ifyoudontknowlearn, to canada in Cops refuse to cooperate with investigations

Not cooperating with oversight investigators should be a fireable offence. Just straight up your job has a higher standard of conduct. If you want your right to not talk that’s fine but you can do that as a civilian not a police officer.

It’s long past time to force officers to be held accountable.


100% this. The role of police is too important to let thugs hide behind “I don wan be incwiminated”.


While that’s true most people are unaware of the places actual role. In the United States at least in the police are not there to protect or serve you. They are there to protect the property of the wealthy. And not much else. They can and will kill you with impunity if afforded the chance. We need to completely reform the police. Because the problems with them stem far far deeper than their simple gang behavior. And that is a sad truth. The police are off the little more than a state or municipality in sanctioned gang.


While you are referencing American police behavior in a forum about Canada, I don’t think our police are much better. We could definitely take a page from some other countries about what responsibilities and obligations police have, or ought to have.


They should be happy to cooperate, since they have nothing to hide, right?

theacharnian, avatar

Exactly. Oversight is part of the job. Don’t want to do the job? Fine, the door’s wide open.

Monument, to canada in Legal cannabis labels inflate THC potency contained in products, executives say

Well, when the government fails to adequately regulate, leaving it up to industry to self-report, this is the only foreseeable outcome - for pretty much any industry.
Greed is a massively corrupting influence.

I know that the producers don’t self-report. They’re supposed to contract with testing labs, but when there’s a lack of standardized procedures and oversight, the producers lab-shop until they find a lab that has tweaked their processes in such a way that reports favorably on even substandard goods.
In that way, the labs become facilitators of a flawed regulatory process.

The only real fix is more and better oversight (including verification of results from testing laboratories) and standardization of testing procedures.

yenahmik, to news in Biden administration to urge Americans get new COVID-19 boosters

I find these sort of article really frustrating. They say you should get the updated vaccine, but don’t say when it will be available. Give me a date when I can plan to be able to get it. If you don’t have the exact date it’ll be available, is it really worth reporting, yet?

HeartyBeast avatar

It says the administration will be urging people to get the booster this Autumn. I expect that's when the updated vaccination will be available. They can't say 'October 13' because there are still unknowns in production and distribution, but I expect there will be more detail coming.

This isn't the announcement, just news that there will be one. The news here is that Modern has develloped an updated shot. The article is doing its best to answer the obvious 'when can I get it' question


This isn’t the announcement, just news that there will be one

And that’s my issue with it. Why do we need an announcement that an announcement is coming? In the future, will we get an announcement announcing the impending announcement of an announcement? It’s just absurdism to me. Just wait until the final announcement with all necessary details.

snooggums avatar

This is the teaser for the trailer before the official release.


And then the trailer will start with a 5 second eyecatch trailer to convince you to watch the trailer you just looked up to watch.

Eventually the 5 second eyecatch will itself need a zinger.

quirzle avatar

Why do we need an announcement that an announcement is coming?

The honest answer is that these sites make money off traffic, so they have no incentive to wait for actual concrete news instead of just churning out another headline with "Biden" and "COVID" in it to generate some clicks.

HeartyBeast avatar

This is how it goes.

Thursday: Moderna announces new vaccine

Whitehouse Correspondent: "When will Americans be able to get this new vaccine?"

Press secretary: checks notes "We will make further announcements in the autun whjen we have details and will urge all Americans to have a booster"

Correspondent: Excellent - 400 words there for the news desk.

It will, no doubt be useful as a heads-up to health-care folk, to start thinking about planning a new vaccination programme.

elscallr avatar

Yes if your entire goal is clicks


I guess the idea is to get the idea in people’s heads early, but I agree. Unless you can tell me when I can find the vaccine locally, go away.

goforliftoff, to canadapolitics in Canada mulling ‘game plan’ if U.S. takes far-right, authoritarian shift, Joly says

Can that game plan involve letting me and my family relocate to Canada? Please?


Me too! I’ll even take back everything bad thing I’ve said about the Leafs.


Sure, I might have said at one point that Bachman-Turner Overdrive were “overrated,” but it was a joke!

RichardBonham, (edited )
RichardBonham avatar

Canada requires you to have a plan that makes you an asset to Canada (fair enough). Certain occupations in certain provinces are in need. Having a plan to start or invest in a business and hard proof that you have the capital to do so ($2M USD) is also a possibility. Having family in Canada and already having a written job offer or business plan helps. There is also the matter of the medical clearance and demonstration of proficiency in both English and French.

FWIW, Canada does not have a retiree visa, but many countries do.

France, Costa Rica, New Zealand look mighty good. Uruguay if you are looking for no entry visa requirement, no retirement visa income requirements, duty-free on your car and the ability to buy real estate as a non-citizen. Apartment with ocean views in Punta?


Actually, you know what, we’ll just liberate you.

XbSuper, to canada in Cops refuse to cooperate with investigations

And they wonder why nobody trusts them anymore. It’s long past time to take away their civilian rights. As an officer of the law, they need to be held to a higher standard, and not be able to hide behind the rights designed to protect civilians from them.


