spaz manipulates everything, there's no way these votes are counted impartially.

HonestMistake_ avatar

It's like having a "Is Elmo the greatest man in history?" poll on twitter these days.


Rules for thee but not for me.

It's god damn everywhere these days

ClassyHatter, avatar

I wonder if they will in the future make Reddit even more democratic by allowing users to vote out Reddit admins, and even the CEO?

Pronell, (edited ) to politics in Biden Reportedly Plans To Use Trump Attacks, Abortion—And Hopefully Taylor Swift—To Win 2024 Election

This is a Forbes article that shows as coming from Google. Just worth mentioning.


Thanks Sherlock


No one should be using AMP. Giving Google complete control over a site visit like that is just creepy.


“Redirect AMP to HTML” is a great Firefox extension.


I use chrome


You should stop. I’m also a fan of Firefox like the above poster. I see no meaningful difference except a pronounced reduction in evil.


Besides Firefox is slow af in Android

sensiblepuffin, avatar

If a Firefox extension for it exists, I can almost guarantee that either a) there’s a Chrome addon or b) Chrome doesn’t let you do that thing.


There is, for now. Who knows how long Google will let it live, though.


I very much recommend against that (though I think everyone’s downvotes are a bit much).

If privacy isn’t your thing, consider performance; Firefox’s memory usage is vastly superior to Chrome’s, and its speed improvements are just too great to ignore. If you don’t care about either of those things, how about features: picture-in-picture on Firefox works better than on Chrome, on-device translation is faster than anything Google can dish out, and the developer features are industry-leading. If none of those are a big deal for you, think about platform purpose: Chrome is unilaterally making decisions about their browser that are causing downstream effects for every user (like the recent spyware-as-a-service “Privacy Sandbox,” or the upcoming extension-crippling Manifest v3 updates) because you are not their customer. You are their product. And if none of those things move the needle, you should be aware that the aforementioned forced switch to Manifest v3 this summer will essentially break ad-blocking extensions across the board.

If you’re concerned about migration, you should know that the migration experience is currently a cake walk. It takes two clicks to migrate everything from Chrome to Firefox. In a very real way, considering all the time I used to spend waiting for Chrome’s bloated carcass to finish rendering something, or all the time I used to spend clicking “x” on all the newsletter, cookie, and login popups, it actually would’ve taken me longer not to switch.

If you’re concerned about user experience post-switch, you should know that there are currently an absolutely minuscule number of sites that render differently from Chrome to Firefox, and even fewer that refuse to work on Firefox (almost all of which can be accessed using a user-agent switcher with no problems). Feature parity is almost literally one-to-one; the only major feature I can think of that exists in Chrome but not in Firefox is tab groups, and the developers are working on those. And if you so desire, you can even do a few minor configuration tweaks to make Firefox look exactly like Chrome, too.

Now, if you’re absolutely dead-set on sticking with Chromium for some bizarre reason, you might consider an alternative fork of Chromium; Brave, ungoogled, Opera, and Vivaldi are all Chromium-based browsers which will run all the same plugins you already have without being directly under the control of Google.

If you go that route, or if you’re still completely undeterred from Chrome, there’s a version of the AMP to HTML plugin for Chrome, too. At least for now, until Google decides to kill that, too.


What about android? Firefox performance is absolutely horrible, used fennec for years


Firefox has been my primary browser on my Pixel 2, Pixel 6, and Pixel 7 for nearly five years now. It consistently performs at least as well as Chrome. Yes, it used to have horrible performance, but that hasn’t been true in a very long time.


It consistently performs at least as well as Chrome.

That’s just false… tested on pixel 6 pro and pixel 8 pro


I’m literally writing this comment on Firefox on the Pixel 7. Performance is great.


You clearly didn’t try chrome lol


I could try to time it for you, but loading times for both were practically instantaneous. My timing of either would be skewed by the speed of my thumbs.

ilinamorato, (edited )

Now, sure, there are some sites that load faster on Chrome, but that’s largely due to the source site, not the browser: AMP sites, for instance, are cached on a Google server and served more quickly to Chrome than to Firefox. That’s not Firefox being slow, it’s Firefox playing by the rules.

