


As a dedicated team member of Legitt AI, Kavya Thomas brings expertise in SEO strategy and content optimization. With a focus on driving organic traffic and boosting online visibility, Kavya Thomas is committed to delivering top-notch content that resonates with audiences and ranks high on search engines.

ManyRoads avatar


opa, professional genealogist, power walker, avid reader, technologist, historian, civil libertarian, constitutionalist, NAFO member

My postings are selected for their informational value; I "do not" necessarily agree with their content.

VEXdotblue avatar


Video Editing Service ran by Trans people.
(Currently Testing the Possibility of using as our Fediverse Instance.)

Services: Video Editing & Podcasts

centurypestcontrol avatar


Century Pest Control offers top-notch pest control services to effectively eliminate unwanted pests from your home or business. With their team of skilled and experienced professionals, they employ the latest techniques and eco-friendly solutions to tackle a wide range of pest problems. Whether it's ants, rodents, termites, or any other pesky creatures, Century Pest Control is dedicated to providing prompt and reliable service.

imagegroupintl avatar


Image Group International's mastery is to craft and deliver effective interventions to bring out the best in business. Our award-winning team of experts, digitally makes your business image, reputation, and branding successful. Get ready to be a leading BRAND.

Federated avatar


Official account of Japan's most widely read English-language news source. Est. 1897.


Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based avatar


Retired Professor of Political Economy
(Lancaster University, UK - retired 2021)
(also #ProfDJ across the Lune Valley)
Contributor: North West Bylines #NoBridge avatar


I lead technology at ProPublica and write speculative fiction. This is a personal account.

Every day, I write about tech, democracy, and society at

More about me:

#indieweb #opensource #journalism #writing #fiction #blogs #blogging #startups #openweb #web #fediverse #socialweb #ethics #product #writingcommunity #philadelphia #sanfrancisco


India news, focused mainly on hindutva violence. Until the Scrolls and The Wires decide to show up on the fediverse. avatar

  • Author of:
    • "Out of Time"
    • "The Singular Case of the Three Witches"
    • "Scavenger Hunt"
    • "Last Call"
    • "The Roland Targus Series"

  • iOS dev, thought provoker, ideaist, paronomasiac, etc. avatar


Official account for Canadian tech news website, avatar


We share stories, explainers and analysis to offer context for the top news of the day. All posts are created and curated by Flipboard’s editorial team especially for Mastodon. Not a bot.

Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting.

For much more news, follow Flipboard's federated News Desk ( and Politics Desk (

Header photo: A newsstand. Photo by AP. avatar


🧊 3D artist ➔ #MagicaCSG #Blender3D
🖼️ @Seven

🌍 Netherlands
🥕 Herbivore
⛔ Car-free
🚶 Hiker

⌛ Former…

🧑‍💻 Blender Foundation Technical Artist
🧸 Toy designer
💬 Comic creator
📰 News cartoonist
🌐 Web dev
📺 TV show animator
✍️ Magazine author, editor, illustrator
🕹️ 16-bit game dev ➔ #Amiga #MSDOS
💾 #Demoscene lad

My retro stuff:
🐘 #TeamHoi
🔗 ➔ Team Hoi section

#3D #Art #Design #Humor #Illustration #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Science #Tech avatar


Founder of Kalyna Marketing.
Ukrainian in NYC 🇺🇦 | ADHD + BPD | Cat mom 🐱

Pronouns: she/her

Bigotry not allowed. I do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, or fascism.

Art & creative writing account: ‪

tfr #fedi22 #marketing #content #tech #b2b #adhd avatar


… paring down time on social media … ?? Fully migrated to mastodon now that the bird self destructed. Though if you want to view my old posts, same username.

#BabySquirrel avatar


Média d'investigation économique avec une rédaction de 15 journalistes. Sans pub, libre et factuel. Ici on parle #business, #économie, #finance, #patrons...


Today is a good day to build! | Admin of avatar


Co-host of "The Dalrymple Report", a podcast dedicated to tech, friendship, and curiosities.

I wrote Audio Cupcake (audio processing app), bunch of dev books, created (hockey site) support kindness and community,

CMU/Stanford alum.



I’m Dolphin 🐬 / 🌈 #ally / 🌻 / GA 🇺🇸

random nerdiness mixed with cat pictures

MBA (finance, org leadership), non-profit admin / python / Linux / networking (luv routers 😍) / math (luv numbers 😍) / RN / mom / #AmWriting / ⚾️ Red Sox & Cubs


Likes are acknowledgment.

#MyThoughts #MyTwoCents #greetings #nature

I toot, therefore, I am. avatar


A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.

Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.

Free to read, without paywalls or ads (and free to republish, too, under Creative Commons license).

