
yassie_j, to random avatar

Oh cool, new Mastodon official blog post! Let’s read it…

Huh… Okay… Well, that sucks for their tax status in Germany… Interesting they’re incorporating in the USA… The USA does have a very… Open… Tax regime for non-profits.

Oh, new board members!

The fourth one is COFOUNDER OF TWITTER?

God damn, Mastodon is really going corpo now, what the stars is this nonsense

Move to glitch-soc RN TBQH

MagicLike, avatar

@yassie_j apparently they go US because the Berlin tax office just yeeted their nonprofit status (German)

tek_dmn, avatar

@anthropy @yassie_j

unless they have a Warrant Canary like with Proton

And assuming the warrant or court gag order weren't worded in such a way that actually letting the canary indicate is now a violation of a court order anyways

NanoRaptor, to random avatar
ScruffyJunco, avatar

@acf @tanepiper @NanoRaptor @oliof
My Kindergarten teacher’s comment:

“Scout is a delightful girl, but she spends a lot of time coloring and daydreaming.”

Ma’am, I was FIVE.

tanepiper, avatar

@ScruffyJunco @acf @NanoRaptor @oliof I still remember primary 1 - given a colouring in exercise - there was an elephant and a cat. I coloured them in as rainbows - I was punished because the elephant should be grey and the cat ginger. I was 5 too...

fkamiah17, to random avatar
MadeyeTheCarnaptious, avatar

@Henrysbridge @fkamiah17

That image of Oliver Twist begging for more from the original film once accompanied a "Scotsman" piece by Murdo Fraser, a Tory MSP and relentless parasite who accused the Scottish Government of being ungrateful beggars.

fkamiah17, avatar
nixCraft, to random avatar

What's the most unusual place you've ever coded from? 🤔

irenes, avatar

@nixCraft one time as kids, separated from our computer for a weekend and before the advent of smartphones, we attempted to write machine code on paper to be directly input on our calculator via a hex editor

an early attempt instead crashed the calculator, which erased the hex editor, so we weren't able to continue. ah well. it was a fun diversion

alda, avatar

@nixCraft back of a lorry at the Syrian border during the war in 2015.

escarpment, to random avatar

Given statistics on veganism, you have a 95-99% chance that anyone making a moral claim is a selective ethicist. The low rate of ethical veganism further supports my hunch that everyone is a selective ethicist.

shekinahcancook, avatar

@escarpment @meltedcheese

Actually the year was 5768.

shekinahcancook, avatar


Agree, choosing to acquiesce is one option, and the power mongers hope people will choose that. But even with that, if the people don't want xyz anti lgbtq or anti abortion law, and they see an opportunity to overturn it, they will - which is why the right has to eliminate democracy. They think if they take away the vote then they take away people's options. (And they think the left won't go for a civil war.)

RickiTarr, to random avatar

That Novelty Cup you had to have on vacation, you'll never use it again.

RegGuy, avatar

@RickiTarr And it was made in China for 47 cents, sold for $2.50 to a distributor, $4.85 to the retailer who will sell it to you for $9.95. So you are paying about 20x markup on the junk to boot.

ccdudley85, avatar

@RickiTarr For me it is beach towels, but I do use them at the pool.

MarSolRivas, to random French avatar

📅 Aujourd'hui 28 avril, journée mondiale pour la santé et la sécurité au travail. On fête Pierre-Marie et Valérie.

MarSolRivas, avatar

@arthurr Coucou Arthurr, bon dimanche avec les zanimos 🤗


@MarSolRivas Le travail c'est la santé
Rien faire c'est la conserver
Les prisonniers du boulot
N'font pas de vieux os
Ces gens qui courent au grand galop
En auto, métro ou vélo
Vont-ils voir un film rigolo
Mais non, ils vont à leur boulot
Le travail c'est la santé
Rien faire c'est la conserver
Les prisonniers du boulot
N'font pas de vieux os

Paroliers : Henri Salvador et Maurice Marie Jean Pon

thomasfuchs, to random avatar

Has everyone memory-holed what happened after 9/11? Peaceful protests being declared “un-American”? A 20-year long war that caused an estimated FIVE MILLION deaths?

