
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Shiroa, in Why repeat the "master race" nonsense?

It's a part of the history. The original PCMR started back when the mods of the original /r/gaming banned posts about PCs, saying "There's nothing inherently gaming about PC. You could just be using it as a tax machine for all we know". This understandably created friction between the 2 cliques of gaming, with the console clique calling the PC clique a "master race" as a form of insult. At some point, everyone got fed up with arguing about it. /r/pcmasterrace was made, and leaned fully into the "master race" out of spite, and was spurred on by PC hardware at the time being way more cost effective than consoles. Over the years things mellowed out and it became less and less about console peasants "individuals who at the time insisted that console was superior, not individuals who later could only afford console after PC hardware went up in price. Important difference" and more about becoming one of the master race "owning your first gaming centric rig".

If you wanted the tried and true down to earth gaming forum equivalent for PC, you're looking for the PCGaming magazine. PCMR will always be an enthusiast forum, that was based separating themselves from the console ecosystem.


Thanks for sharing history.

MisterMoo avatar

I still hate it.


The term PCMR was first used by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw in a Zero Punctuation game review of The Witcher in 2008.

The logo is from his video.


I believe the term originated via the video maker Yatzhee's "Zero Punctuation" video series (where the header image comes from), which was similarly tongue-in-cheek.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it pre-dated /r/gaming but those sentiments were probably shared in 4chan, so both may be pre-dated.

ErraticDragon avatar

Neat history, I guess? Still seems to be an abhorrent label to self identity with.

nuttydepressor avatar

The justification behind it is deeply unserious

ErraticDragon avatar

Does that make it better or worse to keep using it?

nuttydepressor avatar

Worse, I should've been more clear.

They're using a reddit piss match from a nearly a decade ago to justify the use of a disgusting piece of language.

ErraticDragon avatar

Your meaning would've been clear in almost any other context, but in this case I could just imagine someone saying "it's not a serious justification, just chillax bro, we just like it". Or something equally asinine.

cracked_void avatar

I always wondered where that awful name came from, and why it gained so much traction. Thank you for this helpful internet history lesson.

However, since this name was born from discord (not the app obviously) and we're regrouping on another network, why not give it a new name and leave the stale history behind?


I think part of the issue is probably that when making a platform jump, keeping the same name and branding is important to make sure members can find their way back. I don't know how federation handles the closing / renaming of magazines, but once everyone's established it could certainly be something to vote on.

cracked_void avatar

It certainly makes sense to keep the name to help people find what they are looking for.

Even if in this case the contributors decide to not change the name, maybe a redirect or "formerly known as" function for magazines would make sense in the future.

Rolder, in PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'

Nah I’m good, thanks

BaroqueInMind avatar

May I ask why this is where you draw the line?


Personally, for the same reason that I get annoyed when streets get renamed. This community isn’t named the way it is to support hate and the vast majority of its users disagree with hateful viewpoints, it’s named like this so people can find the community of PC enthusiasts that they’re looking for. This is what it was on reddit, thus it’s the same here.

To be blunt, if people don’t like the name, the best solution is to stop posting content here and instead post in an alternative community with a name they find more suitable. Nobody’s here for the name, they’re here for the content and the people and they’ll migrate if those do. Just like reddit’s recent exodus.

BaroqueInMind avatar

To be blunt, if people don’t like the name, the best solution is to stop posting content here and instead post in an alternative community with a name they find more suitable.

So that episode of South Park where they make fun of rednecks by having one say "If you don't like America, then you can get out." is literally exactly what you are saying here.


There’s a quite a difference in saying that about someone’s home country, which is a pain in the ass to leave, vs about a community people can opt into and which does not really shape their lives

4am, in Why keep the nazi name for this community
@4am@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, agreed.

Most people probably used to see it as mocking fascism (and the tendencies of brand/ecosystem fanboys to act like little tyrants) but these days I’m pretty sure they (the actual fascists) just welcome the free publicity.

Also, fuck Nazis.

