

Israel is a nuclear-armed nation, it is as immune to large-scale ground invasion as N Korea or Pakistan. They do not need our thousand pound bombs, nor our military alliance. This just isn’t the 80s anymore.

Similarly, Reagan wasn’t facing a criminal trying to take down his own justice system, relying fully on being propped up by ethno-nationalists that want Palestine, all of it, exterminated, just to maintain his own position.

We could probably stop them, if we threatened them with severe economic sanctions. Cutting off the weapons would simply make Netanyahu use even more indiscriminate tactics though, like starving them all, or firebombing the whole place. He can’t accept a permanent cease fire though, because one would cost him, him personally, everything he has left.

That’s the problem with strongmen. They don’t actually give a fuck about people, just themselves. And they’d rather be an evil tyrant than a loser.

Probably can’t fix that with a phone call, don’t you think?

FlyingSquid, avatar

Also, Netanyahu has been planning this for years. It’s exactly why he helped Hamas get control of Gaza in the first place. He has had a plan to wipe out Palestine for a long time now and he’s finally been able to implement it.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

Funny how America’s always in charge of gas prices, the stock market, and other countries when a Democrat is in charge, isn’t it?


No, he couldn't. Netanyahu is in charge and he's been looking forward to this for ages. He is not in America's (much less Biden's) pocket. He has his own powerful military at his beck and call.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Noooo you must vote for Genocide Joe!

Keep voting for the Genocide guy!!! Else the other Genocide guy is going to win!!!

KairuByte, avatar

So in your opinion, Trump and Biden are exactly the same? No difference between the two of them at all?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Show me the part where Biden didn’t do literally everything Netanyahu asked him to do.


Just say you can’t honestly answer their question, instead of dishonestly trying to create a distraction by posing irrelevant questions.


They both have the same amount of letters in their last name, both have kids that struggle with substance abuse, both don’t want to retire. What’s the difference?

/S if it wasn’t obvious


Biden does want to retire. He's said he'd only run again if Trump did, so here we all are.

K1nsey6, avatar

He also said there are hundreds of qualified people to run against Trump, so here we all are. Democrats are not serious about winning, if they were they would have primaried Biden


The fact that Biden is the main candidate is proof that they are serious about winning. Incumbents rarely lose.

K1nsey6, avatar

And every incumbent that’s polled this low in their third year has lost. No incumbent has ever polled this low.

FlyingSquid, avatar

If Trump gets elected, my queer daughter could very well be part of a domestic genocide. For my daughter’s sake, and the sake of all other queer people in America, Trump cannot be allowed back into office.

So please tell me who I should vote for to keep my daughter safe.

K1nsey6, avatar

And while Republicans are creating the environment that threatens your daughter, Democrats have done jack shit to counteract it. Republicans targeting trans didnt start overnight, it’s been going on for years, so Dems have had years to protect them, yet here we are. Their inaction allows Republican action.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Interesting how you didn’t respond to the final sentence of my very short post even though it was separate from the other two setences.

Maybe you missed it. I’ll post it again:

So please tell me who I should vote for to keep my daughter safe.

K1nsey6, avatar

The choice is yours but neither Biden nor Trump will keep her safe. As someone that’s been out since Reagan the quality nor safety of my life has been safe regardless which shade of fascism runs the government.

FlyingSquid, avatar

The choice is yours

I know the choice is mine. That’s how elections work.

but neither Biden nor Trump will keep her safe.

Okay, then who will? Because that was my question. Tell me who and I’ll vote for them.

Linkerbaan, avatar

And if Biden gets elected then you can be sure that America will shift even further right in the future.

And then your daughter will actually get genocided.

First they came for the Palestinians.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Wait… are you actually claiming that it’s Biden and not Trump who’s the massive homophobic bigot?

You must be insane.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Reading and thinking is too difficult for libs. Give it some time before you write a comment,

FlyingSquid, avatar

Again, please tell me who I should vote for to keep my daughter safe.

Because your answer so far seems to be ‘not Biden.’ That means you think Trump does not already have a record of oppressing queer people (he does)- therefore vote for Trump, that Biden’s record is worse (please show evidence of this)- therefore vote for Trump, or that they’re both equally bad in that regard and so I should vote for the person who has a chance of defeating both of them.

So is it that I should vote for Trump or is it that there is a third option that you refuse to name?

Linkerbaan, avatar

Cornel West, Jill Stein or any other third party

Nothing is going to happen in 2024 to your daughter. Trump is going to screw over some Mexicans and Arabs like he did in 2016 and that’s it.

