
Lettuceeatlettuce, to aboringdystopia in Millionaire tries to prove becoming wealthy is easy by becoming homeless and making a million in a year - and of course fails miserably and quits, citing reality
@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Now try it again but give yourself amnesia so you don’t have any prior knowledge of skills or lessons learned from before.

Give yourself a severe drug and/or alcohol addiction for several years so you develop chronic health problems and hardcore substance dependence.

Experience enough traumatic events that you develop some severe form of mental illness, preferably multiple at the same time.

Destroy all your contacts from your former life, don’t record anything or log anything because you can’t have any permanent support group. Surround yourself only with people as or more desperate than you.

Make sure your social problems have caused you to rack up a significant number of criminal charges, bonus points for felonies that stay on your record for all to see if anybody even considers hiring you.

Now you’re close to experiencing what many homeless folks’ lives are actually like. This guy’s “experiment” is asinine. Just another sigma grindset bootstrap husk social influencer who has no idea what it is actually like to have nothing.

His conclusion is that people are homeless because why? They aren’t grinding hard enough? Because they aren’t putting in the hours? Because they just don’t really want it bad enough? Miss me with that bullshit.


Give yourself a severe drug and/or alcohol addiction for several years so you develop chronic health problems and hardcore substance dependence.

Experience enough traumatic events that you develop some severe form of mental illness, preferably multiple at the same time.

If you’re rich enough these don’t even count as problems, just personality traits.


“Oh don’t worry about Jeffrey, dear, he’s just eccentric.”

@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, wealth and privilege lessen the risk factors significantly. Even if you get totally addicted and actually need help, if you’re rich, you (or your family) can afford to put you in luxury rehab clinics.

That’s why you see so many celebrities in and out of rehab multiple times. They can afford to destroy their lives over and over because there is always a way back for them.


Simply accept free furniture on Craigslist and sell it on Facebook, what is the difficulty? Everyone has a pickup truck or SUV they can use to tote furniture around and a house they can use to store it pending the sale. You can easily make a million in a year, I would have done so but I had to stop early because of reasons.


I appreciate you contextualizing the torment that homeless people face. The more we can show and visualize their struggles, the more empathetic people will be, and the more political will can be realized to hopefully pass smart legislation actually geared to solve the problem.

@Supervisor194@lemmy.world avatar

Denying yourself any semblance of joy and slaving away for 14 hours a day until your health is totally fucked - and he’s in his 20s! Oh but he scraped up an extra 60k.

I dunno about you guys, but sign me up!


0.064 million was so close to his goal of 1 million though. I bet the last two months would have really closed the gap. He only needed to double his money 4 times. /s


That’s the craziest part. He knew exactly what to do to be successful and managed to only earn a basic middle class wage. Add anything else: significant debt, a partner to spend time with, addiction problems, mental issues, health issues, and you’re not going to have time for any of that.

Do these people who got lucky really think everyone else is just dumb? Yes, I could scour craigslist for free shit to resell but I have a life.


Yes, I think they do, It is a combination of:

  • Survivor bias, where they only have good knowledge of their own lucky experience/
  • Lack of empathy, so they are unable to understand how each persons circumstances are different.
  • A pinch of Narcissism, where they do think they deserve their luck.

Also they claim to have done everything for themselves because for some reason they discount the huge loan they got from their parents. Assuming they even have to pay it back.


Find me someone who is a billionaire today and didn’t have a massive loan from parents when they were “starting out.” Everyone I can think of right now received a massive loan during the internet boom, family got them some extremely cushy contracts from businesses connections, or they got fistfuls of jewels from daddy’s apartheid emerald mine.


Mark Cuban.


Must be a coincidence that you named one of the most empathetic billionaires who spends their time actually trying to help others. (He founded cost plus drugs, among other things.)


I watch Shark Tank which led to finding out about Cost Plus Drugs.


Even if they hadn’t had a loan, the security that the safety net of knowing that of all goes wrong, you can still go to mommy and daddy and have a perfectly fine life, is massively overlooked. Even here, where people are criticizing all sort of valid problems with his “experiment”, no one mentioned the he knew that he could stop whenever he wanted; so there was never any desperation that massively affect the mental wellbeing of poor people.


