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Breadtubers who aggregate and present unified information is still legitimate content creation. People dont want to watch multiple 2hour long documentaries and read 10 articles. So if a breadtuber does that and condenses that into a 30min video, good for them. Improving citation is a legitimate point but ultimately not that important for most people.


I did watch it and it could have been condensed to 5minutes.

Youtubers copy paste articles, videos and wikipedia. Should youtubers be held at a normal societal standard for copyright? He didnt have to go to all that detail about every single copypasted sentence that a random youtuber included in their video.

And even in the end he says that he is fine with youtubers making videos of copypasting articles/wikipedia/other languages, because that makes that knowledge more accessible. So his only issue is with citation. And i would argue that an extensive citation would break the flow of a video, so i would be fine with a disclaimer saying “most of this content is copypasted or inspired from other sources, i am not intelligent”. Would he be ok with that? Is this about ego?

Ultimately, noone has any original thought. We are all products of our environment. If i make a video about any subject, even if i dont literally copypaste something, what i will be saying is probably something that i read before. Even if i include some of my “own” ideas and opinions, those ideas and opinions are shaped by other people in the past.

Humans are no different than chatgpt. We regurgitate previous input. Ultimately individuals are irrelevant, what matters is ideas and their spread. But since we live in an individualistic, capitalistic society, people go crazy over copyright. Who cares. Does any of the viewers of these videos really care whether the creator of the video is presenting “original” thought or copypasting a wikipedia article? I dont. I am just happy to be exposed to the information.


Darmanin said the man had twice shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) before being arrested and had told police he could not stand Muslims being killed in “Afghanistan and Palestine”

Someone should tell him that the only people killing muslims in Afghanistan are the Taliban and ISIS-K, ie “his own” team.


It would not be that bad. The EU wants the UK back not only because both sides would greatly economically benefit from this but because one of the main reasons for EU’s existence is the continuation of peace in Europe. So the UK must be part of the EU.


If killing animals for the entertainment of your palate is morally ok, then raping animals for the entertainment of your dick/vagina should also be morally ok. You dont need to do either of these things, yet 95%+ of people continue choosing to do one of them. Is it weird that some people think it is ok to also do the 2nd thing?

And in before “what if the animal consents and we can talk to animals through AI”. You can talk to children and you still shouldnt fuck them.


It’s called edging and it’s art.


We only have his side of the story. Personally i think he killed her and then tried to make his murder appear more noble by lying about her shitting on Muhammad and trying to convert him to christianism.


Here is an article from a major greek newspaper(in greek), well i dont think they publish a newspaper anymore but it is a popular greek news site.…/peristeriisobiaston23xronogiathdolofo…


Latin and Greek are nowhere even similar to each other. You might as well say that Latin and German are the same language. Greek and Latin are 2 different linguistic branches of indoeuropean languages. Latin is the precursor of romance languages like Italian, French and Spanish. Ancient Greek is the precursor of Greek. Other major European language branches are the Germanic(German, English, Swedish, etc) and slavic(Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, etc).

Cool single indoeuropean individual language branches also include Armenian, Celtic and Albanian.

Finnish and Hungarian arent indoeuropean languages.


You are supposed to listen to something that you enjoy. Maybe news, gaming, history, crime story podcast or audiobooks. You can listen to it while commuting or doing chores.


Suicide isnt reported in many places, because it is a social and religious taboo. For example the greek orthodox church still refuses to bury people who killed themselves(and 99% of greeks used to be christian orthodox, though atheism is becoming more popular nowadays).


It was this shit.

Police checking your papers for a couple minutes and leaving?

Having checked the hiking group’s documents which proved the whole group was in Germany legally, police said they ended the operation.


Plenty of people fuck up using their own judgement. Hiking can be dangerous. You assume that if something is on googlemaps, it is somehow vetted and/or “commonly used”, otherwise why would googlemaps even have a path in the forest/mountain.


I assume the dog had a microchip which can be easily scanned by a vet and says who owns it and where they live.


The 4070 is consistently faster than the 7800xt and even the 7900xt(in ray tracing) in almost all settings. And only in 4k with ray tracing, it is ram bottlenecked. But even though the 7800xt and 7900xt arent ram bottlenecked, their performance is shit at those settings anyway(sub 30fps), so thats irrelevant.

I dont see how having 20fps is better than having 5fps. Both are unplayable settings for either card.


I want wireless headphones that can play audio sound from 2 devices simultaneously. And while doing that, you can still use your microphone and your audio wont have shit quality.

I know in windows, when you want to use your microphone on your wireless headphones, audio quality goes to shit because it doesnt have enough bandwidth to drive both excellent sound quality and microphone recording.

I want to be able to play a game on my phone(with audio), while watching a video on my pc and voice chatting on discord, all at the same time with perfect audio quality. This cant be that hard yet for some reason, even after 10 years of wireless headphones, we cant do that.


