
lvxferre, to reddit in Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with saving 3rd party apps?
@lvxferre@lemmy.ml avatar

Ultimately, what went wrong is that most Reddit users were screeching at individual leaves littering their garden, without noticing the tree creating those leaves on first place. They failed to connect the dots between: arbitrary bans, subreddit suspensions, user-on-user harassment, the idiotic way that rules are enforced, the presence of powermods, then Reddit trying to get rid of the powermods, the 3PA being killed… while focusing too much on a braindead clown called Steve Huffman.

It’s all about profits. You can’t enforce any demand if you don’t make Reddit lose money. Blackouts and John Oliver posting only go so far, you need to migrate out of the platform. And if you’re staying in the platform you need to transform it into an advertiser-hostile shithole. But for that you need more coordination than just “HURR DURR WE WRITE FUCK SPEZ IN PLACE LOL LMAO”.


Honest question: how is Lemmy safer against power tripping mods, user-on-user harassment and everything else? Sure it’s a super nice place now but eventually the powertippers etc. will pop up. ?

@lvxferre@lemmy.ml avatar

The federation itself alleviates those problems.

In Reddit those problems backtrack to the Reddit admins giving no fucks about the users. Why would they? Even if the users are mistreated, network effect still keeps them in Reddit, as they don’t want to lose the content.

Here in Lemmy however, if the admins of an instance are arseholes, negligent, stupid etc., their users will simply migrate to another instance. The users won’t lose access to their content, and they know it.

And in some cases, admins of other instances might even defederate the instance with problematic admins, to protect their own users. (Specially useful when it comes to harassment, as harassers tend to gravitate towards the same places.)

So for example. In Reddit you got the powermods going rogue, being abusive towards the users, and the admins went like, “NOOOOO THEY’RE A PRECIOUS PART OF OUR COMMUNITY”. Until the powermods turned against Reddit itself; then the admins took action. Here, the admins would need to act as soon as the powermods become an issue for the users, not just for themselves.

Additionally: it’s hard to power-trip when you got a public modlog telling people what you did.


Thank you very much! Very well explained.


It contains the fallout of site-wide issues to some extent. Mods and user-on-user will still be issues. If one federation owner goes on a power trip everyone can just leave that server while continuing to use other Lemmy instances.

Essentially you’d only lose access to some subreddits instead of all of reddit in that situation.

You also would have 3rd party apps that would continue to work. Unlike now where apps like Sync are just down for a few months until they finish development for Lemmy.

But don’t worry, reddit had a run of like 6-10 years there where mods weren’t an issue so we have some time before that all starts.


Yeah but we get some of those mods! Lol.

SloganLessons avatar

The John Oliver thing was so dumb. Like, so what? Doesn't matter if you're posting John Oliver as a protest, you're still using the platform on a sub that allows advertisement.

The only thing that could actually go anywhere was making the subs NSFW, since those will actually hurt Reddit's finances, but obviously they forced the subs to revert and most easily gave up.

@lvxferre@lemmy.ml avatar

I think that the John Oliver thing was useful to raise awareness, but people eventually confused a situational strategy with an actual solution.

Besides NSFW-ing, mods could’ve also promoted ad blocker usage, the sort of consumption criticism that advertisers outright despise, scorched the earth (slowly removing content from the subs), and harshly restricting the scope of the subreddit, not just through a “haha John Oliver” but a permanent solution. Or just stop moderating at all, since all those clowns that u/ModCodeOfConduct is putting on the place of older mods are incompetent clowns and powertrippers.


mods could’ve also promoted ad blocker usage

Except a huge number of people only ever use reddit on mobile. There are no ad blockers that can target specific advertisements inside of an app itself. You can do network wide advertisement blocking with things like pihole, but the people using reddit on mobile aren’t the people setting up a network wide domain filter. I only ever used reddit on the desktop through old.reddit.com, but I could see the writing on the wall that they’re going to get rid of that sooner rather than later.


I only ever used Firefox with Reddit, and I had no advertising, no “recommended subs”.

Why would anyone use an app?

@lvxferre@lemmy.ml avatar

Around 70% of the users are on mobile, more specifically. However my point still stands - even if only 10% of the desktop users pick an ad blocker, this means at least 3% less ad revenue for Reddit Inc., it’s quite a bit.

Another thing that they could be doing is to create a bunch of rules that would displease mobile users the most, but that would not be detected as “targetting mobile users”. Such as banning for emoji usage, or for writing “R/subreddit” instead of “r/subreddit”, this sort of stuff. Aiming at actually destroying the subreddit, so people migrate elsewhere.

