The PLounge

SubparUsername47, in Question thing

I posted this under another section of the kbin thing too, but that part doesn’t display as well so I’m reposting it here to make it more visible.


[](/simplyrose-d) kbin could do with making itself at least a little more intuitive, yeah, or at least clarify that "new article" means "new thread" and that "post" is for the free-for-all forum thingy


Yeah. That’d be nice. The ‘article’ title makes it sound like I’m writing something fancy, too, and that’s a bit intimidating.

50Percent_Cooler, in Planet of Lana is really good
50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/bleh-d) honestly the ponymotes work so well on here, better than any other non-reddit website i've tried. also Planet of Lana looked really good and looks almost as sweet as you

50Percent_Cooler avatar

it's also good that they work because posting ponymotes as images makes them really squished :pensive:

50Percent_Cooler, in Plounge Kbin Dead Hour Thread: (please tell me what I should do for the number because this isn’t the subreddit.) Secret edition!
50Percent_Cooler avatar

Do you have any secrets?

[](/pinkiesecret-in-d) that's a secret

Will you tell me them? (You probably shouldn’t.)

[](/twisecret-in-d) that'd also be a secret :p

How are you liking kbin?

[](/sillysurprise-in-d) hmm, i like the federated nature of it, and not having /u/spez is nice, but there are things i miss from Reddit, like i feel the UI/UX could be a bit better on here. but it's still pretty great considering it's not made by a massive corporation.

How’d you find this place?

[](/lyrapeace-in-d) a certain someone Crystal linked the magazine to me

How’d you find Plounge in general?

[](/sillycelebrate-in-d) i originally found it via r/random, and a few months/years after that i remembered finding it just as i was starting to get back into MLP, and was wondering the chronological order of the EQG movies and when i should watch them (asking that was the first post i ever made on PLounge)

What’ve you been up to lately?

[](/starlightyouknow-in-d) hmm, mostly just playing games. i started playing Disco Elysium recently and it's really good.

a friend gave me a free key to Walking Dead Saints & Sinners, which is a VR Walking Dead game and also pretty cool and fun.

i also finished watching Serial Experiments Lain earlier today, which is a really good anime.

i also just watched Into the Spiderverse also today, which is probably the best superhero/comicbook movie i've ever seen, it probably also helps that Spider-Man was already my favourite superhero.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/mightyshrimps-d-spin-1) honestly ponymotes are displaying really well on kbin, wayy better than they do on Discord these days. sadly you can't preview the ponymote on here before posting it, but after that it displays perfectly


That’s a good secret. Best information to hide is whether you have information to hide or not.

Fair enough.

I’d agree with your statement. My username goes off the screen a little on mobile.

Ooh, same here!

That’s a good way to find it. Glad you stuck around!

Good to hear!

Ooh, neat! I remember watching the show. Hope the game’s fun!


Ooh, awesome! I’ll have to watch it.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

My username goes off the screen a little on mobile.

[](/kstarlightconfused-in-d) i have the same problem with with my name on mobile too, i thought maybe it was some kind of issue with my scaling settings

That’s a good way to find it. Glad you stuck around!

[](/snowfalldaw-r-d-in) thank youuu !!

Ooh, neat! I remember watching the show. Hope the game’s fun!

[](/speckcomputer-in-d) yeah, the show is probably one of the best anime i've ever seen, i'm probably gonna rewatch it at some point, and also play the Lain game as well.

also the Walking Dead game is pretty fun, so far it seems like it's the sort of game where you have a little hub area where you build and craft and sleeb, and go out on missions to gather supplies and do quests.

Ooh, awesome! I’ll have to watch it.

[](/vsspider-r-in-d) it was really good! i'm excited to watch the sequel that came out recently


Aw. Sad to hear that you have the same problem. Hope it gets fixed!

Of course!

Glad to hear that it was that good! What’d you like about it that made it one of your favorites?

Ooh, neat! Glad to hear that it’s fun. Those types of games are cool.

Hope you have fun!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

Aw. Sad to hear that you have the same problem. Hope it gets fixed!

[](/starlightconcern-in-d-r) i hope so too, it isn't a massive issue but it'd be cool if they fixed it

Glad to hear that it was that good! What’d you like about it that made it one of your favorites?

