The PLounge

50Percent_Cooler, in Oh hey cool, I finally remembered my kbin password
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/rosecat-d) now you can post on kbin !!



Rad! What sorta stuff should I post to The Bin

CrystalLord, in (Late) New Year's Chat Thread Time !!!
CrystalLord avatar

Happy New Year 50! Sorry for the late reply here, I've been meaning to for days.

[](/lyra) I'm doing okey. Actually, pretty well to he honest! With the big scary visa stuff out of the way, I have less practical anxieties. I don't think I did anything particularly special over the Christmas/New Years dead workweek. But I have been getting into latte art because Ootachi got me a milk foamer. I have made... a circle. This has been hard.

I don't really do new year's resolutions, but I am still trying to get more fit and keep my weight lower. I'm doing okey on the latter but not enough on the former. Maybe it should be to cycle more. Or draw every othet day, or something like that.

[](/lyrabonhug) I hope you had a good time over new years too! Do you have any resolutions?

50Percent_Cooler avatar

Happy New Year 50! Sorry for the late reply here, I've been meaning to for days.

[](/lbcuddles-in-d) happy new year, Crystal!! no need to ever be sorry, you're a good :3 :fishpat:

I'm doing okey. Actually, pretty well to he honest! With the big scary visa stuff out of the way, I have less practical anxieties.

[](/flutteryay-in-d) congrats on having the visa stuff out of the way! you never deserve stress or anxiety :pleading_face:

I don't think I did anything particularly special over the Christmas/New Years dead workweek. But I have been getting into latte art because Ootachi got me a milk foamer. I have made... a circle. This has been hard.

[](/sillycoffee-in-d) if you ever make any latte art that you'd like to show, you can send pics to me :3

I don't really do new year's resolutions,

[](/boop-in-d) that's perfectly valid, i don't usually do resolutions too (though i'd like to do some and actually stick to them).

but I am still trying to get more fit and keep my weight lower. I'm doing okey on the latter but not enough on the former. Maybe it should be to cycle more.

[](/lyrasockscheer-in-wobble) i believe in you !!!

Or draw every othet day, or something like that.

[](/starlightglitter-in-d-r) if you draw stuff that you'd like to show, you can send it to me :pleading_face:

I hope you had a good time over new years too!

[](/happynewyear-in-d) i did have a good time, though i wish i could've had more time to be on PLounge then (i was pretty busy over Christmas and New Year's :3)

Do you have any resolutions?

[](/starlightblush-in-d) i'd like to learn programming and Spanish (though i haven't made any effort for either yet this year :pensive:)

SubparUsername47, in Forgotten Chat Thread Time !!

I dunno. Is it?
I am! How are you?
Hmm… I went to see some friends from college who lived semi-locally. I don’t like driving, but it was very nice to see them again.
No. Recently, I’ve mostly played Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft on a superflat survival world, and I just started Elden Ring. So plenty of games, but not fun ones.
I have listened pretty much exclusively to the Undertale soundtrack for the last several months. Not even the whole soundtrack, either. I generally listen to a playlist of 5-10 songs at a time, switching whenever I’m in the mood for different songs.
I got another lightsaber for Christmas. I can combine it and my old lightsaber into a staff that’s almost as tall as I am. Once I get back to college, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be personally trained by the lightsaber club president because he’s the only one who’s proficient that I know of. I’ll also be able to do dual wielding if I can muster the coordination necessary, or I can lend it to someone else if I want to duel someone back home. I love lightsabers. Also, I got to perform a little show towards the end of November and I’ve been showing it to people at parties ever since.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

I dunno. Is it?

[](/erisshrug-in-d) honestly idk

I am! How are you?

[](/christmaslyra-in-d-r) i'm okay, Christmas was pretty good although a bit busy and stressful.

No. Recently, I’ve mostly played Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft on a superflat survival world, and I just started Elden Ring. So plenty of games, but not fun ones.

[](/lyrathink-in-d) have you not been having fun with those games?

I have listened pretty much exclusively to the Undertale soundtrack for the last several months. Not even the whole soundtrack, either. I generally listen to a playlist of 5-10 songs at a time, switching whenever I’m in the mood for different songs.

[](/moondancershy-in-d) i got Undertale from the Steam sale, so i'll be playing it for the first time :o

I got another lightsaber for Christmas. I can combine it and my old lightsaber into a staff that’s almost as tall as I am. Once I get back to college, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be personally trained by the lightsaber club president because he’s the only one who’s proficient that I know of. I’ll also be able to do dual wielding if I can muster the coordination necessary, or I can lend it to someone else if I want to duel someone back home. I love lightsabers. Also, I got to perform a little show towards the end of November and I’ve been showing it to people at parties ever since.

