@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar



Author, living by the sea

Aboriginal (Martu)

I created auto-boosters https://a.gup.pe/u/indigenousauthors (see pinned post) and https://a.gup.pe/u/auslit

See https://a.gup.pe/u/gazafunds for Palestinian-led fundraising campaigns found on https://gazafunds.com/about

Paypal > paypal.me/KarenAWyld
ko fi > https://ko-fi.com/KarenWyld

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Burning people alive.
Strategic starvation.
Beheading babies.
Interfering with deceased persons.
Rape and sexual assault.
Preventing birth/killing newborns.
Stealing children.
Sadistic murdering.
Forced displacement.
Trapping people.
Disregard of life.
Settlement via violence.
Resource theft.
Forced labour.
Lies and lies and lies and lies.

The weaponry has changed, but every act of evil that Israel is committing is mirrored in other colonisers' acts of evil that took place on other Indigenous peoples' lands. Indigenous people cannot help but see ourselves in Palestinians.

Free Palestine! Free us all

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

"Humour" never punches down. It does not stomp on people. It does not mock people who are historically or socially marginalised. It is not aggression, harassment, gaslighting, or petulant pettiness.

If no one is laughing along with you, it could be because you're just nasty.

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Today is Sorry Day in so-called Australia. "Sorry" does not refer to apologies. It's based on Indigenous practices of Sorry Business; a collective process in times of grief & loss.

It's a day of remembrance for the 10000s of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children forcibly removed from their families: the Stolen Generations. Taken between late 1800s to early 1980s, the children were placed in church-run institutions or (later) put up for adoption without parental consent.

Up until the late 1950s, the children were trained for domestic servitude and unpaid labouring and sent to white businesses and households. The abuse and neglect in the institutions and elsewhere was rampant. Many died in these places; not everyone who survived found their families; and most have passed away without seeing any justice.

Every Indigenous family has one or more members that were part of the Stolen Generations. And the trauma of this particular act of genocide is intergenerational.

Sorry Day was one of the recommendations of a royal commission - the Bringing them home: Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families. Which was tabled with the Australian
Parliament on 26 May 1997.

Another recommendation was a national apology, and that occurred on 13 February. Otherwise, very few of the 54 recommendations have been actioned.

In more recent years, in addition to commemorating the Stolen Generations and advocating for their rights, this day is also for fighting for the rights of Indigenous children who are being taken away in record numbers.

Today, I think of my family members who were stolen by the government, and forced into servitude as children. Fuck the government, churches and others who participated in this race-based cruelty; who used Aboriginal blood, sweat and tears to build a white nation on stolen Blak land. Yes, Sorry Day is also a day of anger.

For more information, resources and testimonials, visit the Healing Foundation website > https://healingfoundation.org.au/stolen-generations/

This video is good (narrated by the late Uncle Jack Charles) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlqx8EYvRbQ

And a fact sheet > https://healingfoundation.org.au/sorry-day-factsheet/

#SorryDay #Indigenous #Genocide #StolenGenerations #ChildRemoval #Missions #ChildLabour #Aboriginal

@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

@Deus that movie is about my nana and aunties. My aunty wrote the book it was based on

KarenWyld, to indigenousauthors
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

congratulations to Ali Cobby Eckermann for winning the NSW Premier's Literature Awards in two categories: 2024 Indigenous Writers’ Prize and 2024 Book of the Year - for her verse novel She is the Earth


KarenWyld, to indigenousauthors
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

I'm currently reading Tommy Orange's Wandering Stars. Do yourself a favour - read it!


KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Today was the 76th Nakba commemorative anniversary. I went to a candlelight memorial on the steps of Parliament House.

Then I went to Al Salam mosque/centre, to the Islamic Society of SA's Nakba commemorative event. Speakers, prayer and poetry. Almost all of the speakers were Palestinians, and they shared personal/family stories of the Nakba and current genocide.

They also spoke of the close ties between Muslims, Jews, Christians and other peoples before the British arrived, and later followed by Zionist settlers.

One speaker told his story through a translator. He was born in Palestine in 1938. The stories of what he witnessed and endured, from childhood until he was forced out of his ancestral land with no right of return, prove this didn't start on 7 October. It didn't even start in 1948.

At one point, he was recalling something from late October 1957. He got down on the floor - a frail 86 year old - and re-enacted what the Israeli soldiers made him and other young men and boys do that day. Not all of them made it out alive.

