
GreenMario, to politicalmemes in We are now living in a country our founding fathers fought to escape


This country was founded by the colonies’ Uber rich, because they didn’t want to pay taxes. Mission accomplished.


Seriously only a handful of the founding fathers were based, or even liberal.

The most powerful founding fathers were obscenely wealthy slave owners who used their power in government to keep the wealthy on top, reduce taxes, and even personally stop attempts to end slavery.


The avg American pays ~40% of their earned income to taxes either through income tax or all the other taxes that are payed day to day


Yes...the average American pays ~40% of their income in taxes. The uber rich Americans pay much much less, if anything at all.

snooggums avatar

The magical world where wealth accumulation isn't income because reasons.


Because thw ealthy make the rules.


The rich dont because for decades conservatives successfully convinced half the population that if we feed the rich some more oats, itll trickle down to the rest of us. Well guess what? The only thing that trickles down from an overfed horse is piss and horseshit.

ono, (edited ) to programmer_humor in FLOSS communities right now
  • Terrible format for archiving knowledge
  • Terrible tool for retrieving knowledge
  • Locks community access behind a corporate license agreement
  • Hands control of community-created content to a corporation
  • Prevents indexing by web search engines
  • Antithetical to interoperability
  • Privacy-hostile

A web forum is far better in most cases. If you can’t manage to run your own, there are plenty of lemmy servers that will do it for you. Even an email list (with searchable archives) would be better than Discord.

If you have collaborative documents that outgrow the forum format, use a wiki.

If real-time chat is needed, irc or matrix.

A project hosting its community on Discord is a project that won’t get my contributions.


A web forum is far better in most cases

It’s sad when a web forum is better than the tool you’re considering. Bumps, aggressive garbage collection, no Resurrection, it’s weird.

I’m old, I guess. I miss NNTP, mainly for the archived posts I could discuss with the authors for an updated take or revised solution or some clarification. And yes, I know there’s a good webUI front-end for an NNTP server as a back-end. ;-)


On the bright side:

Aggressive garbage collection and automatic thread locking are optional settings in most web forum software I’ve seen.

Lemmy shares some of the important parts of Usenet, and could develop into something that comes close.


Perfectly summarized and the stance everyone should take for the wellbeing of any community. Look at cs.rin.ru for example.

@JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl avatar

Lemmy also doesn’t get indexed by web search engines. I have yet to find a single post from lemmy on google or DDG even when specifically searching


Use “site:lemmy.world” (for example) at the end of your search


Open source search engine SearcxNG works very well with Lemmy posts and comments.


So nice, right? Just being able to curate where your search engine pulls result from… I wish I’d discovered it sooner


I’ve had Lemmy post first result in Google idk what your doing


What do you mean by specifically searching? Because it totally comes up for me.



Ooh! A post with claims backed by evidence!


That’s most likely due to low rankings. Lemmy doesn’t prevent it.


The worst thing is that the mods can ban you for any or no reason, locking you completely out of the information they’re providing. That is beyond an unreasonable amount of power that they can have over a user, and you just KNOW they’re going to use that for political reasons.

Also the fact they can delete stuff in a way that makes them invisible to law enforcement, so a lot of illegal shit goes down there too. Combine that with the naturally hierarchal structure of discord leads to a lot of people using that power to abuse some of the more vulnerable members and of course once you call it out, poof goes the messages and poof goes your access to their server.


I recently went through these exact pains trying to contribute to a project that exclusively ran through Discord and eventually had to give up when it was clear they would never enable issues in their GitHub repos for “reasons.”

It was impossible to discover the history behind anything. Even current information was lost within days, having to rehash aspects that were already investigated and decided upon.


would never enable issues in their Git…

That’s a worrying sign for a project.

Did you clone their Git and start tracking issues there? ;-)


It’s the “see no evil” approach. If you didn’t report the issue while the admin was online, then they aren’t compelled to do anything about it. Convenient for the project maintainer who doesn’t actually like maintaining things. Awful for the rest of us.

Depress_Mode, (edited ) to 196 in "No war but Class War" people [Rule]

You literally admit to being owned, and yet think that to free ourselves of that ownership is to hurt the civil rights of our owners? That’s some real obsequious and subservient shit right there. They hold an absurd amount of power over you and all you can think to say is “won’t somebody please think of the wealthy???”

That’s like saying it’s against a thief’s civil rights when you come to take back what they stole from you.