[](/jedifilly-in-slide) sounds very fun !!

SubparUsername47, in PLounge History Time

I can’t quite remember how I found the subreddit. My memory’s pretty bad. I remember that I learned about this place because Crystal told me, though. Thanks, Crystal!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/octyvinylboop-d) i'm glad you found the subreddit because you're the best!

Jibodeah, in PLounge History Time
Jibodeah avatar

It's 2011, season 2 is airing. Where's the place to go to view memes and stuff after it airs? /r/mylittlepony.

2011 is ending, the season is long over, where to tide over the haitus? Hm there's this off topic sub in the sidebar of /r/mylittlepony. Huh it seems pretty nice. Lurk around there for a bit. Eventually make an account come 2012. Be a semi-active/lurker ever since. Eventually get recognised as mostly sane and be invited to become a mod.

[](/sillyheart)Best off-topic MLP community I ever did find. Who'da thought we'd all (well, not all of us, and we picked up people on the way too) be here over 10 years later.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/sillycelebrate-d-in) you're not just mostly sane, but also totally adorable and cute !! :3

[](/sillycannon-in-r-d) i'm really glad i found this place, and that i've gotten to meet such amazing and kind friends such as yourself :3

50Percent_Cooler, in PLounge History Time
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/flutterawe-d-in-r) i found the subreddit a few years before i joined, it was either via r/random or when i was searching for something (it's been a long time so i can't remember which :pensive:)

[](/starlightblush-d-in-r) then when i was wanting to start watching the show again after not watching in since S1/S2, i asked on PLounge for places to watch the show, and i've been here ever since :3

[](/sillycelebrate-in-d-r) joining PLounge has been one of the best things i've ever done, i've met amazing people and found some of the best friends i could ever have.

i've had a lot of fun and had some amazing experiences :3

Jibodeah, in Forgotten Chat Thread Time !!
Jibodeah avatar


I've been playing 2D furry top down battle royale with some friends. It's pretty decent. Shame about all the microtransactions.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/doubledragon-r-d) :o which game is it? also you're both pretty and decent !!

Jibodeah avatar

Super Animal Royale. It's free to pay but there's a season pass and a premium currency and that freemium jazz. At least it's only cosmetics but the price of some of the stuff is kinda nuts.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/flutteralltheanimals-r-d) maybe i'll check it out sometime :o

50Percent_Cooler, in Forgotten Chat Thread Time !!
50Percent_Cooler avatar

either way, i hope you're all doing well :3

[](/snowfalldaw-in-d) i've been doing okay lately :3

do anything fun lately?

[](/bpthink-in-d) i've mostly just been playing FF14 and FF7 Remake lately :3

listen to any good music?

[](/seriouslymusic-in-d) i haven't really been listening to very much music lately, but i really like this song from FF7 Remake :3

for non-FF stuff, these two songs from .hack//Sign are both amazing and watch .hack//Sign pwease :pleading_face: :3

tell me about stuff that excites or interests you !! :3

[](/summonerbonbon-in-d) i've been rewatching Recovery of an MMO Junkie lately and it's honestly just so good :pleading_face:

[](/ppexcited-in-d) i feel it really gets and represents the best parts of online interaction.

i feel it stands out from other MMO anime which use MMORPGs to help spice up an otherwise normal fantasy setting, while MMO Junkie goes a step further and makes extra effort to focus on MMORPGs, and the people who play them.

it doesn't really take much focus on the ugly and bad parts of MMOs and online interaction in general, but i feel it represents the positives and good times perfectly.

[](/flutterawe-in-d) watch Recovery of an MMO Junkie if you haven't :pleading_face:

CrystalLord, in Forgotten Chat Thread Time !!
CrystalLord avatar

(I don't have BPM on my phone I'm sowwy)

microphone screeches with feedback

Yus, I've been in England and I have cuddled Ootachi

I've been really enjoying Cobalt Core, which is a game about Kobolds and space ships. Also Baldur's Gate 3 but that should be obvious.

Hmmm. I mostly have been listening to the various Larian soundtracks lately because of Baldur's Gate. Uh, this one is great!

