

JochCool avatar


I am a programmer, gamer, community moderator, Wikipedian, and Eurofan from Delft, Netherlands. (he)

I'm new to kbin; I moved here following the Reddit protest.

Federated avatar


Former Senior Advisor for Science & Exploration at the European Space Agency / JWST Science Working Group Interdisciplinary Scientist / Co-founder Space Rocks / New worlds ahead / Opinions very much own

Located in The Netherlands for now, so expect lots of cycling with wide horizons & big skies for a bit longer 🚴‍♂️


A non profit media organisation that supports aspiring writers, journalists, podcasters and media enthusiasts.

#Europe #News Searchable avatar


From the Netherlands 🇳🇱

Social media needs to be fun, safe and secure again. Our team and I are working hard to keep that possible here for you♥️

Don’t forget: questions or any other chitchat are always welcome, we are on a social platform after all!

I love you all, purrr....

Keep riding on Patrick :RideBikes:
a🕯️for Lorenz, Sascha & Maxim🖤 avatar


🌱Streets for people. Cities for people. Planet for people, and other living things. PhD in Urban Design & Planning. Planning for climate resilience. She/her.🌱

#Seattle #Portland #Utrecht

#transportation #cities #bicycles #ebikes #CargoBikes #TransportationCycling #mobility #cars #climateEMERGENCY #TrafficSafety #dataviz #feminist #birds #PaperEngineering #pottery #watercolor


a.k.a. chris onrust ~ researcher + author ~ podcast @vulnerablebydesign ~ libre tech ~ info systems ~ party hard ~ etc ~ #searchable EN/NL

Header image: cityscape still from Akira (1988)

Avatar: person with sunglasses against a purple-blue spacey backdrop avatar


A life in music. Clarinettist and composer. Amsterdam. Won the 2022 Willem Breuker award. Always working on new music and concepts. Has a camera.


Donate to Ukraine:

Donate to Ukraine Animals:

I post what I find interesting, funny, hilarious, evil, on my mind, etc at that specific moment.


Mad collector, shmup addict, vintage and #retrogaming enthusiast, 'uomo universale', father of 3 kids, humble tinkerer in my mancave.
Noob in most things, learn along with me and follow the yellowed case road. avatar


Civil servant from the Netherlands, fascinated by innovative technologies and how they can improve society. Also interested in geopolitics and international affairs. All opinions expressed are purely personal and do not represent the opinion of my employer or anyone else.
#digitalgovernment #innovation #digitaltransformation #AI #technology
#tfr tootfinder #ICT #IT #fedi22 #geopolitics #AcICT


I study History of the Middle East. Mostly posting translated news and blog posts from the Israeli media relating to the historical and contemporary aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. avatar


📷 Capturing life's moments through a lens for over 40 years. Currently focused on fine art and landscapes, finding beauty in every corner of the 🌍. Frequently lost in the wilderness. Loves dogs, tolerates people 🐶😁 Follow for all things photography related, and perhaps a few that aren't 🌟 #FineArtphotos #Landscapephotography #blackandwhitephotography #BuyIntoArt #GiftThemArt #ArtMatters #AYearofArt #artistonmastodon avatar


Climate-friendly cars that fit the planet and the budget - and the cello
Plus climate news


Law Prof at iHub, interdisciplinary research hub on digitalization and society & Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud university, NL
Mastodon handle:
University web page: avatar


Donate to Ukraine:

Donate to Ukraine Animals:

I post what I find interesting, funny, hilarious, evil, on my mind, etc at that specific moment. avatar




  • private account, not speaking for my employer
  • most posts expire after 12 months
  • direct messages from non-mutuals are blocked & ignored
  • full text search enabled avatar


Research prof. (UCLA PhD - MIT, American Univ. In Cairo, CSU, UCB, SSI-US Army War College, Fulbright scholar, Syria) #MiddleEastNorthAfrican #history, #politics, #defense, #IslamicStudies, #arts, #thought, #education Toots on MENA current news. avatar


Omnia mea mecum porto.

#Mythology #History #Philosophy avatar


Sharing info on COVID since the start of the pandemic


💻 IT Systems Administrator
💪 GYMaHOLIC (COVID forced me to invest in a home gym)


Unicorn in space. 🦄

Generally post about tech, science, books, gaming, sports, or animals. I try to be positive; there's enough negativity in the world, especially on social media.

I am:

📚 A bookworm.
👩‍💻 A techie, developer, and privacy advocate.
🐧 A Linux/FOSS user.
🎮 A casual gamer.
🏃‍♀️ A fitness enthusiast, running & yoga.
🏈 Sporty.
🌳 Fascinated by geoscience and nature.
🌙 Wiccan.
💘 Claimed by a Viking (

👋 I am @TiffyBelle.

