FlyingSquid, to news in Virgilio Aguilar Méndez is Facing Murder Charges for an Officer Who Died of Natural Causes While Attacking Him avatar

Fucking ridiculous. The kid didn’t speak English. He didn’t even speak Spanish. He was an Indigenous Mayan from Guatemala that only spoke a Mayan dialect. And this asshole cop decides to start searching him even though this poor teenager had no idea what was going on because of a lack of communication. The kid resists, the cop and two other cops knock him down, put him in a choke hold and taser him six times, then cuff him and put him in a squad car. At that point, the cop has a heart attack and keels over. Not during the struggle, but after the kid was choked, tasered, cuffed and put in a car. And yet the kid is facing murder charges.

ryan213, avatar

Obviously the kid knew the officer’s heart condition prior to him being stopped so the murder charge is expected.


FlyingSquid, avatar

Even the coroner admitted the kid wasn’t responsible:

The ABC reporter, who obtained a copy of Kunovich’s autopsy report, wrote that it said, “These cardiac changes, while recent, predate the struggle with the subject. The circumstances do not fully meet the criteria for a homicide manner of death.”

But this is Florida and the kid isn’t white…

alquicksilver, avatar

I don’t even understand how this could qualify for felony murder (which is what I’m assuming they’re going for; the article only somewhat talked about the charges), since it was natural causes and not homicide. Sure, you’ve got an argument for the first element of resisting an officer with violence, but the second element isn’t met; no one was killed.

Fucking bass ackwards Florida.

snooggums avatar

resisting an officer with violence

You misspelled "self defense".

alquicksilver, avatar

I don’t disagree; I was just using the verbiage from the Florida statute.


It’s called “Felony Murder”. The New Yorker had a fantastic article about how bullshit the whole idea of “Felony Murder”.

This shock was swiftly followed by another. As a result of the crash, which all parties agreed was unintentional, two men stood accused of murdering his father and a friend who was cycling with him. One of those charged, twenty-five-year-old Sadik Baxter, had never laid eyes on the victims. At the moment of impact, he had been miles away, in handcuffs.

Recently, Ian spoke with me about the case while caring for his newborn daughter in Brooklyn; as we talked, he sometimes ran his hand down a thick beard he’d grown in homage to his dad. “It’s truly one of the cruellest ideas in the American legal system,” he said of felony murder. “And most people don’t even know it exists.”




In some states you can be charged for the death of someone during the commission of a felony. It is meant to be used for something like you and three people rob a bank and one of your crew shoots a guard. Even though you didn’t pull the trigger, you catch the charge.

You can be charged with a felony resisting arrest if the cop is hurt while arresting you. So they are trying to extend it to the cop having a heart attack due to the strain he exerted while the guy was resisting arrest.

Bullshit application of the law, cop was being a dick, kid shouldn’t have been here but didn’t deserve none of this.


It is meant to be used for something like you and three people rob a bank and one of your crew shoots a guard.

It’s worse than that. You can be charged with murder for borrowing a car to those three, even if you didn’t took part in the robbery.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Exactly. It’s Florida and he’s indigenous. That’s the only explanation here. He did nothing wrong except struggle. There’s no indication he physically harmed any of them. The cop claimed he went for a knife, but the knife he had on him was a small pocket knife that couldn’t have hurt the cop much even if he was attacked with it. Unless he started tasering the cop back while handcuffed in the squad car, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t responsible.


This whole situation is bullshit for that kid, but that knife absolutely could harm or kill someone. It has a blade over 2", which is a smaller blade, but more than enough to kill. A box cutter is enough to kill someone and most of those have about an inch of exposure. You don’t need a Ka-bar to kill someone, multiple major arteries and plenty of veins are accessible with a 2" knife for most bodies.

davel, to worldnews in IDF General Confesses “War Impossible Without US” avatar

Open Secrets: Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024 | Top 5:

Senator State Amount
Biden, Joe (D) $5,736,701
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ) New Jersey $2,500,005
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) New York $2,361,812
Kirk, Mark (R-IL) Illinois $2,294,469
Lieberman, Joe (D-CT) Connecticut $1,999,274
Evilphd666, (edited ) to worldnews in Israel in Search of Its Hiroshima: Massive Bomb Wipes Out 20 Apt. Buildings, Kills, Wounds 400 Civilians avatar

This war we started replacing missles, attacks, with “blasts”. Like the hospital attack was a “blast”. Like a gas line blew or an oopsie. Anytime they want to water down what happened it’s just a enigmatic “blast”.

Israeli line for civillian deaths “well that’s war”. The world will remember how casual Israel is about it’s genocide. It rolls off them like water.

TheDoctor, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls avatar

BlueMAGA please explain why this is good actually

AOCapitulator, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls avatar

Fucking title gore I hate “journalists” I hate “journalists”

CoolerOpposide, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls avatar

Doing genocide is more important than winning the election, which is why democrats don’t care if republicans win.

BurgerPunk, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls avatar

Hmmmm maybe, and just throwing this out there, maybe if they want to win they could stop doing a genocide. It feels like that’s what people are saying here. Just a thought, probably nothing


the process is blessed.
the process has lead to a genocide.
trust the process.

