
Trump didn’t lower taxes for people during his term. Sure, he issued a temporary 2% tax rate reduction, but he’s a shifty little lair, and he eliminated several tax credits that benefitted ordinary working people, and people paying student loans, and students, and parents. My tax bill went up $2000 under his “tax reduction”. He’s a fucking scammer, and a lair, and it’s pathetic that 30% of Americans can’t see that.


Don’t you believe everyone should pay their fair share?

Or do you think everyone should pay your way?


Your question attempts to shift the conversation to some ideological argument rather than addressing the reality of the statement. Taxes for ordinary people went up under trump.


A second Biden term would be good to force the country into reality of the consequences of their choices once suburban women become too broke to travel, have to share one vehicle, have to cut back on clothes shopping, and no more lattes/frapucinos, and cut back a lot on restaurants.


Hell people learned that the first term


At some point it’s not the fault of the people, it’s the fault of those that own the system the people are trapped in.

You can’t keep blaming consumer spending habits as cost of living rises and pay stays mostly stagnant. Eventually, if you want anything fixed you need to acknowledge it’s corporations and the ultra-wealthy adding to their wealth that’s mainly the problem.


The more the wealthy are taxed, the more that working people are garaunteed to forever stay poor. What would make it fair is eliminate the payroll tax, eliminate corporate tax because corporations only exist on paper, they do not use any resources, the people do. Also, eliminate the income tax, and cut government funding, cut government programs, cut government spending. Then replace it with either a single universale flat tax so everybody can do their taxes on a single page, or a consumption tax, but never both taxes.


The more the working people are taxes, the more the working people are guaranteed to forever stay poor as well.

Your idea for cutting government funding, programs and government spending basically renders the government more useless than it already is.

Rather than continuing to cut more and more from the patient until nothing is left and they die, we should be scrutinizing the doctors (government officials) more about the choices they make behind closed doors.

Repealing citizens united would be a start. We can’t get anywhere without preventing government officials from being bought by megacorps. Let’s start there.



A government so small that it can be drowned in a bathtub is a free citizenry.


No, it’s a dead and incapable government.

Might as well be for all-out anarchy.

If you want to root our government corruption you go after the officials’ money, not the government’s.

In the USA we elect them to do a job. We’re basically their bosses already. The problem is with money coming in from elsewhere they’re not beholden to us, so people tend to forget that.


I am 100% against everything you said. Government itself is the problem. I would argue that government is the greatest evil in society. I’m fully against you on all of it.


That statement was untrue when Reagan said it and it’s still untrue today.

How much longer until we see trickle down economics taking effect?


“coming your way”. They are coming to corporations. The conservatives are trying to spin that these tax increases to corporations will just be passed on to consumers, like that’s our problem.

Households bear the burden of the corporate income tax in the form of higher prices and slower wage growth. Companies do not simply absorb the tax, it is passed on to all of us.

Yeah like not taxing the rich is definitely lowering prices. Suddenly conservatives don’t like the free market so much. They want you to forget that we’re fine with them increasing the prices, they’ve increased them so much someone else will start becoming cheaper, and that’s what they don’t want.


Exactly. They’re paying substantially lower taxes now, but they keep raising prices. They will never pass savings on to consumers, only expenses.


“coming your way”. They are coming to corporations. The conservatives are trying to spin that these tax increases to corporations will just be passed on to consumers, like that’s our problem.

Households bear the burden of the corporate income tax in the form of higher prices and slower wage growth. Companies do not simply absorb the tax, it is passed on to all of us.

Yeah like not taxing the rich is definitely lowering prices. Suddenly conservatives don’t like the free market so much. They want you to forget that we’re fine with them increasing the prices, they’ve increased them so much someone else will start becoming cheaper, and that’s what they don’t want.

Theyre also hoping you don’t click on Trumps tax plan. Trump is whining his super plan is going to expire, but that plan was for the rich

Enacted by former President Donald Trump in 2017, the law drastically overhauled the nation’s tax code, including reducing the top individual income tax bracket to 37% from 39.6% and nearly doubling the size of the standard deduction.

Alice, avatar

I have a question


Tax the obscenely rich, and spend it on better goals. There’s a huge problem with wealth inequality at the cost of majority well-being and it’s going to take taxes to fix it.


We already tax the rich. They already pay more than their fair share. If you have proof otherwise, I’d like to see it. The last tax cut actually increased revenue.


Just a heads up, you’ll never be rich and part of their club. But please, for entertainment, keep defending them.


I am fairly wealthy. I earn in the top in the top 5%. I’m in the top 1% for wealth While I’m not rich in your eyes, i am in the eyes of most people.