It’s shitty, because many cops are reasonable, trustworthy people most of the time.

But policing organizations have sick cultures that ignore public safety - just look at the report from Nova Scotia’s mass casualty commission for proof of that.

It will be impossible to fix that culture as long as cops avoid external enquiries.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Meet more cops. That’s really, really not true. They’re mostly unhinged bullies. Like many sociopaths they can be charming and appear normal but they are not.

RainfallSonata, to nottheonion in Foreign landlord fails to pay taxes, CRA goes after tenant

required to withhold and remit 25 per cent of the rent

Is this normal in Canada?


This is the first I’ve ever heard of this and I’ve been renting for 16 years


Can’t speak for Canada, but in Texas, if your landlord doesn’t maintain the property properly, you are allowed to withhold the amount of rent needed to pay for repairs.

Transporter_Room_3, to nottheonion in Foreign landlord fails to pay taxes, CRA goes after tenant avatar

I’d love to be able to grab these people who do these things, sit them down in a nice sterile nondescript room far away from their support structures that give them confidence to do or say stupid things without someone correcting them, and just ask them, in simple terms, why they believe their actions are appropriate, and try to give them an example of a thing they can do instead, that would be the smart thing to do from both financial AND pr point of view.

For this, the people who contacted the tenant. “why do you believe you should penalize the renter, and not the property owner who did the illegal thing?” and every time they start giving me some bullshit beurocratic answer, just treat them the way we would be treated. With hostility and contempt. “oh come on Derek, we both know that’s a bullshit excuse. Come on Derek, I like you. I want to help you out here. I’m just looking for the truth.”

Until finally someone cracks and admits they fucked up and we’re too embarrassed to admit it so they would rather see someone’s life get trashed than admit to an error that could potentially threaten their yearly review.

This may have gotten a little personal…

chknbwl, avatar

To defeat the Narcissist, you must BE the Narcissist.


Just say you want to be a cop and hurt people.


So by your logic, no one ever gets to defend themselves, because “bad” actions are ALWAYS bad, right?

Showroom7561, to canada in Alberta directed removal of COVID, flu references in fall vaccine campaign

“The desire is to not indicate the types of vaccines available, just that they are.”

This seems to be an intentional barrier to prevent people from getting the appropriate vaccines.

Why do it? Because fewer people who get vaccinated means more people will get sick. More people getting sick means that hospitals won’t be able to cope.

Who ya gonna blame? THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! 🤡


I always wonder how much planning these people do. Do they have an endgame in mind, or do they just want to pretend that public health doesn’t matter?

For example, Danielle Smith didn’t even think through her promise to pardon violators, and that seemed like a pretty major plank of her last election platform.


Why do it? Because fewer people who get vaccinated means more people will get sick. More people getting sick means that hospitals won’t be able to cope.

Who ya gonna blame? THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! 🤡

You’re missing the final part to the puzzle, it’s not blame the feds.

Public health care doesn’t work so we’re going to privatize it.

twelvefloatinghands, to canada in Supreme Court says Crown may use evidence from illegal searches in some circumstances avatar

Not much of a right then, is it?


All of our rights are limited, it’s part of the charter

Zoboomafoo, avatar

Not much of a right then, is it?


Sure it is

It protects other people

GreyEyedGhost, to canada in Supreme Court says Crown may use evidence from illegal searches in some circumstances

As usual with our charter rights, they’re really just recommendations.

nik282000, avatar

Boy, it would be a shame if someone hacked the personal devices of high ranking politicians and found evidence that they are knowingly running Canada into the ground for profit.


You don’t even have to hack them. Conservatives and neo Liberals openly admit it usually.


Why not join the USA. You’re basically American already. Ditch the crown and join the US.



  • Loading...
  • PhlubbaDubba,

    How to spot a Canadian,

    Call two people an american, the canadian will be the one who yells at you in the shittiest forced gradeschool french they can remember on the spot to try and insist on how different they are.

    Or they’ll be a tory and say “I fucking wish!” before cursing the elder Trudeau’s name because they’re still not over the Salmonarm Salute.


    Just a bit o banter me old mucker. ;)

    Your geese battalion invades our canals. I wind up a few of you moose ranglers. The circle of life.

    jadero, to canada in Supreme Court says Crown may use evidence from illegal searches in some circumstances

    The rest of us have to perform our jobs with competence, why not the police?

    The rest of us have to follow the law, why not the police?

    nik282000, avatar

    Because police are Heros.

    garbagebagel, to canada in Vet technician, 33, is scraping by in a small city Ontario house her parents paid for: ‘It’s a lot of guilt’

    Say whatever you want about her spending habits but $35k for a vet tech job is fucking criminal. Why are we paying essentially minimum wage for an extremely high stress job that requires at least two years of schooling??


    I feel like jobs like these are passion jobs. Or employers feel like if it’s something you’re passionate about and care about, then you should be willing to do it for less.

    For example, had a few friends work for the Canucks. I’m pretty sure the family who owns Canuck’s are billionaires, but because the people who work there are passionate about the sport and the team, they get away with below living wages for the privilege of just being around.