DarraignTheSane, (edited ) in Mod Response & Survey Meta Discussion (Mod Approved)

Racist pieces of shit have already stolen swastikas (meh), viking stuff, white polo shirts, red hats, and the OK hand gesture among many other things that we can no longer in good conscience use. Stop letting these assholes have our words, symbols and clothing items. Take them back, make them our own again.

No one is seriously mistaking the PC Master Race joke with an honest attempt to genocide our way to a “pure race” or some evil shit. Suggesting that the name be changed is cutting the nose off of a community solely in order to spite its face, and doesn’t ‘protect’ anyone.


I would like to concur, namely because we know the exact context and exact intent of the actual, exact place the popularization of the term stemmed from: Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation. And the author did not in any way whatsoever expected it to be taken seriously, or with any derogatory connotation for those within or without (in thay the introductory joke was highlighting a better positioning of PC on a matter while also lampshading the PC’s community fragile ego).

To change the name would be to say none of the context matters. It would be to willfully ignore the way it was made and the way it was used. No, that doesn’t matter, “only that other meaning, and interpretation matters”.

And you know what.

No it doesn’t.

Nazis don’t matter. Nazis should have zero cultural influence. Zero tokenism.

Let’s treat them the way they deserve to be treated. They don’t matter, and they have no say and no power. Fuck off, we’re keeping it. It’s our now. You get NOTHING.

DarraignTheSane, (edited )

Exactly. To add, what do people expect that it would be “changed” to? If you drop “master” and “race”, all you have left is “PC”… and there are already enough PC gaming communities across the various Lemmy instances.

In “changing” it, the community would simply no longer exist. Those who are of the opinion that the community should no longer exist should probably just move along.


What about PCElitism? That would summarise the community quite well


I think if you’re taking it that seriously, you’re not in on the joke.


I’m not taking it that seriously, and that’s why I don’t think the name matters that much. Other people mentioned that the whole “race” part of the name could be an issue in some environments or contexts.

What is PCMR core concept, after all? That PC gaming is better than consoles. That’s mostly it, and if we can find a name that summarises that without the race part, I don’t see the issue.

As always, happy to disagree.


Yeah I understand what you’re saying, but by dumbing / watering it down you would then be stating, unironically, what the joke is making fun of. In my mind, the “PC Master Race” ethos both states that yes, “PC is best”, but also makes fun of ourselves explicitly so that we don’t take it too seriously.


I see, indeed the humorous part should be preserved. As I’m a bit lazy, I asked ChatGPT for suggestions with “Glorious” in it, here are its answers:

  • The Glorious PC Gaming Order
  • The Glorious PC Gaming Guild
  • The Glorious PC Gaming Legion
  • The Glorious PC Gaming Society

Glorious Gaming Guild would be G³, and kind of have the same vibe as PCMR, what do you think?

@CatZoomies@lemmy.world avatar

G3 does sound pretty cool. ChatGPT is definitely better at coming up with new names than I. Since I’m an oldie now, I remember leet speak was super popular when I was a kid growing up with the internet.

Not sure how PC L33T Gamers would be received these days with all these young ragamuffins and their tik toks.

Insert Grampa Simpson “I used to be with it”


It’s a joke they are even considering it, imo

Just ignore the trolls and their fucked up world view


They haven’t stolen shit, they don’t have the influence to steal. They have been given stuff so others can cry “Nazi”


I guess it would be better to say that we’ve allowed these things to be stolen. The shitheads definitely used these words & symbols to represent themselves, and then we as a society allowed them to be appropriated by and attributed solely to that group.

drdiemz, in PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'
drdiemz avatar

This is such a waste of a conversation, if you're offended by "pcmasterrace" I can't imagine how offended you by everything else out there. Like pick a real battle instead of these pointless skirmishes

Peruvian_Skies, in Nice try Google
Peruvian_Skies avatar

I use Firefox because it doesn't steal my data OR lie to me.