Have you ever read that quote comparing doing a startup to playing a game of chance at a carnival? Normal people can afford one or two throws at most, wealthy people can throw as many times as they want.

@Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Lul is that what he did? I was wondering what he did to make that much money in so little time. Shit if I wanted to burn myself out I could earn that too working those hours.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

Read article


Honestly, I do like he did it though. Now people can go, "Even he, with all his experience, his contacts, his health couldn't manage it. So why are people buying the idea that a regular person can?"


He did make 64000 dollars in those 10 months though so people will probably still use that as a talking point to claim homeless people are just too lazy

@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Very true.


If he isn’t a sociopath, he’ll go on to advocate for basic income, housing rights, universal healthcare, and free education.

I’m not gonna hold my breath though.

@Lettuceeatlettuce@lemmy.ml avatar

Same, they will often ask good questions and then come to perfectly wrong conclusions.

A lot of them are just soulless grifters though, preying on clickbait for views. Then they will sell their “guides” to brainwashed subscribers to milk them dry.


Yes. We should work on raising everyones standard of living instead of thinking only millionaires get these benefits. The goal should not be for everyone to havea million dollars. The individualistic premise that he uses is flawed from the beginning.


Yeah his whole premise for getting started required a smartphone, data plan and Facebook account.

I suppose you could do it in a library with free gmail storage to reuse the pictures. But it’d be way harder to manage selling that way.

Daft_ish, (edited )

No, he will give himself an easy out and never think of it again.

“Well I didn’t raise a million but this 60k I came out with isn’t that bad.”


Thank you for writing this. You’ve inspired me to try to do some community service

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

What sort of thing do you have in mind? Did you look into any local orga already?

pfannkuchen_gesicht, to privacy in Huge data leak dubbed the 'Mother of all Breaches' sees 26 BILLION records leaked from sites

Super old news at this poont and it’s already outdated. It’s just an aggregation with some fake data sprinkled in between.

Burn_The_Right, to politics in Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair

Fucking gross. People, please make sure to get your neighborhood conservatives fixed. Otherwise they will continue to mate and spawn additional hatchlings making the infestation even worse.

ares35 avatar

do what bob says


Jesus that link killed my app.

ares35 avatar

Nah they’ll just go get an abortion elsewhere.


Otherwise they will continue to mate and spawn additional hatchlings making the infestation even worse.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP2tUW0HDHA


That movie is eugenicist. If you disagree, look up the definition of eugenics and watch the first 5 minutes of the movie again before responding, please.

chardiemacdennis, to world in Now YOU can fly to space for $450,000: Virgin Galactic announces first public space tourism flight for three people in August

This is so much better than socializing healthcare


How would Virgin Galactic socialize healthcare?


I guess they are reducing the number of people it would need to support.


Rich people shouldn’t have the money to do this before we have universal healthcare.


There are thousands of other things they shouldn’t have the money to pay for before someone should arrive saying that innovating space exploration technology shouldn’t exist.



doleo, to lemmyshitpost in Rumors that Prigozhin is dead after 2 days silence

Hey, would you mind not posting links to the Daily Mail?

DoucheAsaurus avatar

To be fair this is lemmyshitpost

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

i thought that the whole point of the post: to show that the article was complete shit.

ReCursing avatar

It's weird, I would have thought the Daily Heil would be championing this dude, after all they are both overtly fascist!


Yeah, it's almost like they just base their position on what'll get them the most hate-clicks

Gigan, to aboringdystopia in Millionaire tries to prove becoming wealthy is easy by becoming homeless and making a million in a year - and of course fails miserably and quits, citing reality
@Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

Black ended the challenge having completed 10 months, with just 60 days left to run. He had managed to make a grand total of $64,000.

Despite failing to make the million dollars he had aimed for, Black says it was still a successful experiment after demonstrating how it was possible to rebuild his life through the power of determination.

‘We should always remember to help those in need because it could be the opportunity that they need,’ Black said.

All things considered he did pretty good. $64,000 is a lot more than most people make in a year and he did it in 10 months when he was homeless.


That $64,00 would be zero because in those 10 months he said he constantly visited the doctors office because he was concerned about his health.


All things considered he did pretty good. $64,000 is a lot more than most people make in a year and he did it in 10 months when he was homeless.