And people now are all like “oops yeah actually that wasn’t so great”.

Maybe fucking listen to protests sometime. You might learn something.

elaterite, avatar

@thomasfuchs I was just thinking the same thing the other day.

joeinwynnewood, avatar


I hope everyone remembers 1968.

Protest for what is right AND do your best to ensure that there is at least the possibility of influencing the people in power.

Doing the opposite will invariably lead to the worst possible outcomes (see Cambodia, Khmer Rouge).

MostlyHarmless, to random avatar

Whoever wrote this headline is not paid enough.

Sky4Sushi, to random French avatar

Bonjour Vous
Les oiseaux chantent à tue-tête

Pink Soda - Birdsong

clairenony, avatar

Bon dimanche 😘 @SousleCatalpa @sanlaville11 @Sky4Sushi @Flobzh
Hey! J’ai fait ma déclaration d’impôts 👆BLM Rends l’argent! 😁

sanlaville11, avatar

@clairenony @SousleCatalpa @Sky4Sushi @Flobzh

Alors Madame Claire, on ne déclare pas ses impôts mais ses revenus. Ça ira pour cette fois, je ne vous dénonce pas à BLM !

tournesol, to random avatar

Coucouuuu, comment se passe votre dimanche les ptits loups ? ​:neocat_heart:​

tournesol, avatar

@Octavia okay, un peu la vie de rêve, profitez bien ​:neocat_melt_sob_heart:​

tournesol, avatar

@ntoine cool ta vie de rêve là, pas du tout jaloux moi

en plus ça fait des lustres que j'ai pas vu les chatons là, fin bref

mekkaokereke, to random avatar

@Gargron A US based 501(c)3 lets you accept US donations that are tax deductible. It doesn't grant any magic powers to Americans, or tech companies, or even Silicon Valley.

Being able to accept donations from US citizens in a tax deductible way, gives Mastodon more chance of surviving without needing to resort to VC driven commercialization, or block chain schemes. This is a good thing.

I get that people are (rightfully!) suspicious of any change, especially those that involve boards.

atomicpoet, avatar

@mekkaokereke @Gargron Yep, VCs have actually been on the Fediverse for awhile, some running huge servers, and they haven’t yet neutralized the mission of the Fediverse.

qurlyjoe, avatar

@mekkaokereke @Gargron @tchambers
Maybe describing it as a sort of money laundering thing will make it more palatable to people who think too much. Make a donation—and one to your instance admin—and participate in a minor (very minor) tax loophole, just like the x-illionaires do. Srsly, donate. The more you give the bigger your tax benefit. It’s arithmetic.

timnitGebru, to random avatar

""What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said, after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore).""

Nothing to see here.

harshad, avatar

@vinay nailed it. @timnitGebru

tanepiper, avatar

@harshad @vinay @timnitGebru when you grow up in a class-based society that's very obvious you spot these things, but knowing the context is hard.

I don't know the ins and outs of the caste system but having worked with a lot of Indians over the years I can tell the ones I don't like working with have this attitude about them that reminds me of the British Upper/upper middle class.

Our PM displays this too.

Teri_Kanefield, to random avatar

I am almost finished with this week's blog post.

Meanwhile, my 3-year old neice (grand niece? what do I call my niece's daughter?) taught me to play hide and seek.

Here's how:

💠 I tell her where I'll hide.
💠She closes her eyes and counts to 10.
💠When she reaches 10, she opens her eyes and looks for me.
💠It does't take long to find me.
💠Then we laugh.

I suspect I am supposed to tell her where I will hide so she doesn't feel scared when she opens her eyes and doesn't see me.

airwhale, avatar


When playing with young kids, we don't make the rules, but it's imperative that we follow them 😄

Sounds like a delightful time.

Catawu, avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Grand niece. You are her Great Aunt. In more ways than one.

sanlaville11, to random French avatar

Bonjour 🐝💕

Wildebeest, avatar

Hello Valérie 🐝🌸


Bon dimanche

sanlaville11, avatar

@Wildebeest hello copain 😘

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