PSA: Upvote is not an upvote like you are used to (like Reddit) - "Boost" is the Reddit Upvote

Like the title says, if you want to upvote something on KBin, you should use the Boost link, not the upvote button (Why? Don't know...)

The upvote button doesn't seem to do much, but Boost accomplishes what Reddit's upvote did. So if you're looking to encourage a post, use the Boost link.

KuchiKopi, avatar

Thanks! I'll upvote this for visibility.


Bruh, you got me laughing hard.


418 upvotes / 3 downvoted = You one funny Person*

I am brand new to KBIN n loving it so far

Thanks to OP I got me answer .. that's the first thing I didn't get;
"What's the diff between n upvote and boost ? "

alexbrichs avatar




This is a result of the original design. Kbin, up until just before the peak traffic hit, was using boosts as upvotes and favorites/likes were just below the post/thread (where boost sits now). Lemmy does it the way it is now (likes = upvotes) so Ernest changed it to match Lemmy behavior. But just as he changed it, he hadn’t changed the calculation for reputation to match when the server nearly melted down and he has to spend all his time just trying to keep the site alive by himself.



garrettw87 avatar

I see you’re on a different Kbin instance. Was this intended to be a threaded reply, out of curiosity? Because it shows up as a top-level comment on the post for me.

Awwab avatar

He using an optional feature that lets you auto populate your reply box with the OPs username.

garrettw87 avatar

Yes, but my bigger point is that it’s not threaded as a reply to one of that user’s comments.

Edit: Oops, nevermind. I saw their comments elsewhere down here but didn’t realize they were OP. Just one of the interface things on Kbin that needs improvement.

Edit 2: I need to figure out how to do strikethrough text on here

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

Ideas for Edit 3: crate the Reddit avatar and start anew. 🥹

artillect, (edited )
artillect avatar

You can do strikethrough text ~~like this~~


testing your assertion

HamSwagwich avatar

I'm viewing this from KBin and I don't see strikethrough.

artillect avatar

That's because I put that in a code block with backticks (`), here's what it looks like normally testing

garrettw87 avatar

How weird. When I do that, it doesn’t seem to work.

Overarch3784 avatar


Teon avatar

test successful

Manticore, (edited )

As a desktop kbin user, there's no strikethrough. Unsure as to why, if kbin is markdown. Strikethrough is considered advanced markdown formatting so I'm guessing kbin didn't include it. Now I'm curious to see how much common markdown is visible on kbin's desktop platform.

Guide for those unfamiliar with markdown, so you can see what I'm doing. ✔ means I can see it on desktop kbin, ❌ means it remains unformatted (formatting characters remain).

Horizontal rule ✔

Testing MD (headings)

  • bullet points ✔
    • sub bullets (no tab on kbin; use 4 spaces) ✔
  • bold
  • emphasis
  • strikethrough
  • escaping characters
  • code (inline)

quote ✔

AnonymousLlama avatar

Oddly enough all of that looks perfectly fine on kbin mobile, even the strike through, I'll have a look at desktop later and if it's doesn't work

artillect avatar

I'm using on desktop and it shows up fine for me, not sure what's going on on your instance

AWildMimicAppears avatar

i on see the strikethrough fine



Edit: doesn’t seem to render properly on jerboa lemmy client

Dick_Justice, avatar

It looks good on the . 35 Jerboa

LinusWorks4Mo avatar

like this?

Shortcake avatar

the dev of kbin will be changing this. so up/downvotes are what affect your reputation. It's just not a priority right now


Do we know if there have been any releases since the influx of users? Or are they just focusing on backend stuff still?

There's still a lot of long hanging fruit *COUGHcollapsingthreads that would be great to have addressed sooner rather than later.


There have been fixes submitted by volunteers, but I don't think they've been reviewed and approved. And I don't think there have been any new releases.