The median household in the US makes about $75,000 many with one income earner.


He also was an entrepreneur before he became homeless. It's not like he completely forgot his entire life before he started the "experiment". He had both skills and a history. I'm not so sure it'd be as possible for someone who's been homeless for a while, or ended up homeless because of a wealth of problems both financial and psychological.

He is a literal temporarily embarrassed millionaire.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

There’s also the free place to sleep he got simply because someone knew him. Some fame always helps

@Gigan@lemmy.world avatar

I agree. A better experiment would be to live homeless for a full year first, and then spend the second year trying to make money.


Whack him in the back with a shovel, give him a bucket of oxycontin and say “go”


Even that would probably be pretty easy to come back from, comparitively.

You'd have to intentionally tank your credit score, burn all your bridges, probably even take up an addiction or two, to get anywhere near the same kind of experience.

Bonus points if you impose a familial burden. Having a child, or at least a bag of sugar you have to stuff several hundred dollars into once a week in lieu of personal expenditures to avoid putting an actual child through that stress, so your concern isn't strictly for yourself.

Which isn't to say I think they'd even get past the initial year you suggest. This guy couldn't get past a year without that stipulation.


Several things weren’t considered in the experiment:

  • A lot of people on the streets have some degree of mental illness or come from another background of vulnerability.
  • he started the experiment im good health. Constant malnutrition is something that destroys someone’s hability to concentrate and think on complex subjects, and a reality for most homeless people
  • A lot of homeless people have no digital devices needed to take things from a site and resell online
  • No one in their right mind will trust a stranger from the streets to sleep in their van. He got this privilege probably by talking to someone and explaining his experiment or something.
  • in a lot of places, there are no free things available to resell. Also, he probably already got this idea before starting the experiment.
  • the site didn’t mention where he did the experiment, because a lot of people on the streets are subject to violence and live in constant danger
  • and the most important one: there aren’t enough free stuff available for all homeless people to resell. If everyone tried this, the “market” would eventually saturate and no one would get a profit anymore.

I remember someone from here in Brazil that tried a similar experiment, but on a smaller scale. He started by buying a box of candies and reselling to people going through a busy avenue. Every time he sold all the candies, he had to buy more, getting just a small profit. At the end, he had to eat, and then spent everything, while being still hungry. The experiment wasn’t viable, because he didn’t even manage to end the day with more than when started. I tried to find the video to link, but couldn’t find it, unfortunately. But anyway, I believe this was much closer to the real experience.


I love how these dudes are like “Why aren’t peddlers rich?!? Sell things for more than you pay for them! It’s so easy.”


Hey, it works in video games—just loot some lvl 1 dungeon or take pickaxe to a rock, then sell the stuffz at the local shopkeeper! You'll start small, but make thousands of gold in no time! Why wouldn't it work in real life, too? Just get some stuffz and sell it for profit, you lazy bum!

/s in case it isn't obvious

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I know some rich people’s houses level 1 dungeons we can loot…

Kolanaki, to exchristian in Brave toddler, 3, tried to escape and told mom 'I love you' while being 'exorcised' to death in church as prosecutors finally try to bring evil parents and grandfather to justice
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Two years after her body was found by police on the altar of a Pentecostal church in San Jose, California, authorities have still to decide whether her killers will stand trial.

Yo what the fuck? This should have been an easy-ass decision.



  • Loading...
  • Melkath,

    You know what the founding principle of America is: "Unification of god and State, in god we trust, we are a christian nation, christian leaders tell us what to do."

    Don't believe the Church of Satan when they tell you that this nation was actually founded by christian extremists who were escaping the Church of England, so even being christian extremists, they had the self awareness to go on to keep a firm line of "we have our strict christian values, but this land shall not be dominated by our religious ideals. People in this land shall enjoy a government that operates freely from religious control, and we can peacefully let others practice or not practice as they wish while we enjoy the benefit of practicing our own beliefs with civil relation with all other inhabitants of this beautiful and free land."

    SkyezOpen, (edited )

    So are you saying we shouldn’t hold the religious people accountable for murdering a child?


    I’m pretty sure the first paragraph is /s material while (at least the second half of) the second paragraph is straight-up facts.