He has two daughters living in tents in Gaza, with their families, including 13 children. May their stories not end in more tragedies.

Free Palestine. From the river to the sea.

KarenWyld, to indigenousauthors
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Mutual Aid for people surviving/escaping genocide.

An innovative project was recently started on tw*tter to support people living in Gaza or needing to escape Israel's genocide of Palestinians. It bypasses the big humanitarian organisations who're now (mostly) unable to operate within Palestine.

Via Gaza Funds' tw*tter account and website, this collective of mostly Palestinian and Arab engineers, students, writers, and academics have strategised mutual aid.

It works by:

  1. Directing people to individual crowdfund campaigns.

On tw*tter, this is done by @/gazafunds sharing fundraising that has stalled or is more urgent.

On gazafunds.com this is done by featuring one campaign each time someone visits Home page or refreshes.

  1. People are asked to 'adopt' a campaign. This is done two ways.

Sharing, boosting, promoting that one campaign on your social media etc.

Or, donating and then posting asking someone to match your donation. Those people then post asking others to match their donations.

Website here > https://gazafunds.com/about

Featured campaign of the moment here > https://gazafunds.com/

List of campaigns you can 'adopt' here > https://gazafunds.com/all

Note: yes, Rafah crossing is currently closed, but things rapidly change. This campaign will help people be ready to move when it opens again.


KarenWyld, to indigenousauthors
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

As a judge for this year's Nakata Brophy Short Fiction and Poetry Prize for Young Indigenous Writers - I'm looking forward to reading all the deadly entries!!


@indigenousauthors #Indigenous

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Income tips for Australian writers and others in creative professions - but similar funds exist in other countries.
{see below links to two programs that will bring in the $$$$)

There's a lot of positives for being an artist, but income is not one. Most Australian artists' incomes have been reduced over time > https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-07/creative-australia-artists-at-work-artist-income-inequality/103803622

Writers are one of the least paid professions. Advances and royalties absolutely don't provide a liveable income, especially given it takes 1 - 4 years to write a book. And prizes, scholarships, grants and speaking engagements are highly competitive. So we rely on annual collection programs/agencies. These payments add up to more income than royalties/sales over the lifetime of a creative piece.

The Copyright Fund is a lifesaver! Depending on how much my work is being read online or used by media, schools etc in a given year, I can live on CF payments for about 1 - 2 months.

If you're an Australian writer, visual artist, publisher, or creative organisation, and haven't yet signed up with Copyright Fund - do it!!

Another income source for authors, illustrators, editors, translators and compilers is the Australian Lending Right Scheme - ie Electronic Lending Rights/Public Lending Rights. This is a small annual payment when my books are borrowed from libraries (love libraries!), used as teaching resources in education, etc.

Fluctuates annually, but this year I can live off these payments for 2 months. I'll probably get more next time as my work is being used by a few schools this year.

You can sign up here >

You need to remember to log in each year, and add any new work you've published. Get your money, you creative lovelies!

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

All eyes on Rafah.

Don't look away. The least we can do is act as witnesses to Israel's crimes against humanity.

If you can, support the uni encampments. Attend protests. Donate to Palestinian mutual aid. Get cranky at politicians. Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israeli companies. Shout: not in our names!

From the river to the sea, liberate Palestine!

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

"Don't say mean things to me."

  • genocide apologist sealions who jump into your replies and don't get the attention they crave
KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Mutual Aid Update: Jason's doctors have informed him he'll require amputation below the knee, as a result of being hit by a motorist running a red light.

Please boost and/or donate to help Jason and his young family, on his long road to recovery.

News article about the accident > https://au.news.yahoo.com/aussie-dad-suffers-horrific-injuries-in-e-bike-collision-with-reckless-driver-055249215.html

GoFund > https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-needed-for-a-loving-father-after-a-tragic-accident

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

A man and his dog in their home that Israeli soldiers tried to destroy. May they always be free, from the river to the sea

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

are any mods on other Instances seeing a small wave of spam-like behaviour in the past few hours, coming from multiple Instances? Sugary stock photos and inspirational posts being posted with pro-Israel political hashtags. #FediBlockMeta

KarenWyld, to random
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

I've seen a few people talking about taking time to write this long long weekend, including in the local feed. Wondering if I am the only published novelist on aus.social

Does anyone want to ask me about writing, getting published, arts grants, whatever?