The rich control where you get to live, how much you get to eat, they control how much you earn, they destroy the Earth for profit, they pay no taxes, they write the laws (which also makes it easier for them to imprison you), they run the government, they detest you and view you as lesser-than, they withhold food/shelter/water/etc. up to and including death if you can’t pay, they steal your wages, they hoard wealth to the detriment of others, they fight to reduce benefits to the poor, and much, much more. Somehow, the conclusion you’ve reached is if we put an end to all that, it would violate their civil rights? That’s an absolutely garbage take, how blind can you be? Has it never crossed your mind that the rich are violating your civil rights even as I type this? Like, they literally run your whole life, you think they don’t leverage that against our own rights? If bringing them to the same level as everyone else seems like cruel and unusual punishment, then what about the people who have to live in instability every day as a result of the damage the rich have wrought?

The Nazis did all that stuff, too. Were their civil rights violated by the resistance and the allies? Same for the apartheid government of South Africa, what of them? I suppose Nelson Mandela must have been a great oppressor in your mind when he went to war with apartheid, seeing as the ruling class could no longer wield power of that kind over the people.


Hi no offense but your entire 4 paragraph comment is completely unrelated to the post because it never said anything about siding with the wealthy.


Not really unrelated, just a misinterpretation. You replied as I was explaining my thinking to OP, so you would’ve just missed it by a minute or two.

@TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world avatar

Property is only useful in securing someone’s safety and happiness. The less essential it is for their wellbeing, the less it should be considered their exclusive property. In practice this means limiting the maximum ownership someone can have through taxes. As property held increases, taxes become exponentially higher. You can hold more property by substituting the difference with your income, but only to a certain extent. Your income will be taxed progressively as well, and the will be an upper limit to the property you can ever own by yourself.

The key wrinkle is how to handle IP. The solution probably lies in making it impossible for IP rights to be traded or sold, limiting exclusivity to shorter durations(irregardless of the creator’s lifetime), and taxing the property and income they get from their idea.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I see you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what I said with this meme

So class war is when we the working class try to take back what we are deserved and culture war is when groups of people are fighting to take the rights of others away (and undermine democracy) under the guise of “it’s our culture”

When people scream, “no war but class war,” they’re usually saying that we should focus our efforts on fighting for what we as workers deserve (class war). By focusing our efforts there without fighting to protect our rights (and secure more) and democracy as a whole we are letting those who are focusing their efforts on culture war win on those grounds.

We can’t let them win on those grounds either.

By ignoring the fight in the culture war we will lose the class war. Especially considering the culture war includes the genocide of queer folks.

This is of course glossing over the owner class’s (bourgeoisie) influence on the culture war as well which they have a vested interest in making worse because if we have to fight there it usually means that we can’t fight as hard elsewhere due to our struggles with survival in general.

Basically we have to fight both wars, we can’t just fight one.

Depress_Mode, (edited )

Fair enough, agreed. I’d say that the language used in the meme is a little ambiguous as to whose civil rights you’re referring to, though. My initial interpretation of the meme’s sentiment was basically “rich people have civil rights, too, and class warfare would step on those rights.” Sorry for going off like that.


Elaboration is good, actually.

Ya got me, though, lol. What I wrote above is nothing compared to some comments I’ve written before. Some things I have a lot to say about and some things are worth speaking at length about. That, plus a sprinkling of ADHD. Besides, a little reading never hurt anyone and it’s not like it’s mandatory or anything.

@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Being brief and clear with what you say is an art

An art I struggle with a lot (also ADHD)

One of the key benefits of being brief and clear is that when people try to engage with what you say they’ll have a much harder time steering the conversation away from the topic at hand

stephfinitely, to risa in Do you prefer... part 2

More blond I always thought?

silvercove, to fediverse in This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?

Also lemmy.world is not the most stable instance and experiences a lot of downtime. My user experience got a lot better after I moved out of lemmy.world.


It experiences a lot of downtime because the alt right kids who got defederated keep using 4chans ddos tool to bring it down…

It’s not going down from normal user load.

@TragicNotCute@lemmy.world avatar

If only people knew how hard the staff was working to improve things and keep it up.


If you’re on that instance they make pinned posts pretty frequently where they explain all that…

Do you want them to call everyone individually and let them know?