    Obviously not the same, but… yeh. We under pay people who care and feel indebted to their clients and the work they love.


    Game developers seem to get paid very little for something that’s very difficult.

    At the root i think passion among a great many people for (games, animals, hockey), leads to an oversupply of talent, which leads to depressed wages.


    Ah good example! I’m hoping that unions help our game developer friends.


    When I was in college for a CS degree, just about every single classmate I asked said they were planning on going into game dev, when you have entire graduating classes all gunning for the same positions in a relatively niche field, you can pay peanuts and still fill roles

    TimewornTraveler, to canada in Legal cannabis labels inflate THC potency contained in products, executives say

    MMJ is an absolute fucking mess. It’s great that we can begin to get past the human rights abuses of the war on drugs, but there’s so much work to be done to make it a safe and effective medicine. So much research is lacking. So much documentation is lacking. So much credentialing lacking. CBD potency is plummeting and it’s painful. Dispensaries are run by young kids that just think its fun, and they keep recommending me strains that are fucking hell on my anxiety. Give me a damn pharmacist!

    Oshka avatar

    Think this problem stems from it being only medical in most places. I have a script in Florida but it's in no way a medical need like it is for your anxiety. So you have this large mix of people just looking to get high legally and also those there for legit pain/anxiety medication.

    We need to separate these and give doctors more power to do what's right.

    Touching_Grass, (edited ) to canada in Canadians face 40 years of stagnant incomes – government’s economic strategy is failing

    The academic literature overwhelmingly finds that the level of immigration has a negligible or neutral overall impact on indicators that determine a country’s living standards: labour productivity, real wages, the employment rate, the population’s age structure and, crucially, GDP per capita.

    Who ever said immigrations goal was short term immediate benefit?

    Also I don’t think this is true. I’ve always seen studies that show how immigrant’s by the second generation are indistinguishable from third born and greater Canadians. But even better, they’re job creators and often higher educated since immigrants value higher education more than natural born Canadians. The thing about higher education is it creates more economic stability during difficult economic times.

    Some examples:

    The second generation’s business ownership rates were lower than that of immigrants but higher than those of third plus generations—individuals with Canadian-born parents. This finding held for all three forms of business ownership investigated in this study: the ownership of (1) private incorporated firms with employees, (2) private incorporated firms in high-tech research and development (R&D)-intensive industries and (3) the primary self-employed (unincorporated).…/00003-eng.htm

    immigrants who came to Canada as children participated in postsecondary education more often than the Canadian population as a whole, with those admitted at younger ages participating the most. Also, children admitted as economic immigrants fared better than the overall Canadian average from age 25 on. Then by age 30, children of sponsored and refugee families had median wages comparable to the overall population. These results were similar to what Stats Can found in a study for the 2018 tax year.…/immigrant-children-become-more-educ…

    Canadians stopped having kids. Long before any economic struggle. Immigrants are just new tax payers. They’re not short term solution they’re a long term solution. Otherwise we just don’t have the tax base to support Canada. Housing can and is being fixed. But we can’t fix the dwindling tax base whenever we feel like. It had to start 20 years ago


    I was with you until “housing is being fixed.” Do you have some links to support this too? I’d love some reassurance if so.

    Touching_Grass, (edited )

    The way I see it is regardless of party. Its the number one issue in Canada. Its going to get fixed. One way or another. The plan to fix is likely going to determine the next election


    You say that as if the solution is just “people in charge say it should be fixed”. What are the major causes of the housing crisis & see do you see it being fixed?

    From what I’ve been reading from various sources, the problems we’re seeing are a combination of deep-seated urban design failures, combined with the changes to investment rules over the last few decades. Neither are quick fixes.


    The thing about higher education is it creates more economic stability during difficult economic times.

    There is no country on earth with more higher education than Canada. Does that stability come from the doubling down on trading houses back and forth when there is nothing else?

    GizmoLion, to news in Biden administration to urge Americans get new COVID-19 boosters
    GizmoLion avatar

    The least they can do is either number or codename the shots. How do I ask the local pharmacy if they have the updated shot? "The one they've been working on for a while?" "Just came out?"

    Call it booster shot #, give it a more interesting name, or call it an amalgamation of the strains it targets.


    I guess just call it XBB1.5?


    “do you have the covid booster that was just updated?”

    when I booked my flu shot at cvs it asked if I’d like to pre-schedule my next covid booster for when they expect to have it and the soonest it gave was September 18.

    HarkMahlberg avatar

    I mean if the boosters come as frequently as the flu vaccine, then you won't have to worry about the name or number of it.

    "I'm here for my yearly flu and/or COVID vaccine."


    I just got mine in Canada. Asked the pharmacist if they have the new shot that helps protect against the latest strain and they said not yet.

    Why are you acting like it’s so difficult? Lol


    Something like CV19B-MDRN-202309 would be nice. But as we’re moving into the maintenance phase of this virus, I imagine that it’ll just come to be known as the “Fall 2023 COVID shot”, similar to flu shots.

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