    Practicing as they wish resulted in the death of a child. How far are we going to let religious freedom trump law?


    Maybe I cometely missed the tone in the post referenced. I genuinely thought OP was sarcastically explaining the origin of acceptance of extremism in US religion. Loss of context in the limited medium of text.

    Make no mistake - these people are fucked in the head, should be tried (the right to a speedy trial should have been applied years ago), and when (hopefully) convicted, should get absolutely nuked from orbit.

    Anyone’s claim to practice religion (which doesn’t include child abuse, human abuse, animal abuse, or fucking murder) or to not is their business - until they force that with harm on another. (with the understanding that parents brainwashing their kids is currently acceptable, and my biases are my own). Kind of a: “your right to swing your fist ends where my face begins” thing.

    So, to summarize: while I don’t necessarily agree with prison violence and ‘eye-for-an-eye’ justice, these people can get fucked with a rake. And my heart weeps for that dear child.


    Sorry, I was slow in removing this one.


    Yeah, exorsce everyone involved. They are obviously the ones possessed

    211, to privacy in Huge data leak dubbed the 'Mother of all Breaches' sees 26 BILLION records leaked from sites

    Of the companies listed on the screenshot or mentioned in the article, at least LinkedIn, Twitter, Deezer, Dropbox, Zynga and MyFitnessPal have been hacked before. Probably just a collection of old data?

    Edit: Yeah, aggregated data

    cogman, to news in 1 million voters have been purged from Florida's rolls as number of registered Democrats drops by nearly 10% while Republicans only lose 3% of registered voters

    Friendly reminder to everyone to check your registration status, like right this instant. Because some of these states have REALLY bad registration laws to try and keep you from voting.


    @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

    Good to be vigilante, but don’t take this as an excuse for the blatant defrauding of the US electoral system that this is.


    For sure, fuck republicans for their undemocratic actions.


    This. Your elections should be better. I’m not bothering to check my voter status because if for some weird reason I’m not registered, I can just do election day registration and still vote relatively painlessly, because I live in Minnesota, which actually cares about letting people vote (and we’re pretty proud of being #1 in voter turnout). But if you live somewhere less democratic than I do, definitely check.

    Chessmasterrex, to news in Mike Lindell's $500 Wi-Fi monitoring devices are BANNED from polling stations in Kentucky after My Pillow CEO and election conspiracy theorist claimed signals were tampering with votes

    It’s not really about voter fraud, it’s about sowing seeds of doubt about elections. Hopefully it just discourages his fan from showing up to vote in the first place.

    @Salamendacious@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s possible

    FabioTheNewOrder, to world in Putin's top doctor who 'has inside knowledge of despot's medical secrets' is arrested by FSB after he was caught 'trying to escape Russia via Belarus'

    Of course he will be discredited as a doctor and he will be found to be a west-paid spy for a large number of years before falling from the window of his prison cell (in Russia they are so humane prison cells don’t have bars on them).

    I sure hope Putin’s next doctor won’t be as careful when dosing his medications. I’d love to see some ipecac being distributed in the coffe cups of a closed meeting between Putler and the north-korean bimbo


    Bold of you to assume he’ll survive captivity.


    Well, a fall from a high window is not the best way to survive captivity :)


    I was kind of startled by a picture of Putin I saw yesterday in a news story about Kim Jong Un. It looks like he has textbook moon facies from iatrogenic Cushing’s, so I think he’s just getting loaded up with steroids. It could just be weight gain, but his hands and torso don’t appear to have changed compared to older photos.

    BobVersionFour, to worldnews in Pro-Russian mayor of city in eastern Ukraine who welcomed Putin’s invasion is found shot dead in the street after being kidnapped from his home

    Sound like a suicide

    theodewere avatar

    he had been awfully sad lately

    Candelestine, to news in Man behind 'dress that broke the internet tried to kill his wife'

    Daily reminder that the Daily Mail is a trashy tabloid out of the UK.

    Pretzilla, to politics in Bill Maher says Biden is 'cadaver-like' and compares him to Dracula in no holds barred appearance on The View

    Fuck Bill Maher

    087008001234, to politics in Bill Maher says Biden is 'cadaver-like' and compares him to Dracula in no holds barred appearance on The View

    Bill Maher


    The View




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