RogerBW, to random avatar

You look upon Shasarak's broken features for the last time. The wall of fire is a portal to Agarash's realm. His bargain is to take Agarash's place, to be named ever after as Shasarak the Damned, and to set the demon free. The Wytch-king prefers eternal torment to the peace of death at your hands. Shasarak disappears through the wall and you hurl the shining luminescence of the Moonstone at the portal. A huge shoulder and a splayed, clawed foot emerge as you assault the wall.

‘No, you cannot … ' the Demonlord splutters in fury.

You battle with the power of the demon as it struggles to escape, and throw the last of your WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE at the flames. You must close the portal! Flames rage around the hall, struggling against the purity of the Moonstone's light. A great, yawning blackness threatens to engulf you as a hurricane of might whirls from the Moonstone and assaults the portal. You drop to your knees. You look up once more into the raging war of incandescence before slipping into unconscious oblivion.

You wake to see the face of Tanith looking into yours. You sit up with a jolt. You are lying in a bed in a tall tower. ‘The portal … Agarash … is he … ?' you stammer.

Tanith smiles. ‘All vanquished,' she replies. ‘The Demonlord Agarash and his portal of fire have gone and Shasarak with them. You have triumphed, Grey Star. We are saved.'

With a wild laugh you leap from the bed and hug Tanith with joy. You have saved your people. ‘Come,' she says, leading you to a doorway. It opens on to a balcony that overlooks a large square in the centre of the city of Shadaki. There you look upon a huge crowd. They let out a thunderous cheer as they see you.

Later you retire to the chamber. Standing there are Sado of the Long Knife and Samu, the Masbaté King. You clasp their outstretched hands, eyes brimming with tears of happiness. You grin furiously, glad to see that they are alive. A wave of exultant relief runs through you as you receive their grateful thanks and congratulations. They tell you that the Shadakine have fled back to the Sadi Desert. All the cities of the land are free capitals as before. The long task of rebuilding has already begun and all sing your praise to the furthest corners of what was once the Shadakine Empire. They have proclaimed you their ruler, the Wizard Regent of the Free Peoples, for their faith and trust in your wisdom and courage is unshakable.

Hail! Wizard Grey Star, Shianti Hero and Saviour.

[And while it's not in the book, the Lone Wolf Club Newsletter had an epilogue: ]

The Passing of the Shianti

And so it was that the shame of the Shianti was absolved. With the defeat of the Wytch-king, Shasarak, the renegade Shianti Master, the Shadakine Empire he had built fell. The Shadakine people fled back to their former home in the Sadi Desert, and Grey Star—the champion of the Shianti cause—was proclaimed ‘Wizard Regent' of the free peoples of the old empire, to oversee a time of rebirth and liberty. The only Shadakine who did not return to the Sadi Desert was the Lady Tanith. She and Grey Star were soon married, as many foretold they would be, to form the founding line of a Magiocracy destined to rule the new confederation of free states formed from the ashes of the old empire. For the Shianti themselves a higher destiny dawned. The Goddess Ishir came to them on the Isle of Lorn and took them up to the Plane of Light. Their reward was to dwell as immortals by her side and in her service in peace and serenity.

The Wizard Grey Star saw them once before they departed and many fond and sad farewells were exchanged. To Grey Star was bequeathed the nature of true Shianti wisdom, the last of their ancient magical secrets which only a lifetime's study would unlock from the hundreds of dusty volumes, scrolls, and magical artefacts. The Moonstone was given into the care of the Shianti and taken with them into the Plane of Light, for still its power was too great to remain on Magnamund.

Grey Star then returned to his people. Sado of the Long Knife was made general of the army, King Samu had his lands in the Lissan Plain restored to him, and Urik the Wise of the Kundi peoples was summoned to act as advisor to the Wizard Regent and Lady Tanith the Wytch-queen. Despite his newfound responsibilities and duties, Grey Star looked forward to a time of hope and happiness. In this far corner of Magnamund, at least for now, peace reigned.

And so ends the chronicle of the first quest of the Wizard Grey Star.

[I'll take a break for a bit, and welcome suggestions for more gamebooks to run in future - Freeway Warrior maybe?]

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

Your whole body glows with the Moonstone's protection.

‘Afraid to fight?' Shasarak mocks. He does not attack for the moment. Instead, he reaches into the air and produces his own Wizard's Staff; it is long and black. He weighs it casually in his hand. ‘Shall we duel now, Grey Star? Or will you stand forever within that damnable light, afraid to fight?'

The voice of Agarash booms from the wall of fire at the end of the hall. ‘Who is it that is really afraid to fight, Shasarak? Tell me that!'

‘Be silent, Demon,' Shasarak commands. ‘I'll have this young viper yet.'

⇒ Duel with Shasarak?
⇒ Throw some of the Moonstone's power at Shasarak for 1 WILLPOWER point?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

You hurl a ball of white, glowing power at Shasarak. [69 WILL] He flinches and falters. The voice of Agarash cackles. ‘Beware the bauble the Shianti holds,' it cries between gulps of perverse laughter. ‘It bites! Fight on little wizards, fight on. Such sport you provide. Who could ask for more?'

Shasarak screeches as the light of the blazing Moonstone shines on him. His body writhes and he clutches himself in pain as he topples to the floor. He is still. The light of the Moonstone fades and you stoop over the body. As you do so, Shasarak suddenly twists around and sends a bolt of black fire shooting towards you from one crooked fingertip.

