@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Many. Technically most I still “know” through the advent of facebook, but I’m basing things off the period I interacted with them directly.

  • Numerous people I met in passing while I lived on campus during my failed attempt at college had long term effects on me. Watching other nerd’s socialization attempts fall flat helped me to learn when to keep my mouth shut when people didn’t get a reference. Being open to conversation with anyone about anything they were passionate about opened my eyes and mind to a whole ton of interests that I would have never thought about. On top of that, socializing with others is a skill that is improved with experience like any other skill. Being a freshman just figuring shit out in a nerdy degree gave plenty of excuse for me to be shit at socializing while I kept improving over time.
  • An upperclassman in an elective course I took freshman year chuckling at the same jokes the professor was making that the rest of the class didn’t get, which evolved into whispered chitchat, then study sessions helped open my eyes that there were other people with similar senses of humor to me persuing wildly different paths.
  • A girl who had a very obvious unrequited crush on my roommate helped pull me out of my shell, really demonstrated how wonderful it is to feel comfortable with who you are as a person, and her attitude of getting as much enjoyment out of any given situation (even the bad ones where her best friend started dating the guy she’d been pining after) really stuck with me. Also helped break me of the illusion that unrequited feelings are in any way worth it.
  • Many classmates and others that just suddenly had confidence in my knowledge and abilities after short talks with them helped build my confidence in my own knowledge, and helped ephasize that things that I saw as throwawy (because it came easy to me) shouldn’t be disregarded.
  • Some old high school classmates that I’ve ran into at college and now later in adulthood helped show me that despite my internal turmoil, I’ve been able to present well. It really hammered home to me that I’m my own worst critic, and that I’m the only one keeping such close tabs on my own blunders.
  • Just honestly and openly asking people how they were and truly being interested in listening to them opened my eyes to so many things, especially the sheer depth of human experience there is that each and every single person goes through.

The biggest impact for the limited time though has to be an old lesbian couple that let me stay in their spare room for a few months over a decade ago.

At that time I had dropped out of university. I was unemployed. I was in a deep depression, and my issues with my relationship with my parents were boiling over. I needed an out.

My long term gf had went long distance a year or two before, and said she had these friends that could let me crash with them while I got my shit sorted.

At the risk of doxxing myself with too much info, this couple was forced into early retirement due to a car accident leaving both of them unable to stand for extended periods, so they were partially wheelchair bound. One was a former autism spectrum diagnostician/social worker, the other was a practical effects tech for theater, movies, and other things.

One of the biggest lessons I learned from them was to work within your own limitations. They regularly did physical therapy to improve their mobility, but they also designed and built their own tools so they could do what they needed to do around the house.

Rather than hurt themselves trying to stand for too long cooking, they would find ways to do more sitting down. That sort of thing.

It seems simple and obvious in retrospect, but I was raised by two fairly dysfunctional parents in denial of their own adult ADHD. I was used to watching them throw their bodies at the wall over and over again until it fell over when they could have just used a ladder to climb over. I could never count how many conversations I had with them that were the ADHD equivalent of them telling a depressed person to just be happier. Unfortunately, my parents often applied the same line of thinking to themselves, forcing themselves to fail at doing things the “normal” way that didn’t work for them instead of adapating to their own shortcomings.

So meeting these women living full happy lives in cooperation with their own limitations and flaws was amazing to me.

Success wasn’t just dogged application of will on the same path forward as everyone else, it was also choosing the best path for you.

It’s something that has informed my entire life since and how I interact with the world.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you have the bandwidth, please try to bring the sub to lemmy. We’re lacking a lot of niche interest communities here.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

whose workers work on them entirely based on their need to be done

You mean there’s projects out there where it’s not a bunch of individual devs all working on their personal pet features and ignoring all else?

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The rewind feature is only available officially on specialized hardware that has not hit the market yet. “Copilot ready” is the term.

The PoCs are using multiple workarounds to get it running. It is also entirely disable-able using standard Windows adminstration tools.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

At the time I posted, Microsoft had officially planned on having it enabled by default on supported hardware, which was dumb as hell. They’ve since flipped on that, thank goodness.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Exactly. I hate fucking everything about this. I love the internet archive and ^nearly^ all they do.

In principal I love their “covid-19 emergency library” or whatever they called it. In practice? They absolutely know better than to pull stunts and I’m terrified that this will spell the end for one of the greatest knowledge and media resources of the modern age. For shit that was effectively already available to the public through ebook piracy sites.

They already operated on shaky ground, hosting downloads for a metric ton of shit that is unquestionably still under copyright (despite their claims to only be archival of things that are not), skating by on technicalities and by not drawing too much attention to themselves.

Plus, there were so fucking many better ways to do the “free digital library” thing without jeapordizing themselves.

