AccmRazr, to gaming in The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot

Look at this clown! First, they came out saying they weren’t even fans of the material. You have Henry Cavil in the lead role who is a super fan of the source materials arguing with you and the writers about the show. And then you finish it off by blaming the audience for your decisions. Mind you, the audience you have ultimately attracted is largely influenced by the decisions you have made throughout the production of YOUR show. The audience didn’t make this show, YOU did


Is this the same person? This is just an executive producer, not the writer or show runner.

Pretty funny to call out someone for not reading something while simultaneously not reading the article to know who it is you’re even talking about.

Overzeetop avatar

If you're the executive producer, it's your fault that your team members fucked it up. If you cannot find a competent writer to properly express nuance on the screen, it's still your fault. You hired the wrong person to adapt the books. You are the boss, the final say, the one-ass-to-kick when things go wrong. The Witcher is not some nuanced story about regional distinctions in low-visibility communities told in short form, which seems to be his only acclaimed experience, followed by several production failures.

This entire interview comes down to "those lazy zoomers don't know how to appreciate good film." From the description of his past, massive failures it appears to be a problem with his process and ability, not an audience problem.


by several production failures

Hehe savage


If you’re AN executive producer:


If you’re the executive producer, it’s your fault that your team members fucked it up.

Again though, that’s not true.

The Television producer hierarchy has Showrunner at the top, that would be Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. Tomasz Baginski was just an EP on 16 of the episodes, so would not have been in charge of determining the overall series plot.

This entire interview comes down to “those lazy zoomers don’t know how to appreciate good film.”

Yeah, his complaints are that Young Adult material is simplified to be able to hold their attention, that’s not controversial, that’s not new, that’s been the case for literally ever. It’s why book stores have Young Adult fiction separate from more complex and heady adult fiction.

The Witcher found success on TV as a YA show and that has forced them to simplify the plot, something one of the producers didn’t appreciate.

BigVault, to gaming in Peter Molyneux teases new project with idea that's "never been seen in a game" before
BigVault avatar

I've seen this one

empireOfLove, to technology in Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report

Why’s it always end up being fucking ads?

I hate late stage capitalism. I want off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride.


It’s either ads or crabs




The ride never ends


Shareholders prefer constant steady income over one time purchases. Hence why they prefer subscriptions and ads.

Mac, (edited )

Well yeah. Subscriptions make a shitload of money compared to a one-time payment.


I know they do, and I hate it so so much…


Well... Peasants need this hot thing called voting with your feet and money...

Amazing things can be done esp in 100% discretionary sectors.

But nahh...


Nothing will ever change.

You know it, I know it, we all know it.

There is only one thing to be done.

ThunderingJerboa avatar

I mean quite the opposite. Ff you are talking about the plebs, you would have a point but the Unity changes they are now trying to force through are going to other companies who typically don't like it when you mess with their income unexpectedly. They likely will switch to a new engine with their newer projects, so they don't have to deal with a surprise change.

MrCharles, avatar

Sure, bud. You do that.


Hard to disagree but I don't like your attitude dawg


Had me in the first part NGL.

But leaving democracy because capitalism is bah? No.


Democracy isn’t an economic system. You can have communism with democracy and capitalism without it. You maybe wouldn’t get elected as a straight up communist — like an unreformed Maoist or whatever — but democratic socialism is popular across the world.


Democracy isn’t an economic system.

Yes true.

Communism is both non democratic, and an economic system. You cannot have democracy and communism at the same time.

Socialism is in the same vein, but today we often conflate it with social democracy (which seems to be the best of the two worlds nowadays IMO).

Communism is not democratic. Read up ffs. It’s not democratic.

Aceticon, (edited )

Whilst Communism itself (i.e. the utopia were everybody has the same - i.e. Equality Of Outcomes - which, by the way, has never been achieved anywhere in the world) isn’t anti-democratic per-se, the only ideologies that aim to reach it, such as Marxism and all its derivatives, have it being done via the Dictatorship Of The Proletariat (hence the revolutions and then takeover of power in all the self-proclaimed “Communist” countries), which is most definitelly anti-Democratic.

