Otome-chan avatar

the ml in lemmy.ml stands for Marxist-Leninist...

@sisyphean@programming.dev avatar

Oh wow someone finally explained it! Thanks!

Otome-chan avatar

it was more of a joke but... yeah I think that might actually have been the intent lol


It unfortunately is very much the intent, but they don't want to say that up front because no one would join.

Deceptichum avatar

Well it’s not like they’re based in Mali. Had to have been intentional for that reason.


Mali was the first African country to give away a tld for free. That's probably why it was used.

Otome-chan avatar

alternatively: they're just really into machine learning


The best recruitment are liberals hyping up how we're a bunch of genocidal maniacs only for users to see that is utter bullshit. So please, keep screeching about tankies. It's free advertisement for us and also amusing to watch anticommunists (inb4 tankies are't real communists) make fools of themselves.

CascadeDismayed, (edited )

Only Reddit neoliberal crybabies whine about "tankies". From what I can see it's mostly baseless accusations/smear campaign because as I said, they are crybabies who cannot deal with the real world. It's an open source project. His views are not relevant to the discussion and not particularly that uncommon outside of isolated Westerner bubbles. Spez the Reddit CEO was the moderator of a paedophile subreddit (jailbait) but nobody is up in arms about that or concerned about going back if the API changes are rolled back. Those people are as lost as old people who love FoxNews, Facebook or any other commercially charged propaganda vehicle.

These leftists you hate so much have done something good. They've seized the means of communication for you. It's open source and decentralised, it's up to you (the community) what to do with it. If you are hardstuck on this then I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but the dev ain't one.


tbh after a few weeks these same libs will flock back towards reddit anyway, a few weeks of slacktivism is as much as they can do.


It's not such a bad combination to be a tankie and an open source software developer.

It's a problem to be a tankie and an admin/mod for the flagship instance.


It's only a problem if you allow your personal worldview to affect your moderation.. a tendency that sadly most moderators have. I've found lemmy.ml to be one of the more permissive instances where viewpoints of all sides are permitted. Unfortunately many others (you know who you are) are in danger of becoming walled gardens and echo chambers.

@passport@sh.itjust.works avatar

There's a large overlap between people who are sympathetic to terrible dictators and people who would be happy to be dictators

@passport@sh.itjust.works avatar

rather than leaving the platform, find or host yourself an instance that blocks the tankie instances... I'm loving sh.itjust.works so far, which blocks lemmygrad.ml - that's the beauty of federation

Otome-chan avatar

tfw kbin doesn't block any instances and just watching the drama of different instances block each other 🍿

grus avatar

Hello fellow kbinner... kbinnite... kbinmate... what's the word we're calling each other again? Anyway, I feel the same way.
One of the main reasons why I didn't choose lemmy was explicitly because the kind of red authoritarian crowd they seemed to attract. Sure, there's gonna be people like that on kbin as well, but so far it's been pretty decent from my point of view.
Ngl, the drama is pretty nice when you're not involved in it 🍿

Otome-chan avatar

kbinmate is funny. the two I've been seeing people use are kbinauts and kbeans. I prefer kbinaut. My decision to join kbin was actually based on the ui; I'm not exactly a fan of the way lemmy is set up. but the weird mod situation over at lemmy.ml also kinda pushed me to kbin.


kbinger? kbinotreddit?

I actually started on the lemmy side of things but the politics and drama on beehaw and lemmy.ml just drove me away. It was also crazy to me the devs of lemmy.ml were openly denying genocide and other atrocities (and it some instances almost cheering for that stuff) but beehaw refused to defederate with them. And then what would you know, beehaw defederates from.. wait what? lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works?? confused_will_smith.jpg

anyways, the drama and politics are stupid and will drive away new users from joining. the main dev at kbin has been very proactive at answering bug and feature request tickets. Me and some others set up some new kbin instances to help share the load and a few of us devs are hoping to help out ernest with the dev work he has for kbin


doesn’t Kbin.social block lemmygrad?

I haven’t really cared to check, but I thought it was the only thing it’s defederated from.

Otome-chan avatar

Nope. See here. clear lemmygrad magazine and we can see and interact just fine. I've also seen lemmygrad users comment here and there. Their stuff doesn't pop up often for me, but it's clear we're federated.

Edit: here's the lemmygrad feed you can see that it has stuff from lemmygrad users a mere 10 hours ago. and afaik neither way defederated since then.

Edit 2: this lemmygrad comment was left just 4 hours ago. so again recent.