Aatube, (edited )
Aatube avatar

Edit: this comment is stupid, read replies
I use Waterfox because Firefox actually does steal my data but Waterfox doesn't.

Peruvian_Skies avatar

Honest questions: what data does Firefox steal and why Waterfox over others like Librewolf?


Firefox has telementary on by default which you can easily disable in settings.
And imo waterfox is worse than Librewolf as it was sold to system1, a advertisment company


I use multiple browsers to contain work and not work footprints.



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  • theusualuser,
    theusualuser avatar

    I work in marketing, and with all the tons of accounts we have Containers is a LIFE SAVER


    I'm in IT, and same. The fact I can log into multiple 365 tenancies at the same time and not constantly clearing cookies and shit is life changing


    I learned about containers less than year ago and kicked myself for not learning about them sooner. Containers in Firefox truly are a godsend.


    Actually there’s one better - if you go to about:profiles in the URL bar you can make a new profile that is COMPLETELY separate, including history. Only annoying thing is that you have to go there every time you want to open a window in a profile other than the default

    DrNeurohax avatar

    If storage isn't a concern you could always use multiple portable Firefoxes. Of course that means maintaining multiple FFxes, but once you configure one, you can just copy-paste the folder.


    Do containers allow you to have separate bookmarks lists? TBH, I don't trust myself to always use the same container for the same "stuff" different browsers serves to idiot proof it for me.


    You're lying to yourself if you think Mozzarella Foxfire doesn't have telemetry. I'd recommend Waterfox if you're wanting no telemetry


    They have done some shitty things before, like the Mr. Robot and Pocket stuff, but nowhere near as bad as Google.

    Rabbithole, in Why keep the nazi name for this community

    It was funny then, and it's funny now.

    You do know that rightwing fuckwits actively use people like you as a recruiting tool to show people examples of "how idiotic and heavy handed the left is" when giving them reasons to join up for their Hitlerjerk wank-ring organizations.

    They literally make compilations of examples like this to create the narrative that the opposition has lost their minds and are coming for everyone's free speech with their cancel culture, and use this to argue that somehow nazism is clearly the reasonable choice in contrast.

    And as ludicrous as that is, it actually works depressingly well.

    A certain willingness to have a sense of humour is a worthwhile thing to have when online. Nobody is being threatened by a reference to a joke about the console wars and the PC Vs Console circlejerk.

    Plus, I have a really good gaming rig, and I tell you, those console peasants have it coming anyway. :P

    ceeg, (edited )

    why exactly should i give a shit what nazis think of me? get outta here with your goofy liberal ass


    Skill issue.

    @gnarly@lemmy.world avatar

    I certainly wouldn’t want to be associate with Nazis, not sure why that’s such a hard concept to grasp for y’all. The person doesn’t give a shit about what Nazis think either, they just aren’t using boogiemen like “the left” when trying to form thoughts and opinions.

    meldrik, in Why keep the nazi name for this community

    Be gone, console peasants!

    Varyag, in DDoS attack on Blizzard leads to more calls for a Diablo 4 offline mode
    @Varyag@lemm.ee avatar

    That was probably the intention of the DDoS attack. Screw always-online singleplayer games.


    Do you know if there's any statement or if it's known who did this?


    I'm a bit wary of their DDoS claims. This happened during their Battle.net sale (which would increase traffic) and during the outage their CS was telling people to try multiple times (which is a great way to hammer the servers).

    It's likely they just couldn't handle the load, or ran into the thundering herd problem, and just claimed ddos because they didn't know better.

    YoBuckStopsHere, in Bethesda claims that the Intel ARC GPUs do not meet Starfield's PC minimum requirements
    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    This must be one of the worst-developed games in the last ten years. If a high-end PC can’t run it, they did a shitty job designing it, and the graphics are not great. They spent zero time optimizing it.


    I have a 3070 and it runs great. The graphics look good on ultra/high settings too. I don’t even think the 3070 is considered high end anymore

    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar



    lmao okay, you keep doubting




    AKSCHULLY you cannot have fun because we former redditors decided so!!!