Yeah the whole E for effort thing isn’t going to get them far. I just left. I don’t think many people are leaving Lemmy at this point, but courting different instances is a wonderful thing for the strength of the system. I am strongly in the camp that there needs to be a universal tool for account migration though. This is getting tedious.


citation needed

41ZWJh7Mgg, (edited )

For the record I never wanted to create an account on lemmy.world, but I ultimately did so because other instances including lemmy.ml were not operational when a mass of users moved on from reddit so I just settled for this one.

The fediverse needs to address this without making it the users problem, not my fault shit don’t work, I’m just here for memes and all the porn 😎

Edit: Lemmy didn’t have to recreate reddits shit formatting either


You joined way after me. You just didn’t look around enough.


Cool, tell me more about my experience, since you seem to be an expert


Sorry if I came off wrong. Maybe it’s because lemmy.world never worked for me but I found many instances in that time.

Have a good day/night


I’ve explicitly been using my beehaw.org account pretty much exclusively because of the constant DDOS attacks on lemmy.world.

Kinda funny how their plan to seemingly kill Lemmy is just helping it stay decentralized by pushing people to other instances.

@RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml avatar

do you think i’d have a chance at getting in if for my application i just say i want to get away from lemmygrad and hexbear?

@lukini@beehaw.org avatar

It wouldn’t hurt mentioning that as part of your application lol

@Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz avatar

You can’t really kill a decentralized service without burning down the whole internet. Another way would be to offer a competing services, but that hasn’t killed e-mail yet.

yukichigai, to fediverse in This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
yukichigai avatar

I think lemmy.world is about to be rudely made aware of how many pirates were on their site.


Might help lighten their load.

@Roundcat@kbin.cafe avatar

If there is one thing a pirate is good at, it's lightening other's loads!


Yarr, I’ll be walking the plank myself matey!


yeah, probably make it more stable


I feel like I missed something, what happened?

yukichigai avatar

The lemmy.world admins blocked a bunch of piracy communities from federating with their instance seemingly out of nowhere: no legal threats, no DMCA notices, no apparent consequences if they don't.


Uh, weird they didn’t say anything considering they’re relatively open about their moderation. Guess I’ll just grab some popcorn and wait.


Ah yes, my favorite open platform for mass announcements lol


Oh, yeah! That app that totally EVERYBODY uses even though it’s really garbage for information! 🤠


They’re not making any money from this anyway


I hope they ban all of you from their site for it.

eerongal, to memes in Lowest effort 10 year old meme
@eerongal@ttrpg.network avatar

i was gonna come in here and complain that the movie isn’t even 10 years old, how can the meme be 10 years old, but looked it up. Nope. 2013. What the fuck?!

Ghostalmedia, to mildlyinfuriating in The ad in the middle of this article about conspiracy theories
@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Here’s what’s behind that stupid ad


It clearly implies there is some kind of safety benefit to it. But there is not.

Clicking on the ad leads to a lengthy slide show which eventually gets to the doorknob story.

All it says is aluminum foil can be used as an alternative to tape to cover doorknobs and hardware while painting.

It has nothing to do with safety and the inclusion of the phrase “when you’re home alone” was only used as clickbait to make the ad seem more important.


The quality of the internet is so low these days


“Articles” like this have been around for decades unfortunately


Thank you for taking that bullet for us!


Thanks for taking one for the team and checking that out. I sure wasn’t gonna


I might have looked it up. Even when I’m 99% sure something is a scam I often want to push a little further to understand more about how the scam operates but I don’t think I have enough skill or dedication to scambait properly.


I Always click on those ads to waste their daily budget


Explain to me like I’m five, how does this?


They pay for the number of impressions as well as the number of click-throughs. More clicks on the ad = more cost for running the ad, or fewer impressions. However, it also gives more money to those hosting the ads, so it supports them imbedding them.

You can use this plugin to automate the process if you want to continue down this path. adnauseam.io


That’s freakin awesome! I absolutely love that idea/solution. Is it kinda hot in here? Why’m I all moist?

Seriously tho, is there any downside? Also, I’m still not sure I understand the point of running the ad in the first place. Why run a shitty ad that costs you money? Is the idea to get people to follow that other conspiracy site more regularly?


Advertisers pay a fee to the website where their ad is displayed every time someone clicks on it, it’s called the Pay Per Click model. It’s how websites make money off running ads. There is a small fee for displaying the ad and larger one for click throughs.



Of course, the “while painting” was implied. I’m so embarrassed I didn’t clue in immediately.