[](/sleepygamerluna-in-d) hmm, a lot of reasons.

i like how weird and strange it is, i haven't really seen anything like it before.

i feel that Lain's experiences in the Wired feels relatable to my experiences with the internet.

i like how 'unsure' everything is, like everything is not as it seems and there's a deep meaning behind it, and there's mysteries to uncover in the story.

i like the art, animation, and music in it, and i feel Lain is an extremely interesting character.

i also like the similarities it has The Matrix, which i think was inspired by Serial Experiments Lain.

Ooh, neat! Glad to hear that it’s fun. Those types of games are cool.

[](/rdboop-in-d) you're neat, fun, and cool !!

Hope you have fun!

[](/sillyboop-d-in) thank youu


Yeah, I feel the same way. Not the biggest problem, but it’d be nice if it was fixed.

That’s always fun. Something different.

Neat! I certainly hope that’s a good thing.

Ooh, yeah, that kind of thing is always fun.

All good reasons to like a show.

Ooh, cool!

I can certainly see why you like the show.

Also you.

Of course!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

That’s always fun. Something different.

[](/flutterpinkboop-in-d) you're fun! and yeah, i feel the show has a lot of different nuances and elements that ultimately make is really amazing

Neat! I certainly hope that’s a good thing.

[](/bpthink-in-d) hmm, i think i feel like that the feeling of experiencing the internet and learning about it and uncovering its mysteries is what feels relatable to me. the feeling of being in this thing that's so big and massive that it's difficult to comprehend it all. i can't necessarily relate to all the awful stuff that happens to Lain, but i think i can relate to her feelings of barely understanding what's going on, and in some ways feeling powerless to do things, especially early on in the show.

I can certainly see why you like the show.

[](/twiheehee-in-d) yeahhh, i do :p

Also you.

[](/alltheboops-in-d) you as well !!


Once again, also you. Show sounds neat!

Oh yeah, being confronted by the vast and incomprehensible. I can see how one could relate to that.


Mostly you, though.

CrystalLord, in Plounge Kbin Dead Hour Thread: (please tell me what I should do for the number because this isn’t the subreddit.) Secret edition!
CrystalLord avatar

Do you have any secrets?

Oh so many.

Will you tell me them? (You probably shouldn’t.)

No [](/twiright)

How’d you find this place?

So this is a somewhat long story, because I have a history of trying to find Reddit alternatives. As it turns out, I really, really like forums? Lemmy and Kbin haven't been the first attempts at this. Nor was Reddit the first. But I found Kbin in particular because I felt Lemmy had too much Tankie for me. After some digging, I have found I do not like the devs at all. So alternatives of alternatives we go!

How are you liking kbin?

Uh. Not super hopeful? At least while it's a "very early beta".

How’d you find Plounge in general?

Mane subreddit had it in its sidebar. I was in a big pony binge, and I wanted all the pony communities. Back then, PLounge was crazy active. It was probably very similar to /r/196 back in the day, except with text posts and not images. Not 30 minutes would go by without a new post. You could keep refreshing the page and there would always be someone new talking about something.

What’ve you been up to lately?


Too many things oh god you have no idea


50Percent_Cooler avatar

But I found Kbin in particular because I felt Lemmy had too much Tankie for me

[](/stalinglimmer-in-d) wow Crystal, you're not a Tankie???

i thought i knew you ;-; /j

Not 30 minutes would go by without a new post. You could keep refreshing the page and there would always be someone new talking about something.

[](/starlightbloops-in-r-d) maybe it'll be like that here someday? though idk if you'd want to have to deal with moderating that many posts

Too many things oh god you have no idea

[](/flutterawe-in-r-d) tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Cwystal


Fair enough.

That’s probably good.

Oh yeah, I think I remember you telling me this.

Oh. That bug doesn’t seem good. And not being hopeful about an idea that hasn’t really worked out before (Reddit alternative) is fair enough. Here’s hoping it turns out better than expected!

Wow, that sounds amazing! Hope we can make something at least a little like that here.

Hope you reach less stressful days soon.

Kody02, (edited ) in Plounge Kbin Dead Hour Thread: (please tell me what I should do for the number because this isn’t the subreddit.) Secret edition!

Hmm, new plounge new numbers? It's easier than trying to somehow consolidate the two numbering sequences, anyway.

Also hello!


Also yes. I'm the one who ate the fancy soaps you bought for the bathroom.