But for that they’d need to accept that their Reddit communities are lost, and yet most of them are still wallowing in that “no, we can recover Reddit!” wishful “thinking”.

ImplyingImplications, to lemmy_support in Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod

If you scroll through the community bans of World News@lemmy.ml, you’ll see there’s a mod going crazy handing out months long bans for having the wrong opinion on the current conflict. Mods aren’t beholden to anyone but themselves, so if that’s how they want to mod then that’s how it’s going to be. Thankfully, Lemmy has hundreds of communities discussing the conflict so you might find better mods in one of those communities.

Poob, to 196 in murder is murder

I want them to give up their wealth and power for the benefit of society. But they aren’t going to do that, are they?


A rare few do. They’re off limits.

DessertStorms avatar

If they still have billions to their name, they're not as good or generous as they've made you think they are.


Most of these people only have billions in stocks. 2 things would happen if they sold these stocks: the stock prices would decrease (leading to them losing a lot more money than they would plan) and other people (with worse entintions) would buy the stocjs so they control the company and then push anti consumer changes


They sure aren’t. They give up their wealth, but by doing so gain more power. They get to decide what is important for the world by dumping millions of dollars in their favourite charities. Charities that they conveniently get to put their names on to feel good about themselves.


Can’t fucking win with you, can they?


No, because it is literally impossible to become a billionaire without exploitation.

Millionaire? Possible. Billionaire? No moral way.


Oh good grief, you really are a tedious lot.

theodewere avatar

try this for tedium.. if you don't understand that being a billionaire is unethical, you aren't human.. because that sentiment only grows from here, so you need to get used to it..



theodewere avatar

Vladimir Putin knows more fear than any man alive.. Elon is right behind him..

DessertStorms avatar

lmfao, right, because you complicit "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" are a real treat...

Here's a hint for you: no matter how much boot you lick, or how much you defend the indefensible, they're never going to know you exist and you're never going to be one of them, so you're not only humiliating yourself for nothing and shooting your own foot, but the rest of our feet, too, by allowing those who exploit us all (yourself included) to continue to do so uninterrupted while their hoards of pathetic sycophants fight their battles for them.





I’m not quite sure what you’re missing. The entire premise of those post and this thread is that we don’t think billionaires should be allowed to keep their money and power because being a billionaire is morally wrong. Why would we let them “win?”

Nepenthe avatar

So they're not allowed to have the money...and they're also not allowed to donate it? Am I clear? Because that seems stupid, tbh.

The world worked a little better when philanthropy was encouraged for the tax break. It always will. They get their cute little name on a plaque, whatever. The money goes where it's needed.

This is not to say anyone needs to be able to make that much in the first place, but demonizing one for also getting rid of it is funny

TinyPizza avatar

I believe they're alluding to the wealthy funneling their money into foundations and other "charitable" endeavors as basically being a money wash that also comes with a lot of power to influence things. Their charity comes with strings and when you're talking about the vast sums they wield, it has the ability to derail other charities or efforts that may have been more focused on the actual task/problem. If NPR decides not to run a story critical of Microsoft or the Gates's because the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are donors, does that charity still have a net positive effect?


The money goes where they want it to go, which is frequently not where it’s needed.

And you are correct, they should not have the money, since they didn’t earn it. They also shouldn’t get to decide where it goes, since they aren’t suited to make those decisions. It should be taken from them.


Behold, I am a pedant that agrees with you! However, I do believe that billionaires earned their money… in the same way that a plantation owner earned their terrifying hoard; using their complete moral depravity and means.


See you call that earning. I call it stealing. When something is earned, it would be wrong to take it from them.


Vikings earned their broadly spread genetics in much the same way, complete moral depravity and means. Just because something is stolen doesn’t make it unearned, and just because something is earned doesn’t entitle possession. Theft begets reprisal.


Labor theory of value as applied to all human activity.


Just examples to illustrate that earning, deserving, rightfully belonging, etc. aren’t necessarily the right words to use in this context, but I guess it could be seen as vaguely communist in the right light. More sociological than political, though. Tax the rich, jail the physically and sexually belligerent.


it’s not a communist sentiment at all. labor theory of value is predicated on socially necessary labor not just doing any old thing.

what youre doing with those statements though is pretty disingenuous. the idea of earning comes from labor (it’s literally the germanic to english word for a laborer and their pay) and has always meant that the subject of the verb deserves the object.

you could argue that the raiding parties believed they had earned their spoils, but in a human culture that generally doesn’t hold that belief, saying it without that qualifier implies assent to the ancient raiding parties belief.