I was under the impression it was a safety thing. If you grab loose foil like that it will form to the hand crushing it to turn the knob and therefore you know the home has had “visitors” without you saying so.


Big foils propaganda at work.


I’ve been using ad blockers for so long that I forgot about these ridiculous click bait ads.

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Click here to find out 10 more reasons to use ad blockers now!


If I were less lazy, I’d make a gif of myself zapping your comment with the uBlock Origin element zapper tool.

@Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

I appreciate the mental image

@HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, but here we are


Thank you. I was pondering why put foil on door knobs.


Obviously! To keep the knob’s thoughts from being read.


I mean… if you are like, home alone status, in a whole ass house with a bunch of doors… maybe covering the knobs in foil would make it so some kind of intruder makes more noise when opening doors, as they either handle the foil opening the door, or when removing the foil?


It kind of makes some sense?

Gradually_Adjusting, to politicalmemes in They really want a horse race
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Corporate media and fascist tendencies make cozy bedfellows? The Boys, satire? The devil you say

sunbeam60, to programmer_humor in FLOSS communities right now

Discord is a fucking plague. I loathe it for communities. As soon as there are more than 10 people in a room, no one can follow what anyone is saying. Threads? No dude, this isn’t the 90s! Let’s slack it up!!! 🤮


To.be fair, there are threads though. That one is on the users.


A bunch of the servers I’m on actively discourage the use of threads. No idea why. In a different server I’m on, an admin creates a thread for every post in general, so that people can talk about the post without cluttering up the main thread. I wish more servers followed that example.


Are we confusing threaded chat conversations with Threads, the FB/Snap Twitter with dreams of usurping federation to reach new ad contacts; or is it just me?

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

Nope, just threaded conversations.

@jelloeater85@lemmy.world avatar

Slack is really nice and is at least usable for large projects and teams.


Ugh. Electron which can’t keep more than 5 pages in memory before having to load backwards in the chat.


Unless they use the free version and you want to search for old questions/answers/issues.

looking at you puppet labs slack


How the heck slack better or even have any more features than discord? Discord saves all history. Discord has threads that are easier to find than slack threads. Discord voice channels let you just hop in. Discord lets you direct reply.

I use slack for work, but Discord is great for what it is. The search is amazing.


All chat tools after irc have been trash for large communities. That includes slack. Irc somehow still works with 1500 people in it. I can not explain how. With a logging bot the discussions can be archived for google searchabillity. I guess that could be true for a discord or slack also, But i never seen it implemented. In most slacks i can not search more then 60 days back.


I found IRC loses chat flow more easily, as actual chat gets lost in the stream of blabber.

I am intrigued to see how threaded conversations in slack et al work, but haven’t been at a shop where slack was allowed as a tool due to data sovereignty and the CLOUD act.

But IRC was always something I approached reluctantly, and that’s been 31 years now.


The gold standard of threaded conversations is Zulip.

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Matrix works great, I am in multiple rooms including some with 1983, 1356 or 1120 people

@Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar


The greatest fucking year in the universe. Do you know what happened in that year?

Planets configured. Temperatures happened. Volcanoes contemplated. Wind occurred.

Yours truly was BORN!

Bow before me worms of conscience!


I wonder if it works like IRC. The “plague” this entire time has been servers. As soon as the idea only works because somebody, somewhere, is maintaining a server, cloud or hardware, then you’re kinda sunk. The server is the bottleneck. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a AAA game launch only for the servers to be inadequate. It happens again and again and again, so I assume the business considerations push them toward having just enough server and maybe a little less, never extra, which costs money and cuts margins.

Somewhere there are a bunch of servers howling away in a room that are actually Discord, and Discord spends money to make them howl, so there’s never as much server as you want, which is why things start bogging down with too many people in the chat room at once.

Most importantly to a corporation, if you have to interact with their servers in order to do anything, then they can own the platform by owning the servers. So there’s always going to be a server, even if it’s not strictly needed. The same consideration goes through the head of the streamer who always wants to launch a Discord because it’s “free” but they can sell it to you and then have top level control of an entire community as an asset that can be sold to others. There’s always a server. There will be a server if the actual application doesn’t really need it.

