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givesomefucks, in Ohio transgender candidate disqualified for only including legal name, not former name, on petitions

Not only is there nowhere to put it on the petition, but it isn’t included in the secretary of state’s 2024 candidate guide. It hasn’t been on any candidate guides in recent years.

WEWS/OCJ reached out to the office with numerous clarifying questions, like why the name change isn’t included in the 33-page guide, but did not hear back.

So. They couldn’t find anyone else that had to do it, even other candidates who transitioned…

The form doesn’t even have a place for it…

And the 33 page guide doesn’t mention it…

So why is it an issue here?

I feel like this part is the real reason:

Joy is also the stepdaughter of state Rep. Bill Roemer (R-Richfield), but the two do not have a relationship and have never met. Although the Republican hasn’t sponsored or cosponsored legislation impacting the trans community, he has voted in favor of legislation banning trans youth from having gender-affirming care and participating in athletics. He is one of the Republicans she wants to fight back against.

@stinerman@midwest.social avatar

It’s an issue because some asshat at her local county board of elections wanted to make an example of her.


It’s very plain easy to understand law


You are a liar saying only this one person is targeted. There is no one else that has done this without including both names.

Any person who has been elected under the person’s changed name, without submission of the person’s former name, shall be immediately suspended from the office and the office declared vacated, and shall be liable to the state for any salary the person has received while holding such office.

Let me know who, because they will owe Ohio taxpayers quite a sum.


Jump off a cliff.


Illiterate dumbass


Seeing how you immediately suspect someone of lying rather than simply misunderstanding something speaks volumes to the the objective fact that you are a moron.


From the article you’re commenting on:

At least two of the other trans candidates running also didn’t know the law, and didn’t include their dead names, but both were certified by their boards

From my comment your replying to:

The form doesn’t even have a place for it…

And the 33 page guide doesn’t mention it…

derphurr, (edited )

Lies. Stop fucking lying. Google “ohio candidate petition”. All the Ohio SoS links


Page 2

any person desiring to become a candidate for public office has had a change of name within five years immediately preceding the filing of the person’s declaration of candidacy, the person’s declaration of candidacy and petition shall both contain, immediately following the person’s present name, the person’s former names.(6) This does not apply to a name change due to marriage.(7)

Any other candidates that didn’t include legal name change with 5 years, if elected, will be removed from office. (1)

You don’t need a special place on form, the law is very clear. The petition and declaration of candidacy shall contain both names where it says name.

(Edit) you are correct the 33 page booklet does not include reference to 3513.271. But the actually petition forms do other than the literal 2 page petition.


You’re scum.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Die, transphobe fuck

Deceptichum avatar

Fucking love it.

Only response these shit heaps should get other than violence.


I don’t think me explaining again will help, but I do know one way to never get roped into this exchange again.


Seeing “There is no record of this comment” after this loser tries to spread more bullshit somewhere else will feel so liberating


The anger in your response and the fact that you feel the need to literally insult someone indicates that you feel very insecure on this subject and don’t have arguments to back up your position.

butter, in Suck it Rs

Those bastards finally got me out to vote. Not to mention, a fight with my coworks and my dad.


If I may ask, what was the argument in favor of the change?


It’s almost always “I’m not into politics” until they realize that politics shape their everyday life and it comes knocking on the door.


It’s always super confusing when you realize you’re part of something bigger and not your own, isolated reality.


“Protect the Constitution”

never mind that they were “protecting” it by trying to gut and make useless one of the key parts of the constitution 🤷‍♂️


“Outside money is coming in and imposing it’s will on us…”

Election to change it drew $30 million in outside funding.


Last week I got sent some propaganda, printed like a newspaper to make it seem legitimate, especially to older folks. Articles about how BLM, Antifa, and John Legend (Ohio native that moved to 😡 California) are coming for Ohioans and our way of life by supporting not changing our constitution.

Mailed from Chicago.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

“our” way of life. Who’s way of life? Conservatives have been coming for minorities’ way of life forever.

Do you happen to have a photo of the “newspaper”. I’m very curious about it. I’ve heard about this before.

awesomesauce309, (edited )

Here you go, Julys copy of the “Buckeye Reporter” Stuffed to the brim with boogeymen.

Just realized it’s unreadable because Imgur compressed it to shit…


I wonder if it’s this.