We combine academic rigor with journalistic flair. avatar


Spirit animal: The Doctor

I believe society is a thing built by the powerless to keep the powerful in check, and that politics & policy failing to reflect this are incomplete at best.

Enjoy overanalyzing pop culture and building weird, practical and/or funny sh*t. Also, playing guitar.

I'm argumentative. This doesn't mean I hate you, or that I need to "win", or that I don't respect your position - but if you can't take an argument, don't engage.


Product Manager - Esri | Interests #GIS, #HealthGIS, #Maps, #DataViz
Comments are my own. avatar


Hotspots for Online Professionals · What’s up and next in the web community · Stay tuned! avatar


Blogueur sur Minimachines, auparavant papa de Blogeee. Ni dieu, ni maitre, ni pop-up, ni pop-under. avatar


Former digital marketing strategist. “Vote Blue No Matter Who” is a stick. I prefer carrots. Americans lack #universalhealthcare and that pisses me off. Yuge #DEVO fan. #TwitterRefugee
Duty now for the future!

[Header: DEVO’s New Traditionalists poster. Drawing of DEVO on stage defending 3 infants from a crowd. 5 approach the stage: a man in a pilgrim-style hat with bible, a woman in bathrobe and curlers with rolling pin, a pirate with sword, a long-haired hippie, and a punk rocker.] avatar


René (he/him) • 42 • Maryland • USA
Husband • Father • Democratic Socialist • Deist • Stoic

BlackLivesMatter 🏴 NoHumanIsIllegal 🌎 LoveIsLove 🏳️‍🌈 TransRights 🏳️‍⚧️ WomensRights ♀️ ScienceIsReal 💉 WaterIsLife 💧 SocialJustice ⚖️ WorkersOfTheWorldUnite 🛠


Addicted to Criterion Collection sales, Thriftbooks, and Funyuns avatar


She/her | FM physician interested in helping patients get all the health care they need and none they don't | Surfing Hallyu | Boosts ≠ endorsements - I share what I'm reading, but it doesn't necessarily mean I agree with it | Opinions are mine, not of any organization I'm affiliated with

Header picture: Sunlight pouring through clouds above a landscape of mountains and volcanic crater

Profile picture: Person with black shoulder-length hair and glasses, purple top in front of colorful backdrop avatar


:vm: Health Equity | Award-Winning Personal Trainer NSCA-RCPT*D | EMT-B🚑 Volunteer🇺🇦 | Weight Loss | Senior Fitness| Tai Chi | Mental Health | Free Fit Tips & Events Boston and Malden, MA 🇺🇸 avatar


Journaliste franco-allemand. Carte de presse 128794. Suivez les coulisses de la vie politique, les #off sont de moi. Mes pouets n'engagent que moi. "Timeo hominem unius libri" avatar


Actor. Writer. May have been in that thing you saw that one time (Dependent's Day, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Second City/Chicago Shakespeare). Vaccinated and boosted.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8304-5874

#actor #writer #actingcoach #producer #director #Shakespeare #film #tv #movies

Was on #Twitter as

I sometimes write playful screenplays about very capable people in extremely high pressure situations often playing out their internal damage on the world.



I provide long-term sustainable tech expertise for businesses on the cusp of rapid growth.

I'm a relationship-driven entrepreneur chatting with amazing CEOs and business leaders every day to make their dreams a reality.

10+ years expertise in #tech, #technology, #linux, #web, #saas, #api, and #business

Free-time addictions: #photography, #writing, #theater, #improv, #nature, and #fiction.

#fedi22 #fedi23 avatar


Programming, tech, gaming & other geeky topics from Sherri Wheeler.

Occasional business, handiwork, electronics, parenting and fitness content.

🐘 PHP/JS developer with miles to go before I sleep();

All posts are my own - never AI generated.

Ally & anti-racist. Bigoted or harassing replies get blocked & reported.

Available for part-time contract work.



#nobridge #nobot


I Create things


💕 Female 🌱 She / Her / E 🍭 22 💡Video Editing & Video Games 🥅 Grow My Business, 40k (GF Score) Rep & Play Video Games avatar


Shaking up affiliate program management with Siren. Helping companies re-imagine pay for performance programs. Usually found in #WordPress circles.

I Lived the RV-Life for 4 fantastic years. I talk about WordPress, off-grid, & RV life. I use this account to interact with people, but everything I write is syndicated from my website. #nobots avatar


PhD. Rhetorics of terrorism, media, and AI. Taught at Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, UC Davis. Independent. avatar


~/# I'm a ☕ loving WebDev and FLOSS Geek with some 3D and cryptography experience 👨‍💻 Punk attitude and own radio show 📻 I post here mostly in German and in English and the most are deleted after 30 days ⌨️ Work in progress… avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.



I’m a writer of 77 years Progressive in nature, Sky Diving, Moto Cross Racing, Rock Climbing, Baseball Umpiring. I must admit these activities are all things from my past that I now reflect upon.