The reason IRC works fine with 1500 people in a chat is because IRC uses the user’s machine for any sort of computation power it needs, and then everything else it is doing is just sending data across wires. There is no central server farm. I haven’t used IRC in a really, really long time, but if it hasn’t changed, then it also doesn’t support lots of picture posting, which helps. Most of the memory usage on my machine at idle is just too many Discord channels all needing to use my local RAM memory to store the umpteen thousand photos everyone has uploaded, all the memes and etc. The IRC I remember was text, and text uses so little data that it can be treated like zero data.

Lots of pictures are probably non-negotiable in the modern era. Heck, they’re pretty important for serious work tasks, like putting up a shot of the broken gadget, so the engineering team can get an eyeball on the failure, that means pictures are in, text-only isn’t viable. I don’t know if modern IRC supports this or not, it probably does if people are still using it at all.

But IRC is a piece of open-source software that you install on your machine, free to the user. It’s not a web app, it doesn’t live in a browser. The data of you interacting with others is being sent out to them and also back to you, where it shows up in your IRC client and the chat room. If 1500 people are using it, then 1500 people have each added some of their machine power to making it all work, so it scales, it always has as much hardware as it needs. Again, there’s no server in the middle to run out of capacity, so that problem is just bypassed.

Everything used to work like this, circa the late 1990s and early 2010s. Everyone was assumed to be on a PC of their own, and the only problem was how to connect them together to do stuff, like have deranged fan wars about shows. BBSs were already kind of old hat, and there’s that damn server again, every BBS has one. All the most clever apps of the 90s, even the web, managed to jump through hoops to avoid the necessity of a central server to get things done because then somebody has to pay for it, run it, maintain it and own it. We just want the wires, the lovely, lovely cables dragged across the sea at somebody else’s unthinkable expense. If you can eliminate the server somehow, then you win. And they did. Things like IRC and ICQ blew the hell up from using that model.

We really need to dig that entire concept back up and brush the dust off of it. I wonder if that’s what Matrix is.

Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go prune some pointless Discord channels. Oh, by the by, fucking nobody uses Slack, or knows what it is. Dudes on the internet all think it’s normal because tech offices seem to use it a lot, the rest of the world has never used Slack. Up until right now I was assuming that Discord and Slack are the same thing, owned by the same company, and Slack is just the “business casual” version of Discord. This doesn’t seem to be true, but that’s how unfamiliar I am with Slack, while being chronically online. There are probably more people around who still remember ICQ than have ever used Slack in their lives.

I love the Church of the Subgenius reference built into Slack’s name. From what I can tell, nobody who uses that thing actually gets any slack, it actively removes slack from your life and makes boss surveillance really, really easy for the boss, but you must always act as though Big Brother can hear, or you’re fucked. Good work Bob, nice joke. Anyway, I shut up now.

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You need some kind of help or something?

@Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar

It also seems to attract a younger crowd - I had to state my age to join one server and the mod screenshotted my info and everyone laughed calling me “boomer”. I’m only 40 (Millennial) and it wasn’t a gaming or specifically teen-server. It was a silly ironic European Reddit server.

The subreddit seems to have a range of ages. The Discord server is a bunch of kids commenting capybara and cat emojis like it’s funny. :/

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The age is represented?

@Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar

I dunno why but they wanted you to comment your name, age and location in a welcome channel. I did and they screenshot and shared it in the main channel. Most of the people are around 16-19 with a few 20-25yo. I didn’t know that til I joined though!

I was very weird to be there apparently.

I just wanted to take the piss out of Europeans. There’s no age-limit in that.

@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That is truly weird…
Thanks for answering!


I just wanted to take the piss out of Europeans.

Please do, I enjoy banter, especially when it comes from the colonies

@Fudoshin@feddit.uk avatar

Colonies?! Colonies?!!!? I’m British you dirty Kraut! Wait, do you mean the Saxons?

Listen here you little shit! Don’t try and be funny. You’re German - it’s not in your nature!


Ouch. I’ve been called many things, but never that. Calling someone German who isn’t, is not banter, that is genuinely hurtful.


Being hurt by being called German although not being one hurts my German feelings.


Not if you knew my nationality. I’ll give you a hint: we have much more than you of the following: languages, gold, mountains.


Oh a fellow swiss-bro. Although according to this: tradingeconomics.com/country-list/gold-reserves Germany has 3 times as much gold.


That’s what we want them to think!

spikespaz, to programmer_humor in FLOSS communities right now

All you idiots telling FOSS maintainers to do something else, know that we don’t want to maintain yet another server. Aside from Discord, Zulip is the next best thing.


You sound like a frustrated maintainer, have you considered doing what I do with open source projects using discord as their means of communication?