Judging historic people by today’s morals just produces the opinion that everyone born more than 100 years ago probably deserved to have been gutted like the swine they are, which is exhausting but entirely true to modern standards. It’s just easier to think of them as amoral animals- the gazelle deserves the cheetah and vice versa by pure mechanics alone. Abelard castrated himself obsessing about the moral line, which was lesson enough for me.

As I said, I was just being a pedant for funsies. To phrase it another way, billionaires deserve their fortune but deserve its forfeiture a hundred times over. Deserve wasn’t exactly the right word so I poked fun while agreeing with their sentiment in its entirety. It was entirely disingenuous, and I said as much at the get-go.


it really doesn’t unless a person renders that judgement outside of consideration of their experiences, world and circumstances.

in which case you could say anything about anyone for any reason and have it be perfectly acceptable.

FaceDeer, to reddit in Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with saving 3rd party apps?
FaceDeer avatar

Nothing "went wrong" with it. It was simply never possible. Reddit controlled whether those 3rd party apps could function, and Reddit wanted those 3rd party apps to cease functioning.

Pandantic, to antiwork in Poverty charges interest
Pandantic avatar

There are a million ways being poor makes you more poor. Your job doesn't do direct deposit? Well that's a $35/mo maintenance fee at your bank for that. It's insane.


You gotta find a different bank...or better, a credit union

Pandantic avatar

I totally agree, but that isn't always an option.

kbity, to lemmyshitpost in When you don't check Lemmy for a few hours
kbity avatar

Kbin user here, why are beans everywhere?

Calcharger avatar

Kbean user here, why are bins everywhere?


I think someone failed the challenge


it always has bean

edit: typo

CoderKat, to lemmy in How does federation work?
CoderKat avatar

"has anyone from my server interacted or searched for the post by it's URL" is misleading. I struggled with this yesterday. Turns out you have to search in a very specific way.

In both kbin and Lemmy, you can't just go to the community's URL (which is utterly bizarre). You must search the full magazine name. In Lemmy, you weirdly need the ! in front when searching it to find it. In kbin, you don't need that, but you do need to search the magazine in the "neutral" search mode, not magazine search mode (lol wut?). Actually, in Lemmy you also have to use the "normal" search field and not the community search field.

And of course, both have a discovery issue. People want to be able to search a partial string like "hobby" without having to know what instance their community might be on or if the full name might be things like "hobby_discuss", etc. They should not need a separate tool to do this search. That's just a barrier to entry.

Anyway the whole thing is a usability barrier that needs to change. It also makes smaller instances actively harder to use, which is a bad incentive. We don't want people to experience small instances as "buggy" (even if it's working as intended).

Anyone currently trying to create a sub should have an account on every major instance and subscribe to their new sub to ensure it shows up in the search. And yes, that is just completely silly (and unscalable beyond the biggest instances).


In Lemmy, you weirdly need the ! in front when searching it to find it

This hasn't been my experience on Lemmy. I'm regularly able to use for example !anime_tiddies or https://madeup.server/c/anime_tiddies in the search bar and it resolves it both ways. Sometimes you need to wait a few seconds for it to populate though.


I will simply post /c/animetiddies and wait for the server architecture to unbreak itself until my link becomes valid. Since that is obviously the way it would be.


It should have a search function similar to browse feddit which would then add a community, this way it would be much faster and simpler to subscribe to new communities

finickydesert, to memes in Choosing a Reddit alternative

If it’s on the fediverse you don’t have to choose you could have them all of your crazy enough


A giant milkshake of milk!

worfamerryman, to reddit in Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong with saving 3rd party apps?

I think the only thing that could have been done better if for mods to more rapidly migrate to other plate forms and leave a detail message on the locked subreddit about why and how to move to the platform.

I’m not saying that it has to be Lemmy, but it would have been nice if it were.

KBTR1066, to antiwork in PPP loans (Edit: stimulus checks totaled a little over $800 billion)
KBTR1066 avatar

I agree with this in principle, in the sense that it's frustrating that people who complain endlessly about the stimulus checks seem to think the PPP loans were a necessity, and that's rank hypocrisy. But the phrasing of this statement is bullshit. The PPP loans totaled a little under $800 billion, while the stimulus checks totaled a little over $800 billion. So it was a lot more than "a few $600 checks".


I’m not going to fact check this number and I will just edit the title with it.

Maya, (edited )

Just in case anyone comes along to question this.