I don’t doubt you have wealth and live comfortably. I’m just saying you will never be RICH rich so why defend them?


How do you define rich?


Who cares? You want to tell people online you are rich by fartington’s definition? I don’t care how wealthy you are, it does not matter. All I said was you are not, and will never be, in the ultra rich club you love to defend.


It matters because you use the term. As such it’s only fair to define the word. You claim I’m not in a club but won’t define the criteria. It’s just trolling to troll. I’m not a billionaire and wouldn’t want to be. I have enough wealth to retire now and spend over a million a year and never run out. Well unless Biden gets a second term then we are all screwed.

I defend what’s fair.


This reply shows I was correct.


It does not. It show you can’t act in good faith and are just rolling. I’d be impacted by the tax increase. So yes, I care about my tax rates. You just babble and try to look silly. We are not the same


My original reply was in reference to ultra rich people, which you are not. Why are you talking about your personal tax rate? Ban me for ‘rolling’ again, but please learn how to comprehend what you read.


So you didn’t read the article, don’t understand takes and won’t define your words then say but you are not part is the group but I won’t define the group. Even though impacted the same way.


The article has nothing to do with my original reply. You seem mad that you aren’t in their club but that’s not my fault. Shoulda worked harder.


Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I’m not mad at all. I’m very happy where I sit financially.


I’m not surprised that you’re not sure how I came to that conclusion.


Well explain. I need a good chuckle.



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  • GrymEdm,

    Here’s an Oxfam report on wealth inequality. Some excerpts:

    • “Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest men, paid a “true tax rate” of about 3 percent between 2014 and 2018. Aber Christine, a flour vendor in Uganda, makes $80 a month and pays a tax rate of 40 percent.”
    • “Worldwide, only four cents in every tax dollar now comes from taxes on wealth. Half of the world’s billionaires live in countries with no inheritance tax for direct descendants. They will pass on a $5 trillion tax-free treasure chest to their heirs, more than the GDP of Africa, which will drive a future generation of aristocratic elites. Rich people’s income is mostly unearned, derived from returns on their assets, yet it is taxed on average at 18 percent, just over half as much as the average top tax rate on wages and salaries.”
    • “During the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis years since 2020, $26 trillion (63 percent) of all new wealth was captured by the richest 1 percent, while $16 trillion (37 percent) went to the rest of the world put together. A billionaire gained roughly $1.7 million for every $1 of new global wealth earned by a person in the bottom 90 percent.”
    • “According to new analysis by the Fight Inequality Alliance, Institute for Policy Studies, Oxfam and the Patriotic Millionaires, an annual wealth tax of up to 5 percent on the world’s multi-millionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion a year, enough to lift 2 billion people out of poverty, fully fund the shortfalls on existing humanitarian appeals, deliver a 10-year plan to end hunger, support poorer countries being ravaged by climate impacts, and deliver universal healthcare and social protection for everyone living in low- and lower middle-income countries.”

    Let’s focus on one as that’s easier.

    Elon Musk, one of the world’s richest men, paid a “true tax rate” of about 3 percent between 2014 and 2018. Aber Christine, a flour vendor in Uganda, makes $80 a month and pays a tax rate of 40 percent.”

    This is false. It’s easy to prove it false. It’s well documented.

    Between 2014 and 2018, Musk paid $455 million in taxes on $1.52 billion of income,…/elon-musk-says-he-will-pay-over-11-bil…

    So how did they come up with 3?

    Technically most of that wasn’t “income”. It’s capital gains. His salary is normally a dollar.


    Here’s another story about the 11-billion tax claim. What your story leaves out is: “The emphasis on Musk’s income comes amid speculation of his past tax filings. In June, a ProPublica investigation found that while Musk’s wealth had grown by nearly $14 billion from 2014 to 2018, he paid $68,000 in federal income tax in 2015, $65,000 in 2017 and none in 2018. Between 2014 and 2018, the investigation found, he had a true tax rate of 3.27%.”

    Here’s the ProPublica investigation mentioned, which is based on IRS documents. “We compared how much in taxes the 25 richest Americans paid each year to how much Forbes estimated their wealth grew in that same time period…According to Forbes, those 25 people saw their worth rise a collective $401 billion from 2014 to 2018. They paid a total of $13.6 billion in federal income taxes in those five years, the IRS data shows. That’s a staggering sum, but it amounts to a true tax rate of only 3.4%.”


    Ignore the 11 billion part. That’s for a different time period. Your quote was from 2014-2018.

    You don’t pay taxes on wealth. So your citation doesn’t understand tax law. Wealth can’t be taxed by the federal government because it’s unconstitutional. Basically they are idiots.