    Just ignore them, some of these guys will claim a game sub 144 fps is unplayable, even in single player.


    It does make me laugh how entitled the PCMR has become, people complaining that they can only get a game running at around 80 FPS, well beyond what’s needed for smooth gameplay, and the like.


    Exactly, I’m just waiting for some delusional dude to go “omg you don’t even have a 4090?” In these comments soon, maybe call a 4080 or 4080Ti “low-end”.


    Runs fine on my 3060ti also. This game is being brigaded really hard on Lemmy for some reason. It’s by no means a perfect game but I’ve been having enough fun to keep going and I’ve had zero issues running it on ultra. Like actually zero. Shrug.


    Different standards I guess. I have a 5800X and 3080 Ti and I have trouble getting it to run at 90 FPS minimum outdoors.


    Definitely different standards. I mean no criticism, but I in no way require 90fps minimum.


    That’s because 90fps is a ridiculous “standard” to expect.

    stopthatgirl7 avatar

    Good to know my 3060ti would be able to handle it. I’m not planning on getting it just because first person games and I do not get on well, but it’s good to know because this is what most games coming out now will be at.


    Weirdly it can be third person whenever you want? I’m not trying to sell you on it. But it’s not strictly first person, which I didn’t know before starting it.


    So, another Bethesda game?

    @YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

    Pretty much


    But we're a decade past where that's good enough. "Another Bethesda game" at that same Bethesda quality level now is a trash game.


    I’m playing on Xbox gamepass and am pretty disappointed with the graphics (glad I didn’t bother buying it on PC). The faces during dialogue look like they just upscaled obsidian slightly and slapped it in there.

    @elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ve played it for 50 hours now and have yet to experience a single issue. My PC is pretty beefy but nothing special. 12th Gen Intel processor, Radeon 6950 XT GPU, 16GB memory. Pretty bog standard gaming PC.


    That’s a $700 GPU that’s bearly a year old.

    @elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah it’s a mid tier card, like I said beefy but nothing special.


    Lol mid tier. PC gamers are weird


    It’s far from mid tier. Midtier would be a 6600 XT.

    @elscallr@lemmy.world avatar

    Then what would you rate the 7900s?


    7900 - Enthusiast
    7800 - High end
    7700 - High mid range
    7600 - Mid range
    7400/7500 - Entry level
    APUs - Budget


    Idk if arc was a thing when they were developing this one after FO4 at the time. Not defending, just saying that might’ve been more of a factor combined with Intel not having much of a market share at the current moment. Willing to bet they’ll get it working following release after a few months. Speculating though!


    They already told us that their optimisations consist of them telling us to buy better hardware.

    THED4NIEL, in The Problem with Linus Tech Tips: Accuracy, Ethics, & Responsibility

    I must say, the Billet Labs part nailed me to the floor.

    For someone who has to do with prototypes and early development products, such a blunder would have cost me my current job and would have barred me from any other in my field


    That part really bothered me, especially Linus’ words in the WAN show showing a complete disregard for the company and then auctioning off something they didn’t even own. I know if they were in America they’d likely be sued for defamation or something, I swear. If I were a company in that position I wouldn’t trust Linus with anything at all.


    The Billet Labs cooler block stuff actually made me go “what the fuck” and got me to unsubscribe. That’s not just some error you can cut out or some funny joke, everything about that was something that Billet Labs could likely prove monetary damages for in the worst case scenario.


    Fwiw, Linus made a post today and said they’ve already arranged to compensate billet for the prototype.


    And how will they compensate for the lost work, as GN pointed out? Didn’t Billit Labs say they were unable to continue working on the product, since the prototype wasn’t available?

    @tool@lemmy.world avatar

    Fwiw, Linus made a post today and said they’ve already arranged to compensate billet for the prototype.

    That has very strong “I’m sorry that I got caught” energy.