Don’t take it seriously and move on.

Red_October, to tenforward in Paramount is genius

So here’s an unpopular opinion, but this isn’t a bad thing. It’s just not enough.

The biggest reason that legal, paid Streaming is so shitty these days, the reason people miss old Netflix, is that everything is spread across so many different platforms now. Back in the day, just having Netflix meant you had just about everything, and if you wanted more still you could get Hulu… and that was it. One, maybe two subscriptions, and you’re set. But now? Now you need half a dozen subscriptions and you’re still picking what things you won’t get. If content was more centralized again, that wouldn’t be a problem.

And if content was more centralized, that centralized platform would have PLENTY of subscribers, they wouldn’t need to add commercials and hike prices just to stay afloat. I mean… they’d do it anyway because capitalism enshittifies everything, but it wouldn’t be a do or fail situation for them.

The only thing I ever used the Paramount streaming for was Trek. I wouldn’t complain if Trek, ALL Trek, migrated to somewhere else that has other things I like, too.


So you’re saying you want a media company that has a monopoly?


I can listen to pretty much any song I want on Spotify. Does Spotify have a monopoly?


I think there are a ton of valid arguments that they have far too much control of the music streaming market. At least enough power to affect the licensing costs and artist incomes.

There have been more than a few anti trust claims made against them.

Do I think they’re too big and have an outsized influence? Yes. Definitely.

At the moment at lot of what they’ve done have benefited consumers though, but that doesn’t mean that will always be true.

Never trust a profit driven business to work in your best interest.


Streaming services should compete on quality of the platform, pricing and features, not exclusives. If every tv series and movie were available on every platforms, prices would drop and quality would increase, as the platforms try and be the best, it’s the contrary of monopoly because people can freely choose. Now they don’t care about being the best, they try and get exclusive rights for something you like watching so you have no other (legal) way to do it, right now it’s already a monopoly, a segregated one, but still a monopoly, because you have no choice.


Why on earth would capitalist companies do that though? That would guarantee most companies would not realize shareholder value.

Who gives a shit what they do? Piracy has never been easier or better than it is right now. Instead of being annoyed at their stupidity start teaching people you know how to use vpns and torrents.

Media companies used to be terrified of torrents. Now they don’t care anymore. It would nice to get that back


How much money does Netflix spend on trash series just to hope to get some exclusive? And how much money does Paramount+ spend on a broken platform full of issues?

Maybe if netflix spent those money on acquiring more IP, and producers like Paramount gave their IP to different streaming, they would make more money? I don’t have an answer to this question because it’s of course very complicated, what I’m saying is it doesn’t have to be like this.

How platforms are now is after a continuous growth over half a decade, it’s probably not sistainable to keep the same price with the same business model, so somwthing will have to change eventually


I’m not criticizing your rationale or anything. I’m just trying to get across how far from what you think things “should” be like and how they really are.

Imagine the infuriating arguments you have with boomer/geriatric family at Thanksgiving. except they’re in charge and have all the money and you’re constantly fighting their shortsighted thinking, racist bias, greed and ignorance…

That’s how decisions are made for these platforms.

We’re absolutely going ro see more and more ads on for-pay platforms because one of these geriatric greed monsters saw that another of their cohort made their hoard bigger last quarter so now they want that. Like a toddler who failed the marshmallow test. They don’t about your arguments. They have all the money so their clearly know much more than you.

I certainly won’t claim special insider knowledge as some anon on the Internet… but if you knew someone in the Industry you’d get similar stories.


I mean, that’s a kind of shitty take. The point they’re making, that IP hoarding is making streaming fuck awful, is correct. They had a time in the recent past where that wasn’t the case and were trying to make an argument for why that should be again.

Content being centralized doesn’t require a monopoly, it requires the separation between streaming services and IP creators (like early Netflix). That would disincentivize the IP hoarding without requiring a monopoly.

Ya know, like movie theaters or video rental stores (when those existed). By allowing for vertical integration, you get Disney Movie Theaters, which only show Disney movies, and that blows (which is why any IP streaming service blows). Movie theaters, instead, show every movie coming out right now and that’s how streaming services should be. That way, the only way to compete is with app quality and price. Ya know, things customers actually give a fuck about.


I understand that the first person didn’t want a media monopoly, but your explanation and examples with movie theaters and rental stores really made the difference clear.