  • Have some volunteers “misuse resources”: load an SSD up with the book files, “borrow” some compute power to decrypt/remove drm, pass batches off to existing ebook “dumping” groups to stagger releases and obsfucate the true source. This would ensure that any material they had which was not already available on the high seas would get there.
  • Make a big red banner on the site to a blog post with the generic “While we would never condone piracy or copyright infringement, we understand that times are extremely hard right now [blah blah] here are some links to community guides on how to access learning literature (pirate ebooks) during these trying times [blah blah] Please abide by your local laws.”
wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This buries the lede so deep it’s popping out the other side of the globe.

The entire core of this case is that (in abscence of more lenient agreements with publishers) traditional libraries are allowed to digitize physical books in their posession, as long as they do not lend out more copies than they physically own. The Internet Archive decided that they would lend out infinite copies, because “covid lol”.

Boston Public Library isn’t being sued because they don’t lend out more than they own! It has precisely zero to do with fucking optics.

Edit: Don’t get me wrong, I hope they win this case, but them continuing to play stupid helps nobody. Unfortunately, as discussed thoroughly online when they opened the covid19 emergency digital library, they fucked around. Now it seems they may have to find out.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Archive has been around for well over a decade with no issues outside of sporadic DMCA claims against user uploaded content. For many many years they have been left alone, despite hosting a shit ton of copyrighted material.

Occasional legal battles that they’ve handled with no problems with the help of the EFF. This is the first “existential threat” to them in quite a long time.

This is absolutely because they pulled the emergency library stunt, and they were loud as hell about it. They literally broke the law and shouted about it.

Libraries are allowed to scan/digitize books they own physically. They are only allowed to lend out as many as they physically own though. Archive knew this and allowed infinite “lend outs”. They even openly acknowledged that this was against the law in their announcement post when they did this.

I can absolutely say this is their own damn fault while disagreeing with the law they broke. There, I just did.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

All of those inputs would likely be much better built into the ps1 file. PowerShell is meant as a sucessor to vbscript which was meant as a successor to windows batch.

Selecting options? Make them parameters that you just set when calling the script: ./build.ps1 -Arch 64 -CompressSplines

Needing someone to manually confirm something completed? Add a while loop to wait 5 seconds while whatever spawned process is still running.


Also, you can have multiple terminals open in VSCode.

You’ve not listed any requirements that aren’t more easily solved with existing features in the tools you’ve listed. Learn the tools your work expects you to use before you start blaming them for shit.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why not just open another terminal in VSCode?

You can open as many as you want, and as many types as you want. Bash, PowerShell, Command Prompt… there’s zero need to chain multiple just to keep your main one free.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The hula hoops are of your own choice/design, I’m sorry to say.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s absolutely acceptable. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.

But please don’t publicly post a joke/rant about how your only option to accomplish something was through absurd hacky workarounds, when the issue is that you refused to learn the tools you have.

What we have here is the slightly more tech literate version of printing out a Word Doc so you can re-arrange, remove, and add pages physically before scanning it back in as a PDF to email someone, then complaining about it being so difficult, rather than just using one of the many many print to PDF and PDF editing/splicing tools.

Microsoft violates children’s privacy – but blames your local school (noyb.eu)

GDPR rights are being ignored. In practice, this leads to a situation where Microsoft is trying to contractually dump most of its legal responsibilities under the GDPR on schools that provide Microsoft 365 Education services to their pupils or students....

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The whole point A big part of the problem is that it’s not clearly documented.

Yes, there’s a ton of documentation, but correlating the settings across multiple different constantly changing web UIs plus the shit that’s only available through PowerShell is easily a full time job. That’s without talking about the vagueness, edge cases, and situations that simply aren’t discussed in the docs.

Good example: Litigation Holds on mailboxes. LitigationDate does not update when settings of an active hold are changed, only when the status changes from disabled to enabled. Duration has no connection to the LitigationDate, so setting a duration of 100 days does not mean that the hold expires 100 days after the LitigationDate. It means that each individual email in the box will be retained for 100 days past when it was created.

So let’s say for legal reasons you need to retain emails for a year, even if the user deletes them. Litigation Holds also will retain copies of deleted emails behind the scenes, so perfect. Pretty simple, set duration to 365 days and enable the hold.

What about if you need to hold onto all emails in the mailbox at the time when an employee is fired, but you only want to have those for 100 days past their firing date? You have to take the normal retention duration of 365, add how many days post firing you need to hold onto everything. So 465 days for how old the oldest email can be, so 465 days for the duration. But you only want to set that after the separation now, else you hold onto more while the person is still employed.

Automating this step is something not directly supported as some sort of automatic policy. You have to either do it manually whenever someone leaves, or start looking into automating manual changes using other tools.

