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Nightwingdragon, (edited )

In other news, threats of violence continue to be used because they’re effective, film at 11.

Remember, guys. When you’re criticizing companies like Target for this, remember that it’s not the CEOs that have to deal with the fallout on a day-to-day basis. They’re safe in their offices. It’s the teenage cashiers and stock boys that have to bear the brunt of the threats. It’s the rank-and-file employees, who have no say in the matter one way or the other and have no authority to do anything about it. They’re the ones who have to deal with the crazy bastards who come in and start physically tearing things down. The ones who come in screaming and causing a scene. The employees who can’t even do anything about the asshole, especially if he’s uncooperative and refuses to leave. Sure, they could call the cops, who might show up 20 minutes later.

Yes, these companies should be supporting the LGBT community. But if doing so is literally going to put their rank-and-file employees at risk from violent bigots, I can at least understand why they’re gun-shy. There’s no possible way to stop a bigot from walking into any store and creating havoc to get their point across, and there are far more bigots out there who have already said they’re willing to resort to violence than most people thought.

Look at it this way: You have a choice to make. You’ve got social media on one side telling you to take choice A because it’s the right choice to make, and some nutjob(s) in your face, physically threatening you with violence until you take choice B. Which one are you going to choose?

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” And everybody has an answer until they’re the ones being threatened.

Nightwingdragon, (edited )

f you capitulate to the unreasonable demands of a violent minority, then you are encouraging more of that behavior. throwing a certain class of people under the bus in the name of money/fear is wrong on pretty much every level and i think your justification for it is cowardly.

Any time you want, you can be a Target cashier. Fight the unreasonable demands of the violent minority over culture war issues that don’t even affect you, all for minimum wage! The list of benefits includes:

  • Having absolutely no say in what your company sells or displays.
  • Having absolutely no say in company policy
  • Having to answer for the above to every MAGA redneck who shows up, because you’re the first guy in a red shirt that the asshole happened to spot.
  • In rare cases, being threatened or physically assaulted by said MAGA redneck when your answers aren’t to their liking
  • Having to clean up the messes they create when they “take matters into their own hands” and start destroying displays.
  • And as an extra added bonus, you too can be fired for standing up to the customer, defending yourself, or just in case the company needs a low-end fall guy to take the blame if things go south!

Sign up today! I’m sure there are plenty of culture war issues that you can defend while making about as much money as a Walmart greeter!

just to reiterate: you are a coward, and you should feel bad about it. i have no respect for people with so little principles. you disgust me on a level that is beyond words. i do not care to have any more of a conversation, i just want you to know that you’re a baby bitch.

Easy to say when you’re not the one who has to actually deal with the consequences of someone else’s decisions.


Many of my loved ones were already in danger from those hateful bigots, who are now emboldened and looking for new targets thanks to spineless corporate appeasement.

So your solution is to put someone else’s loved ones in danger from those hateful bigots?


they would rather shift the conflict onto people who don’t have ample resources to defend themselves.

This is exactly what you’re advocating, though: Shifting the conflict onto a bunch of rank-and-file employees who (a) mostly have no skin in the game, (b) are typically teenagers making minimum wage, © likely have no interest in getting in the middle of a culture war, (d) can’t do anything to defend themselves without risking their job (or risking further violence from the bigot), and (e) are bound by company policy.

If you think rank and file department store employees should be the ones to “protect the workers and continue to stand for queer acceptance”, feel free to fill out an application at your local Target.

Your local Target cashier didn’t start this culture war against the LGBT community. And it’s unfair for people like you to demand that they stand in the front lines and fight a culture war that they didn’t start and want nothing to do with.


There is exactly one path to solving this problem, and it’s going to take a lot of luck.

  • Vote Blue no matter who, even if you have to hold your nose while doing it. Yes, there are numerous problems with Biden, but there are exactly zero situations where Trump would be a better option. It sucks having to choose between the lesser of two evils, but better to choose the lesser evil than have the greater evil forced upon you.
  • Hope that both Thomas and Alito either retire (hahahahahahah, never gonna happen, I know) or die during Biden’s term, giving the SC a 5-4 liberal majority.
  • Push through a Supreme Court challenge against some of these draconian anti-abortion laws and have women’s reproductive rights restored to at least what we had with Roe v. Wade, if not more.
  • Enshrine abortion rights into law. A constitutional amendment would be best, but there’s zero chance of that happening, but laws should be put into place ensuring that what happened two years ago doesn’t happen again.

people blindly believe we have to live constrained to what these two parties are bought to sell us indefinitely

Because like it or not, we do. At least for the time being. There are no viable third parties. I know it sucks to hear, but it’s the reality of the world we live in. Don’t get me wrong. You’re free to vote third party for whatever reasons you see fit, or no reason at all. But if you do, just don’t complain when you’re watching the inauguration of President Trump on January 20th.