The problem is that the people who hold the rights don’t want to share. They want that sweet, sweet, monthly subscription income. They don’t want to compete because that means they’ll potentially earn less and have to spend more.

I tell people about fmovies every chance I get because it has just about anything you are looking for. I’ve only run into a few titles they don’t have.

No registration, completely free, and easy to use.


It’s odd that people are against monopolies, generally speaking, but for streaming services we would prefer if there were a few giant companies which owned it all.

I’m not disagreeing with the above, just thought it was curious.


I think two or three viable platforms was kind of the sweet spot. It’s not all dominated by one, but I also don’t have to shop around and subscribe to five different things if I want to get what I want legally. But you’re right that it’s a sticky issue that just doesn’t seem to have a good answer.


The solution is mandatory licensing at fixed rates for media that is no longer under production. Make it so the only way to have exclusive content is to commit to continuing that content.


People aren’t clamoring for a monopoly, they are asking for interoperability. I didn’t need a single VHS rental store to be the only place I could get Ernest Scared Stupid, but I did need to be able to get Ernest Goes to Jail at every VHS rental store.


I’m clamoring for more miak.


A mother’s love


No, my problem is that we have this system where each piece of content is its own monopoly. That exclusivity means that people need to use a specific service to access that content.

The whole “I wish it was all on one platform” isn’t really wishing for only a single platform to exist, but wishing that one platform could host all of the content. Ideally, there would be multiple ones doing this and differentiating themselves from each other in some way and, well, competing on their platform itself rather than “I paid a bunch of money so that you have to come here if you want to see anything Marvel.”

@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

Compare Movie/TV-show streaming to the Music streaming industry. Spotify/Tidal/Apple/Amazon all offer access to the same music (more or less). They compete on features/quality/apps/prices/etc. They don’t compete based on their exclusive libraries. Somehow the music industry can survive in that model. Video streaming needs to do the same. Stop the exclusivity. This way, monopolies are not needed in video streaming.


All we’d really need to do that is just make it a law that contracts aren’t exclusive.

If shows were sold to multiple streaming services legally, then those services would compete based on the actual service they offer, and not the content they have.

In other words, make streaming services the customers for shows, instead of individuals, and then let people be their customers.

As it is, a streaming service is pretty comparable to a car dealership.


That’s not all we’d need to do though. Too many cases of the content rights holders also owning a streaming service means they’d just not sign any contracts. Disney, paramount, NBC, hell even Netflix owns content. We need to also break up so that right holders can’t also control the means of distribution.


This is why I own most of star trek on dvd. Cant take that away from me.

Its also very difficult to find complete torrent for the series. Just too much content that nobody wants to host the wild file sizes

@MelodiousFunk@startrek.website avatar

This is why I own most of star trek on dvd. Cant take that away from me.

I was so disappointed when the HD remasters stopped. I snapped up TOS, Animated, TNG, and all the movies on Blu-ray (replacing DVDs in the case of the movies and TNG) despite them being available on Netflix at the time. I was really looking forward to catching up with DS9 and Voyager the same way since I was only able to catch them sporadically when they were airing… but no, it seems these are doomed to remain in SD purgatory.


Im a special case. I do retro gaming so I still have a classic tube TV. SD content looks amazing when viewed on a CRT. I had to housesit for Someone and brought my TNG set only to be shocked at how terrible it looked on their 55" LCD.

@MelodiousFunk@startrek.website avatar

I’ve also hung onto my old CRT (and consoles, players, etc.), I just haven’t had anywhere to hook it up for the past decade plus. My Blu-ray player does a pretty good job at upscaling, but you’re right - SD is going to look a lot better on the originally targeted hardware.

@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

There is a group has who completed an upscaling remaster of DS9. It’s very very well done (though could be better with better source material from the producers).

They are working on Voyager now that DS9 is done. They’ve completed season 1 of voyager so far.



If there a way to download that version?

@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

They have instructions in Discord (discord.gg/qceXKtsM)

@MelodiousFunk@startrek.website avatar

Thanks, I’ll have to keep that in mind. We just started season 5 of TNG so it shouldn’t be too much longer before DS9 is up.

@negativenull@lemmy.world avatar

We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem," he said. "If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate’s service is more valuable.
-Gabe Newell

@elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

IMO, we really need an update to copyright law covering streaming. Think of how Redbox would just buy DVDs even though studios wanted them to wait about 2 months.