America needs to move way further to the right until Adolf Hitler2 with Nazi tattoos shows up before you see domestic Genocide.

And that will happen if the current cycle of “picking the lesser evil” continues. Because America will keep shifting to the right.

Either you break the cycle or eventually you will actually reach the Genocide point. If the Democrats learn that they can be Republicans and win elections, they will keep being republicans.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Cornell West, Jill Stein or any other third party

Please present evidence any of them have a chance of winning.

Nothing is going to happen in 2024 to your daughter.

You’re right. Because Trump gets sworn in January 20th, 2025 if he wins. And then he has a good chance of putting my daughter in a camp.

But you don’t care about queer people.


>you don’t care about queer people

instead of accusing, you could ask.

FlyingSquid, avatar

I don’t need to ask. They think I should vote for Cornell West at the expense of my daughter’s life.

I doubt you give a shit about queer people either.

And if I asked you, you’d probably say you do. And then tell me that I shouldn’t try to save my daughter’s life by voting for a candidate who has a legitimate chance of winning but instead vote for the guy who is a write-in for most states.

Because you likely also do not give a shit about queer people.

Funny thing about bigots. So many of them hate to admit it.

Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct will be ‘labeled as bigots and treated as such’ by the government

– Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito…/supreme-court-samuel-alito-trad…

He also does not give a shit about queer people and also does not think anyone should vote for Biden. You three should get along swimmingly.


this is pigeonholeing. you could deal with what I actually say instead of what other people said that you wish to argue with.

FlyingSquid, avatar

What you have said to me so far was that Cornel West has a chance because he has 3% of the vote and that I should ask someone instead of saying they don’t give a shit about queer people.

The first is a laughably ignorant understanding of statistics, polling and elections. The second is just laughable.

You have told other people, however, to vote for West or Stein. Neither of which has a statistically likely chance of winning. Something very unusual would have to happen for them to win. So instead of stopping the coming queer genocide, you think people should vote for an almost guaranteed loser.

You don’t give a shit about queer people and neither does your buddy.


>You don’t give a shit about queer people

with respect, I am the authority about my values.

FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    again, with respect, you can't determine my values. i decide what i value.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    A absolutely can determine that you don’t give a shit about queer people.

    It is obvious that none of this concerns you enough to act on it:

    At CPAC in 2023, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles gave a speech where he said, “Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.” In response to people who said that he was calling for genocide, Knowles stated that “nobody [was] calling to exterminate anybody”.[25] As part of his 2024 presidential campaign, Donald Trump vowed to stop gender-affirming care for minors, calling it “child mutilation.”[26] Project 2025, a document outlining intended conservative policies, called “purveyors” of “transgender ideology[. . .]child predators and misogynistic exploiters of children.”[27] Project 2025 conflates transgender people with pornography, and calls for pornography to be outlawed, for teachers and librarians who talk about transgender people to be imprisoned, and all telecommunications that allows transgender people to talk on it to be shuttered.[28]

    Some US laws have been described, including by journalists Emily St. James and Katelyn Jones, as meeting criteria mentioned in the United Nations definition of genocide, including laws banning gender-affirming care (“causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”), and those allowing child protective services to pursue child abuse claims against the parents of children receiving gender-affirming care and remove said children (“forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”).[33][34]…

    If you gave a shit about queer people, you would be doing everything in your power to keep Republicans out of office, including their presidential candidate to stop this genocide.

    But this isn’t a convenient genocide for you to accuse people of supporting, this is a genocide of “icky” people. So that’s an acceptable genocide.

    Because you don’t give a shit about queer people.


    i don't believe voting for biden is an effective way to act on it. that doesn't mean i don't care.

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    >Sorry… you don’t think voting for Biden is an effective way to stop Trump and the Republicans from implementing project 2025?

    no. the republicans will work toward that no matter how i vote, and biden has been in power in washington for the 50 years that lead to the current state. i don't believe voting for him will stop any of it.

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    trump didn't write p2025. it's the republican machine, which will maintain basically all of its power regardless of the outcome in november, which will be implementing it.

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    that's not what i said.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    What, specifically, apart from “tell people on the internet not to vote for Biden” (which you oddly think is helping) have you done about the ongoing queer genocide in the United States?


    >What, specifically, apart from “tell people on the internet not to vote for Biden” (which you oddly think is helping) have you done about the ongoing queer genocide in the United States?

    i do most of my organizing in meatspace. join me some time.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    “i do most of my organizing in meatspace.”

    That is not a specific. Your organizing could be for PETA for all I know.