And that’s good. Technically speaking someone could hoover up every website on the internet, precache every article, and serve it to you from their servers instead of from the actual source servers; but that would be absolutely terrible from the perspective of the open web. That someone could decide they don’t like your site, or the way you represented something, or whatever, and just change your articles or delete them. Suddenly your site runs slower than everyone else’s and users don’t know why, so they stop using your site.


And I’m writing this comment on Chrome on the same device. Performance is equally great, though inputting the 2fa code was a pain on Chrome because it tried to “help” with the password entry.

negativenull, avatar
Heresy_generator avatar

More to the point, this is Steve Forbes' right-wing propaganda magazine's spin on actual reporting from the New York Times.

alvvayson, to mensliberation in Where did the construction workers go?

Spending 5 minutes on Google shows that the number of construction workers is at all time highs.

It’s just that a hot economy requires even more labour.

My 2 cents, the economy could use a rebalancing by raising wages and reducing profits a bit.

If salaries of construction workers get raised from $40K to $50K, then the number of openings will go down and the remaining workers can focus on the more important work while getting a better wage.


reducing profits a bit

This man wants shareholders to starve! How can you provide for your family if you can only afford a 60’ yacht instead of 70’??


What a fucking socialist piece of shit they are, if they wanted to be paid well they should have thought of that when being born a poor

guyrocket, (edited )
guyrocket avatar

from $40K to $50K

I don't know what construction wkrs make but I think this should be a LOT higher. 50K starting and topping out around 100k.


If you go union those rares are a lot higher


Perhaps, those are the BLS figures from 2023.

guyrocket avatar

Interesting, Thanks.

poVoq, to fediverse in Will lemmy implement veilid? avatar

Can we please not do Google amp links here? Real link:…/veilid_privacy_data/


The irony of using an amp link for such an article 😂


Yeah sorry i just pasted it from my phone i didn’t realise it wasn’t the proper link


You can edit links and titles on Lemmy.

jochem, to world in Australian man and his dog rescued by Mexican tuna boat after drifting 3 months in the Pacific Ocean

Amp links are a threat to the free and open internet, it’s better not to use them.


Please link to an explanation of amp links, I’m not sure what they are


That is hilarious


Thank you!

BobbyBandwidth, avatar

PSA: Buy a $30 thin client from eBay. Install Ubuntu (or your distro of choice), then install and set up pi hole, then use premade ad lists to block amp links (and whatever else you want).

DarraignTheSane, avatar

Does having a pihole somehow stop people from posting AMP links?

BobbyBandwidth, avatar

Well yes sort of, if you have pi hole enabled then you can’t view or access amp links so you probably wouldn’t share it

Honest question why did I get downvoted to hell for this?

DarraignTheSane, avatar

Because a pihole doesn’t stop people from sharing AMP links, it only prevents you from viewing them. So it’s probably not a good answer to give when someone recommends that other people not use AMP links.

BobbyBandwidth, avatar

Appreciate the sane answer. I think I am probably a little too excited about my recent pi hole set up :)

DarraignTheSane, avatar

Don’t get me wrong, a pihole is good to have for anyone who has the competency to set one up. They’re not the answer to stopping people from sharing AMP links, is all.


…surely there’s easier way to block amp links?


Reddit has u/amputatorbot , which converts Amp links. I wonder if a similar bot would work here?


Christian from Apollo made this app (Amplosion) to help with that:…/id1585734696

Very_Bad_Janet, to RedditMigration in I still appear on Google and I edited and deleted all my comments, this is BS!

I deleted all of my comments using PDS. I just did a Google search for my username on Reddit and it had one result. I went to the post (I remember the OP) but my comment doesn't appear on the post. So is this a caching issue?


It’s Google cache, wait a day or two and you will not see it anymore

Wander, to tech in Reddit CEO seeks to end site protest by allowing users to vote out moderators avatar

Reddit is frequented by many IT guys (no gender implied).

Reddit is angering the IT guys.

Reddit doesn't seem to know they your NEVER mess with the IT guy.


Never mess with gAmErS

maxenmajs, to lemmyshitpost in Google avatar

Okay Google search the web for beans in my jeans no poop for 3 days

the_beber, to lemmyshitpost in Google

So true

The_Picard_Maneuver, to lemmyshitpost in Google avatar

For anyone who sees this as an (understandably) confusing thing for someone to post, it’s a meta joke on /c/lemmyshitpost at the moment. Just trying to get ahead of any more reports.


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