It is exactly that. Thanks for the read.


They probably used the same organizations they setup to do similar mailings in Illinois to kill a proposed progressive income tax (successfully, unfortunately) and prevent collective bargaining for government workers (failing spectacularly).

@Bob@midwest.social avatar

The part that makes no sense to me about that argument is that the measure has nothing to do with money or even out of state money. For the life of me I don’t know why people are allowed to donate to campaigns on issues that don’t affect them directly, but issue 1 had absolutely nothing to do with money.


You’ll find that almost no right wing legislation ever gets argued for on it’s face. There are always these obfuscations to make it look like it’s about something entirely unrelated.


Everyone I talked to said they wanted to ban abortion, so take it with a grain of salt. I had to explain that taking power from people in order to get their way is a bad thing.

Tazmanian, (edited )

“Small minority” = more than 50%.


That’s immediately what I thought too. Apparently to them “simple majority” = “small minority”


I think what they are trying to get at is that 50% of the voting public is a small minority of the community.

@BoneALisa@lemm.ee avatar

Same here, havent voted once since i turned 18, but this one was bad enough it got me out there.

@benlk@urbanists.social avatar

@BoneALisa @butter Oh, you should vote more! There's all sorts of fun things on the ballot this fall. We've got marijuana legalization and abortion rights as ballot issues, plus school boards and municipal governments. https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_elections,_2023

If you're in Columbus, there's an option to unseat Mayor Ginther and parts of City Council: https://ballotpedia.org/City_elections_in_Columbus,

Hyperreality, in Outside an Ohio drag story hour, LGBTQ+ supporters just outnumbered Proud Boys. By a lot.

This is how you beat fascists, by a demonstration of strength.

It's also why a lack of participation is so dangerous for democracies. It empowers fringe lunatics and extremists.


Frankly more of a fan of just hanging them from gas stations but you know whatever works.


Catch Hangin’ With Mr. Mussolini, next on TGIF

I wanted to do this in upside-down text but the results were crap

girlfreddy, in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman

always and forever.

wicked82, in Suck it Rs

Big shout out to the corrupt ass Ohio GOP, we wouldn’t have had this record breaking August turn out with out your shady ass tactics. See you bitches in November! 🖕

archomrade, in Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are.



All Coloured Are Bastards? Don’t you think it’s a bit racist?


All Carsalesmen Are Bastards.

Defund the dealerships!


Those aren’t cops.


What are they?


They Snipers


You need to have authority to be a sniper. Who has the authority for lethal law enforcement?


You need to have authority to be a sniper.

Is that even true?


Sniping is not something you self-discover. You’re trained by a government-sanctioned organization.


Nah man when there’s a terrorist threat or some kids are getting fesity we call up those smitty brothers down on farmdale ave. I’ve seen em hit smack in the middle of grandma’s can o beans from a mile and a half away in the rain – i swears it!


I feel like this is a reference to something O:



The police don’t just pull farm boys with a crack shot every time they have a sporting event. They are fucking cops. Not only cops, but specialty cops. SWAT cunts. My homie is one - went from infantry to ranger to police to swat. Yeah - he’s a cunt, too. ACAB.


Stupid answer.




Not if they take out the right perp

stevedidwhat_infosec, (edited ) in Possible snipers seen at OSU. Administration says they're not snipers but should be treated like they are.

Disinformation post ahead of election season - big shocker.

These aren’t snipers, they’re spotters. You can’t even make out what is in front of the dude in all black.

OPs only response to the closest thing we have to real fact being given was “I don’t buy it”

Seems legit. Toodles.

And now you’re deleting my posts lol. What a joke.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I would have left it if you didn’t spam shit at the bottom


Just because you can’t read Chinese doesn’t mean it was spam.

Industry standard tiananamen square copy pasta that gets Chinese propaganda pushers in trouble with Winnie The Pooh. You realize how this looks for you and this instance right?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

I thought you were done. You used the yawn emoji.

Dude, I don’t care


No need to get bent out of shape, was just defending myself and enriching the comment section with more context.

So sorry

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar



Look, can we start this over? I don’t like how this played out and I too was getting bent out of shape for what was likely good-intentions.