    @ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Except that’s also a lie, because as the new GN video talking about that response points out, Linus only contacted Billet about it after the GN video was posted, and they absolutely had not “arranged to compensate Billet for the prototype” yet

    AtomicPurple avatar

    Yeah, everything else was bad, but I think ultimately forgivable if they can tighten up their testing and QA process going forward. The Billet Labs thing is on a whole other level though. Like, how do you even fuck up that bad as a professional organization?


    Do you think LTT can invest in one laptop company and still review theirs and others’ laptops? I don’t know the right answer - I’m interested in your perspective.

    AtomicPurple, (edited )
    AtomicPurple avatar

    Hard to say. Linus has always made it sound like his investment in Framework is a personal one, not one made by LMG. If that's the case, then I think any potential issues could be largely sidestepped by just having someone else do all the laptop reviews.

    If that's not the case and LMG is directly involved with Framework, then it gets a bit tricky. To their credit, they've done a good job of disclosing the Framework investment whenever the company is brought up, but I don't watch most of LTT's review content, so I'm not sure if it's being mentioned in the context of other laptop reviews. If not, it needs to be.
    The whole point of having that kind of disclosure though is so people know that the information being presented is potentially biased. At a certain point, it's on the audience to take that bias into account and cross reference other sources before making any purchasing decisions. I'm not sure there's anything LMG can really do to alleviate the perceived conflict of interest, unless they just stop reviewing laptops altogether. Whether or not it's ethical to continue reviewing laptops in that context, even with a full disclosure, is a question I don't have a good answer to.


    If Linus and his wife own 100% (or nearly 100%) of LMG, does it matter who invested in Framework? Especially when he has so much creative control?

    As far as I remember, they do not disclose the Framework investment when reviewing other laptops.

    Thank you, I appreciate your candor. You’ve given me some things to think about.

    AtomicPurple avatar

    If Linus and his wife own 100% (or nearly 100%) of LMG, does it matter who invested in Framework? Especially when he has so much creative control?

    At that point, just refer to the second half of my original replay. Though, if the investment is just a small part of something like an index fund, I'd say that concerns of bias probably aren't warranted.


    As far as I remember, they do not disclose the Framework investment when reviewing other laptops.

    When Linus is hosting a laptop review he always has a disclaimer about being a Framework investor. I’m not sure about videos hosted by others because it’s been a while since I’ve watched one but I don’t think they do since it was a personal investment.


    Every video about a laptop I’ve seen since he invested has had the framework disclaimer, including multiple shortcircuits by Alex.

    CatZoomies, (edited ) in PC Gamer 2015: Let's stop calling ourselves the 'PC Master Race'
    @CatZoomies@lemmy.world avatar

    Just a quick point here that I’ll keep this thread open. Please keep this conversation civil.

    I closed yesterday’s post because it got real nasty real quick. We can’t do that here. We’re all gamers/PC enthusiasts, and we should have a welcoming and respectful community. Yesterday’s post was the opposite of that.

    Therefore I’ll monitor this post and purge any comments that do not conform to the Rules placed in this community, as well as the rules placed by the Fediverse.

    Everyone has different opinions, but we can’t be nasty to each other for it. I’ll always treat you all with respect and kindness.

    Meanwhle, this article does raise an important perspective, and it should be something everyone here should read rather than just going straight to the comments to possibly insult each other. We need to think about what’s best for the community going forward, and love and accept everyone. It’s important we challenge our views, or else we’ll end up in an echo chamber that resonates the same hivemind in perpetuity. We must continuously challenge our views with kindess, not with hate and anger.

    Best way to do that is to talk about it - civilly.

    @gnarly@lemmy.world avatar

    I appreciate your efforts to keep things civil, even with the lacking tools to do so here on Lemmy. I hope y’all as mods take this conversation seriously because regardless of its history, at best it’s been co-opted by hateful people (IE the locked thread) and at its worse it’s a dog whistle for authoritarian/racist behavior. If you want civility, change the name. Only more of these 4chan rejects will come if you all do not.

    Rabbithole, (edited )

    because regardless of its history, at best it’s been co-opted by hateful people (IE the locked thread) and at its worse it’s a dog whistle for authoritarian/racist behavior.