🔎 Posts searchable via avatar


An old guy who has been places and seen things.

Do not re-post my posts (or screenshots of my posts) on other platforms. These posts are meant only for Mastodon. avatar


Executive Director Busy to #DefendDemocracy & values against hybrid, illiberal & tech threats.
🏆 #1 female #EUinfluencer 2019 & 2020; #Power40 in 2023 avatar


Nulla dies sine linea.

Author of Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile. Advocate for bicycles, transit, walking, alternatives to the car...and great cities.

Words in The New York Times, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian, L'actualité, The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal.

The Lost Supper: Searching for the Future of Food in the Flavors of the Past now out from Greystone. avatar


A good life for all within planetary boundaries.

PM/PO/UX-er. 🇳🇱 and 🇦🇺. Avid cyclist and frisbee player. Stubborn optimist.

Mainly here to talk about:
#Sustainability #SystemsThinking #PostGrowth #Degrowth #Climate #ClimateChange #Energy #Renewables #Ecology #EcologicalEconomics #UBS #Coops #Biodiversity #PlanetaryBoundaries #UX #UXDesign #PO #Netherlands #Utrecht avatar


Preparing our move to Scotland to escape England. #FBPE Audio/video recording, editing, theatre sound design. Tactical Vote:

My links: avatar


☆ intersectional eco-anarchist ☆ bij1 ☆ activist ☆ anti-capitalist ☆ anti-fascist ☆ anti-militarist ☆ radical climate alarmist ☆ pro-science ☆ anti-bullshit ☆ (in random order)

☆ veggie with vegan tendencies and sympathies ☆ atheist ☆ gen x ☆ parent ☆ :autism: autistic ☆ :nonbinaryflag: non-binary / :genderqueerflag: (gender)queer ☆ white (not proud) ☆ .nl ☆

☆ also journalism, human rights, science, geo, maps, meteo, astronomy, history, music (:prn:), scifi, tech (linux, sysadmin, webdev), free culture, etc. ☆

☆ licence: :cc: BY-NC-SA 4.0. (only own (original) content) ☆

#nobot avatar


‘Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind,’ - Bertrand Russell avatar


Hello everyone, I'm 420! As a #Spaceonaut, I love exploring #Space, #Science, #Fiction, and yes, even #AncientAliens. I am also a fan of the plant family #Cannabaceae, which includes about 170 species grouped in about 11 genera. This family includes #Cannabis (hemp) and #Humulus (hops). That's why I appreciate a good craft beer or the occasional hemp strain.

In addition to my interests, I also have a passion for creating #Music. Sometimes my compositions can be a bit experimental, but hey, who cares? After all, it's through creativity that we have made incredible inventions, like the wheel.

I love #retrotech like old computers and #programming stuff. I also love to create #art not only music but also #photography and #drawing. Looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals! #introduction #letsconnect


Recommendations for free self-guided #Sightseeing Tours by foot and individual #Sights. Worldwide!
Based on data from #OpenStreetMap and #Wikipedia.


Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar


Digital Geek | Blogger | #Travel | Music | #CraftBeer | Geek Side of Life | 🇳🇱 x 🇳🇿

#TravelBlog #NewZealand #NieuwZeeland #Gigs #LIveMusic #Vinyl #RetroGaming #AtariST #Dreamcast #ArcadeGames #eCommerce #DigitalMarketing

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. " - Dr. Seuss avatar


Recovering coloniser on stolen Gadigal land.

Ethics is about asking good questions, not just reaching a good answer. For centuries people have debated: "is it ethical to steal bread if your family is starving?". But there's a more pressing question: "is it ethical to sell bread when people are starving?"

"Let no-one say the past is dead, the past is all about us and within." – Oodgeroo Noonuccal

"There is dignity, grace, and humanity in changing your mind" — Caitlyn Doughty

“People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take.” ― Emma Goldman

"You were born at just the right moment to help change everything." — Eric Holthaus avatar


In a previous BirdSite life I was a disillusioned AI fridge, but here I'm an altogether quieter, more helpful appliance.

IRL I'm a retired filmmaker who lives in the front line of climate change... on a New Zealand beach at sea level.

I'm enjoying the peaceful atmosphere here. People are nicer. avatar


A passionate #Environmentalist curating a daily news feed about the #Environment & #ClimateChange.

My hobbies include using my DSLR camera, mapping on Open Street Maps, listening to music, podcasts and audiobooks on topics such as #Geology, #Nature, #Geoscience, #Sustainability, #Climate, technology & privacy.