I'm taking the dog for a walk, but am happy to answer any questions when I get back. And will not be insulted if there are no questions :smilee:

rowlandm, to random Spanish
@rowlandm@disabled.social avatar

Talkin’ Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism (20th anniversary edition) | UQP

In this ground-breaking book, Distinguished Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson undertakes a compelling analysis of the whiteness of Australian feminism and its effects on Indigenous women.


Found via nottheonlyone.org as one of 9500+ #DEI #Diversity, #Equity and #Inclusion items.

@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

@rowlandm it's a great book. If you're interested, I created @indigenousauthors so people can share/discuss books like this one. And I made another auto booster @auslit for Australian literature, in general

KarenWyld, to palestine
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Australians can add their voices to the referral of PM Albanese, plus other Australian politicians, to the International Criminal Court for complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians.

Sign here > https://iccreferral.au

As signatories to the US Genocide Convention, the Australian government has moral and legal obligations to stop genocide. Instead, the Australian government are supplying material supports to the state of Israel; which are being used to commit acts of genocide and other forms of extreme state violence. The Australian government are not assisting Palestinians people to survive or escape this genocide; and are instead putting up further barriers such as withholding funding for aide organisations, and cancelling VISAs.

Details of case > https://birchgrovelegal.com.au/2024/03/01/birchgrove-legal-files-case-for-complicity-to-genocide-to-the-hague-international-criminal-court-media-release/


KarenWyld, to palestine
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

I'm slowly making a thread of resources that might support people speaking up for Palestine's liberation from the state of Israel's apartheid, occupation, and genocide.

Some of these resources could also help fedi admins and mods to discuss reports. Bad faith reporting is occurring across all social media platforms in an attempt to silence calls for an end to this genocide. Moderating during a genocide is not easy.

Feel free to add ones you've found (I will block if you add IOF propaganda or Zionist-leaning resources). Infographics and easy to read resources are good. Focus is on reputable resources - created by Palestinian organisations and people, and non-Zionist Jewish groups or people that support Palestinian liberation.

I'm collating resources to increase my own competency, but I hope sharing can help other people.

#FreePalestine @palestine

@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Resource 2/

Op Ed: As Jews, we don’t accept that criticism of Israel’s government is antisemitic


Source: Jewish Council of Australia


Subscribe to their media releases (see bottom of their about page)


@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

@palestine 3/-
An interesting interview with the Jewish Council of Australia, that explains the difference between anti-Semitism and false accusations of anti-Semitism.


KarenWyld, to palestine
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

My friend Susan Abulhawa - Palestinian author and changemaker - recently returned from Gaza. She spent two weeks there; delivering aid for animals and people, running workshops to support Palestinian people under siege to tell their own stories; and checking in on friends and family.

She didn't want to leave - Israel cancelled Humanitarian visas. Until she can enter again, Susan has been publishing her accounts of this brief time in Gaza. These pieces are haunting and honest. The devastation and state violence is much worse than what we've seen online.

I'll post her articles in this thread as they're published. And the videos she's produced. And urge everyone to read/watch.

Keep speaking up for Palestine!


@palestine #Gaza

@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Susan Abulhawa, activist and writer, recently returned to Gaza again. In the below video, she shares first-hand observations of the situation in Gaza, from the massacre site where Nasser hospital once stood. And a heartfelt message to students and other protestors around the world.

You can support her charity Playgrounds for Palestine here, with an option to direct your donation to relief for Gaza > https://playgroundsforpalestine.org/take-action/#donate

Liberate Palestine, from the river to the sea! 🍉🍓

Watch the video here > https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6RLO_lo_63/?igsh=MTRhMGxoMHB4b3Nrdw%3D%3D


@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar


Another must-read piece from Susan Abulhawa, who is currently in Gaza



@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar
@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar


Over on Instagram, Susan Abulhawa pulls apart Zadie Smith's rancid NYT word salad > https://www.instagram.com/p/C6okO6foI8x/?igsh=MXVyaGd5ZDBvaDhodw==


@KarenWyld@aus.social avatar

Susan Abulhawa has been made to leave Gaza again. But is still advocating.

In her latest piece, she writes about the global movement of students standing up for Palestine https://electronicintifada.net/content/gaza-our-moment-truth/46401

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

#Gaza #Palestine

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