This is happening on lemmy.ml I can cope with there being instances for tankies, what's bothering me is one of the main instances pretending their not so that they can push straight up recruitment shit at people who don't know.

@passport@sh.itjust.works avatar

It doesn't have to be a main instance if enough people come into the other instances, and there's plenty of content elsewhere. I don't interact with lemmy.ml at all personally.


Is Reddit just a liberal recruitment zone?

If you cannot exist in spaces displaying different political opinions without feeling affected you either are a child and therefore easily molded or the ideas speak to you on a fundamental level. If neither is true then you can just ignore it, no?

Balssh avatar

Straight up denying genocides or claiming absurd things is not “displaying different political opinions” thought.


"Genocide" is a word that should be used sparingly. Just like homicide is used to describe killing a person, genocide means killing a people. Persecution of minorities, though horrific does not always rise to the level of genocide.

In the struggle between democracy and dictatorship, it is crucial that democracies tell the truth in plain language. Dictatorships will always lie and obfuscate to conceal their true nature. Democracies can tell it like it is. Bear this in mind when deciding whether to call something a genocide.

Balssh avatar

While I agree with your stance, I think what China does to the Uyghurs (arbitrary detention of Uyghurs in state-sponsored internment camps, forced labor, suppression of Uyghur religious practices, political indoctrination, severe ill-treatment, forced sterilization, forced contraception, and forced abortion. - as per Wiki) can be classified as genocide, even if they are not putting them in gas chambers.


I consider myself a centrist. I think Leninists and Maoists both have good ideas. :)

ttzera, (edited )

Dios mío. (Draw a cross.) A LIBERAL!

flibbertigibbet, (edited )

The way things are on there I can't even tell if this is just a joke.

@passport@sh.itjust.works avatar

wow what a centrist username I truly believe this comment


You might start by researching the global definition of centrist.

@passport@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's definitely not "communist"


As others have said, come join us in kbin land :) There are some other kbin instances listed here on the project website if you want to sign up on one other than the main instance: https://kbin.pub/en

I just opened up user registrations on mine yesterday so it hasn't been added to that page yet.

I say come give it a try! It's cool that kbin has lemmy + kbin + mastodon integration. Kind of a one stop hub for all the content. I'm hoping down the line we can get matrix integration and some other fediverse stuff.

exohuman avatar

You can join /kbin. I joined kbin over Lemmy after researching the creators. From kbin, you can still interact with Lemmy instances but you won’t be on a platform owned by tankies.

Ginkko117 avatar

Well, I guess we should consider it as one of the trials of freedom. Either you live in a walled garden, or you have to be conscious about what you're interacting with and exercise critical thinking. If you don't want to be associated with genocide supporters - don't register on tankie instances, or even don't subscribe to any content from them. It should be a personal decision of every user (or instance maintainer for that matter - defederation is also an option, simply because instance maintainers are also people).
Another important thing is to speak up about it - to raise awareness, so to speak. It's perfectly reasonable to state what the worldview of tankie admins is - in threads like this, as well as on other platforms. I was considering lemmy.ml as Reddit replacement at first, but saw a comment on one of the Fediverse sites and digged more into this.


Probably a good idea to fork Lemmy at some point.

Deceptichum avatar

Or just use KBin.


I have an account there too. Two problems for me there at the moment and they're both technical. I can't find a native mobile client for it (mobile web is ok but not ideal) and iirc it's written in PHP which is problematic. I think a reasonable answer is both.


Why is PHP problematic? It’s not a fantastic language, but it’s perfectly functional.

Source: 80% of my code base at work is in PHP


I guess just from my experience with system administration over a long time. I've seen many problems (security, maintainability) in implementations in PHP - maybe it's not the language but the projects which choose it? Anyway, that's the association it has for me.


KBin is written in PHP? Oof.


Yeah, it's a bit of a conundrum. Lemmygrad is the most egregious part of it and easy to block thankfully.
But I agree with some of the other posters that lemmy.ml is still pretty bad in terms of what gets allowed and who gets modetated. Luckily, this still is not an unsolvable problem in a federated world. Of course lemmy.ml could also just be blocked, but many instances will probably be reluctant to do that, as it also hosts some of the bigger communities currently. But we can make an effort to prioritize non lemmy.ml communities over their counterpart, a different meme community over memes@lemmy.ml etc, and if consensus is strong enough and enough communities shift, lemmy.ml could theoretically find itself in a position where it will have to clean up their moderation practices or risk wider defederation.


