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KnowItAll, in Anyone know what happened to the r/FirefoxCSS sub?

Maybe the 'best moderator of this forum ever (MOG)' could jump over his shadow and take over this forum for a short time, as an interim moderator so to speak?

MrOtherGuy, in apply filter to new-tab makes the page has unwanted horizontal scroll

The same will also happen with filter, transform and a few other properties. The reason is that when these properties are applied then a new containing block is formed, and that will cause fixed and absolute positioned children to behave somewhat unexpectedly in they now "appear to reserve space" whereas normally they don't. In this case the newtab options menu is fixed positioned, and thus if the body has backdrop-filter then the menu box causes the page to overflow.

There is an exception to that mentioned containing-block formation though; if you apply the property (such as backdrop-filter here) to the document root element then no extra containing block is generated. I suppose it should be pretty simple to just apply your rule to :root instead of body.


thanks for the explanation but I can't get it to work. you said :root but I don't understand how, I saw a div called root inside body element, I tried too apply to html jeje I don't know, maybe I should start to love the scroll.


I mean simply like this:

<span style="color:#323232;">:root{ 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  backdrop-</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">filter</span><span style="color:#323232;">: brightness(</span><span style="color:#0086b3;">99</span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">%</span><span style="color:#323232;">);
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

Alternatively html selector would also work to refer to the document root element - about:newtab is a html document after all.

MrOtherGuy, in Image in chrome/newtab folder is nor reached by the code

Sounds like what’s happening here is that the relative path you have given doesn’t resolve to what you think it does. See, the variable –newtab-wallpaper-dark is used by an internal style sheet, so when the url() actually gets resolved it will be relative to the internal style sheet address - not to the file path of userContent.css.

So, a workaround would be to give it an absolute file path or override the property where that variable is actually used.


thanks for the answer, I searched where the variable is used and added !important and that fixed, I don't know why but all right jeje:

    background-image: var(--newtab-wallpaper-dark, "") !important;


Right, that makes perfect sense. The property being a variable nor it having an important tag are not meaningful to explain what's happening here.

What is important is simply what the address of the .css file is which sets the background-image property, because relative url resolves relative to that. The internal style sheet where this background-image property is set is chrome://activity-stream/content/css/activity-stream.css. So if the url it uses is ../newtab/wallpaper-dark.png (as by you setting the variable as such) then it will try to load an image from address chrome://activity-stream/content/newtab/wallpaper-dark.png which surely doesn't exist.

But if you set background-image property from within userContent.css then the relative url resolves relative to that instead.


ooh, thanks for the explanation, I'm sure I understand better how this works. 💙

MrOtherGuy, in 𖣠⚪ИNᗱᗴᴥᑐᑕᔓᔕ🛟ᔓᔕᔓᔕᑐᑕ❉ᗱᗴᙏⓄᴥ옷ᑐᑕᴥᗱᗴᔓᔕᑎ𖣨ꕤⓄꗳᗱᗴᴥꖴꗳ⚪𔗢⚪🞋⚪𔗢⚪ꗳꖴᴥᗱᗴꗳⓄꕤ𖣨ᑎᔓᔕᗱᗴᴥᑐᑕ옷ᴥⓄᙏᗱᗴ❉ᑐᑕᔓᔕᔓᔕ🛟ᔓᔕᑐᑕᴥᗱᗴИN⚪𖣠

Fancy. Quite an artistic layout for sure.

RedStrider, in 𖣠⚪ИNᗱᗴᴥᑐᑕᔓᔕ🛟ᔓᔕᔓᔕᑐᑕ❉ᗱᗴᙏⓄᴥ옷ᑐᑕᴥᗱᗴᔓᔕᑎ𖣨ꕤⓄꗳᗱᗴᴥꖴꗳ⚪𔗢⚪🞋⚪𔗢⚪ꗳꖴᴥᗱᗴꗳⓄꕤ𖣨ᑎᔓᔕᗱᗴᴥᑐᑕ옷ᴥⓄᙏᗱᗴ❉ᑐᑕᔓᔕᔓᔕ🛟ᔓᔕᑐᑕᴥᗱᗴИN⚪𖣠 avatar

what have you done

ResurgamS13, (edited ) in How can I see all the available icons often found in CSS snippets as "chrome://something/something else/etc..." ?

You can open a copy of Firefox's .exe installer file and extract the actual icon .svg or .png files too. Useful if want old icons from previous versions that used different icon design sets... sometimes these sets can be found online.