Hopefully things pick up speed now that Ernest has a server admin to look after things here


Yeah, there's a PR for collapsing threads, but I don't know when it will come to release.

artillect avatar

I made a userscript that allows you to collapse comments, that should help you out until it's added to the site officially

AnonymousLlama avatar

You can have a look here to see a test instance with some of the things that are coming, Ernest (the admin) has been merging in a range of tickets including bug fixes, UI improvements and other bits.

There seems to be an ever growing backlog of feature requests and bug fixes in the issues list but a fair bit is getting sorted out behind the scenes.

I'm mostly focused on UI/UX for mobile.

ChillChillinChinchilla avatar


It's just one guy. We were a bit worried if he was even sleeping when the first big wave hit and he kept everything up by cloudflare and prayer.


Surely @ernest has some help at this point? Needs to start delegating or finding trusted maintainers if not.

AnonymousLlama avatar

There's several of us now with kbin installed locally and a decent dev chat channel that's pretty busy. I think so the end it's still him physically marking PRs as approved and merging it in / deploying, but at least there's a few contributors now :)


Yeah there are a bunch of us in the dev chat now. Some of us have set up our additional kbin instances such as myself. I’m still looking through the code and getting up to speed but hope to contribute to the main code base soon. (Right now I’m experimenting with some features I wrote on my instance)

So yes, it’s mainly been Ernest up until this point but he is starting to get additional support from the community :)

Upvotes_Kills_Birds avatar

Thanks for joining! Excited to see the site grow.


Thank you! I’m excited to see the site grow as well. We seem to be building a nice place to hangout and have good discussions unlike the site that shall not be named.

(Also love your username)

ernest avatar

Yes, there is a very strong team there now, and I will gradually delegate responsibility in certain areas. I need to focus on my own milestones. However, I want to do it slowly because there are many pitfalls here that are a consequence of kbin being a side project. But the organization on Matrix was amazing, and I didn't even lift a finger for it.

@BedSharkPal @Upvotes_Kills_Birds

Teppic avatar

Not bad for a 'side project', not bad at all!

I'm very much enjoying your side project, and we all appreciate all the effort you've put in as we've stressed it to (and no doubt beyond!) It's design limits.

I also appreciate the way you pop up and contribute to random threads!


Your level of engagement with the community is absolutely spectacular. I'm glad to have found myself a cozy little Internet space and wish you the best of luck with this one hell of a side project!

HamSwagwich avatar

@ernest I can't imagine how stressful it is for you. I've run a few larger projects (ShowEQ back in the day, being one of the bigger ones), but nothing that blew up so quickly like Kbin has and I don't envy your position. I really appreciate the work you've put into KBin and I want to see it succeed!


Is any of this code open sourced, or on GitHub, gitlab, etc? Is the matrix channel private or open to any coders?


Great to hear!


Yeah, on Fedia myself


So if up/down votes will be fixed in the future, what would boost mean at that point?

mrbubblesort avatar

I really don't know which is which and what does what, so I just click them both

minnieo avatar

upvote = does nothing (for now) boost = upvote (affects reputation points)


So sometime in the future an upvote will be used to score the post and get it on the "frontpage", and a Boost is just like a save feature to save posts to my microblog?

minnieo avatar

i wouldnt call boost a save feature per say, but since we arent on mastodon it pretty much looks like one so i guess you can call it that lol. yes, eventually the reputation will be fixed and upvotes will affect it as it should, its just not a priority for now


*per se
I'm sorry

minnieo avatar

oh well, i was understood lol


There's nothing wrong with being a little bit pedantic as long as you aren't an ass about it.


As someone from Lemmy land this confuses me.

Have an upvote!

HamSwagwich avatar

I think it confuses everyone. I have no idea why these two things exist in KBin. It's a complete mystery the thought process that went into it.

ChillChillinChinchilla avatar

Because kbin can interface with content from mastodon AND Lemmy.

The boost is for mastodon/microblogs, the upvote is for Lemmy/threadiverse.

Awwab avatar

Upvotes are likes for mastodon but afaik they don't do anything in mastodon except make you feel good that people liked your post.