Keep politics in political subs.


Yes, the Lemmy devs are tankies and actively deny human rights violations


So true! They even deny that Iraq had WMDs and that they were chucking babies out of incubators. Monsters.


Honestly they don't seem to be bothered about denying human rights violations they seem to think they're a good thing.


Come on over to kbin :)

Sinclair-Speccy avatar

@Habnab Kbin good B)

JasSmith, (edited )

Is lemmy.ml just a tankie recruitment zone?

Yes. Check out the comments on this meta post. They ban people for "orientalism" and "sinophobia," meaning "talking poorly about China." I was banned because I criticised the Lemmy developer and owner of Lemmy.ml, Dessalines, for denying the Uyghur genocide. Check out the exchange below. You'll notice that many of the comments and users support China, claim no genocide is occurring, deny the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and even claim China is a democracy. Dessalines has been curating a communist community over there for years. He's just careful to hide that during signup.

That said, just because one instance is terrible doesn't mean all other instances are terrible. kbin.social is awesome. Lemmy.world is awesome. There are lots of instances you can interact with which have nothing to do with communism.

Nepenthe avatar

Dude just straight whataboutism'd mass rape. Christ, did I dodge a bullet.

dukes00 avatar

Do you have a screenshot of them denying the Tiananmen Square Massacre? I'm not saying that they did not say that, I'm just curious what amount of gymnastics does it take to deny that.


Sadly not, but they removed this comment of mine four days ago, which discussed the TSM. You can find it in the modlog (lemmy.ml/modlog).

Removed Comment > "China has 1.4 billion people. Do you really think they have the ability and/or need to “squash” protests and prevent any protest from ever happening? No. They have a healthy democracy where people are involved in voicing their opinions, and protesting if it ever comes to that. Please stop ingesting so much xenophobic propaganda and learn more about the countries of which you speak." [quote text of the user to which I was replying]

First, China literally "squashed" hundreds of protesting students in the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. I encourage you to read the harrowing accounts of survivors about how the military used tanks to grind bodies into the ground and then hose them into the sewers. Secondly, China is currently committing ethnic genocide of millions of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. Lastly, China isn't a democracy. Elections in China occur under a political system controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with all candidate nominations pre-approved by the CCP. CCP regulations require members of the People's Congresses, People's Governments, and People's Courts to implement CCP recommendations (including nominations). It blows my mind to find someone who speaks so confidently about something they know so little. If you're so confident in your proposition, why don't you fly over to China and try a little protest about Xi. I've been to China many times. They made the rules clear to me: if I involved myself in anything political I was liable for life in prison or even execution. by @JasSmith


How dare the lemmy devs believe in reality instead of US State Department propaganda!


I think you're dumb, but I want to be clear that I respect your right to say dumb things here. I hope we remain federated with lemmygrad.ml. I much prefer to be able to disagree with people than just silence them. I say this despite knowing that, as an authoritarian, you feel the exact opposite.


Probably the same liberals that whine about Sage spaces in “college.”


lemmy.ml is federated with most other instances (yes, including lemmygrad.ml). I would say the content on lemmy.ml is pretty indicative of the norm across the fediverse. my feed is diverse enough to remain interesting to me without many extreme examples of any sort.

various instances will have different vibes and different local content. find instances that you jive with and you are golden. if those instances generally play nice with the network at large, then their content will be available widely. if not, then just center your experience around the local content on those instances.

federation makes.the best of all worlds avaliable to you.


Follow the link, that's happening on lemmy.ml not lemmygrad.ml.


???... and? you have got to self filter the stuff you don't want to see if its that triggering for you. block posters, communities and, if needed, switch instances to something you prefer. there are other instances that offer a more "curated" experience. last resort... set up your own instance - you can be your own god king.

personally I have no issue seeing things i disaree with. If it goes past my personal line, I block.


Most Reddit posts referring to lemmy direct people to lemmy.ml it's effectively the landing page of the platform and if that landing page is being used to recruit people into a shitty authoritarian ideology then that taints the entire platform.


because, for a long time, it was most stable/reliable instance around. thats no longer the case. I can promise you most recommendations out there in the aether right now are not for .ml for many, many reasons and the devs encourage this.

if an instance pulls stupid shit, I move instances. lemmy makes it possible to free yourself from the exact type of authoritarian oppression you just mentioned.

I_Miss_Daniel avatar

Maybe someone should create lemmy.winks - that was also a slightly shitty adventure if I remember right...

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