Advocate for All Human Rights, Abortion Rights, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, All Lives Matter, Pro-LGBTQ, Pro-Vax,

Kindness is a Renewable Resource Give It Away,

Progressive, Anti-Fascist, Atheist, Science-Based From Quarks to Dark Energy, Friend of Bills


Inform. Impact. Inspire... Canada's source for Indigenous News. reports on the nuts and bolts of Indigenous Nation Building, and Windspeaker Buffalo Spirit pours the foundation. News, Sports, Culture, Entertainment, Indigenous worldview and perspective. avatar


Medical editor ( helping nonfluent English writers in 20+ nations get published in 60+ medical journals. Member of ACES, AMWA, BELS, CSE, EFA. She/her. avatar


Supporter of progressive economic policy. Aspring small business owner. Volunteer lawyer. Amateur economist. Software developer.
#BoycottMeta avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange avatar


RS, pronounced /är' əs/. Professional #SF #fiction writer coming back from burn-out. Writes character-driven #SFF (science fiction #fantasy) and some #fanfiction (#MLP). #ClarionWest 98 graduate. #SFWA life member. Studied non-western culture, #folklore, and #mythology. #Feminist #Writer and #Author in the #WritingCommunity amongst the #WritersOfMastodon.

Goals: Return to paid publication. Provide interesting content for followers. Make friends; attract colleagues. See intro post for more... avatar


Top business & technology journalist & analyst with a fondness for dogs, cats, music, theater & books based in Asheville, NC.


People-first marketing strategist. Designer & maker, gardener, accidental photographer. Ally. Adder of alt text.

BFA Textiles/Art History, NSCAD U.

Into nature, art, photography, cycling, writing, creativity, good food, sustainability, social justice, mental health, cats & dogs.

Sparkly brain, contrary nervous system. Rarely reads the instructions. Kind, unpretentious folks are my jam.

Might be a Time Lord. Often found in the great outdoors.

Location: Turtle Island avatar


Goddess, pilot, surfer, Marine | Aviation, Intell, Military analyst | photographer | Facts are sexy | Justice for Ukraine 🇺🇦 | #Antifascist

Post updates from sources in Ukraine, from active military and citizens in the country.

#aviation #science #weather #wx #Intelligence #military #CivilLiberties #legal #law #justice #politics #uspol #osint #Ukraine #nato #EU avatar


I discovered when I graduated from Computer Science I prefer people to programming. I toot about Privacy and about how RFC1984 relates to that. I'm concerned by the threat of mass data collection and surveillance. I like to raise awareness of this RFC:

#PHPledge. #CovidIsStillHere #LongCovid

Pronouns : she/her
Avatar : white woman, blue eyes, glasses and brown hair in a scarf
Banner: George Orwell and Ovid standing in a Panopticon

Been on the Fediverse since 2017 avatar


#Flipboard :flipboard: is my platform of choice. Partner at Hoticemedia. #DigitalArtist. Aspiring #Photographer. #Marketer by day and #Artist by night. #Traveler. #Art, #GraphicDesigner avatar


Just another desperate #Objectivist #Perl hacker. Lately into #cosplay and #dance, sometimes simultaneously.

Sorry libertarians, you can’t have #AynRand:

If you block me because you don’t like what I say, I win.

Other interests: #music, #Commodore #RetroComputing, #DoctorWho, #drag

No reposts:


(#fedi22) avatar


"All mimsy were the borogoves..." Avid reader, occasional world traveler, raises chickens in Texas.
Interested in #Journalism #News #USPolitics #Books #SFF #Photography #Travel #Nature #Science #Ukraine #Etymology and other things.

I create threads of news articles I find interesting, and occasionally share a #GiftArticle so those without subscriptions can read the whole article. avatar


Activist & Advocate in #Ohio.

#Author and editor of over a dozen books.
Admin of Left of Left, Evangelically #Atheist, & #Secular Ohio.
#Actor in film under the name, Steven Hudson.
Avid reader.

Tags you'll see from me:
#DSA #Coffee #Writing #FTP #Atheism #LGBTQ #ACAB #AI #Science #BLM #HumanRights #Comedy #Gothic #Crypto #Cults #Religion #History #Humanism #HomeImprovement #Acting

Donate via PERA

Header art is mine.
#fedi23 avatar


33, she/her.

Deactivated my Twitter account in March 2022. Deleted Tiktok in 2023.

Blogger, musician, reader, photographer, writer. I love posting about technology and books.


For MD - DC - VA from Grateful Dread Peace Media / Verdant Square: aggregated, curated leftist news, green living, arts, cannabis, health and wellness, culture, activism, community, peace, love - always monitored; say hi! ** #RevolutionaryLove - Natalie Davis, owner/editor -

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