    We pay taxes on income and the rate changes on the type of income. Wealth isn’t income.


    Ignore the 11 billion part.

    You linked the 11-billion story though?

    The attitude of hiding behind loopholes and technicalities is how the US has ended up with in the state shown by this chart and tables - with 2/3rds of wealth owned by the top 10%, and only 3% of wealth held by the bottom 50%. I’ll continue to listen to your arguments, but as fair warning you are unlikely to convince me that the bottom 170ish million US citizens should only have access to 3% of the wealth (2023 data btw).


    You linked the 11-billion story though?

    As it had the 2014-2018 numbers.

    The attitude of hiding behind loopholes and technicalities is how

    It’s neither. It’s how our tax code is written. Most of their wealth I would assume is stock. It isn’t cash.

    Almost all of elons wealth is stock.

    I’d be fine saying stock sales are ordinary income including SS and Medicare. That would end some of this.

    I’d be fine counting personal loans as income and rebate if needed when paid off.

    Since capital gains are taxed lower. Many people have converted their pay to stock.


    It’s neither. It’s how our tax code is written.

    In my defense, that’s precisely why I opened with the idea that we should tax the obscenely rich. As in, change the tax code. I haven’t alleged that Elon et al are criminally evading taxes (although I’ve heard rumblings of it happening in some cases), but rather I say the code needs to be revisited with levelling inequality in mind. I’ve even heard people like Mark Cuban explicitly say they believe their economic peer group should be taxed heavily. "Cuban urges people to get so “obnoxiously rich that when that tax bill comes, your first thought will be to choke on how big a check you have to write. Your 2nd thought will be ‘what a great problem to have,’ and your 3rd should be a recognition that in paying your taxes you are helping to support millions of Americans that are not as fortunate as you.”

    Since capital gains are taxed lower. Many people have converted their pay to stock.

    A fine example of using technicalities/loopholes/whatever you want to label it as a way to reduce taxes paid. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>


    A fine example of using technicalities/loopholes/whatever you want to label it as a way to reduce taxes paid.

    It’s neither. It’s using the tax code to their advantage. Just as we do every year. Loophole makes it sound like it wasn’t designed that way.

    I am 100% against taxing wealth but I am onboard for forcing people to covert wealth to cash to be taxed. The loans are something I despise. That really is a pet peeve of mine.

    I also don’t mind PUBLiC companies having more regulations such as total comp can’t exceed x of the lowest paid employee.

    Part of the wealth gap is caused by the stock market. If they want the benefit of the stock market. They should have more regulations.

    The problem though is congress is tied to the hip to these people and that is why things done change

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    That’s why I specified you may call it whatever you wish to. The important bit is not the words used, it’s the fact that less taxes are paid. Going back to the Oxfam report I linked: “Worldwide, only four cents in every tax dollar now comes from taxes on wealth.” and “A billionaire gained roughly $1.7 million for every $1 of new global wealth earned by a person in the bottom 90 percent.”

    No matter how those facts are coming to be real, or how you wish to fix it, or what you want to call it, that is the situation I would like to have remedied by taxation or other forced redistribution of wealth. I’m not even full communist or anything - I firmly believe we need distinct economic tiers to encourage people to perform. You don’t get enough surgeons if you pay everyone a cashier’s wage regardless of job. But there’s a huge amount of room for correcting wealth inequality that allows the wealthy to enjoy the best life has to offer while still preventing the (IMO) injustice of current economic reality.


    firmly believe we need distinct economic tiers to encourage people to perform

    Agreed. Success and risk should be rewarded.

    In my opinion the whole tax system needs to be redesigned. It’s a total shitshow and most people have no clue how it works.

    I earn in the top 5%. People think trump gave that bracket a huge tax break. He didn’t. It increased my taxes significantly.

    The only thing I’m against changing is taxing wealth.


    Last tax increase I got was under trump…


    Same here and it was substantial.


    Uhhh, the Trump-era tax rates most affect those making under $200k, through 2025 I believe.

    Whatever tax increases you’re feeling it’s more likely to be thanks to Trump.


    I am aware and even said my taxes went up under Trump. The salt cap hurt hard.


    Yep, and it’s gonna get worse after next year when the credits fully expire.


    Notice Biden didn’t remove the salt limit.

    Its really a blue state tax.


    Joe “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden didn’t introduce sweeping tax reforms?

    Not surprising when you also consider the House is republican-led and can’t even vote in lockstep with each other, let alone work across the aisle (unless of course it’s to ban the people from doing something).

    Also not surprising when the last Republican senate supermajority passed a bill requiring a supermajority to pass anything, which means an almost evenly divided senate has the same problem as the House.

    Color me shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you.

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