For the extra lazy, 1.8 trillion was spent on individuals and households through various things such as the stimulus checks, increased food stamps, unemployment, retirement, and child care grants.

1.7 trillion was spent on businesses. “A recent analysis by the economist Michael Dalton found that every $1 in wages that would have been lost without the Paycheck Protection Program cost $4.13 in relief money. Because the program wasn’t narrowly targeted — virtually every small business in the country was eligible — it benefited some companies that didn’t need the money, and loose fraud controls allowed scammers to skim off billions.”

bucho, to fuckcars in Melon Musk is not a hero we deserve but a hero we need (Edit: /s)

Except Musk is a fraud, and the “boring tunnels” are shiny deathtraps that cities are scammed into investing in at the cost of things like better public transportation infrastructure.

Musk is not a hero. He’s a narcissistic billionaire with delusions of competence.

Jojo-Mcfrost572 avatar



Looks like my attempt at being sarcastic failed miserably. Lesson learned xD.


I know, the title is a bait. Look at what sub is this.


Sorry. For my defense, I claim Godwin’s law. Sometimes, when looking at something written online, it’s hard to distinguish between sarcasm and sincerity because people are fucking crazy.


I thought that was Poe’s law?


Oh shit. I’m getting my famous internet laws about dipshits twisted up again.


It’s not your fault, my sarcasm simply wasn’t funny and there are a lot of melon fanboys in the wild so confusion is not surprising there.

mookulator, to antiwork in Poverty charges interest

This is called the “poverty trap”. Here’s a great book about it: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_Economics


Yet another comment I wish I could pin. Ty for the suggestion.


Some of the most interesting parts of that book discuss this graph, and the debate among economists about whether it’s real (which is ludicrous because of course the poverty trap is real). The graph is interesting though because it shows a level of income that societies should strive to achieve for their citizens, ie the minimum you need to earn to get out of the trap. I don’t thing Esther Duflo (author) touches on it, but the extension of this theory to UBI is clear. Everyone should earn that minimum.



UBI is not the only thing that’s very important we also should advocate for UBH (Universal Basic Healthcare).

Darkard, to antiwork in Attention getting title

The people who complain that “burger flippers” shouldn’t get paid a living wage are the same people who loose their minds when they have to wait more that 3 mins for thier McDonald’s order

jherazob, to fediverse in Looks like you are going to be able to sign in with Mastodon on Pixelfed
jherazob avatar

I insist, we need a nomadic identities thing on Fedi, you create your user in one instance and now you can log in on any federated server on any of the ActivityPub services, maybe that Zot protocol thing or something on those lines


That’s the whole point of Fediverse that there is no centralized player who will validate your data. Or every instance owner knows your password.

@chaorace@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Hence, “Zot”:

Zot’s identity layer is unique. It provides invisible single sign-on across all sites in the grid.

It also provides nomadic identity, so that your communications with friends, family, and or anyone else you’re communicating with won’t be affected by the loss of your primary communication node - either temporarily or permanently.

The important bits of your identity and relationships can be backed up to a thumb drive, or your laptop, and may appear at any node in the grid at any time - with all your friends and preferences intact.

Crucially, these nomadic instances are kept in sync so any instance can take over if another one is compromised or damaged. This protects you against not only major system failure, but also temporary site overloads and governmental manipulation or censorship.

Nomadic identity, single sign-on, and Hubzilla’s decentralisation of hubs, we believe, introduce a high degree of degree of resiliency and persistence in internet communications, that are sorely needed amidst global trends towards corporate centralization, as well as mass and indiscriminate government surveillance and censorship.

As you browse the grid, viewing channels and their unique content, you are seamlessly authenticated as you go, even across completely different server hubs. No passwords to enter. Nothing to type. You’re just greeted by name on every new site you visit.

How does Zot do that? We call it magic-auth, because Hubzilla hides the details of the complexities that go into single sign-on logins, and nomadic identities, from the experience of browsing on the grid. This is one of the design goals of Hubzilla: to increase privacy, and freedom on the web, while reducing the complexity and tedium brought by the need to enter new passwords and login names for every different sight that someone might visit online. You login only once on your home hub (or any nomadic backup hub you have chosen). This allows you to access any authenticated services provided anywhere in the grid - such as shopping, blogs, forums, and access to private information. Your password isn’t stored on a thousand different sites; it is stored on servers that you control or that you have chosen to trust.

You cannot be silenced. You cannot be removed from the grid unless you yourself choose to exit it.

azurestrike, to adhd in Sage Advice From ADHD Raccoon

brb gonna go have a snack and a nap in the shower

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