→ Try to knock aside the blast with the Moonstone?
→ Strike Shasarak with your Staff?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

The blast is totally absorbed by the Moonstone but its light is extinguished. Shasarak screams at you like a caged animal. He climbs to his feet, his Staff held high, ready to attack. You bring up your own Staff to fend off the blow you know must come.

You must fight Shasarak without the protection of the Moonstone. He has been weakened but by how much you cannot tell. With desperation, you charge at him. His one, hideous eye burns with poisonous malice; his ruined face is twisted with hate.

Staff clashes against Staff and the hall is filled with flame as you fight. Agarash's unholy joy ripples through the room in peals of mocking laughter, the black, fathomless eyes following every move. You are locked in a duel with your arch-enemy.

Wytch-king Shasarak: COMBAT SKILL 30 ENDURANCE 25

Round 1: spend 17 will, you deal 34 and take 6: 43 - 0
Hero wins, 43 endurance and 52 willpower remain

You bring down the Staff to deliver a death-blow but, as you do, Agarash shouts out. ‘No! This shall not be.'

You feel a wave of power emanate from the wall of fire and your Staff grows warm in your hands. Both your Staff and Shasarak's explode into flame, to fall in ashes on the floor. Shasarak begins to crawl on his hands and knees towards the fiery wall, muttering in choked breaths. ‘You shall not have me. You shall not have me.'

He stands and reaches out his hands. ‘Agarash, our bargain!' he screams. Agarash laughs once more. A plume of flame snakes out from the wall and wreathes itself around Shasarak.

→ Allow Shasarak to step through the flaming wall?
→ Spend 3 WILLPOWER points to fill the Moonstone with your power and hurl its power against the wall?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

With a whirl of colour, you find yourself in a long, grey hall. You guess that you are close to Shasarak for at the far end of the hall you see a door engraved with a large Shianti rune representing Shasarak's name. Guarding that door is a grotesque creature, a servant of Shasarak. It is a demon, summoned from some ghastly netherworld that only the dark sorceries of Shasarak could reach. The demon has a high, humped back and a square, flat face that bears two blank, emotionless eyes, colourless and entirely lacking in any warmth or feeling, like pebbles by an unknown sea.

‘Hail, enemy of my master,' it breathes. ‘I have waited for you. My master told me you would come.'

You step closer. With some concern you see that the demon has affected the shape of a man, with blonde, gilded hair. You tell yourself that this is no man, but a demon in human guise. The demon stands tall; it mocks. ‘Why have you delayed? What are your reasons? I have waited so long … so long to meet your challenge. I am powerful; I am mighty! Know you, that I am the Ipagé, greatest of all demons under my master's command. My power is that of hate, for indeed I hate you, free and unstained as you are, unheeding of the powers that I and my master hold most dear.'

The creature's tirade of scorn is unrelenting and, to you, quite meaningless. It does not hate you, but what you represent: the wild, free, unrestrained wisdom of the Shianti. Shasarak has taught it that this wisdom is meaningless. You know that this is a wisdom, not born of knowledge, but of the freedom of the spirit, of the soul to follow its own way, sure that a mind without hate or resentment can do no harm. The Ipagé hisses like a serpent as you approach. You notice that its body is transparent and shimmers with an eerie light. The door to Shasarak's chamber lies directly behind this evil guardian. So far it has made no attack.

→ Attack this creature of hell?
→ Ignore it and head straight for Shasarak's door?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

Suddenly you are in a wide, round hall, full of shadows. At one end of the hall is a flaming wall, and kneeling before the wall is the hunched figure of Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki. His back is turned to you but he spins round the instant you arrive. He is a hideous sight. His flesh is black as if burnt by recent fires and his fingers are like claws. Half his face is missing, and in its place there is a metal plate, which is the only thing that gives shape to a livid mass of shrunken flesh and tissue. One eye is shrivelled, sightless, and shrunken, the other burns into you with hatred so intense that it almost forces you back a step.

The room fills with the sound of savage laughter, but it is not Shasarak who laughs. A familiar, slithering, deathly voice emanates from the wall of fire, and within the fire you see two slanted eyes: pools of absolute darkness. It is the Demonlord Agarash!

‘See, Shasarak. He has come, as I told you he would. He has come to slay you. Won't you accept my bargain?'

‘Never!' Shasarak hisses, his voice like the rush of broken stone scattering on the floor. ‘He does not have the power to master me … as you have not, Demon.'

Shasarak glares at you malevolently and raises a damaged hand. He is about to strike.

→ Spend 1 WILLPOWER point and raise the Moonstone against Shasarak?
→ Defend yourself with the Moonstone?

[I.e. option 1 is to strike first, option 2 is to ready your defence.]

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [71] you raise the Moonstone and light begins to pour from it. Shasarak scowls and takes a step back.

‘So you think the Moonstone is enough to defeat me do you? You forget the need for a mighty hand to wield it. Are you mighty, Grey Star?'

Shasarak's words strike you like blows but you do not fail in your resolve. Effortlessly, Shasarak drains 1 WILLPOWER point [70] and 1 ENDURANCE point [49] from your body. You stagger as the life-force is dragged from you.

‘You see?' Shasarak sneers.

