@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar



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inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Apple repeatedly emphasizes that this problem was rare and affected a small number of users and a small number of photos. The company did not and does not have access to a user’s photos or video.

This is still a disconcerting issue, but there is comfort to be taken in the fact that the photos in question were not stored in iCloud and could not have resurfaced on a device after it was properly erased and sold.

Oh, if they say so themselves then I trust them 100% always trust the culprit words, thank you Apple for telling the truth (it’s the truth because they said so)

Edit : apologies if this comment came off as aggressive, I did not check the community I was in ; I totally understand you guys would be less skeptical of apple than I am

Je ne suis le foot que tous les deux ans lors des compétitions entre pays, y a-t-il d'autres gens comme moi ici ? Des gens intéressés par un concours de pronostics entre gens qui n'y connaissent rien? French

Pour le contexte, ma connaissance footballistique s’arrête grosso modo à FIFA 2003 (je l’avais poncé à l’époque, souvenirs souvenirs)....

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Tout pareil, je regarde le sport en général quand il y a des grosses compétitions pour voir la qualité de jeu, sinon ça ne m’intéresse pas haha, avec des amis on utilisait Mon Petit Prono pour faire des prédictions pendant les coupes du monde 😄

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Ouais si on est plusieurs ça peut être marrant !

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Y’a un post sur l’euro sur jlai.lu/post/7038864 j’ai mis un commentaire leur proposant l’idée

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Studio français, d’ailleurs !

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Francophone instance jlai.lu is thinking of doing a fantasy league / betting (no money involved, just for fun) thing for the Euro, would you guys be interested as well ?

Interdiction de Taktouk sur Kepler 452-b

En réponse aux récentes émeutes, le réseau social Taktouk sera interdit dans les territoires Français de Kepler 452-b, afin d’arrêter l’endoctrinement séparatiste des jeunes franco-keplerois par des agents perturbateurs de Luyten b. Merci de ne pas chercher d’autres médias en ligne donnant des points de vue...

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

I ran !lemmyvision which is Eurovision but for Lemmy, it was fun ! I’m thinking of making a special Lemmyvision event in the upcoming months, but otherwise expect a second edition next year 🤗

xynthia, (edited ) to paris French

JO Paris 2024 : Anne Hidalgo piquera une tête dans la Seine le 23 juin

Khrys@mamot.fr -


La maire de Paris a retenu la date du 23 juin pour plonger dans la Seine. Le préfet de police de Paris et le préfet de région ont également été invités pour se baigner ce jour-là, tout comme le Président de la République.

J'ouvre les paris : qui pense sincèrement qu'on va piquer une tête dans la Seine ? Chirac avait tenté.

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Je peux pas croire que ça sera la vraie Seine ils vont faire un aménagement avec de l’eau filtrée ou un truc comme ça

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

I will run it again don’t worry! ❤️

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Essayer une discussion avec les américains à propos de leurs élections : plus jamais

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

En vrai t’as raison, je me reconnais dans le cliché du Français qui critique à fond son pays, mais dès qu’un étranger critique la France, c’est limite inacceptable mdr

Mais je sais pas si c’est lié à la situation, là j’avais concoté un commentaire assez fourni et sourcé pour essayer d’expliquer pourquoi accuser ceux qui pensent voter pour un parti indépendant (donc pas Biden) d’être pour le fascisme et de vouloir mettre Trump au pouvoir n’est pas une bonne tactique politique et va produire les effets contraires (gagner des votes pour les Démocrates). Je pensais pouvoir engager une discussion en parlant de l’expérience de la France (où depuis 2017 la gauche se fait accuser de faire le jeu du FN parce qu’elle ne fait pas explicitement un appel à voter pour Macron, qui lui par contre va appliquer un programme qui ferait rougir Le Pen), mais l’OP est en guerre contre les votants “third party” et limite fait plus d’efforts pour militer contre eux que contre Trump…

Bref je suis presque traumatisé de la réponse négative et de la malhônneteté intellectuelle, peut être que je me suis mal exprimé, que j’aurais du faire plus d’efforts pour expliquer ma pensée, mais ça semble impossible de débattre sereinement et intelligemment sur le sujet je pense. Peut être qu’ils ont réagit à fleur de peau comme je l’aurais fait si un étranger venait me dire comment faire les choses, je peux pas leur en vouloir. Tant pis !