However Leftwing principles aren’t incompatible with Democracy, so Leftwing ideologies exist - such as Social Democracy - which strive for “the greater good for the greatest number” without the need for autoritarian means (i.e. using things like Universal Healthcare, Universal Education, Progressive Taxation and other such things within the context of Democracy, to make the society more equal, especially in terms of Equality Of Opportunities). None of these expects to ever achieve Communist - they actually accept that it’s impossible given human nature - but still try and make a more equal society which maximizes the quality of life for all people.

This stuff has definitelly been done in practice in Democratic nations (for example those in Scandinavia) overlayed on some amount of Capitalism, though as of late with Neoliberalism (which is definitelly incompatible with it) things have been going backwards even there.

I think it’s quite oversimplifying it to say that any ideology that aims for a more equal world is “communism” as that one is quite a specific outcome which can’t really be achieved without forcing people to do certain things against their will and, as history has shown everytime that’s tried, the outcome of taking over power to try and reach Communism is never Communism but rather a new Elite who keep themselves in power through repressing, claim to be representatives of the Proletariat (which giving themselves all kinds of priviledges the proletariat never has) and use certain slogans to try and pass themselves as leftwing.

Judging by the Communist Party in my own country - with it’s habits of Party First in everything (even above those they claim to defend), always having things approved by unanimity in their conventions and hard-on for autocrats - I very much doubt we will ever see anybody coming from that background capable of taking their country in a more equal direction within the constraints of Democracy: they’re simply far too autoritarian, mindless slogan parroting and tribalist to be capable to, in a democratic society, create the necessary consensus for the steady and stable moving of a country towards a grand objective.

Wodge, avatar

Sir, this is a Wendys video game technology thread.


That’s why I’m gonna buy Procreate Dreams even if I’m not an animator.

blazera, to gaming in Peter Molyneux teases new project with idea that's "never been seen in a game" before
blazera avatar

Theres few people in gaming whose word id believe less than his.


All I want him to do is figure out the rights issues and do re-releases of the Black and White games. Populus, Dungeon Keeper and Magic Carpet games. Remasters would be nice, but just get them working 16:9 on modern windows would do.

MxM111 avatar

Oh, I believe him. I just seriously doubt that it is a good idea.


I remember his excitement over his revolutionary idea “you don’t have any control over the dog in this one” - which was just worse in every way.

MxM111 avatar

There is somewhat similar game, where you do not have direct control of your units at all. And it is RTS. It's name is Majesty. And especially the first game is absolutely fantastic!


I mean, there's also dwarf fortress with a little bit more scope and behavior complexity

MxM111 avatar

To think about - nearly any city builder.


Because the sequel removed something that some people complained about. The individualistic behaviour and different patterns of different hero types. Now they are all braindead.


What's with game designers going "Wouldn't it be cool if you couldn't control- ?"

No, it's never cool. I'm playing a game. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be better if I can control it.

ripcord avatar

Even the enemies?


I can use this tool called a "weapon" to stop their movement, it's really handy!

chazwhiz, avatar

Nah, it’s an incredible idea, the actual execution just won’t turn out even close to the potential or promise.


Don’t discount Ian Bell. He’s up there for sure.

Kichae, to technology in Unity backtracks slightly on plans to charge developers for game installs

It's too late. Cat's out of the bag. It's crystal clear to everyone now what kind of people run the company, and they're not content to fish for whales anymore.

RandallFlagg, to gaming in Final Fantasy 16 sales did not meet high expectations, says Square Enix president

I’m interested in playing this but I don’t own a PS5 and I’m not buying a whole console for one game. They would have gotten a day 1 sale out of me if they released it on PC.