→ Shield yourself with the Moonstone's light?
→ Strike Shasarak with the Moonstone's light?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

You speak your mind to Sado and for once he does not argue. You mount and you and Samu ride either side of the grim-faced leader of the Freedom Guild. Sado gives the command and the entire army surges forward in pursuit of the ghostly figure of the Kazim as it heads purposefully into the night.

The battle that follows is long and terrible. The Freedom Guild almost fail, but with Sado's iron leadership and your brave resolve they endure, although the number of casualties is high. The Kazim reclaims its heart of stone, slaying Mother Chowloon, the Shadakine Wytch who bore it. As she dies, much of the fighting fury and ferocity that filled the Shadakine fades. The Army of the Freedom Guild senses the Shadakine's loss of morale and press home their advantage. Soon, they have beaten the much larger force into a full-scale retreat. The entire Shadakine Army heads north. Sado leads his army in pursuit, turning the retreat into a rout. It is vital that the Shadakine Army does not reach Shadaki, for there they would find new leadership under Shasarak's hand. They are still a large army and with Shasarak to lead them they could turn the tables once again.

The Army of the Freedom Guild pursues the fleeing Shadakine Army across much of the Shadakine Empire. The Shadakine find no place to hide, for all the cities of the Empire are in open revolt. Each Kazim has reclaimed its heart and slain the Shadakine Wytch that ruled each city. During the four days of the pursuit you are not required to exert any energy or use any of your Magical Powers and you regain 8 ENDURANCE points [50] and 9 WILLPOWER points [72]. Constantly harrying the ever-dwindling Shadakine force, the Army of the Freedom Guild crosses the great Kalamar River and approaches the Mountains of Lara.

The Mountains of Lara contain the infamous Morn Pass. It was through this pass that the Shadakine first invaded the provinces of the south. It is the last barrier between you and the fortress city of Shadaki. With growing dread you realize that the time of your final battle with Shasarak is fast approaching. With his armies scattered or destroyed, it only remains for you to challenge him yourself and ensure that the land remains free. Your trepidation is coupled with suspicion. Shasarak has many powers at his disposal. Why then has he not used them to challenge Sado's tiny army, much reduced in numbers? Perhaps there is some other reason why he does not bring his full might to bear?

→ Use your Temeris Potion to teleport into the city of Shadaki and challenge Shasarak now?
→ Continue with the Army of the Freedom Guild through the Morn Pass?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

You go into a trance state, calling to the Elemental Plane for aid. You tell the elemental spirits that dwell there of your need for light. Deduct 2 WILLPOWER points for your use of this Magical Power [63].

→ Call on the element of earth?
→ Call on the element of water?
→ Call on the element of air?
→ Call on the element of fire?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

Your call for aid is answered by the element of fire in the only way it is able. Sheets of flame spring up all around you, catching the dry brush and foliage of the forest in seconds. The bright light of the fires provides an excellent target for the Shadakine crossbowmen. A hail of arrows arcs towards you.

Your life and your quest end here.

[wavylines; let's try Air]

A strong wind begins to blow. The dense cloud in the sky begins to move and soon the moon is revealed once more.

‘This is your doing?' asks Sado, amazed.

You nod, blushing with pride, and return your attention to the Shadakine Army.

The Shadakine are wheeling large engines of war to the front of their lines: they are powerful catapults. Pinpoints of flame appear. Sado has guessed their intentions and orders his bowmen to fire. The archers of the Freedom Guild send volley after volley singing through the air towards the Shadakine and many of the distant spots of light go out. Suddenly many balls of flame arc through the air above the heads of the men of the Freedom Guild to fall into the trees behind.

‘Hah!' Sado shouts. ‘The fools are way off target.'

‘I think not,' replies Samu.

You understand his meaning as you watch the dry brush of the forest begin to burn. ‘They mean to flush us out!' you cry with alarm.

All around you small fires are catching the trees and in a short time smoke billows in choking clouds throughout the Freedom Guild's ranks. Orange tongues of flame are licking on every side.

A feeling of panic surges through the men. Sado looks aghast. The army will be forced out of the forest and into the jaws of the Shadakine to be slaughtered, for the Freedom Guild lacks sufficient numbers to face the Shadakine in an all-out assault. Just as you think you are facing certain doom, a vast shape immersed in a pallid, yellow glow strides out from amongst the burning trees. It is a Kazim. Many of Sado's men shout out in alarm and horror, thinking that they are being attacked from the rear but you know this is not the case.

‘Do not worry,' you assure Sado. ‘This is a Kazim. It fights with us.'

The stony creature, measuring twelve feet high at least, moves through the parting ranks of Guildsmen and stops at the edge of the forest. It is alone; the other Kazim must already be on their way to the other Shadakine Wytches in the pursuit of their hearts. The Kazim at the edge of the forest turns its head this way and that, searching. When it has located that which it seeks, it moves forward at great speed

→ Tell Sado to command his army to follow the Kazim?
→ Remain in the forest?

[One more turn tomorrow morning, then I'll be preparing for and then away at Airecon West over the weekend.]

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

The light from your Staff is making you an easy target for Shadakine crossbowmen and you decide that you might be better off without it. The fighting is coming closer.

→ Head towards the sound of the fighting?
→ Try to find Sado?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

You run through the shadowy darkness and emerge at the forest's edge, where Shadakine and Freedom Guild swordsmen are locked in bloody combat. The Shadakine have the advantage of greater numbers and are forcing the Guildsmen into the forest in a stumbling, disorderly line. They cannot hold for long. You suddenly realize that the strange, pupilless eyes of the Shadakine allow them to see in the dark. No wonder they have attacked in the middle of the night. Their advantage is considerable. A tall officer stands behind the Shadakine warriors, urging them on. Your sudden appearance at the edge of the forest has startled him but he quickly recovers. He bares his teeth and snarls before attacking.