  • Loading...
  • arquebus_x,

    This is a perfectly succinct way of putting it.

    garrettw87 avatar

    That’s how I’ve been using the buttons.

    Awwab avatar

    Boost should allow people who subscribe to you but not the magazine see that post in their feed.

    Otome-chan avatar

    boost is "retweet" or "reshare". upvote is 'like'.



  • Loading...
  • Otome-chan,
    Otome-chan avatar

    My understanding is your "subscribed" feed shows stuff from people you follow as well as the magazines you're subscribed to. Mastodon users' posts typically end up in the microblog section which can be found here. whereas kbin/lemmy users often posts threads which can be found here. It's mixed in with the magazines you subscribe to. I don't think there's a way to just get the followed users without the magazines you're subscribed to.

    chromebby avatar

    Oh wow, I did not even know about the microblog section. Thanks!

    riktor avatar

    Although the name "boost" is a little odd. kbin is more than than just a link aggregator. kbin is also a semi-blogging platform (View the microblog feed rather than threads) that interacts with Mastodon. If you boost something, it is the same as reblogging (re-tweeting) a post and generates a reblog post on Mastodon. The developer is going to change it to where the up and downvote impacts reputation rather than the current boost and downvote button. A technical oversight but they acknowledge this and plan on changing it in the future however internet points is not really a priority so no one knows when the change will roll out.

    FrostBolt avatar

    This finally made it make sense for me. Thank you

    garrettw87 avatar

    This is the answer.

    HeartyBeast avatar

    As I understand it, it’s a feature that is inherited from the underlying ActivityPub protocol which is designed to support all kinds of social network architectures.

    If you use Mastodon, their usage makes a lot sense. A ‘favourite’ (upvote on Kbin) is a private thumbs-up to the poster - a pat on the back that has no algorithmic importance.

    A Boost is more like a Retweet. Boosting something makes it show up in your followers’ timeline. I guess if you follow a person on kbin, Boosts will do that too and boosted stuff will show on your subscribed home page.


    You should update your post to clarify that what you said isn't true.

    Upvotes are upvotes, boost is like retweet.

    The reputation calculation just haven't been updated yet.

    HamSwagwich avatar

    Right, so boost behaves like Reddit upvote at the moment. So the title of the post is accurate still.

    be_excellent_to_each_other avatar

    And if everyone just reads and listens to OP they'll all be doing it wrong when it gets fixed, all because you aren't happy that your "reputation" score isn't changing. The software is scarcely a month old folks, and until a week ago was the work of one guy. People need to relax a bit.


    No it does not.
    Boost behaves like a retweet and upvotes like upvotes.
    The reputation calculation just haven't been updated yet, that doesn't mean an upvote isn't an upvote.

    Upvotes are what shows as upvotes because that's what they are.

    Reputation is just something on your profile page that's currently wrong.

    Your post is spreading a misunderstanding, there's already been other confused people posting.

    BaldProphet avatar

    Boosts are retweets, upvotes are favorites. So upvoting means you "like" that content, and boosting is kinda like sharing it to your followers.


    Importantly, boosts republish posts and comments. This is meaningful because groups work by basically boosting anything that mentions it, or which is in reply to something that mentions it. And posts silently mention the group.

    Why is this important? Well, if you're the first person on your instance to follow someone on another one, you don't see anything published by that person earlier than that. But if that person regularly boosts older posts, you'll get to see them.

    So boosting posts and comments triggers the group to re-boost it, sending it out to servers that started following after the original publish time.

    Basically, boosting is how we make sure new users on remote sites see older content.


    Do upvotes/boosts and downvotes pass from one instance to another? I assume not. So if I upvote a post from that's hosted on happens? It only affects

    Dick_Justice, avatar

    The votes are federated but peeps post from time to time that they arent perfectly synced.


    been wondering about comments too… but I guess those are supposed to somehow sync across all instances. otherwise how am I replying to you from Lemmy?