Nature First (Latin)

All toots will automatically delete on a yearly basis to maintain relevant and up-to-date information and reduce dark data.

tootfinder avatar


Writing about cycling and its place in a green future world since the 1990s. See my blog and other writings elsewhere.

I also run a webshop which provides parts which are sometimes hard to find for practical everyday bicycles. If you can find parts locally then support your local cycle shop. Otherwise perhaps I can provide you with parts that you can't find locally.

321 ppm. That was a long time ago.

#humanpower #cyclist #vegan #dutch #nederland #netherlands #bicycle #fiets #velomobile #climate #sustainability #cycling #infra #grandad avatar


Retired Professor of Political Economy
(Lancaster University, UK - retired 2021)
(also #ProfDJ across the Lune Valley)
Contributor: North West Bylines #NoBridge avatar


Senior Technical Writer @ Opplane (Lisbon, Portugal). PhD in Communication Sciences (ISCTE-IUL). Past: technology journalist, blogger & communication researcher.

#TechnicalWriting #WebDev #WebDevelopment #OpenSource #FLOSS #SoftwareDevelopment #IP #PoliticalEconomy #Communication #Media #Copyright #Music #Cities #Urbanism avatar


A Dutch design aficionado ✎ | #design | #photography | #modelrailways | #lego | #traintravel | #funiculars | #neurodiversity | #highlysensitive | #catholic

Also an IT professional ✇ | #AI, #ethics & #aiethics

Makes stupid spelling errors on Mastodon | Posts are my own |

📷 CC0 Public Domain by Reinoud Kaasschieter avatar


Pro-European citizen of the #Netherlands, has master's degree in applied #mathematics, working in #data & #analytics (data scientist), deeply interested in: #geopolitics, #science, #technology, #sustainability and the future of #Europe. Political ideologies: social liberalism, left #progressive, #green.


the hex is silent

professional source code complainer, Pwnie Awards 2014 Best Song

she/her avatar


VOA chief national correspondent/former White House bureau chief; Author, ‘Behind the White House Curtain.’ Adjunct asst. professor, Shenandoah Univ.; Adjunct lecturer in journalism, Univ. of Richmond; 2022-23 journalist-in-residence, Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Law; Kiplinger Fellow, Ohio Univ.; American Foreign Service Assoc. governing board; Nevada Broadcasters Assoc. Hall of Fame; W7VOA on ham radio.


Producer / Researcher / Writer / Image: Floating Earth by Luke Jerram, Photographed by Chris Furlong, Getty avatar


Hacker. kind of, taking care of security in critical infrastructure.
Woodworker as a hobby.
overall overlord (provisional) of

German expat living in Holland. Hackerspace and CCC

Toots in en, de and een kleine beetje nederlands

Born at 330PPM CO2. Fuck Nazis, everywhere.

The private team of toots here... avatar


Interested in building a better world and standing in solidarity with others who share that goal.

For biographical information, please see

"Writing is the way I fight." ~ James Cone

#solidarity #democracy #HumanRights #LGBTQ avatar


writer (Rebel Code, Digital Code of Life, Walled Culture), journalist, blogger. on #openness, the #commons, #copyright, #patents and #DigitalRights. email:; PGP: E4962A75 #London #UK


India news, focused mainly on hindutva violence. Until the Scrolls and The Wires decide to show up on the fediverse. avatar



IT Engineer in the European institutions.
Green activist.
#WorkFromAnywhere advocate #WFA
Basketball player still active at 44.
Father and husband 24/7.

tootfinder avatar


Professional memefluencer traveling the world. She / her. avatar


Works at :redhat: Red Hat as EMEA Evangelist. Toots and opinions are my own. Focused on #Open and TCP/ID, identity ownership in the real and digital world. He/Him/His #NoBlockChain #CarFree #ISO8601 Still #Novid #Antifascist $argon2id$v=19$m=512,t=256,p=1$SWmoDffV/hOu+/Vii5Nxsw$zYZ5n+cXxZLKoLnXZJjll1JWcCFyiRVli7xOPqu63GM Blocks


:platypush: Tinkerer and main #developer @ #Platypush
:mastodon: #MastoAdmin @
:booking: Senior #software engineer @
#Automation addict
🤖 #AI builder
:linux: #Linux user since 2001
🔓 #FOSS contributor
:arch: Prone to unsolicited "btw I use #Arch" statements
🏡 #SelfHost all #tech!
🔬 Open #science and open #data advocate
🎶 #Music geek
🎸 #Guitarist + occasional composer
🛹️ #Skater
🏄 #Surfer
👪 #Dad of a small geek

🇮🇹 ⇒ 🇳🇱

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