A nerd from the lake, their arm clad in the finest cheeto dust and shimmering in the light of the moon, reached out to me and held aloft a jar of bees, signifying to me, Natalie, that I was to take the bees and lead on to greatness. That is why I am here.

I've been working through physical therapy and trying to get my hand moving properly again. Not much interesting, I'm afraid. How've you been?

50Percent_Cooler avatar

how did you get ponymotes to display correctly??


Apparently, just putting a backslash to cancel kbin's own formatting does the trick.

50Percent_Cooler avatar

[](/flutterrosecuddle-d) i figured it out !!

thank you :pleading_face:



sure thing, ur cute

50Percent_Cooler avatar

reached out to me and held aloft a jar of bees

[](/sillydramatic-in-d) who put the bees in a jar and why

signifying to me, Natalie, that I was to take the bees and lead on to greatness. That is why I am here.

[](/sillybeecuddle-in-d) that's because you are the greatest of them all, the most valid and cute girl in all of reality

I've been working through physical therapy and trying to get my hand moving properly again. Not much interesting, I'm afraid.

[](/holyshithands-d-in) i hope your hand gets better ;-; also you're very interesting


[](/colgatederp-d) I have no clue, but the bees are becoming quite miffed. Someone please take the jar back.


[](/roseluckheart) omg, but ur just as cute and valid and stuff

Thank you, hopefully my hand will be back to its old self soon. also u 2, very interesting girl

50Percent_Cooler avatar

I have no clue, but the bees are becoming quite miffed. Someone please take the jar back.

[](/sillybee-in-d) are the bees cute at least?

omg, but ur just as cute and valid and stuff

[](/roselily-in-d) but what about you thoughhh???

Thank you, hopefully my hand will be back to its old self soon.

[](/trixlightcryhug-in-d) i hope so too ;-;

also u 2, very interesting girl

[](/nou-in-d) but nou


[](/myobees-d) yis, they're smol and v v fuzzy


[](/cuterose-d) But what about u 2 tho



thank you, interesting qt girl :3

50Percent_Cooler avatar

yis, they're smol and v v fuzzy

[](/octyvinylboop-d-in) you're smol and v v fuzzy, a v v cute and adorable spider girl

But what about u 2 tho

[](/rose3-in-d) but what about u most?

thank you, interesting qt girl :3

[](/flutterpinkboop-in-d) you're welcome, most interesting and adorable qt girl


Seems like a good idea, though I also considered keeping the old numbers for tradition’s sake. Suppose it’ll be something to figure out.



Aw. I wanted to eat those.

Fair enough. That sort of thing happens sometimes, and it’s always best to heed the call.

What happened? Do you want to talk about it? Hope you get better soon.

I’m doing pretty well myself. Got a root canal tomorrow, though.



Aye, new platform new challenges.

If it makes you feel better, the soaps were delicious. Though it made me bubbly.

Indeed, thus I am here and I'm ready to be a pain in the butt like always.

I broke part of my wrist; and now that it's unbroken enough to do things, they're having me do things. Thank you for the good wishes :3

Ow, hopefully it goes well for you. And now you know why you need to brush your teeth.



That makes me feel worse. Now I need to get more soap.

I’m glad you’re here!

Glad to hear that it’s getting better!

Yep! Been getting better about that, at least.


[](/krosehat-d) Just be sure you don't get soap poisoning.

Aw, thanks <3

ye :3

very good, yes. Healthy dentition is important for the goal of not losing all your teeth before you're 30 :3


Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I’m a big fan of taking chances.

Of course!


But what if I want to lose all my teeth?

Kody02, (edited ) in Home is where the PLounge is

[](/saltydash-d) gay

50Percent_Cooler, in Home is where the PLounge is
50Percent_Cooler avatar

/sillycelebrate thanks for making this, Crystal !!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

okay ponymotes don't work





CrystalLord avatar

[](/sillycelebrate) I gotchu



Omg how do I ponymote on here.

CrystalLord avatar

Check the other "article" I made? I gave a quick example.


[](/saltydash) what if i dont wanna read

SubparUsername47, in Home is where the PLounge is

Hello! Neat to see that this came out of that discussion at the DHT last night. Hmm… maybe I should do a secret DHT here to celebrate its opening!

50Percent_Cooler avatar

you should do it !!


Perhaps I will. Secret Dead Hour Thread!

Also, how’d you find this place?

50Percent_Cooler avatar

Crystal sent a link to me

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