DoiDoi, avatar

White people really do think that racism is just interpersonal dislike of other cultures and not some giant labyrinth of exploitation and colonialism. Every time it comes up shit just blows my mind.

Techronic9876, avatar

@DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963 this is the issue with the vast majority of well meaning white people

They believe racism is how polite you are to ppl of different races, and most white ppl are generally polite, but they don’t seem to understand how racism is tied together in society and government and politics

The other factor is if a non-white person is rude to them, they start believing “reverse racism” is the bigger problem, and thus begin to actively oppose systemic fixes


@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963

By now, after these past few years, if a white person doesn’t have some idea how racism is ingrained in society, etc, then they must be living under a rock or are willfully ignorant.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@Krooney Or, just a racist. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963

I suspect we can all agree that the concept of "reverse racism" makes no sense.

I suspect we will not all agree on what I will say next, but I hope folks will hear me out.

Racism is prejudice with its own history rooted in greed.

When we call out racism and white people as unique problems, we make two mistakes:

  1. We buy into the faulty concept of race. The concept of race was invented to benefit people of European origins. Every time we use the term as if the concept of race has merit, we lend credibility to the term and extend the opportunity for people to consider the idea that the concept of race has scientific merit.



@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963

  1. We let humanity off the hook for the problem of prejudice. I'm not an expert in any of this, but I do have relevant educational background and life experiences that shape and strengthen my thinking. Prejudice power-charged by greed is alive and well on every continent. Prejudice power-charged by greed is a problem human beings need to solve on every continent.

Human civilizations have been evolving throughout human history. We slowly, slowly train ourselves and future generations to deal effectively with our worst impulses. We need to spotlight greed-powered prejudice for change.

Separating out white racism and white people as a unique problem creates obstacles to civilizing us all. It allows the bogus part of the conversation to fester and draw resources.

I promise I'm not trying to let white people off the hook or deny the horrors of white racism. I am saying that a more holistic approach is needed to evolve.


StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac Hmmm. Who are you saying are the people who need to deal with the concept of race they made up? @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac White people have to admit they've done/do something wrong, have to be accountable and atone before we move out of this space. Yep, I said white people. White people can't make up race, fuck people over all over the world and then want the definition to disappear. First, do work. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I respectfully hear where you are coming from. I stand by my opinion.

White people will never successfully atone for white racism. Waiting for that to happen delays progress toward coming to terms with our shared humanity.

I get that this is a very unpopular opinion. I have done a lot of work around my own racism. I'll never be finished with that process.

As I continue my work, I will continue having conversations and communicating my true thoughts. My thinking is this:

We need to come together as human beings, recognizing the short comings of human nature and solving problems related to greed and prejudice.

StillIRise1963, (edited ) avatar

@jennyzilliac You seem to want to skip the getting there part. And, that dismissiveness is offensive. It implies a complete non understanding of an orchestrated campaign of terror, murder and oppression for centuries. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I understand that I am risking offending you and others. That's the last thing I want to do.

(Sorry I posted my previous comment before seeing your whole comment.)

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac I added to the comment.@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I have mostly sat on these particular thoughts over many years, knowing that these thoughts would offend some people.

I have tried to educate myself out of these thoughts to no avail. These thoughts persist.

I believe in the positive potential of honest, compassionate communication, even when it offends.

When we shut down honest communication out of fear of offending, we slow down progress toward understanding.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac You're right. Honest conversations need to take place. In honest conversations amongst equals, no one gets to dictate modes/means of expression. You comfort is not material to me. You understanding what I'm saying and how I feel are. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

We are on the same page.

I am not trying to dictate anything. I am wholly interested in your thoughts. I want to have this honest conversation.

I'm not trying to educate you. I am trying to share my thoughts with you and wanting you to challenge me as you see fit based on your understandings. I'm not invested in being right. I'm invested in developing a better understanding of humanity and the path to a more humane civilization.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac "Separating out white racism and white people as a unique problem creates obstacles to civilizing us all. It allows the bogus part of the conversation to fester and draw resources." This part of your post doesn't particularly lead me to believe that. This part of what you wrote is what we've been talking about during this conversation. Let's analyze it. Please expound upon this thought for me. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Yes. Thanks for bringing the discussion back here. It's important to try to give this more structure.



@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

My brain is not doing its thing on this right now. I agree that my statement needs more analysis. My flow is not with me right now.


StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac No worries. Think about it. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Techronic9876, avatar

@jennyzilliac @StillIRise1963 @DoiDoi @PaX

atonement to me just means stop supporting people like trump & desantis who push anti Black laws and fan the flames of Nazism

I think it’s a very low bar if we saw white people collectively agreeing that America can thrive as an inclusive multiracial democracy

Help solve the problem that Black family wealth is 1/10th of white families, etc


@Techronic9876 @StillIRise1963 @DoiDoi @PaX

We agree that we need to rectify (not that we can ever make up for) the terrible, inequitable fallout from the practice of slavery and Jim Crow laws and systemic white racism in general.