Shadakine Officer: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 24

Round 1: spend 5 will, you deal 40 and take 1: 42 - 0
Hero wins, 42 endurance and 65 willpower remain

You defeat the Shadakine officer with a deceptive, sweeping blow aimed at his body. You then charge at the backs of the Shadakine, taking them by surprise. Their attack falters, and the men of the Freedom Guild surge forward, driving the Shadakine before them. You hear Sado shouting to his men, attempting to rally them to him. You and the men of the Freedom Guild follow the sound of his voice.

The moon bursts through a space in the clouds and you see Sado, a bloody sword in one hand, standing upon the brow of a low hill. He and a small number of his personal guard are beset on all sides by Shadakine warriors. You sprint over to him. Looking to the east, you see a sight that makes you gasp. Beyond the edge of the forest is the Shadakine Army. It is larger than you ever imagined, row upon row of bristling spears and swords wink beneath the night sky. Among the ranks you sight the glow of a Kazim Stone; a Shadakine Wytch must accompany the army.

You enter the battle that rages at Sado's feet in an effort to free him so that he can command the rest of the army. More and more men appear out of the darkness, summoned by his rallying call. A Shadakine spearman springs out of the shadows and runs towards you.

→ Use 2 WILLPOWER points to fire at the spearman at long range?
→ Stand and face the warrior's charge?
→ Flee?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

The warrior stops and releases his spear like a javelin, aimed at your heart. Suddenly Samu knocks you to the ground. He has saved your life.

With valiant cries, the entire force of the Masbaté tribesmen charges from the forest, running to the aid of Sado, who is beleaguered upon the hill. The Masbaté have managed to stay ordered and controlled under Samu's command, despite the surprise of the Shadakine night attack, and their charge is ferocious and deadly. The Shadakine are swept back and away from the hill. Soon they have fallen into a full retreat and the men of the Freedom Guild give a loud cheer.

While Sado organizes his men into battle formations, and sends couriers dashing through the forest with messages for the rest of the army, you stare out at the Shadakine host, trying to guess their next move. A cloud drifts across the moon's face, blotting out its silver light and plunging you into darkness once more. Sado curses. ‘Grey Star, is there nothing you can do to bring us light?' he asks.

‘I cannot command the sun to rise before dawn,' you reply bitterly. If only there were some way of fulfilling Sado's request. You are also anxious to see the movements of the Shadakine.

→ Spend 2 Willpower on Elementalism?
→ Spend 1 Willpower on the Higher Magick of Physiurgy?
→ Neither?

RogerBW, to random avatar

You call on your own elemental powers and, at the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points [71], concentrate on a stretch of flat land that lies in the path of the oncoming chariots. At first nothing happens. Then the earth trembles and small cracks appear in the ground. Stones crumble and the chariot horses of the Shadakine neigh with fright. A low rumbling sounds from below the ground.

‘Away!' you cry to Sado and his men. ‘My work is done here. The Shadakine are doomed.'

The soldiers do as they are commanded. Suddenly a vast chasm opens in the land. The Shadakine scream as they are swallowed by the pit, falling to their deaths far below. You and the men of the Freedom Guild leave the rise and go to rejoin the main army.

When you reach the camp, you see that the army has been delayed; not by the difficulty of moving such a large group of men quickly, but because of the Forest of Fernmost itself. Many of the Guildsmen regard it with dread, muttering darkly among themselves.

‘Will no one follow?' you implore with searching eyes. There is a long, brooding silence, broken only by the occasional ring of armour as the Guildsmen shuffle uneasily.

‘Will none listen to the wisdom of the Shianti?' you shout into the silence. There is the sound of movement to your left. With relief you see King Samu striding towards you, leading a long line of his own warriors.

‘We of the Masbaté will heed the words of the Shianti,' he booms. ‘We at least do not fear to tread beneath the trees of Fernmost, not while a wizard of the Shianti leads us.'

You hope that Samu's words will shame the Guildsmen into entering the forest. You are well aware of the legends that scare them. The Forest of Fernmost was once part of the ancient nation of Taklakot. Beyond the western edge of Fernmost lie the Mountains of Morn, which overlook the infamous ‘deadlands'. There stands the forbidden city of Gyanima and the blasted wasteland of Desolation Valley, which was the heart of the kingdom. Centuries ago, Shasarak came to the people of Taklakot as a wise Shianti, though he had turned from the path of goodness long before, refusing the exile that the goddess Ishir had demanded of his people. Because of the forbidden secrets that he unlocked for the race of Taklakot, a great calamity befell them. Great fires rushed through the kingdom and destroyed an entire civilization in a day. Only Shasarak survived, though he was horribly crippled and burnt. Many say that the dead spirits of Taklakot roam the Forest of Fernmost to this day, seeking vengeance and taking it upon any who enter the forest.