Similar buns are Swedish lussebulle or lussekatt, Norwegian lussekatt.…/swedishchristmas-why-lussekatter-ar…

Following a long association between cats and the devil, the buns were said to be baked by Satan and given to naughty children at Christmas. However, because they were made with saffron, which was traditionally considered to have magic powers that, among other things, helped to ward off the devil, they also had a much more positive connotation. They became known in Sweden as djävulskatter (Devil’s cats) before eventually taking on the more innocent name of lussekatter

NIB, (edited )

Tankie has been a thing for over half a century. The Soviets used tanks(from other countries) to invade and crush antisoviet revolutions/protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

This was considered shocking for some communists and other leftists while some communists supported those actions. Those who supported this “intervention” were called tankies, in order to differentiate them from the non tank invasion supporting communists.

In Greece(my country), which was in the “West”, this event caused the split of the greek communist party(KKE) into 2 separate parties, KKE(Moscow controlled tankies) and KKE “interior”(weak ass soy communists who cant stomach the use of tanks in order to create a better tomorrow).

KKE “interior” kinda eventually became SYRIZA which surprisingly won the elections in 2015(breaking the 2 party status quo). Then the EU decided that the greek people decided poorly and punished them. So when the greek people decided correctly(elected a right wing government), the EU rewarded them. Carrots and sticks make the world go around. Thats how you make a majority leftist country, into a right wing one.

PS Greek debt is as high as it has ever been but Greece issued negative interest bonds. Tell me again how is the economy supposed to work? Noone talks about the greek debt anymore, it’s a non issue, Greece has been accepted into the EU’s infinite money glitch scheme.


A year later, a right wing dictatorship took over Greece(with the eventual support and blessing of the US). But at least Bill Clinton apologized about it when he visited Greece as the US President. Has Russia apologized for its crimes?

Thats the difference. You wont find many supporters of the american coups. Yet for the russian ones, some communists(ie tankies) feel the need to defend them. And unlike the american coup supporters who are right wing lunatics, the russian coup supporters claim they are communists. Both are just sticking to their team, ignoring the actual facts.


Well i and other people that i know were using the term for at least 10 years. I even had a friend break up partly because the other person was a tankie. Maybe the term was less common in other countries.

Also tankie definition hasnt changed nor has been appropriated as a general slur. It has always meant communist who supports authoritarian policies.

IDF shows foreign press Hamas bodycam videos, photos of murder, torture, decapitation (

The Israeli government on Monday screened for 200 members of the foreign press some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed, including raw videos from the terrorists’ bodycams....

NIB, (edited )

I dont want to defend Israel BUT, let’s do a small thought experiment. If you could snap your fingers and reverse the roles, give Hamas the military power of Israel, what do you think Hamas would do? Do you think they would do worse things than Israel currently does? The same? Better?

It is very obvious that Israel is holding back. Not because they give a fuck about the palestinians but because they care about the political fallout.

I’d suggest that they return the land that they stole from Palestinians, dismantle the settlements and outposts on occupied land, and end the blockades in Gaza. And then punish their citizens that attacks Palestinians, burn Palestinian homes and olive groves, and seize Palestinian land. And hey!, maybe gave Palestinians a real vote in the knesset, since they seem so opposed to a two-state solution. As it stands, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians do not have a say in their own governance.

So your plan is to reward the palestinians for their attack? And you think this is a likely outcome? Do you think there is a single country who would do that? Of course not. All these are good suggestions and a position to have. But this attack by its nature will delay any peaceful solution for at least a decade.

Also the devil is in the details. What do you mean by “returning” the land? Which land? Because for many people, the stolen land is the entirety of Israel. Which is why Hamas’ goal is the destruction of Israel. Israel cant be charitable towards entities whose main purpose is Israel’s destruction, especially while having the holocaust ptsd.

So before we go into the nitty gritty details of a solution, let’s start with some basic and somewhat meaningless gestures. Like for example the palestinians accepting the existence of Israel in Palestine(region). And then we can talk about israeli settlements and settlers and which of these need to be returned to Palestine(state) and how.

We see this same thing in the US with black people, with Native Americans. When they protest peacefully, they’re ignored. When they protest violently, they’re thugs and murderers.

Do you think black people got rights in the US because of black people violence? Violence can accelerate things but it can also delay them. Imagine if Black Panthers indiscriminately killed 1000 white people, while kidnapping hundreds in the 60s. Do you think that would have led to more racial equality?

Or would that event have delayed racial equality for decades?

But Israel won’t do that, because the far-right politicians that are in power–and the majority of the people that keep voting them into power–equate anything that is anti-Zionist to being anti-semitic.

You are not wrong but you do realize that this attack only empowered the right wing israelis, right? It’s harder to convince your average israeli to be charitable and care about palestinian human rights after what Hamas did.

This is deliberate. Hamas wanted things to escalate. Because Hamas is funded by Iran. Saudi Arabia(KSA) and Israel were about to become best friends forever(well their governments, saudis still hate Israel), because MBS wanted to make his shiny city(NEOM).