Okay, so how do you ensure that at 100 days post-firing it all goes away? You must disable the 465 day duration hold entirely after 100 days. Again, manual change or welcome to learning automation land.

Now lets mix in email retention policies in Exchange, but you can’t solely rely on those because those only define the maximum time an email can live before deletion and don’t prevent a user from deleting everything themselves. Now you need to account for their maximum length with the duration you set when a user is fired as well.

Why not just make things easy and set all separated employees to unlimited? Now there’s too much exposure risk if you get a subpeona. Legal department says no, we need it exactly as described above. And no exporting a mailbox to file after someone is fired, for security reasons relating to data portability.

So we’re automating now. How do we track separation date in a way that the automation can use 100 days after it as a trigger?

Now how about having a verifiable audit trail for all of those changes?

I’ve fudged specifics but that scenario, requirements, and restrictions are not a hypothetical. I work in finance, so our requirements will be heavier than some other places, but it illustrates a point.

None of the little information I’ve given about how these features work is laid out nearly so straight forward in the official documentation.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The issue is that Microsoft is marketing these as “easy” solutions (requiring less work and manpower than older on-prem options) for specific use cases (in this case education) where the defaults don’t match the requirements for said use case. It’s not easier, and it doesn’t meet the needs it is sold for out of the box.

I was only addressing your claim that it’s all documented and the implication that it was a simple matter of configuration.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I mean, it’s 4chan. People have very little qualms being as disgusting as humanly possible when behind the shield of full anonynity.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have a handful of “low focus” games for podcasts, audiobooks, youtube video essays, etc.

Vampire Survivors, or almost any “bullet heaven” type game works well. Old School Runescape also has a ton of ways to skill grind with minimal attention needed. Turn based RPGs with minimal story are great too.

Played through a handful of Pokemon randomizers and romhacks while binging King of the Hill.

But the king for me for a while was Elite: Dangerous. Hop in my cargo ship, use spansh road to riches to generate a trading route, and binge stuff while flying fron planet to planet in supercruise.

wizardbeard, (edited )
@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Dude, you just exploded over a pun that went over your head.

Odo rests as a bucket of fluid/liquid Odo. Bucket of fluid -> gender fluid.

Chill out.

Edit: What the fuck is plainsimplegarak’s comment history. Yikes.

You still completely missed the stupid fluid joke though.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sincerely, who do you think you are speaking to?

There have been three separate people in this comment thread past the initial fluid joke.

I think you have me confused for someone else.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How in the fuck is trying to let you know that you missed a joke about fluid trolling? Please look at the context of the thread you’re replying to instead of making knee jerk assumptions and just firing off “hot take” replies.

I’m not the one looking foolish here.

I understand that you said in some other comment that you have someone on lemmy stalking you and downvoting your shit. I understand that whoever the fuck the user plainsimplegarak is, the guy who called you Jimmy, is weird and unhinged. I am neither of those people.

I was just trying to tell you that you missed a dumb joke about the word fluid, and responded agressively to the person making it. My bad that I should have replied to you one comment higher rather than below “garak”, but it looked like you were just doubling down on weird out of place aggression.

Either way, I have no idea what in the fresh hell you think is going on now or who the fuck you think I am. Please take a moment and come back to this comment thread when you aren’t… in whatever weird ass state you seem to be in right now.

I’ve only ever interacted with you here, trying to point out the stupid joke you seemed to miss and misinterpret as some bigoted attack, and now I’m confused as all hell.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh joy. I’m saved by your magnamity.

You missed a pun and ran with the thought that you were under attack rather than the possibility you missed an obvious and dumb joke.

I hope one day you find relief from the trolls you’ve built in your own head. I’m out.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It went from direct connections between user computers to all routing through Micrsoft’s centralized servers. I wonder why everyone started having connection and lag issues after that.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That’s a completely separate situation.

Yes, tipping culture is out of control and needs to be abolished. But screwing over the wait staff or delivery driver currently providing you service will never have any impact on the big wigs that made the decision to play them less than minimum wage.

Why is this so difficult for people?

Pay reasonable tips for reasonable service people paid under minimum wage. Also work with your local politicians to eliminate tipping. Do not withold tips from people working under minimum wage unless you just want to be part of the boot stepping on them.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yes, but until such time that is happening, you are also an asshole for not tipping where people are being paid under minimum wage.

Amazingly, both of these concepts can be true simultaneously!

You not tipping the service worker will never have any impact on the company’s decision to be assholes and pay less than minimum wage.

Working with local politicians and boycotting said companies might. But most people in the US complaining about this shit want to have their cake and eat it too.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yep, bible has a lot of sections about having the faith of a child. Believing without needing proof.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s not even a race thing really, regional dialects exist across skin color.

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