Samu's words and example seem to work. Gradually the Guildsmen move forward towards the forest. At last all are following the broad trail west, deep into the gloom of the forest. You lead the army into the deepening shadow. The forest shelters an eerie feeling of malice. A grey mist lingers upon the ground and the branches and leaves above form a sombre, green canopy that blots out the sky. There is a strange musty smell in the air. The army are ordered into various positions along the forest's edge to watch for the advance of the Shadakine host you left at the River Dosar. They are completely hidden by the tangled woods and thick undergrowth. Sado tells you he is grateful that you did not ask the army to journey any further into Fernmost, for, as you draw closer to its heart, a strange, watchful presence can be felt.

With a delighted cry you notice clumps of Laumspur, a healing herb, growing in abundance. You chew on the herb and its goodness restores 4 ENDURANCE points. You may store another clump of Laumspur in your Backpack: it will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when chewed.

[You have the Magical Power of Theurgy…]

Your trained eye quickly perceives that many unusual plants grow in the forest, some of which are of immense use to your Theurgical powers. The army is well equipped and you are able to borrow many vials from a healer. While Sado and his men watch for the approach of the Shadakine Army, you pass the day searching for various herbs and preparing potions. It is evening by the time you have finished. You have the choice of making and keeping any of the following items for future use. Remember that your Herb Pouch can hold up to eight items, and any other potions may be stored in your Backpack.


RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

  • 2 Potions of Laumspur (Each Potion restores up to 6 ENDURANCE points when swallowed before or after combat. One potion equals one dose.)
  • 1 Potion of Alether (Increases COMBAT SKILL by 2 points when swallowed before an attack.)
  • 2 Tarama Seeds (Swallowing one seed enables a wizard to use his Wizard's Staff or Magical Power without losing any WILLPOWER points. They take up no room in your Herb Pouch or Backpack.)20
  • 1 Calacena Potion (A useful aid to the casting of spells of Enchantment.)
  • 1 Potion of Mustow (Creates a foul, choking gas.)
  • 1 Potion of Temeris (Allows a wizard to teleport to any place he desires.)
  • 1 Potion of Ezeran Acid (A metal-eating acid.)

[You do not have some Phinomel Pods]

You return to the army laden with useful aids for your struggle. They seem to be more relaxed about the Forest of Fernmost, although you still sense a strange presence somewhere in the centre of the forest.

The entire day passes without any sign of the Shadakine. The army are well ensconced in defensive positions around the edges of the forest. Your sleep that night proves extremely restful, restoring 4 ENDURANCE and 3 WILLPOWER points. The following day there is still no sign of the Shadakine Army. A tense, uneasy silence descends on the men: they are anxious to fight. That night you are awakened by the crooning call of voices that beckon you.

Unable to resist, you rise and follow the sound deep into the forest. As you walk among the impenetrable shadows, you hear, mingled with the calls, the mournful creak of trees, whose branches have been stirred by a newly-risen wind. You become aware of a sickly yellow glow deeper in the wood. You walk towards it, treading a path that leads up a steep hill of craggy, moss-covered stone. At the top of the hill are seven hulking shapes, tall as trees, wreathed in yellow light. The light reminds you of the yellow light of the Kazim Stones, instruments of truth and torture, power and possession, belonging to the Shadakine Wytches. A wave of panic grows inside you. The crooning is emanating from the tall forms within the halos of light, only now the words of the song are distinct:

We are the Kazim, masters of truth,
Wielders of power, steadfast in sooth,
Lost are our stone hearts to the evil of the night,
Clutched by the dark one, stealer of light,
We wait for the Grey One, foe of the dark,
Heralding battle, to regain our hearts.

→ Charge up the hill and attack the tall shapes there?
→ Go to the top of the hill and investigate the tall shapes?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

With quaking heart, you ascend the hill. You stand at the top in a circle of stone forms with the indistinct features of men. Their voices murmur in a haunting, faraway whisper.

‘He comes … the Grey One comes … '

‘Does he bear the key … the Masterstone … our salvation?'

‘Who are you?' you shout into the darkness. The whispering subsides and one voice speaks to you.

‘We are the Kazim, the Stone peoples. Old as the earth. We have waited.'

‘For what?'

‘For the bearer of the Masterstone to set us free from this hill that we might claim back what was once ours. We seek our hearts that the Dark One stole from us long ago.'

A glimmer of realization dawns in your mind. ‘Who?' you ask, urgently. ‘Who stole your hearts?'

‘He who calls himself Shasarak, sundered and shameful brother of the Shianti.'

The Kazim Stones of the Shadakine Wytches must be the hearts of these poor, forlorn creatures. Trapped and heartless upon this hill they have waited for you to free them. ‘But how?' you ask the Kazim.

‘You must have the key or we would not have awakened from our sleep of centuries and felt your presence here in the forest. You are the bearer of the Masterstone. Take it out and free us as the Shianti promised.'

They must mean the Moonstone. Long ago the Shianti must have promised to free the Kazim out of shame for the actions of their renegade Shianti brother. Now you have come to fulfil that promise for them. The Kazim mentioned regaining their hearts. If they are successful, they rob Shasarak's most powerful servants of their power. The separate threads of the story fall into place as the ancient plans of the Shianti finally come to fruition. You draw out the Moonstone. Though you have not exerted any power upon it, it is shining with a blinding white light of its own. The seven Kazim roar with pleasure as the rays of the Moonstone touch their rocky bodies, and then they begin to move, stretching their craggy limbs after centuries of sleep.

One of the Kazim speaks to you. ‘We thank you,' it says. ‘But you must go now, back to your people. Their enemy approaches, bringing with them an enemy of ours. We will come soon, when we are fully ready and restored to life. Hurry. Battle begins.'