    What, specifically, have you done about the ongoing queer genocide?


    i've been as specific as i'm going to get. a little snooping around would let anyone determined to do so find me, and you can see my work in person.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    In other words, not a thing.

    So I go back to my original statement. You don’t give a shit about queer people.


    assume anything you want, but i know what i do and what i value, and so do the people around me.


    they already control some of the states, legislature-and-executive, as well as many of the courts at the state and federal level. having the presidency would make some of the proposals easier, but not guaranteed. having biden in office would make things harder for them, but not a sure loss.

    and the difference, that gap between what is inevitable and what is possible-but-not-guaranteed by a trump victory is incredibly slim. further, as i said before, it was democrats who made this system possible, and joe biden has a great deal of the responsibility himself.

    so there is no rational case that voting for biden will make things better.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Still waiting for the specifics about what you’ve done about the ongoing queer genocide.


    and you'll keep waiting.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    In other words, not a thing.

    So I go back to my original statement. You don’t give a shit about queer people.


    assume anything you want, but i know what i do and what i value, and so do the people around me.

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    on the internet, no one knows you're a dog. there is no point in swinging my dick around. come visit.


    >And yet you can’t tell me one single solitary thing you have done to help queer people. Not one

    i can. i won't

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    >Also, I will not reply to multiple posts you make anymore. If you want to talk to me, do it in one post.


    >Now you’re just lying.


    FlyingSquid, avatar

    You refuse to show otherwise.

    So I will call you a liar and a bigot until you do.


    namecalling is uncivil.

    Be civil, No violations of TOS. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Those aren’t names, they are descriptions.

    And I will continue to describe you in those terms until you show me evidence that you are not a bigot and a liar.


    >Those aren’t names, they are descriptions.

    that's rather for the mods to determine, isn't it?

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I wonder if the mods will take into account you trolling me a couple of minutes ago when I said I wouldn’t reply to multiple posts?

    Guess we’ll see.

    In the meanwhile, I will maintain that you are a bigot who doesn’t care about queer people and are lying about helping stop the genocide. You can very easily disabuse me of this notion. It seems to me like someone who didn’t like being called those things would be very open to showing why they aren’t.

    You certainly haven’t been.

    But, again, feel free to tell me what in specific you have done to stop the queer genocide. Can you list even one single thing? Let’s find out.


    >I said I wouldn’t reply to multiple posts

    my inbox has determined that was a lie.


    >I wonder if the mods will take into account you trolling me a couple of minutes ago when I said I wouldn’t reply to multiple posts?

    don't tell me what to do. i don't see how giving you a catchy song to remember this simple request is trolling, but, yea. let them determine it.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    And more trolling.

    I deleted my other post to you because I misunderstood what you meant, but I will respond to this one instead.

    Your “inbox” nonsense is because you’re on Mastodon and don’t understand how Lemmy works. If you reply to someone multiple times on Lemmy via Mastodon, it splits into two threads.

    Maybe don’t use a shitty Twitter clone and learn how the real Internet works.


    I can't believe you've taken to attacking the most mature activitypub project. do you think Lemmy is a shitty reddit clone? the real Internet is wherever two or more gather in my name (or something like that)


    >And more trolling.

    everything I've said is true. you can call it trolling if you don't like it, but that won't change the truth

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Again, I am not going to respond to multiple posts.


    this, too, reads like a lie.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Weird sort of lie since I’m only responding to half your posts.


    >You can very easily disabuse me of this notion.

    i already explained, as you did, that i could just lie. but i invite you to come roll up your sleeves literally any time.

    FlyingSquid, avatar


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  • bigMouthCommie,

    >If you post to me twice, the other post will be ignored.

    i wish you'd ignore my whole account.


    Your queer daughter is lucky to have a parent like you who takes voting so seriously (and I genuinely mean that).

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Thank you. She is the most important thing in my life and I will do anything I can to keep her from harm. And- I know a lot of people make this claim- if Trump wins, we are moving to Europe. I recently found out, based on research my brother and I have been doing, that I’m eligible for German citizenship (my Grandfather was German but renounced his citizenship and became British in 1936. However, my father was born in 1931, making him a German citizen and me a German citizen and my daughter a German citizen) and I’m working on getting us German passports if we have to. We’re also looking up places to live where most people speak English so we can learn the local language while we’re there rather than have to know it before we go. The closer we get to the election, the more I’m going to do to make sure we get the fuck out of here before January 20, 2025 if Trump wins. I will not risk her being put in a “conversion therapy” camp or whatever the fuck they want to do to queer people.

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