Ditto for me. I have all Final Fantasy games released on PC, but I can’t justify buying a PS5 for a single game. I’ve chosen to watch a let’s play of the game. Glad I did because it’s definitely not a Final Fantasy I’d play a second time.


Knowing them, they'll probably do it. It'll just take a year or so.

Edit: that said, they should've done it to start with, and not kept it off of X-box. They're killing their brand and mindshare here.

Gordon_Freeman avatar

they'll probably do it

FTFY. The PC version was confirmed a long time ago

stopthatgirl7 avatar

Originally, they did plan to release it on PS5 and PC. My guess is Sony made a timed exclusivity deal with them, which Sony had done with companies before. SE shout themselves in the foot by taking it.

Thebazilly, to gaming in Diablo 4 is down due to a DDoS attack


Reminder that Blizzard sexually harassed an employee literally to death.


Not to mention the kowtowing to China and the countless other controversies. Same thing with Riot Games with their sexual harassment settlement and 100% being owned by Tencent (a company that operates a mass-surveillance network against ethnic minorities). So funny how everyone forgets about these things when a company releases a product they like.

AlteredStateBlob avatar

And then WoW still got kicked out of China. GG Blizzard, GG. God damn Bobby Kotick is a horrible, horrible person. Thinking about dating Bobby Kotick? Don't.

alejandro avatar

Thinking about dating Bobby Kotick? Don't.

Lol that comment is weird as hell without any context. Here's the context for anybody that hasn't seen it.

Virkkunen avatar

It's not that they "forget about it" they just don't care. People want to enjoy things.

If you were to stay on the high horse and stop consuming products and services made by companies with track records like Actiblizzard, you'd probably end living off the grid in a cave


This should be the top comment in anything related to Activision-Blizzard so that people don’t forget. And Bobby Kotick is STILL CEO.


My Blizzy Boycott continues until Bobby is out. I sometimes think about Starcraft but I have held strong so far.

Virkkunen avatar

Okay Mr Redditor, but I just want to enjoy this game with my friends on the weekend before coming back to work on Monday


You can play another game

interolivary, avatar

No, they have to play the one made by a company known for its toxic work culture.

Not that that isn't like 80% of the industry, though…

BettyWhiteInHD avatar

Gamers are so goofy, I swear to god.

We arguably live in a golden age of gaming, there are so many goddamn games to play and people still swarm to the one made by companies that fucking killed people and are actively working to milk as much money out of you as possible and to make the hobby you enjoy worse in the long run in favor for short term profits. This is why people don't take you people seriously.


This is capitalism at its finest. I do not have time to care about the people who made this. I do not want to care about them. I am too overworked to have time to find another hobby. I just want to escape by any means necessary with others before I must return to the grind. I understand this feeling completely and don't fault you.

AnonymousLlama avatar

People are generally pretty keen on being on their high horses when it comes to philosophical questions about which company is "good" and how no one should play their games ever because of previous mis-steps

It's pretty unrealistic to expect the vast majority of people who just want to play games with their friends to not play them because of ideological reasons.

Sucks to not be about to play with your mates

ampersandrew avatar

You don't have to expect the vast majority of people to see things your way, but you can explain to your friends that it's important to not support Blizzard due to X, Y, or Z, and then you can play Grim Dawn or something instead.

legion, to technology in Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report avatar

Game devs: “No thanks, we’re waiving the fees by using a different engine.”


I’d imagine that game devs, just like Unity’s shareholders, like predictability in profits. Even if it’s more expensive overall for them to move to Unreal for their next game, it could be worth it to avoid future calamity.


The problem is because you pay per install you could end up owing Unity more money than you actually make. Especially if people uninstall and reinstall your game a bunch of times for whatever reason.


sounds like a good way to protest



  • Loading...
  • UltraFiestaMango,

    okay i misread that. I thought you were meaning like, a way of costing unity more money in the end.


    How did a good way to protest? It’ll just rack up your bills.

    The correct way to protest is just stop using their platform.