Only need 7-Zip utility or similar... open the .exe... then locate the 'omni.ja' file and open again with 7-Zip... search 'omni' folder for icons. Many folders contain icons... lots in the 'icons' folder itself (omni > chrome > toolkit > skin > classic > global > icons) in current Firefox stable release .exe installers.

Can view .svg icons by drag & drop file onto a blank page of Firefox (or any browser)... icons will appear 'life size' i.e. tiny in top LH corner of page. Can also find free online manipilation sites to modify .svg icons. Modified or 3rd-party icons can be added to browser's profile 'chrome' folder along with a one-line CSS userstyle to replace the standard icon.




I would download a copy of the .exe installer file to desktop and take that apart... don't mess with your current installation.

tjn21, in How can I see all the available icons often found in CSS snippets as "chrome://something/something else/etc..." ?

See also chrome://global/skin/icons/

MrOtherGuy, in How can I see all the available icons often found in CSS snippets as "chrome://something/something else/etc..." ?

The path they can be found from depends on which component they belong to, but bunch of them can be found over here at searchfox (this folder should mostly correspond to what icons are found inside chrome://browser/skin/).




It is. But note that that site shows code in mozilla-central repository, i.e. code for nightly which can change quite often.

You can switch to release repository by replacing the mozilla-central part of the url with mozilla-release

MiniBus93, in Where did Browser Toolbox go?

EDIT: I just forgot to activate the browser toolbox on this new pc. My bad.

kalkulat, in Any way to make Firefox remember what time I pause videos at after closing their tabs? avatar

I watch a lot of stuff; I keep a note page on where I left off. Might be days later, there it is. But yeah, it'd be useful.

KnowItAll, (edited ) in Anyone know what happened to the r/FirefoxCSS sub?

What the hell does that mean? It's open now. But in fact there are very big differences to the former subforum.
It's not usable like this.

Screen from feedreader (comes just now, but look at the date (4days)):

ResurgamS13, (edited ) in Help with userContent.css for new tab

Er... Are you quite sure the image file names you've been trying were identical? No errors?

All works as expected here using both .svg and .png image files. :)

E.g. in your post above your profile chrome folder image file is named 'fb1.png'... whilst your image file name in your userContent.css code is 'fb1.svg'. Yes, the image file names match... but No, the file type suffixes do not match!

Tested here using a .svg image file and a new profile of Fx125.0.2 on Win10... with just the rule code copied directly from your post (above)... adding a Firefox logo .svg image file downloaded from here... placed in profile 'chrome' folder... then renamed 'fb1.svg' as per your example:

CompadredeOgum, avatar

thanks for the reply

so, i have both fb1.svg and fb1.png in the folder.

you know what? i was trying it only with the inspector. when i actually changed the userContent.css it worked


thanks :D

tjn21, in Anyone know what happened to the r/FirefoxCSS sub?

After the first 'private' session ended, the mod replied to a post to the effect that someone had his phone and had made the sub private. This episode has lasted longer. The first was apparently 8 hours, this is now in its 3rd day.

hansman, in Anyone know what happened to the r/FirefoxCSS sub?

[Repost]The FirefoxCSS archive really should be maintained; it is a unique source of info even though many codes are partially outdated.

However, for a long time, the discussions on that sub have been dominated by spammers requesting support for extensions, or showing off useless personal setups.

Then there are the many posters who will not engage in a discussion on css code, simply expecting a quick fix regardless of the complexity of the issue; not to mention the many efforts by contributers which go unanswered.

Since hardly anyone seems to be unduly bothered by the possible demise of that sub - including our very own MrOtherGuy ;) - I assume that there is little if any interest in discussing the finer points of Firefox specific CSS coding.

ResurgamS13, (edited )

Although no great shakes at CSS I am very dismayed by the sudden and mysterious demise of the r/FirefoxCSS sub... for exactly the same reasons as hansman Re: the loss of the huge body of previous knowledge contained in that sub's years of posts, replies, suggested CSS userstyles, etc... and much other related info on the inner workings of Firefox including many suberb insights in the replies posted by MOG. :D

As hansman has posted today in the r/Firefox thread "Either way, u/yawn_zz needs to get his arse in gear, and at least make a statement - he owes the contributers of the sub that much.".

I too am at a complete loss to understand what is going on and what has triggered the two 'gone private' incidents?