In the distance you can hear the sound of many voices shouting. The Shadakine must have attacked by night. You whirl around and dash down the hill, heading towards the sound of battle.

With all the speed you can muster, you rush towards the fray. When you arrive, all is in darkness and confusion. You hear swords clashing in the shadows at the edge of the forest but you cannot see who is fighting whom.

→ Expend 1 WILLPOWER point to cast a light with your Staff?
→ Head towards the sound of the fighting?
→ Continue through the forest and try to find Sado?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point [70] you create a glow of light from your Staff. To your left you see a huge number of Shadakine swordsmen locked in combat with a smaller group of Guildsmen. The Shadakine are relentlessly forcing the Guildsmen back into the forest. Suddenly a hail of Shadakine arrows arcs towards you falling just short of where you stand.

→ Extinguish your light?
→ Or not?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

Using 1 WILLPOWER point [75] you call on the elementals for their aid. After a few moments, a huge wave rushes along the river. You and the Masbaté turn and run from the bridge. You look back to see the gigantic wave engulf the bridge, smashing its stones into pebbles and washing the bridge downstream.

You are given a horse and ride alongside Samu, who, like the rest of the Masbaté, does not ride. The Masbaté are too big to ride and use their Simar horses only to carry their supplies. Nevertheless, the Masbaté run like the wind and soon the River Dosar is far behind.

When night comes, you make camp. Tomorrow, your southerly journey will take you to the Army of the Freedom Guild.

The night passes without incident and the following morning you and the Masbaté break camp and continue south. You cross a flat land of farms and small villages, the inhabitants of which come out of their homes and look upon you with wonder.

You warn the people of the vast Shadakine Army that follows and that may have already crossed the River Dosar. Though you are glad to see that your presence has heartened so many, you realize with regret that word of your passing is sure to reach the city of Andui to the northeast, where there is sure to be a Shadakine garrison. Perhaps it will be sent against you, ahead of the large army trapped north of the River Dosar or perhaps the Shadakine Wytch of that city, Mother Chowloon, sister of Mother Magri of Suhn, will come against you.

Thoughts of Shadakine Wytches remind you of Tanith's plight. You wonder how she fares and whether Mother Magri has successfully drawn Tanith back to the Port of Suhn in the east.

→ Exert 2 WILLPOWER points to discover how Tanith is?
→ Or not?

RogerBW, avatar

Using 2 WILLPOWER points [73] you fill the Moonstone with power. As its swirling mists part, you are confronted by the haggard face of an old woman. You give an involuntary shudder; Mother Magri is staring straight at you.

‘Seek and ye shall find,' the old crone jeers. ‘And find her I have. Won't you come now, little one? There's plenty of room for you, my sweet.'

Abruptly the image disappears. Tanith must have been drawn back to Suhn already. There is nothing you can do for her now. You can only hope that she can survive Mother Magri's clutches until you can find a way of saving her.

You continue the journey. At noon you cross the River Anduis near the town of Sena. You stop to warn the townspeople of Sena of the advance of Shadakine forces and enlist their help in destroying the bridge. This will ensure that the garrison at Andui, and the larger army beyond the River Dosar, will have to cross the River Anduis at the bridge of the city of Andui.

By late afternoon you can see the large and mysterious Forest of Fernmost looming in the west. You have made good time. The Masbaté are tireless runners and have kept pace with your horse with little effort. You are passing a group of hills beyond the boundaries of the dark forest when you see a group of horsemen riding towards you. Each of them wears a red veil, part of the uniform of the Army of the Freedom Guild. When the riders are within a hundred paces, they stop and aim their bows at you.

‘Hail there men of the Freedom Guild. We are friends. Put down your weapons,' you shout.

‘Who calls himself friend, yet marches from the north before an army?' questions one of the riders.

‘I would speak with your leader, Sado of the Long Knife,' you reply. ‘Tell him an old friend has returned to aid him. Tell him it is I, Grey Star, of the Shianti.'

At these words, the horsemen lower their bows and look at you in amazement as you ride towards them. You now wear your grey Shianti robe once more. Their expressions become joyous. ‘You have come. You have returned,' they cry. ‘Sado said it would be so but none believed.'


RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

With glad hearts, the horsemen lead you and the Masbaté to the Freedom Guild's camp, which lies a few miles south of the hills. You come upon a sprawling mass of tents and fluttering banners. The camp is alive with activity. As you and the Masbaté pick your way among the tents and the campfires you attract a great deal of attention. Some soldiers offer a rousing cheer at the sight of the size of the Masbaté host: useful reinforcements in a time of desperate need. You and Samu leave the Masbaté to pitch their own camp in an unploughed field nearby and go to Sado's tent together. The tent flap is pulled aside and Sado of the Long Knife steps out. You recognize his lean, haggard face and dangerous blue eyes. These eyes soften and a smile breaks across his face when he sees you.

‘Grey Star, I knew you would come back,' he says. ‘Hail Samu, and welcome.' You both exchange greetings with the brave leader of the Freedom Guild. Inside his tent you tell him of the success of your quest for the Moonstone and the warning words of the Shianti, when they spoke to you in the chamber of the Moonstone.

‘And so,' you say to close your story, ‘it is their wish that we fall back into the Forest of Fernmost to escape the larger Shadakine Army that is sure to come against us once they have crossed the Dosar and Anduis rivers.'