    I hope the large studios that use unity sue them into oblivion for breach of contract, because changing the deal after the fact is utterly unacceptable. How a business is supposed to operate if other businesses just change the terms of the deal retrospectively.


    No it means instead of review bombing a game, you reinstall bomb it to cost the publisher a load of money.

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to technology in Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report
    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    Elon Musk: speedruns enshittification on Xitter

    Unity: "Hold my beer"


    It’s enshittification all the way down

    breakingcups, to technology in Unity backtracks slightly on plans to charge developers for game installs

    Reminder that Godot exists for anyone who needs to hear it.



    I feel like I have been waiting for that guy forever.

    some_guy avatar

    He didn’t say for sure he’d come.


    Maybe tomorrow he will return.


    Godot 4.0 is quite good. As long as your game doesn’t use precanned store assets,.its fantastic.

    themoonisacheese, avatar

    Twas a joke


    For reference.


    Ah I see. Thanks


    Yeah, in light of the existence and steady improvement of the Godot engine, feels like not a great time to be pissing off a lot of your customers.


    Definitely going Godot for the future. Just the knowledge that I don’t have to worry about licensing is priceless.


    A bit harder to ship on console, though.

    At least Unreal is source-available and you only need to use the license for the version of Unreal you use. If Epic changes their license, you don’t need to agree to it and can still ship under the older license.

    Godot is a great engine but it isn’t a silver bullet. It can get there, though.

    experbia, to PCGaming in Blizzard notes Overwatch 2's review bombs but insists players say it's "in the best state it's ever been"
    experbia avatar

    Developers were right to be in fear of Baldur's Gate 3 resetting expectations. This isn't close to all of the reason for this backlash, but for me it's a notable part.

    Here we all have for contrast suddenly an expansive, complete, player-respecting game that isn't trying to squeeze money out of you at every turn... it reminds me of old PC games, before the enshittification of the industry began, before the corporate rot set in. When I bought my copy of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, it was complete. It was expansive. It was before micro-transactions were really a thing, so it was a finished product. BG3 makes me think of those games, but with modern technology. My gaze shifts back to the allegedly "modern" games we have now, to Overwatch 2, and it just feels cheap and disgusting. A minimum-viable pile of gameified gambling covered in greasy MBA penny-pincher fingerprints, shrouded by half-truths from marketers trying to puff it up to look like a complete experience. It is still possible to deliver the better experience. It's clearly just a matter of "want".

    I feel like I've just come from a family-owned restaurant on the beach in Cabo and came back home to a McDonald's in a roadside casino, and I've just realized how genuinely shitty it all is.

    I think I would actually rather just go outside or start a new hobby than touch "games" like this ever again.

    Gorejelly avatar

    You are in a similar position (it sounds like) to where I was a short time ago.I was so fed up with the state of things on the computer/console/handheld front that I just kind of did not want to play anything anymore. Two things, and adjusting my expectations, really helped:

    1. Game Pass - I’ve had it forever, but now it is more important, since I’m not buying new games as much anymore. It’s a small monthly fee, and I can frequently be surprised by the quality of some smaller indie games.

    2. RetroAchievements - This is my current “thing”, and hopefully it will be for a long time to come. You use an emulator that has support for RetroAchievements (the biggest one being RetroArch) and the correct ROM file, and you can earn achievements in thousands of old games, from the earliest days of mass-market computing and consoles (magnavox, intellivision, apple ii, fairchild, amstrad cpc, etc.), through all 8 and 16 bit consoles, and up to Ps1/2/PSP/N64/3DO/Dreamcast, with Gamecube, Vita, or PS3 likely to be the next “big” console release (probably Gamecube). Revisit your favorites from years past and play them in new ways to get all of the achievements, or try out games you never had (or systems you never had) for the first time. Biggest criticism is that they have a tendency of being “too hard”, but you can either just pick games that don’t have ridiculously hard achievements, or just not go for 100%.

    I will absolutely be buying Baldur’s Gate 3 as well.