Normal people: Handcuffed, taken out of the courtroom, and immediately thrown in prison upon sentencing.

The rich: Granted extra time to get their affairs in order, wait until after all appeals have been exhausted, then negotiate for a time they report to prison. Because we can’t be inconveniencing the wealthy now, can we…

Fuck the entire system.


Honestly, if this case falls apart, it’s all on her.

Her relationship with Wade really should be her own business and irrelevant to the case. But when you’re talking about what would be far and away the most important case in her career and in this country’s history, you don’t do anything that would even hint at the possibility of impropriety or conflict of interest. Especially against this defendant. Shoot at the king, you best not miss and all of that.

If Trump skates on this case, it’s 100% on her. At this point in her career, she should have known better than to do anything that would give a whiff of impropriety once the spotlight was on her.


This wasn’t a couple of teenage lovebirds who didn’t know any better. These are two career lawyers who were playing shell games with money to hide an affair while bringing charges against one of the most powerful people in the country, with unlimited resources, and a decades-long track record of finding ways to exploit even the most irrelevant weakness he can find to get his way. This was poor judgement at best.


There is a suggestion of corruption. She might be funneling public money to her boyfriend but that should not really undermine the case against Trump.

Go back and watch their testimony at the hearing. Saying there is a “suggestion of corruption” is like saying “Trump may have told a fib or two in his time”. They were playing all sorts of shell games with the money and doing everything they could to cover it up, which means they knew their behavior was improper at best. Every case they worked on together was tainted by their actions because their relationship and the actions they were taking at the very least give the appearance of impropriety, even if they didn’t specifically do anything improper regarding the Trump case. And the appearance of impropriety is typically the standard for recusal.

She shouldn’t have gotten involved with Wade in the first place while handling such an important case. But beyond that, as soon as the scandal broke, they should have at least tried to salvage the case by recusing themselves and handing the case off to someone else. And now, the fact that they didn’t had the effect of giving Trump exactly what he wants, as the case is now going to be delayed at the very least (some estimates say the delay could take the case to as far as 2026) or outright dismissed if either the appelate court or Supreme court rules that she should have been removed.

And for the record, Trump case aside, I’m of the school of thought that she should be fired and/or disbarred just based on the relationship she had with Wade. And I think if she weren’t caught up in such a high profile case, she would have been.

Nightwingdragon, (edited )

Your article is written by someone who has a vested interest in the price of silver. Your 20 “proofs” are a list of opinions from the author, often with one sentence being broken out into multiple “reasons” in order to make the list look even longer. I think I’ll pass on the idea of him being an impartial, reliable and/or accurate source of information, thank you.


  1. Joe Biden still pounds the table “that the economy has never been stronger”
  1. Indeed, there are decades when nothing happens and then hours when decades happen.

These aren’t “proof” of anything.


In this day and age, any posts not clearly labelled as sarcastic should not be treated as such. There are plenty of people out there who, as you said, would believe it without question and spread it like gospel. Unfortunately, there are enough of them where you can’t give them the benefit of the doubt any more. There absolutely are people who would read and disseminate it and turn it into the next big conspiracy theory that somehow Joe Biden would be held responsible for because of his relationship with Genghis Kahn. Or something.

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics (

“The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21.”


Two things:

  1. Jack Smith has to file a motion to have her removed at this point. I understand that under normal circumstances, you don’t want to piss off the judge. But how much more adversarial can she be at this point? She’s literally trying to have him removed from the case. At this point, Smith has nothing left to lose. What else could she do to him? Have him deported?
  2. This has got to be appealed if/when she rules that he has no authority to prosecute. If she rules that special prosecutors have no authority to bring these cases and that ruling were allowed to stand, wouldn’t it invalidate other cases brought by special prosecutors? Or at the very least give those convicted grounds for having their convictions thrown out?

Literally the only unusual thing about this case is that the defendant, a private citizen who currently gets free government security protection for the rest of his life, used to be a president. That’s it.

That, and he got to appoint his own judge. And he’s got 3 members of the Supreme Court to back him up. And he’s got all sorts of national security secrets, but is still walking around free. And he’s got virtually unlimited resources, but isn’t considered a flight risk.


Remember that she has several motions that she has yet to rule on, along with some that she has stated that she will not rule on until after the trial starts. Which means her plan is:

  • Delay the trial by any means necessary that aren’t appealable until after the election.
  • If Trump wins, he orders the DOJ to back off of his cases, so she doesn’t have to do anything. Trump walks.
  • If Trump loses, she can start the trial, seat the jury, then rule on those motions and dismiss the case with double jeopardy attached. Trump walks.

This is all part of the plan.


These people can’t be drinking their own snake oil.