I’d understand if you were still upset and needed some time yet, totally fine

Lemmy is supposed to be better than Reddit culture, and be more civilized, and I feel like this was a fail here. I’d like to try again and maybe we can have some civil discourse about this if you’re up for it

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Ok, I’ll add an edit to the post.


The conversation I meant, but I agree with adding an edit with more information

I think that’s just fair reporting

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

As far as the conversation goes what do you want to discuss?


Is there a way we could freedom of information act additional information from the police regarding body cam/an official report?

They might lie, but at least we’d have a physical ledger of lies to point to in the future?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Maybe? I don’t know if that’s worth the time though. Even if no rifle exists up there they could bring one up whenever. I’m sure there is security footage though of them hauling supplies in.


That would be good too imo, just looking for constructive ways to confirm


What in the fascist pig hell...


copy pasta that gets Chinese propaganda pushers in trouble with Winnie The Pooh

What parallel universe are libs living in 😭😭

Love the racism there too. Really brings the whole thing together


Where’s the racism


The part of your comment asserting the “asians have yellow skin” stereotype, what else?


Huh? If thats legitimately what people are trying to push as racism, the ignorance is laughable.


Nothing to do with racism but keep trying to gaslight and push false narratives.

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

lol just like all disagreement with Israel is antisemitism.

WEAK wumao


Any pro-Palestinians asserting racist antisemitic stereotypes?

WEAK wumao

Disagree. The CPC gave me a raise for ratio’ing in this thread


TIL spotters like to use one normal sized spotting scope alongside another one that’s the size of a rifle with a cover on it. Doesn’t make sense to me but I’m no spotter.


different optical prescription of each eye.
One is prescribed for myopia the other for dystopia.

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Where do you think the administration got the info that its just spotters from? Cops. The fact that they even called the cops is a red flag.

What the fuck does this have to do with the election?


Where are you getting that information from?


@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Why should I believe the university?


Because it’s better than believing an unregulated social media site that’s been proven to pedal disinformation repeatedly??

A platform owned by the richest man in the world who happens to be the son of South African apartheid?

A platform for which he removed fact checking on?

The only picture you have, you can’t even make out what’s in front of them?

Can I ask why you deleted my comment that had the Tiananmen Square Massacre copy pasta?


The irony of complaining about “disinformation” while spamming disinformation yourself lmao


What part of what I said was disinformation?

@seahorse@midwest.social avatar

Because its spammy


Sure. Whatever you say.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

This just in: copypasta is not spam



I posted it once but okay

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

So is the guy with a big ol’ rifle a spotter too?

Maybe if you’d considered what spotters are for you wouldn’t be baselessly asserting that US police aren’t preparing to use unreasonable force.


I haven’t seen anything that showed the guy in black with an actual gun, one person responded with a picture of a guy with a gun but provided 0 source

Just trying to get to the bottom of things and avoid disinformation


The guy who posted that is pretty well known in this instance for being a reliable information source on events happening in Ohio. They’re not just a random user.


Ah, that would make sense then

Can you see where I’m coming from as an outsider just trying to make sense of it all while still being on my own guard?

Stovetop, in Toy soldiers and Nixon coming...

This poster alone speaks volumes.

Anyone who shot people “in self defense” wouldn’t be smiling on a poster that advertises a national tour to make money off of the tragedy. Hell, I’d be in therapy for years if I was ever placed in a situation where I had to kill in self-defense.

This is a psychopath who went there wanting to kill people, and he’s reveling in it.


Hes not smiling because he shot someone. Hes smiling because conservative media is paying him absurd amounts of money to be their golden boy poster child. He was, and still is, just a dumb kid and I gaurantee you someone else has written for him whatever hes going to say at that event.

FfaerieOxide avatar

Hes not smiling because he shot someone. Hes smiling because conservative media is paying him absurd amounts of money to be their golden boy poster child.

Nah, having killed someone totally makes the little shitstain hard.


I give it 10 years before he’s a complete meth head getting his dick out at an Applebee’s


The American dream


I kinda feel bad for him. He was led down a wrong path by awful people and now they’re the only ones who will have him.


Yes, this is my sentiment too. An ignorant teen who got into an unfortunate situation, and now his only purpose in life is to be mouthpiece for facist propaganda.


He travelled interstate to get a gun and went to that protest because…?

He put himself in that position, killed two people, maimed another, for his sins, he’s now being paid as the right’s posterchild for killing you political opponents - you’ll have to forgive me for not feeling too bad for him.