Sado's brow furrows. ‘But the forest is a place of evil,' he says. ‘Perhaps foul creatures of Shasarak's lurk there—creatures that would be his slaves if he desired it. Surely it would be better to march on Suhn and take it by siege. Once we occupied it, we would have a stranglehold on the bulk of Shadakine trade. It is the only port foreigners will visit in the Shadakine Empire, and its city walls would offer a better defence.'

‘The Shadakine host would reach you before the Port of Suhn could be reduced,' you tell him patiently. ‘And they outnumber your army three to one. You would be cut off from your base at Karnali and the Shadakine would be able to send reinforcements by sea. You would lose Karnali for sure and the whole seat of the rebellion would be destroyed, and your army too.'

Sado looks doubtful. ‘My army numbers ten thousand men. All are well trained. Your long absence has not seen us idle. We have engaged Shasarak's slaves wherever we have found them and my soldiers are well tested in combat.'

The argument lasts well into the night, but Sado's faith in you, the Moonstone that you bear, and the wisdom of the Shianti, of whom you have spoken, eventually persuade him. Preparations are made to move the army out the following morning.

Dawn is breaking when the alarm is raised and you are alerted to an attack on the camp. Swiftly you rise, taking up your Staff and rushing outside. There is great clamour everywhere. Men are rushing in all directions, still donning their armour. You rush towards Sado's tent. He is not there but an attendant tells you that a group of Shadakine has attempted an attack. Sado is already at the scene of the battle with a unit of soldiers, hand picked to fight a rearguard action, while the remainder of the army retreats to the Forest of Fernmost. This unit was chosen by Sado himself last night in readiness for just such an eventuality. You are sure that the Shadakine attack cannot be from the large army you trapped on the other side of the River Dosar; it can only be the garrison from Andui.

→ Go to the scene of the battle, where Sado fights a rearguard action?
→ Lead the bulk of the army into the Forest of Fernmost?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

You mount and ride with all speed to the site of the battle at the northern edge of the camp. You arrive to see Sado with a hundred cavalry upon a low rise overlooking the battle. As many as a thousand Shadakine foot soldiers are charging towards you.

‘Good morning to you, Grey Star,' Sado calls. ‘The morning begins with battle. Have a care to stay by me, for you know not the strategy I have in mind and you must be sure to move when I do.'

You glance behind the line of Sado's cavalrymen and see a line of soldiers armed with crossbows, busily loading their weapons. The warriors are kneeling to conceal their presence. When the Shadakine have drawn but two hundred paces away, Sado barks a command. At his word, the line of horsemen parts to allow those bearing crossbows to step forward. Sado shouts again and the crossbowmen release a deadly hail of arrows that flies towards the Shadakine host. Many fall dead in the face of this lethal volley. But incredibly the survivors continue.

‘These Shadakine are strong of heart. Brave but foolish,' Sado murmurs.

The crossbowmen reload and release another shower of arrows. As the bolts find their targets, many more Shadakine fall dead. More than half their number have now fallen. You look back to the camp: it is still a chaotic mass of rushing men, trying to order themselves and leave. Samu and his Masbaté have already left in good order but they have the advantage of smaller numbers and a strong leader to command them.

The Shadakine continue to advance, their faces set with grim determination. There is no time for the crossbowmen to reload their weapons before the remainder of the Shadakine, almost five hundred men, fall upon the Guild's ranks. At Sado's command, the cavalry charges down the rise at the Shadakine. A furious mêlée ensues but the Shadakine maintain the upper hand and the cavalry are forced to retreat in disorder. It will not be long before the Shadakine are fighting against the bulk of the army of the Freedom Guild, who are still attempting to flee into the forest. Looking to the distant hills, you see the reason for this early raid by the Shadakine. A line of Shadakine chariots has appeared. From earlier encounters with the Shadakine, you know that sharpened blades adorn the wheels of the chariots. You shudder to think of the harm they could inflict on the disordered lines of the retiring Freedom Guild.

→ Expend 2 WILLPOWER points using the Higher Magick of Physiurgy against the chariots of the Shadakine?
→ Expend 2 WILLPOWER points using the Higher Magick of Telergy against the Shadakine?
→ Lead the main army group of the Freedom Guild into the Forest of Fernmost?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

Hurriedly you pull off the helmet and stand flinching beneath Samu's poised sword. But he is an expert warrior and he checks its downward sweep in an instant. His eyes bulge in amazement. ‘Grey Star!' he gasps. ‘I almost killed you!'

‘No time … no time,' you reply, quickly, shaking Samu from his stupor. ‘Call your men; we must retreat. See?' you say, gesturing across the river. ‘I have brought the demon plague. We must flee while they and the Shadakine fight.'

It is as you say. Across the river the demons wage a ferocious battle against the Shadakine. Instantly Samu springs into action, calling to his men and ordering a trumpeter to sound a retreat. The Masbaté retire. The Shadakine are too involved in their fight to pursue, at least for the moment, but you know that it is essential to destroy the bridge to prevent any pursuit should the Shadakine, who must number in their thousands, quickly defeat the demon plague.

→ Use the Magical Power of Elementalism?
→ Use the Higher Magick of Physiurgy?
→ Use the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy?
→ Attack the bridge with your Staff?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

You close your eyes and concentrate your mind on the far bank of the river where you can see King Samu urging his brave soldiers on. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you teleport, experiencing the sickening feeling that always accompanies teleportation. You appear on the other side of the river and at Samu's side. He looks round and sees you.