I'm really tired a lot probably because I'm mildly sick rn and because of overcoming jetlag and because of the cold (anything below 20C is far too cold tyvm) so exciting energetic things are not on my mind. Uhh... I've been trying to read more of A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers! It's a book about space optimism and aliens and gender and linguistics and culture. Well, specifically it's vignettes on a long haul space trip for a mixed species wormhole construction ship. It's good!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

(I don't have BPM on my phone I'm sowwy)

[](/lbcuddles-in-d) that's okay :3

Yus, I've been in England and I have cuddled Ootachi

[](/flutterawe-in-d) awww, adorable :pleading_face:

I've been really enjoying Cobalt Core, which is a game about Kobolds and space ships. Also Baldur's Gate 3 but that should be obvious.

[](/sleepygamerluna-in-d) what would you do if you were a kobald? also i need to get around to playing Baldur's Gate 3 :pensive:

Hmmm. I mostly have been listening to the various Larian soundtracks lately because of Baldur's Gate. Uh, this one is great!

[](/seriouslymusic-in-d) this is really good !!

I'm really tired a lot probably because I'm mildly sick rn and because of overcoming jetlag and because of the cold (anything below 20C is far too cold tyvm) so exciting energetic things are not on my mind.

[](/woonablanket-in-d) i hope you're getting enough rest, you never deserve to be sick :(

Uhh... I've been trying to read more of A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers! It's a book about space optimism and aliens and gender and linguistics and culture. Well, specifically it's vignettes on a long haul space trip for a mixed species wormhole construction ship. It's good!

[](/seriouslyastronaut-in-d) that sounds really good !! maybe i'll read it sometime. do you like sci-fi stuff? (i ask because i know you also like Dune a lot :3)

SubparUsername47, in Chat Thread Time!!

Yay! Chat threads are the best!

Hmm… shawarma, maybe.

Chat threads!


50Percent_Cooler avatar

Yay! Chat threads are the best!

[](/alltheboops-in-d) you're the best !!

Hmm… shawarma, maybe.

[](/yayflutter-in-d) nice choice !!

Chat threads!

[](/sillyclose-in-d) but what should they be about?


[](/sillyheart-in-d) yes, you are !!


Counterpoint: you.

Yep! You like it?

Uh… stuff?

I agree. You are neat!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

Counterpoint: you.

[](/ccrdboop-in-d) what about you?

Yep! You like it?

[](/tavidrool-in-d) yes !!

Uh… stuff?

[](/bpthink-in-d) what kind of stuff?

I agree. You are neat!

[](/blackjackboop-in-d) you equally !!

CrystalLord, in Chat Thread Time!!
CrystalLord avatar

[](/twisad) No ponymotes on kbin for Android yet. At least they work on desktop.


[](/twismile) My favourite food is pumpkin fritters. Ootachi, a friend and I made some for our 1st anniversary last year!

I also really like sweet and spicy stir fry. That was the first thing I cooked for Ootachi when they first arrived in the USA.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

No ponymotes on kbin for Android yet. At least they work on desktop.

[](/fluffycry-in-d) nooooooo!!! ;0; you need to add build-in ponymote support to Android

My favourite food is pumpkin fritters. Ootachi, a friend and I made some for our 1st anniversary last year!

[](/flutterawe-in-d) those look really good !! make some for me 🥺

I also really like sweet and spicy stir fry. That was the first thing I cooked for Ootachi when they first arrived in the USA.

that also sounds really good, i need some 🥺

also both of the examples of when you had those two foods are very cute

Jibodeah, in Chat Thread Time!!
Jibodeah avatar

[](/beelieve)post anything (that follows the rules), wow what freedom.

I had a banoffee pie so good once the memory of it still haunts me to this day

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/piecupcakeget-d) gimme the banoffee pie :pleading_face:

50Percent_Cooler, in Hello little gay people on the internet
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/sillysleep-d) eepy sleeby Jibosleeby

50Percent_Cooler, in I downloaded BPM just for this ... Magazine?
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/ccrdboop-d) there sadly isn't any mods/addons for ponymotes on Discord anymore, the one that used to exist hasn't worked in years ;0;

there's still the option of posting the images themselves if you have a backup of the ponymotes, i have one if you'd like me to send it to you

Firzen avatar

Nah, it's okay. I tend to fallback onto the Discord emojis anyway. They tend to be quick and easy, provided they're already uploaded.

Thanks though!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/octyvinylboop-d) that's valid

why have ponymotes when we can have Firzenmotes

50Percent_Cooler, in If Plounge is so good
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/bpthink-d) if /u/bezkil is so good, why isn't there a /u/bezkil 2? because the first was already perfect

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