His parents are idiots letting him go to such an event unsupervised!

He’s fruit from the idiot tree.


Travelling interstate to grab a gun and put yourself in a position to shoot others with the flimsiest of legal (definitely not moral) pretexts isn’t self-defence.

eggymachus, in Trans rights

are human rights

Jesterkun, in Trans rights

It’s definitely a vibe we need more of in this state.

Nobody, in Pastor faces charges for keeping church doors open to help homeless

”So, my concern would be, ‘Hey, let’s make sure we’re representing Christ well in all of this.’ We’re a church, you know. This is what we do,” Avell said.

Republican Jesus has taken over the US Supreme Court, while following the teachings of the actual Jesus gets you charged with a crime.

Every day the corrupt stray further from the light of God. It’s not even a religious concept. Just be a good person. That’s all Jesus ever asked, and it’s the same thing an ethics professor will tell you. Just choose to be good.

Why is it so hard? And why do so many evil people, especially fallen religious people, obsess about punishing people who choose to be good and loving in their little corners of the world? Why is that even your business?


Jesus didn't just ask people to be good. If you really delve into the new testament with a critical eye, you may notice that Jesus was a bit of a dick throughout. He calls people derogatory names, condemns innocent and unknowing souls to an eternity in hell to prove a point and force others to follow him, he is a total copyright troll; flipping tables and condemning followers who make a buck selling Jesus merch, he's a classic mooching street urchin character who convinces working men to give up on their careers to become vagabond beggars, and you gotta be a huge narcissist to do the whole 'eat of my flesh and drink ofy blood' bit. Really, Jesus' followers are exactly like him; control freaks with NPD and a grudge against humanity for not following them blindly, who make themselves victims to prove a point.


If you really delve into the new testament with a critical eye,

done. you’re wrong


Dang, maybe trump IS the second coming


That fig tree has it coming


That’s not all Jesus ever asked. Jesus asked for morality and kindness comes with that.

Jaysyn, in Pastor faces charges for keeping church doors open to help homeless
Jaysyn avatar

It always amazes me that so many self-professed Christians have almost as much disrespect for their religion as I do.


My disrespect for Christianity is not based on a disdain for Christianity, it is based solely on my disdain for Christians.

Not the Christians who mind their own business.

Not the Christians who actually display a sense of morals and ethics.

But the preachy hypocrites. Fuck them. Sideways. With a section of rebar.

PunnyName, in Pastor faces charges for keeping church doors open to help homeless

A court filing states the building is zoned as Central Business, and people are not allowed to eat, wash clothes or sleep on the property.

Always bureaucracy.


Soooooo communion is illegal too then?

Meshuggahn, in Pastor faces charges for keeping church doors open to help homeless

Holy shit, I hate religion as much as the next guy but the one time a church is actually doing something good they get strapped with this bullshit.


It’s more than one time. A good number of churches actually run soup kitchens, donate to those in need, and are inclusive to all. I’m not religious, I just feel like these kinds of churches aren’t as well represented in media. That being said, just like people, churches can be as charitable as they are intolerant.


Even so, a lot of those “good” churches will still promote the mentality that Republicans are on their side.


A good number of churches actually run soup kitchens, donate to those in need, and are inclusive to all

I haven’t seen many churches actually doing these things. Most churches are NOT inclusive to all and only a small portion of them run soup kitchens.


I helped my grandma run an area soup kitchen for a few days as a kid. Just like homeless shelters most people don’t notice them because they don’t need that service. Shit I had no idea we did that before I actually helped out


Thanks for helping out

Hyperreality, in Ohio transgender candidate disqualified for only including legal name, not former name, on petitions

Thank God they've prevented her running. Imagine if she'd won!

It would have caused rampant inflation, fundamentally undermined democracy, accelerated the timeline of the climate apocalypse, increased school shootings, made health insurance prohibitively expensive, made the US have a poorly performing healthcare system despite outspending other developed countries up to 4 times, caused rampant immigration, and cost tens of thousands of jobs.

Glad Ohio has it's priorities in order!


Anyone can run, they just need to include both names if you legally changed name in last 5 years. It’s probably past the deadline for petitions like primary though.


You forgot “gerrymandered the fuck out of this shithole state” but you’re spot on with regards to the rest.

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