    Well, that sounds nice, but you seem to have forgotten to bring literally anything to back up any of that.

    At no point in time do I remember going onto r/pcmasterrace and thinking "wow, this place turned into a rightwing shithole, where did all of the nazis come from?".

    Just because you say that everything's been co-opted doesn't mean that it has just because you don't like the name for arbitrary reasons.

    This whole thing is an argument about nothing.

    Aux, in Why keep the nazi name for this community

    Go back to Reddit with this logic.



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  • minnieo,
    minnieo avatar

    unrelated to the og post, but i truly hope we dont start the whole "go back to reddit" thing as if this is fucking 4chan 🤢

    Blamemeta, in Why keep the nazi name for this community

    This is why I hate internet left wingers. You’re no better than the guys on Voat. Go touch grass.

    sour avatar

    dont be a rude


    I don’t know what vlout is, but I agree

    Internet left wingers need to bring their politics into EVERYTHING. Such whiners, it’s embarassing.

    Just have a fucking sense of humor


    Basically reddit, but filled with the kind of people who got banned from Reddit. Full of right wing people.


    Sounds like my people!

    @gnarly@lemmy.world avatar

    y’all getting politically defensive when someone calls out or expresses any concern about racism is a tell dude. It’s just revealing how enabled & triggered y’all are by this.


    It's just the chronically online zoomer ones. Brains warped from the monitor glare. I'm a millenial left winger and I'm not cringey like this.

    ZytaZiouZ, in Nice try Google

    Firefox for life! Well as long as they don't go evil or bankrupt. I am not surprised at all though.

    1. Kneecap plugin performance especially for AdBlock plugins claiming it's for security.
    2. Notify users that those plugins are slowing down Chrome.
    3. ???????
    4. Profit... or people hopefully switch
    @entropicshart@lemmy.world avatar

    Their recent advertising of their VPN has set some worrisome trends; here’s to hope they stop that nonsense before we have to move to a fork.


    I mean, it's not great, but it's also not the worst. You can also disable it. Chrome gets money by collecting your data to use for advertising purposes. Firefox doesn't do that, so I don't see much harm in them advertising some of their products a couple times a year. Even wikipedia advertises their own donation period, trying to encourage users to donate.

    If it were a persistent banner, that would be different. But a one time closable window, that can also be disabled, is really not that terrible. Companies need money, after all.


    Well as long as they don’t go evil or bankrupt

    If they do, there is always LibreWolf.


    Maintaining a browser is an insane amount of work. Without Mozilla working on Firefox, LibreWolf will stagnate and become unusable.


    I mean, they've already started cutting some features I have used... So I've got Firefox and Pale Moon on my PC to cover the loss of ftp support. And since some pages don't work in Firefox in either instance of engine, I have to have Chrome installed...


    It genuinely sucks that some websites don't bother to support Firefox! When you encounter one, you might want to complain to the devs and open a webcompat issue.

    @Tag365@lemmy.world avatar

    So it's like that thing the Internet Explorer is Evil! website complained about back in the day, but now instead of Internet Explorer, it is Google Chrome...


    This would also be less of a problem if more people used firefox


    the proper channels rarely work. apply as an unpaid intern, fix it. quit. always works.

    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I have already encountered some websites which didn’t work with Chrome very well, but did with Firefox. They mentioned it’s because of how Chrome now handles audio, the audio doesn’t start.

    @oliver@lemmy.ca avatar

    Firefox for life

    It’s not just a Chrome-, it’s a Google thing. If you want to install F-Droid or Exodus on Android today, you have to get past Google’s warning that you are putting malware on your device.

    as they don’t go evil

    Well… anyone who packs their advertising through third-party sites has long since defected to the dark side. It seems to me that the ghost of Brendan Eich is still haunting Mozilla.


    /r/firefox is also still closed and opened up on fedia.io/m/firefox. So firefox people are cool in general. 🦊

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