‘By the gods!' he shouts, raising his sword to strike you.

You remember that you are still wearing the Shadakine uniform.

→ Pull off the Shadakine helm and show Samu who you are?
→ Raise your Staff to defend yourself from Samu's blow?

RogerBW, (edited ) to random avatar

You take aim once more and send a bolt of magical flame rushing towards the Flying Snake. Once more your aim is true and the creature drops dead with a shrill cry of pain. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

Your journey proceeds without further incident. You can see the wide, forested pass a few miles away. Once you have gained the safety of the trees, you will wait for the demon host to seek you out, and then make a final dash for the Lanzi bridge on the River Dosar, where Samu and the Masbaté will be waiting for you. But your spirits have lifted too soon. Heading straight towards you is a dark cloud of wings and snakelike bodies. It is a flock of flying snakes numbering at least twenty.

→ Try to make a dash for the forest?
→ Make a stand?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

You urge your steed to one last great effort and head straight for the forest. At the forest's edge the plain is dotted with bushes and trees, making it difficult for the Winged Demons to attack and, with a joyful cry, you enter the sheltered sanctuary of the woods. You dismount and lead the stallion along the curving trail that runs through the heart of the forest. Both you and the beast are exhausted and you search for a place to rest. Finding a concealed glade, you stop for a few moments and plan the next course of action.

Looking up through a gap in the trees, you see a number of Winged Demons circling. They must be searching for you. Reluctantly you move on again, following the trail until you reach the far side of the forest. You hear the snapping of dead branches and the rustling of leaves: the demon horde is somewhere in the forest, searching for you. Your mind races as the growling and howling of the pack draws closer. It is vital that you find some way of drawing the pack on, towards the Shadakine Army that is moving towards Lanzi and the Masbaté who guard the bridge there. You estimate that the army must be halfway there by now, probably following the line of the River Dosar to protect its left flank. If you are seen at the head of the demon horde, you are sure to be attacked by the Shadakine.

Suddenly you sight a figure on horseback. It is a Shadakine warrior scouting the land. He must be an outrider from the Shadakine Army. A plan begins to form in your mind.

→ Use your Mind Gem and the Power of Sorcery or Thaumaturgy?
→ Use the Higher Magick of Telergy?
→ Use the Magical Power of Enchantment?
→ Stand and reveal yourself to the warrior?

RogerBW, (edited ) avatar

You draw out the Gem, filling it with mental energy drawn from the Astral Plane. If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery, you use 2 WILLPOWER points; if you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, you use 1 WILLPOWER point. [78] The Mind Gem gives off a red glow. You use its power to reach out to the Shadakine rider and will him to you.

Unsuspecting, the warrior rides towards you. He wears a plumed helmet of black metal and you know that underneath the helm his head is shaven, except for a long, plaited pig-tail. Like all Shadakine, his most notable feature is his eyes, which are completely white, without iris or pupil. He is clad in the furs and steel of the Shadakine and carries a spear. A crossbow is slung over his back.

[You still have your Simar stallion.]

Entranced, the rider trots towards you, hailing you as friend, for your magic controls him completely. When he has come close enough, you grab his leg and drag him from the saddle. So sudden is your action that the warrior is unable to resist. A swift blow to the back of his head knocks him unconscious. Now you can complete your plan. By dressing in the Shadakine uniform, you will be able to lead the demon host towards the Shadakine Army and they will think you one of their number. Quickly you don the uniform. Your Simar steed is exhausted but the Shadakine horse offers the chance of a fresh mount and greater speed. You slap the Simar's haunches and watch it trot away. The beast has served you well, and you offer a silent Shianti blessing that will keep it from harm.

Somewhere in the forest your pursuers are stamping through the dense foliage, smashing their way towards you. You leap into the saddle of the Shadakine mount and speed away, heading south towards Lanzi, where Samu and his Masbaté warriors are waiting for you at the bridge. You pray that the Shadakine Army is already well on its way to Lanzi.

Glancing over your shoulder you see the first of the horde burst from the undergrowth of the forest. You concentrate on the last frantic dash that lies ahead of you.

Your horse quickly covers the miles of your long, desperate ride. The demon host has not caught you, although it is not far away. Looking to the east you see great clouds of dust hanging in the air. These are the tell-tale signs of an army on the move. It must be the rear of the Shadakine column approaching the bridge at Lanzi. You double your speed. Now you can hear the cries of battle and the ringing of steel. You gallop around the edge of the town of Lanzi on its western side and emerge close to the River Dosar. Reining in the horse for a moment, you stop and look along the line of the river. A mile away you can see the bridge. The Masbaté still hold it but they fight a desperate battle against a huge force of Shadakine warriors.

With a wild yell, you head towards the battle, the demon pack baying at your heels. You reach the Shadakine force that fights at the bridge and, rushing up to an officer, you indicate the demon horde behind you. He curses and orders some of his men to turn and face this new threat. He orders you to the rear of the army group. ‘Alert Warward Gatakhan,' he shouts after you. ‘He must bring forward more men.'

You nod your head, although, of course, you have no intention of obeying the order. Your sole objective is to cross the river and tell the Masbaté that they may join the Army of the Freedom Guild in the south.

→ Use the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy to teleport across the river for 2 WILLPOWER points?
→ Try to swim across the river?
→ Try to fight your way across the bridge?

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