Edit : en fait je crois que ça me donne des relants des discussions de “qualité” sur le R, où les gens étaient plus intéressés par l’antagonisme et la confrontation que par le débat

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Vous m’aurez pas avec les fausses dates ! panik

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Chapeau pour avoir fait fonctionner un garçon au masculin

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

La France ne reconnaît pas officiellement l’état d’Israël, bien qu’elle soutienne sa création

Elle a voté en faveur du statut d’État observateur non-membre aux Nations unies en novembre 2012, et en faveur de l’érection du drapeau palestinien à l’ONU en septembre 2015.

Mais n’est pas allé plus loin pour le moment

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

From a European perspective, this debate is saddening, because it results in people alienating voters if they didn’t pick the “right” option, where “right” is whatever moral position you want them to have, on the basis of putting onto them a direct responsibility of an unwanted result, from their indirect action. It is your responsibility to campaign for your own party, and this is not a way to convince people to vote, nor join your side. Your two-party political system is ruining any possibility of political debate for smaller parties, and you end up silencing the voices of minorities that aren’t represented by your two monoliths, all thanks to your holier-than-thou attitude. The people voting for Trump are the ones who will get Trump elected, not the people voting for whoever supports their political affiliations, not participating in your dirty voting shenanigans. The only thing you’re achieving is guilt tripping someone you could otherwise convince to vote for another party, and pushing them away, making sure they will not vote in your favour next time.

We had the same thing happen in France, where voters were consistently asked to vote against a party for the presidential elections, rather than for the party that represents their ideals. In 2022, upon being elected Emmanuel Macron declared “I also know that many compatriots voted for me, to block the ideas of the extreme right. I want to thank them and tell them that I am aware that this vote binds me for years to come. I am the guardian of their attachment to the Republic”, and then proceeded over the next few years to apply a political program that would make Le Pen proud. [1] [2] [3] [4]

Here are some articles on the subject of “useful vote”, translate at your convenience :

And a quote from a random internet user, roughly translated :

No need to be from Saint-Cyr to understand that induction does not only concern cooking in the kitchen, even if it is electoral. The concept of a useful vote naturally leads to that of a… useless vote! Indeed, it may seem legitimate to think that to “have influence” on an election, it would be better to do like the others by voting for those whom the polling institutes place at the top of voting intentions. This is how for a long time, elections have been scrutinized through surveys in which respondents tell you “the trend”. The useful vote is a concept, the reason for the survey which creates the opinion of the respondents. Isn’t the real usefulness of voting to choose according to one’s own convictions and to grant a useful vote to the candidate whose program best defends our values, our interests determining airtime which has determined, finally, did his sound sound in the polls? Not recognizing this means admitting that “uselessness” leads to abstaining from voting. This is unfortunately a real trend today.

This is the only time I’ll interact on the subject, because I know how abrasive it is, but I felt some are in dire need of a reality check. You may disagree because your political culture, landscape, education… are quite different from the ones I experienced so far, but please engage in respectful discussions about it, provide sensible arguments, and don’t downvote just because you read something that doesn’t validate your feelings. If there’s someone you need to blame for Biden’s potential failure to get elected, it’s him for not running a better campaign to get enough votes, and yourself for vilifying other voters for not sheepily following your orders. These scare tactics are no better than dictatorial behaviours.

Edit : here’s a book that will better explain what I’m trying to say editionsdivergences.com/…/comment-soccuper-un-dim…

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

I accept to believe that you skipped the entire comment to only react to the last sentence, and I will not partake in discussing with you. Good day.