Never underestimate MAGA’s insatiable thirst for snake oil. Come on, the GOP in the House were still pushing horse paste as a viable treatment for COVID mere days ago in the Fauci hearing. People are drinking raw milk that may be contaminated with H5N1 bird flu just to “own teh libz”. These people absolutely can and will drink their own snake oil, then ask for seconds.


I still want to know how an NDA that says you can’t talk to law enforcement is (a) allowed, and (b) enforceable. If I were an investigator and heard about that, I’d want to know exactly what the company needed to hide so badly that they had to add that clause in.

And I said this in another post, but if you are ever asked to sign an NDA that says you can’t cooperate with law enforcement, hand in your resignation and seek legal counsel. They’re not asking you to sign it to protect you. They’re asking you to sign it so when shit hits the fan (and it WILL hit the fan), you’ll be the lackey who’s stuck falling on their sword unless you want to be subject to a penalty that far exceeds what you were offered when you signed the NDA in the first place.

If they’re saying “Here’s a shitload of money, don’t talk to the cops.”, there’s a reason for that. And it’s probably not going to end well for you.


That’s also a negative factor in sentencing.

If it were anyone but Trump, I’d agree with you.

But this is Trump. Even Merchan has allowed Trump to play by a completely different set of rules (violating the gag order 10 times and still not being thrown in jail, as an example). He has also been openly hesitant about the idea of throwing Trump in jail.

Trump not participating was predicted from day one, and I doubt even Merchan expected otherwise. With that said, I still think the chances of him seeing any jail time are all but nonexistent. He will either get a non-incarceration sentence, house arrest, or probation (most likely). And even if he does get probation, there is no chance that he is going to be forced to report to some NY probation officer. Most likely, he’ll end up somehow striking some deal where one of his lackey lawyers shows up on his behalf and pinky swears that he is being a good boy, and after about the 14th or 15th probation violation, he’ll receive his first warning that further violations may someday make them consider the possibility of having a meeting about it.


One of the purposes of being thrown in jail for contempt is so there is a method to punish the wealthy when monetary fines aren’t a deterrent. Fining Trump $10k for ten different violations is a prime example of this – Fining him $10k is like fining you and me a nickel. It’s not a deterrent in any form. Especially in a case like this where any one of those violations could have cost someone their lives, he should have been thrown in jail.

And there’s not a chance in hell that anyone else would still be walking free after violating a court order ten fucking times.


I remember a joke at the beginning of the war:

“This is actually a proxy war between Russia and NATO. Russia has lost over 10,000 troops already and counting.” “And what about the NATO forces?” “They haven’t shown up yet.”



Young, female, minority, well known, and at least somewhat sane compared to the rest of the crazies in the field. And I’m not saying I agree with her policies, but if the election were to be held today, I think Haley would beat Biden easily. Again, this is not an opinion on either candidate or their policies; given the current political climate and especially considering Biden’s continued support for Israel and the genocide they’re conducting, I think Haley would be able to pick up at least some of the disenfranchised Biden voters and win by a pretty good margin.


There aren’t enough of them in the swing states that would matter.

Most of them are going to vote for whoever has the ® after the name. Only a select portion of them are going to be so far down the MAGA hole that they’d write in Trump instead. Haley would pick up the majority of ® votes, along with (IMO) enough of the independents to nullify the MAGA morons and get her over the finish line.


Haley literally sharpied the words “finish them” on materiel being sent to Israel.

Go back over the past couple of months. Take a look at how many people in this sub alone have advocated voting for Trump over Biden because of Israel? How many people in states like Minnesota are threatening to do the same thing? For reasons that I still completely fail to understand, the number of people who claim to be willing to vote for Trump (or at least stay home, acknowledging that it would indirectly help him get to office anyway) is above zero. And even if 90% of them have absolutely no intention of following through and just want to “send a message”, the 10% that do may very well be enough in some of these swing states where Biden won by only ~10k votes, give or take.

Even with Haley’s sharpie (What is it about Republicans that makes them think just taking a sharpie to something actually changes anything?), she’s still at worst a “more sane” version of Trump, which may be enough to make some people who would have otherwise held their noses and vote for Biden vote for Haley instead.


I don’t believe they can just wipe out convictions en masse or anything, but they can issue a ruling that would cause the J6ers to file an appeal based on the SC ruling that would all but guarantee their release.


it will go down the memory hole if they get elected and those traitors will rot in jail.

No it won’t. I’d agree with this if there were anything resembling real work involved in it. But if Trump gets re-elected, he can issue a blanket pardon for all of them any time he wants, for any reason or no reason at all. That’s like 30 seconds of work scribbling his name across one piece of paper, in exchange for a huge boost to the GOP voting base. Trump would absolutely do that in a heartbeat, even if only for the huge ego boost he’d get from the Proud Boys sucking him off in appreciation, or just to “own teh libz”.

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