Did the sole remaining Mod 'yawn_zz' really have his phone stolen and hacked 2 days ago by 'pro-Palestinian protestors'... supposedly whilst leaving his unlocked phone with a friend during an exam? This seems an unlikely story to say the least? Exactly why would any 'pro-Palestinian protestors' have the slightest interest in messing with a Firefox CSS sub-reddit? So what is really going on? Has the Mod 'gone rogue'? The lack of any statement from yawn_zz makes this more probable by the hour.

If yawn_zz didn't want to be the sub's Mod any longer why didn't he just make an announcement post and walk away leaving the sub 'abandoned' but up and running? Why all the amateur dramatics and apparent deliberate spite?

I had cautiously hoped that posting here might prompt MOG to perhaps try contacting u/yawn_zz to find out what was going on? I was hoping MOG might have other contact details for him, having been the co-Mod of the r/FirefoxCSS sub with yawn_zz for several years. MOG would also have a much better understanding of the workings of Reddit Mod & Admin systems than me starting from ground zero. Any advice or assistance on how to proceed with a 'rescue' would be very welcome indeed!

I spent last evening reading-up on how users can attempt to 'recover/reopen/rescue' a sub-reddit that had been taken private, abandoned, or the 'top-Mod' has 'gone rogue'. The answer is that the Reddit Admin methodology for doing this isn't incredibly obvious. I also discovered that this is not the first time that the r/FirefoxCSS sub has 'gone private' or run into Mod problems either... see searches of 'redditrequest' and 'top_mod_removal', etc.

As reported in an update post on the r/Firefox sub topic yesterday afternoon I have applied to 'join' the now private r/FirefoxCSS in an attempt to discover what is happening. No reply from the Mod yawn_zz as yet. Not a huge surprise given the silly/childish/petulant/spiteful 'PRIVATE SUB FOR STAR FOX FANS. BEST NINTENDO GAME EVER!' notice added by 'someone' when the sub was taken 'private' for the 2nd time yesterday afternoon. What on earth is that all about?

Although I do not have deep CSS knowledge I have been interested in modifying Firefox's UI for over a decade. I would be happy to learn how to become a Reddit Mod and take on looking after a rescued r/FirefoxCSS... however, it would be better if there were a few other Mods too (preferably stable, well-adjusted adults!) with some in-depth CSS skills! :)


Hi, I can’t help you too much, but I can tell you what little I know.

I honestly have no idea what has been happening in reddit since last July. As far as I’m concerned the whole platform is dead, killed by admins, and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.

Indeed, the sub was abandoned some years back as well, back then I became a mod solely to rescue it from abandonment. I believe (although I might remember incorrectly) yawn_zz was given mod rights first by admins, and then I was given mod status by them. No clue how this sort of deal would resolve nowadays.

At any rate, I don’t have any other contact with them, but without going to any further details I can say that our relationship was suboptimal.

Frankly, the community was less willing to move to another platform than I had hoped, but perhaps now is a good chance to try again :)


Frankly, the community was less willing to move to another platform than I had hoped, but perhaps now is a good chance to try again :)

Let's hope so; and thanks for chiming in.

But more importantly - how do you like your new nick: MOG? ;P
It sure is easier to type.


No lie, the reddit nick was annoying at times

ResurgamS13, (edited )

Thank you for your kind reply. :) Reading between the lines from the few exchanges you had with yawn_zz when you were leaving r/FirefoxCSS last July I had gained the impression that your relationship was likely on the minimal/curt/frosty side.

I have no objection to the community moving here or wherever else it wants to exist... my aim at present is to try and rescue all those years of previous posts so they can be searched... even if this was only as an archived sub in future.

As a first step I need to find out from u/moohorns if he has received any reply from the Reddit Admins Re: the message he sent to them a couple of days ago not long after the 2nd 'gone private' event had occured sometime in the early afternoon of Tuesday 23rd April... see:

MrOtherGuy, in Browser toolbox, info popup hidden behind ... popup

I think this is essentially bug 1728912 - maybe you want to read and/or follow that.


Thanks for the reply, seems like the same issue indeed.
Do you happen to know how to target that tooltip, or know it's selector?


I can't remember of the top of my head, but I seem to recall the custom highlighter is inserted to the end of the dom in targeted window, so maybe you can find it just from the inspector.

But I don't think it will do you much good because it sounds like you would need to modify native c++ code to make the changes that would allow the current highlighter implementation to work with panel or popups. At least, that's how I understand it.


Thanks again; I kinda managed to target the highlighters' css with force by js, but it's getting too much trouble at this point.

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