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Maybe because I took the time to write a lenghty comment contributing to the discussion, which they purposefully decided to ignore with a snarky remark? I am open to debating on the subject, but not with an intellectually dishonest or dismissive attitude.

Welcome to politcal memes! These are our rules: Be civil

Jokes are okay, but don’t intentionally harass or disturb any member of our community. Sexism, racism and bigotry are not allowed. Good faith argumentation only. No posts discouraging people to vote or shaming people for voting.

@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Please enlighten me on said point ? I’m trying to contribute to the discussion. Why would I interact with not only their, but now your dismissive comments on such a complex topic ?

inlandempire, (edited )
@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Here’s what a french author has to say in a book on the subject, food for thought, roughly translated :

spoiler> 30 minutes. 26 exactly. That is to say six times less than it takes to go from Republic to Nation during a protest. Ten times less than it takes to run a stand on animal abuse at a punk rock concert. Fifty times less than it takes to find emergency accommodation for a family of haggard Eritreans picked up on the side of a railway track near Ventimille. A hundred times less than it takes to find the articles of the Labor Code capable of solidifying the defense of an employee suspended for supposedly serious misconduct. Two hundred times less than it takes to obtain a negotiation with management in the context of a social conflict at the Gueugnon call center. Ten thousand times less than is needed to make an eco-hamlet viable. Infinite times less than it takes to ban the commercialization of digital data. Voting offers an unrivaled time-reward ratio. In less than an hour, I accomplished my sacred duty. It doesn’t cost much, as Sarkozy said of his position against gay marriage intended to flirt with the Catholic branch. It doesn’t eat bread, my grandmother would have said, who voted as scrupulously all her life as she served dinner to her husband. […] > > In the election itself, the expression doubles in volume. The ballot can contain 10 letters, sometimes 15, or even 20 in the frequent case where the candidate’s surname has particles. But this surname says nothing, nor the support given to it. There are fifty shades of support for Dumoulin, candidate for the municipal elections in Brie-en-Gueugnon. Someone adheres to her charisma, someone to her promise to take control of the Water Authority, someone to her commitment to doubling the subsidy to the badminton club that she runs, someone to her ch’tis origins, someone to her husban, professor of applied mathematics, one in her project to pedestrianize the Halles district, one in her desire to rename the Poivre d’Arvor college, another in her name because he likes mills. The bulletin can mean all that and therefore says nothing. This silence leaves the elected official an infinite margin of interpretation as to what is expected of him, a margin of deafness to the voices expressed in his favor. > > In 2002, myriads of naive people hoped that during his mandate Chirac would take into account those who, among his voters in the second round, had only wanted to block the path to Le Pen. But nothing forced him to. The leader of the right was constitutionally free to interpret the ballots in his favor as he wished. Nothing distinguishes a Chirac bulletin approving his liberal-authoritarian program from an anti-racist Chirac bulletin. It was open to the new elected official to decide that 100% of the 80% obtained had wanted, not a better reception of foreign workers, but the increase in the retirement age that the National Assembly under orders would soon implement. > > He is free to believe that 82% of voters declared their love for him. Dedicated to his party, the UMP. Validated his new glasses. No one could have assured him, based on the vote, that he was wrong. Seeing his five-year term heading to the right, the naive people were even more naive to feel cheated. How could the president betray an expectation that had not been expressed? As such, all the ballots could be declared invalid, even the immaculate ones, even those that no ill-mannered person has soiled with an Amy Taylor president, as a friend did at the 2021 European elections. A bulletin says nothing. The election reduces citizenship to expression, and this expression says nothing.

This has happened before, this is happening right now with Macron. His words meant nothing because his actions show he did not follow up on his statement. I think something very important voters have to consider and ask themselves : What is the plan when Biden will disrespect the votes of people who did not vote for him, but voted against Trump. Who will be considered responsible for keeping him in power, when he will enact policies that were defended by the Trump side?


@inlandempire@jlai.lu avatar

Ah oui j’avais oublié les frais d’ouverture de ligne -_-

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