How do we do that? There are no easy answers, but we need to push forward with the best ideas of the day, understanding that we will make blunders and have to adjust and then we will make more blunders and have to adjust again. And again. And again.

One sad realization that the Trump era has set on my shoulders is that at least a third of the human population is wired for fascism and all the horrors that go along with fascism. It doesn't matter how low we set the bar. We will never get everyone behind the values of democracy and shared humanity. It's just never going to happen.

So we need to take the reigns and go, setting our course for the most humane civilization we can create. Leave those folks to their fascist ways. They are not coming with us except as baggage.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac So, how are you going to get other white people on board for their own salvation? That's a job that belongs to white people. There's nothing we, Black people, can do to make white people stop oppressing us. What's the plan to save yourselves?@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I cannot fix anyone. I've certainly tried.

My plan is to move forward in democracy with like-minded people, gathering heft and speed like a snowball. Together, we will craft a more just, humane society.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac We certainly can do that together, if we're willing to get down and dirty with this situation. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Techronic9876, avatar

@jennyzilliac @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963

It’s true that prejudice exists in all societies in some form, but as Americans our main concern is America

The cause of American white supremacy (where the USA was an explicitly whites supremacist apartheid nation until 1972) is a specific thing, where as prejudice in humanity is nebulous and different in each area

We don’t have to solve the latter before solving the former— they’re not even related things I don’t think


@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX @StillIRise1963

I agree that white racism has some unique characteristics, and that is certainly unique as a historic event.

I agree that we need to tackle white racism in the US as our main focus because this is the problem we are living. (Speaking to those of us living in the US while recognizing people living in other countries may be reading and commenting.)

The question is one of approach. Of framing.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac Framing for whom? Approach for whom? To spare white feelings? Make white people feel more comfortable? @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I hear where you are coming from. I really do. I'm very familiar with the concepts that you bring to the discussion.

My opinion is that, while this stage of thinking may have been a critical stop on our path toward an embracing of our shared humanity, the leading edge of thought needs to continue the journey.

Do white people, as a whole, still have a whole lot of learning to do? Yes. But we can't wait forever for folks to get on the train that's moving forward.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Maybe I misunderstood you, but you said something to the effect of, "We can't [xyz] until white people atone." That sounds like waiting.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac If that was the case, we'd still be enslaved.@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I'm not understanding you here.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac I meant Black people have never waited. We've always kept it moving and fought for our rights. We might not have been completely successful yet, but we don't give up. The" struggle continues." We "keep our eyes on the prize." Hell, we wake up every fucking day and keep trying. Every fucking day. Trust me, it's a struggle.@Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

I hear you. I see that. I respect that. 100%.

In any movement, there are conflicting ideas about how best to move forward. There are different paths forward.

From my perspective, I'm talking about strategy. What's the best strategy? What are the best tactics to move toward a just, humane society?

Where should we focus our efforts?

How can we best frame our messaging?

Can the study of psychology help guide us?

What type of messaging will help us move forward most readily toward our highest goals?

My thinking is that holding out the expectation that white people — all white people — must atone for white racism before we can change our language choices and messaging and strategy is slowing us down.

My thinking is that a more holistic approach toward prejudice will move us forward faster.

Holding white people accountable for white racism has been an important stage in the movement. I'm not saying we abandon it. I'm saying we start looking further ahead.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac Who is the "we" that you mean? Who is doing what to whom? @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

We, now, that's a good question. Who is "we"?

I guess I'm thinking about it in a spiritual way, although I am not a very spiritual person. I am an open minded person. I am anti-religious.

I see humanity as a mixed bag.

I see humanity as a Bell curve.

I see some amount of goodness in everyone except the most extreme outliers.

I think when I say "we", I am thinking of the goodness that almost all of us share.

Does that make any sense to you?

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac Not in the context of our conversation, no. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX


It does make sense to me. I'll see if I can move forward with the concept so that it makes more sense.

Right now I'm pausing for family time. I'll be back.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@StillIRise1963 @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Okay. Draft definition:

For my purposes in this discussion, "we" includes every human being who yearns for a more humane civilization.

StillIRise1963, avatar

@jennyzilliac Let's do this another time. @Techronic9876 @DoiDoi @PaX

Magician, avatar

Whiteness is an arbitrary construct used to exclude outgroups and set legislation that justified their brutalization of exploitation.

At certain points in history, Slavic people, Italian people, Irish people, and Jews were considered non-white.

It’s a false equivalence to compare individuals being anti-white to the recent forms of racism (separate schools and water fountains) or ongoing forms of racism (redlining, media narratives around looting, policing).

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