As part of that deal, the US would also sign security deals with both Israel and KSA, similar to the ones it has with Japan and South Korea. And Israel would give back to Palestine(state) some israeli settlements, so that MBS would have something to justify the deal.

But Iran doesnt want KSA/Israel to become stronger/more stable, so they nuked this relationship by getting Hamas to do what they did. Not all powers want stability and peace. Some powers think that the current situation is fucked/unfair and they want to keep the world in flux in order to have a chance “to make things right”. There is a reason why Russia keeps talking about a new world order and have allies like Iran and North Korea. China isnt happy either but they also not necessarily willing to risk the current status quo.



You wont find many people in this site who say what Israel is doing is right. Cutting power, water, food and supplies to a 2mil population is never right. But what i am saying is that it is understandable that Israel has gone full retard. I dont justify it, i rationalize it.

Your plan is for the Israelis to continue to hold on to what they have unjustly, illegally, and immorally taken?

No, i think the international community should pressure them into compliance. As i said, Israel’s is somewhat restraining itself, especially when you consider their current government. If the rest of the world didnt exist, Israel would have literally nuked Gaza by now or at least carpet bomb it to oblivion.

My point is that if Hamas was in a position of power, they would totally carpet bomb Israel. So in that context, Israel is showing relative constraint. We are talking about an israeli government which has some far right ministers, not to mention Bibi in charge.

Go back to the 1947 UN lines. That would be a compromise that both sides would be equally unhappy with.

Ok. My point is that both sides need to accept each other existence in that region. However, both sides need to really tighten security of their own if you want to have a viable plan. I think Israel can control the israelis. Do you think Hamas or the Palestinian Authority can control the palestinians? Even if we magically get peace tomorrow, and everyone agreed to follow the 1947 plan.

What do you think will happen if a palestinian blows up a bus or whatever? Because this has happened in the past. So it is natural for Israel to want to have some extra security assurances by controlling strategic areas. The 1947 plan has some insane security weaknesses from that aspect. A lot of the “newer” israeli settlements are about controlling heights and/or chokepoints. Maybe you can have the UN controlling them but still.

Generally countries really dont like enclaves, look at Azerbaijan. They are an insane security concern, even without the past Israel and Palestine share. The 1949 borders are a bit better in that respect. You still have the Gaza island but i dont think you can do much about that. They can be their own mini country.

Do you really think that the Civil Rights movement was peaceful? Did you forget about the Black Panthers, or Malcolm X? Have you forgotten just how many race riots there have been in US history? Or were you simply never told about them? Hey, remember that time when Philadelphia bombed–literally bombed–a few city blocks because of black militant separatists?

I am not an american and while i am somewhat familiar with the events, i am not that knowledgeable. It is important to not overstate events. The bombing was the police dropping explosives from a helicopter, hardly a bombing. Black Panthers and Malcolm X never reached the heights Hamas has reached. They barely killed people(depending on your definition), mostly individuals, not mass murder of innocent people.

But if they did, do you think that would have accelerated race equality in the US? They could have gone to a white only village in the South and kill 1000 people. If they did that, the history of the US would have been A LOT different and not for the better IMO.

There is nothing that doesn’t, because we keep funding them, regardless. The Gov’t of Israel literally funded Hamas and turned them from a tiny fringe group to mainstream, because groups like the PLO and Fatah were gathering too much support. Terrorism is in the best interests of the right-wing gov’t of Israel, because they can use it to justify more and more harms to Palestinians.

I agree but change takes time. Africa’s Apartheid took decades to bring down. I think if KSA and Israel got closer, we could have seen an independent Palestine within the next 10 years. Even Bibi loves money and security assurances and KSA can provide money while the US can provide security. And money/prosperity, often leads to peace(unless you have an authoritarian out of touch leader, like Putin).

I think that it’s more likely that Netanyahu allowed the whole thing to happen

While it was an insane intelligence failure, i cant imagine Bibi allowing this. This is too big. Maybe he underestimated its potential but i dont think he knew. And while Israel has gone full retard because of this, i am not so sure this will be a good thing for Bibi in the longrun. Especially if the Gaza invasion starts going wrong.

And if Iran funds Hamas, what of it? If Israel gets serious about peace, then Hamas’ anger is blunted, regardless of funding. But Israel hasn’t done fuck-all for peace in a decade.

Actually for years, other groups blamed Hamas for going soft and cooperating with Israel. They were saying Hamas has lost its edge and its leaders are living in luxury in some arab country. Israel even had many programs that gave palestinians employment in Israel, with comparatively good wages, etc. One of the reasons Israel was so complacent was because they thought things were “good” with Hamas.


Maybe it takes time for water to circulate? Also i have no idea how water systems work but i feel it might work without electricity, at least parts of it, just by using gravity.


Motorola(Mobility, ie phones) is an american brand that has been bought by the chinese Lenovo.

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