    I think I would actually rather just go outside or start a new hobby than touch "games" like this ever again

    I had honestly forgot why I hate gaming now, but I think you hit the nail on the head


    Aren't these review bombs prior to Baldur's Gate 3 though? I'm pretty sure they were just put out when OW2 was released on steam.

    HarkMahlberg avatar

    Certainly all of Overwatch 2's issues were known and well documented before Baldur's Gate 3's release, I think people have just put two and two together (or more aptly, put the two next to each other for comparison).

    ulu_mulu, (edited )

    I wish more people realized the same and stopped buying shitty games, while rewarding the good ones.

    I grew up during the “old times”, I remember how it was so I’m quite wary of new games, but I think a lot of gamers are much younger than me and when shitty predatory practices is all you know, it’s probably difficult to believe something different can exist.

    I didn’t want to buy BG3 at first because I probably won’t be able to play it, no doubt it’s a masterpiece but I can’t stand isometric view, I don’t like turn-based combat and click-to-move, but when I saw how AAA devs reacted to Larian integrity, I bought it anyway and I will at least try, hoping someone will develop a mod to make controls more “bearable” for players like me.

    Even if they don’t, I firmly believe it’s money well spent, AAA devs are still attacking Larian for petty reasons, it means what they’re doing is extremely good for the players, they deserve to be supported by all means, let the current “AAA practices” rot.

    EDIT: in case someone else is interested, I found modders did it! Hope they work on Linux:

    dbtonez avatar

    using a controller with BG3 actually feels really good. you can also adjust the zoom so you are more in a third person view as opposed to isometric (nearly over the shoulder camera). you can also play the game real-time with pause, which may or may not help push you along as you say you don't necessarily jive with turn-based.

    i hope these things help you get into BG3. i personally LOVE isometric view and turn-based tactics but even if these things don't appeal to you, the game itself is such a breath of fresh air that i do not see myself putting it down for a long, long time.

    have fun!!


    Thank you so much for the tips! I’ll definitely try them, as soon as I finish downloading the game :D


    Hey man, outside can be pretty cool.

    nanoUFO, (edited ) to games in Unofficial Link's Awakening PC port put to sleep by Nintendo avatar

    You beautiful twat. ♥️

    nanoUFO, avatar



    Thanks mate.


    Something something streisand effect


    Here’s another mirror, if that helps in any way:

    s3rvant avatar

    How to play on desktop Linux:

    • Add the game as a non-Steam game within Steam
    • Install Glorious Eggroll and set it as the compatibility tool in the game's properties
    • On first launch it will prompt to install .NET 6.0 - go ahead and download it to the same directory
    • Open the game's properties in Steam and change the path to the .NET installer then run and install it
    • Change the path back to the game's EXE and it will play

    Doing the Lord’s work 🙏

    Infiltrated_ad8271, to gaming in Link and Zelda's relationship is "up to the player's imagination", Nintendo says
    Infiltrated_ad8271 avatar


    Let's make a love triangle between link, ganon and sidon!

    TheCrispyDud avatar

    I could go for a Ganon anti-hero arc and coupling not sure I'd want to put up with a love triangle though.

    WanderingPoltergeist avatar

    This is the better outcome in my opinion! I'd read the heck out of this fic. 😏

    LazaroFilm, to technology in Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report avatar

    Screw this. Boycott unity.

    NOT_RICK, to technology in Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report avatar

    Don’t you just love when a company creates a problem just to go and try to sell the solution?

    frustratedphagocytosis avatar

    It looks like a protection racket with extra steps. An unpleasant solution presented by the problem creator. Why is this not banned?


    Game design 101 since the first smart phone.

    cthonctic avatar

    IBM sure does suck donkey balls but I really don't think that particular thing is their fault.


    I wasn’t blaming any single entity. And really the first smart phone wouldn’t be accurate either, probably the first iPhone. Not so much brand, but popularity. Once the market became so large, and they started to realize they could get people addicted, regular games were over.

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