    ArugulaZ avatar

    Not crazy about the design. An upvote should be an upvote. If the upvote is useless, why is it even there?

    garrettw87 avatar

    Read some of the other comments. It doesn’t sound like you’ve been following much of the chatter about the site very closely.


    It'll be changed soon™, so upvotes will boost reputation.

    Crayon8027 avatar

    I click ALL the buttons and nobody can stop me!


    Reported! But it's nothing personal :)


    But boosts don’t do anything on places that don’t implement like here on Lemmy. …no?

    FreeBooteR69 avatar

    Yeah seems redundant.

    garrettw87 avatar

    A boost is like a retweet, from my understanding - so must be a basic bit of functionality built into ActivityPub, I’d guess.

    VerifiablyMrWonka avatar

    Yep. Though activitypub calls it something else as well. It's renames all the way down


    There is no boost on Lemmy instances, though

    CylonBunny, avatar

    What happens when a kbin user boosts my Lemmy post? What happens when I upvote their post? So many questions

    Kara avatar

    If I understand correctly, when a Kbin user boosts a Lemmy post, it will work like an upvote, bringing it up. But it wouldn't affect anything for Lemmy users. But when a Lemmy user upvotes a post from a Kbin user, it will just be shown as an upvote but not effect reputation or anything, but will upvote it for lemmy users.

    static avatar

    I boosted you from kbin, and I have a follower on

    Therefore you have a toot federated to :


    Every time you boost a lemmy post, an angel gets its wings! And a demon gets its pitchfork. And a trans person gets their gender validated. And a nazi gets punched in the face!


    But what are upvotes and downvotes? I would have assumed upvote is fave/star. Is downvote an emoji react?

    garrettw87 avatar

    I believe you are correct about upvotes. To my knowledge, downvotes don’t federate at all (ActivityPub may not support them, for all I know), so what they do here is merely affect reputation points.

    beto avatar

    Just caught my attention with the wording - upvote being "favourite" and downvote called "reduce" (whatever that means)

    garrettw87 avatar

    I believe the idea with “reduce” is the opposite of “boost”.

    beto avatar

    "Hide this post from people!" :')


    Oh interesting, so are downvote counts only reflective of what my individual server has received? I assumed they at least federated between kbin and Lemmy even if the rest of fedi didn't have a way to understand them.

    garrettw87 avatar

    It’s possible, but again don’t take my word for it. I haven’t really begun to dive into the code just yet.

    Sylveon-Z avatar

    I do wish there was a bit more privacy involved with boosting though, as of right now anyone can see what I boost.

    0x1C3B00DA avatar

    I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but just in case, that's the point of a boost. You're boosting its noticeability. It's not supposed to be private


    Boost as a “shout out” being public is alright. I guess for us Reddit folks it’s like a cross post to our own u/sub that followers could see.

    Upvote/downvote, though, should be private. Not sure if that’s ever truly possible though because by the nature of the fediverse it has to be replicated across to other instances and so everything is “open” as I understand it.

    It may not be easily visible in the UI but it’s there in the data.

    So I try to think of everything here like it’s a postcard not a letter.

    Any mail carrier who sees it (and makes a copy) can see it all.


    for me, the main selling point of kbin over lemmy was the transparency in user interactions on here. the last straw on the camel's back over at lemmy for me was seeing blatant vote manipulation hiding behind the end-user anonymity; kept an eye on some accounts that would instantly always get the same number of upvotes, dependent on the specific account, less than 3-5 seconds after posting. it was always some single-digit amount (I assume to not get flagged by the system), but that's all it takes to signal others to feel safer upvoting it.

    the same can be done likewise to bury others' content that they can view as competition to what they want seen, multiple early downvotes can act as a subconscious deterrent to others


    Why doesn't Kbin have the [+] and [-] buttons for collapsing or opening comment threads? Or, if it does, where can I find that setting?


    It's coming. There is already a fix someone created that is waiting to be reviewed and merged into the site.

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