Streaming services should have a similar option. Then they’d need to compete on features, not on the streaming equivalent of “you can only watch this movie if you buy a Betamax player”.

rubythulhu, (edited ) to egg_irl in Egg_irl

yeah this post is not ok.

celebrate your journey, but don’t force it on others.

you never crack anyone else’s egg. ever.

this also breaks one of the most important rules of the old egg_irl and i think it needs to be made explicit here. gonna have to play mommy and post a lets talk about rules post tomorrow, things have been getting a lil out of hand here lately.

FirstMajesticComet, to egg_irl in Egg_irl
@FirstMajesticComet@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hi not exactly a femboy since I’m Agender but I do still use the label occasionally. This meme is very hurtful to gender non-conforming people, who are most certainly not trans girls in denial (especially transmascs and nonbinary people). It is important to respect people’s gender identities, and while I do understand that discovery is important I do not believe that people should have an identity forced on them, which is what you’re doing by saying that all femboys are trans girls in denial who need to be forced out. The thing is if we believe people are valid we need to listen to them and respect the gender they identify as and not systematically invalidate them based on their actions and argue that they are semantically trans or in-denial, I don’t know about you but I don’t want to live in a world with provisions to invalidate my identity because someone else thinks my actions don’t match some stupid preconceived notion of a gender.

Oh and before someone tries to argue that I’m a transphobe because “gender isn’t a choice” I will say that, yes Gender is not a choice but that doesn’t mean what most people think it means, it means that gender identity is internal and personal and can’t be changed by others pressuring you. It does not mean that a person who does X is semantically trans whether they like it or not. Gender identity is based on how the person feels, not what other people think of their actions relation to gender. So with that knowledge it is very clear that this post violates that principle by trying to force a gender identity onto someone who isn’t comfortable or okay with it, based on your opinion about them and your own past experience.

MaryReadsBooks, to egg_irl in Egg_irl

Thats very gender essentialist. Gender expression is not the same AS gender identity. Don’t push your own experiences on others. I for example never had a femboy-phase and am still trans femm. Does this make me less trans? A trans guy who likes dresses, is he less of a man? No! What about non binary people? You basically say that femininity is not for men which is bullshit. People don’t always know their gender or are exploring, but identity changes with your own idea of self. If you say “I’m a femboy” and then later on say “I’m a trans girl”, both are true because Identity can change! If you say I Identify as lesbian, later on then discover that ur bi, that doesn’t mean ur previous Identity was wrong, it just means that u now identify differently. If someone says they identify with a gender, than that’s that. You don’t get to tell them they are wrong.


Identity can change!

That is such a load of shit and also very transphobic, identity can’t change, just because I was a stupid egg in-denial doesn’t mean I wasn’t a girl and doesn’t mean I wasn’t trans, you saying this implies that people weren’t really trans before coming out which is not only wrong but incredibly transphobic.


Look, Identity is what u identify as. If you identify differently then that’s ur new identity. If You say you are a trans woman and had a femboy phase where you were in denial, than your identity is a tran woman who was always a trans woman but was previous in denial. That’s a valid identity.

So let’s say there is a amab who likes feminine things. They get rejected by geneeal society, but feels comfy in queer settings. But now people say: Hey! Ur trans! Take hormones it will make you happy! There’s two ways this can go, but if it wasn’t completly their own decision but peer pressure. And peer pressure which changes your body for live is extremely toxic.

I understand that you are mad that there wasn’t somebody who told you: Hey, you are an egg, just accept yourself as trans, its okay to be trans. I wish that it was that easy. But after starting hormones, sometimes there are doubt’s “what if I’m not really tans”? etc. And if you can push the decision to other people that just makes it worse. " I only started hormones because of the other person, she told me I would be happier. I’m not happier, I hate her"

Being trans is about taking your future, your body, your Identity in your own hands. Giving a big fuck to society and proclaim yourself to the world. Its not about saying “this makes you trans”, " that makes you trans", its about “this makes me happy”

And please write stop writing that aggressive. I’m attacking your post, not you as a person. I will probably stop responding because it stresses me out.


An identity almost definitionally can change because it’s what someone identifies as. It’s not necessarily transphobic to believe that, again it’s all about letting people choose what makes them happiest!

It’s also fine to think that being trans is more than an identity, but that’s more of a theoretical or analytical (and complicated) discussion .

For political and simplistic purposes just allowing people to choose their identities has all the practical benefit we need.

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