Shdwdrgn, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls

I’ve been seeing some complaints about the methodology of this poll, there is one good write-up presented here. Basically what it comes down to is that the New York Times not only cherry-picked from their own data, but they also polled heavily from Conservative voters rather than getting averages based on the demographics of each state.

It makes better headlines than the reality (both candidates are pretty evenly matched in each of the swing states with no clear winner), but this information is pretty much worthless other than hopefully getting more people to vote this year.

robinnn, avatar

According to the Times, Trump is leading Biden in 5 out of 6 battleground states—and there goes the election, our democracy and the world!

Don’t forget the known universe! He definitely wouldn’t be exactly like the president they have now but more rude.


God, NYT sucks.

shartworx, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls

Powerful. Trump will surely be the savior of Palestine.

Shdwdrgn, to usa in 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls

So who do they think they’re going to vote for? Trump has also continually vowed his support of Israel and wouldn’t have done anything different (except maybe sending even more weapons to them), while at the same time not supporting Ukraine at all.


They’re going to vote for somebody who is not open about the fact that they are doing a genocide. if that’s too high of a bar for dems to clear that is dems problem and nobody else.

“You have tonvote for biden or trumpnwill bimb the rubble” is not an effective campaign strategy. They’ve concentrated the entire population into rafah and now they’re moving into rafah, exactly like every single person criticizing Biden has been screaming they’ll do since Biden started quadruppling down on unconditional support.

Trump might actually not be worse for Palestine because at this rate by next January there won’t be anybody left to genocide.

AOCapitulator, avatar

Yeah man, we just gotta vote for the right guy and we can fix things

Just one more vote, just one more president, just one more and then we can vote for someone less evil than last time I promise bro


If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you. Sometimes we have a chance to vote on something that will improve things, but mostly we’re lucky if the best we can do is vote to keep things from getting any worse.

AOCapitulator, (edited ) avatar

Yeah you’re right, I WILL vote for enhanced genocide with a side of pretending to be less fascist! Blue No matter who!

but mostly we’re lucky if the best we can do is vote to keep things from getting any worse.


YOU let them. We all keep letting them, by participating in their rigged system. Year after year they do the same song and dance and we move further from any real change, until people like you are desperate for “things to just not get worse” Can’t you see?

You’re in an abusive relationship and too afraid to leave your abuser, that’s fine who can blame you for being afraid, but you should at least know what you’re really doing rather than deluding yourself.


You guys have one chord and think it’s a song.

Rom, (edited ) avatar

We keep being right about these things and it is melting your brains.


You have one ass and pretend it’s a mouth

Bay_of_Piggies, avatar

Because things keep getting worse and Democrats keep running do-nothing losers

Maoo, avatar

There is never a counterargument and you were no exception.

shreddy_scientist, avatar

Cornel West is the best option available, the united states NEEDS an intellectual, philosopher, and social critic in office. It’s been an exceptional shit show more recently. Voting in someone with the ability to actually contemplate the consequences of their actions and not just listen to those with the most money is severely needed to get back on the path to being a functional country.


True enough, but until we get some sort of ranked-choice voting, there’s no chance of a 3rd party candidate being more than a minor blip in the voting numbers.


So your suggestion is to keep supporting the same people for ever no matter what they do.

How could that possibly lead to anything changing. You are explicitly sending the message “well keep supporting you no matter what so please do what we want even though it won’t make any difference to you if you dont.”

magnetosphere, avatar

The only message they were “explicitly” sending was what they actually wrote, which was about the importance of ranked-choice voting. If you feel differently, that’s fine, but it’s not cool to put words in their mouth.


Is it worse than allowing someone to be elected who may not let you vote again? Is that the change you want? Literally a guy who tried to overturn a free election?


No, my suggestion is to not “waste” your vote on an election where one candidate has already attempted to overthrow democracy but somehow still has a large number of supporters. My county votes somewhere around 85% Dem and the whole state always leans blue so there’s no chance of Trump getting the nomination here, and in 2016 I was willing to vote on a 3rd party candidate to show my displeasure over Trump/Clinton… but in 2020 there was no way I was going to give up even one vote against Trump.

When both parties are equally bad, or when there’s no doubt who will win anyway, then yeah definitely vote 3rd party and make a statement that we’re tired of the same shit. But when the race is this close and one candidate has already stated his plan to do far more damage, then every vote counts and we really need to stick with the candidate who can actually win.


So anybody who does anything other than vote for biden is “wasting” their vote.

But you’re not saying you just have to keep voting for the dems.


The day can’t come soon enough when the general public starts treating you libs with the contempt you deserve.

Doesntpostmuch, (edited )

Please, help trump get elected with that take. I’m sure you will be so much happier with the END of democracy. You don’t seem to understand, this is an existential threat and voting a third party is throwing your vote away. Look at recent history of the other 3rd party runs, they spoiled the election for Gore and Hillary. You may not like dems but there is likely no coming back from the alternative.

Adkml, (edited )

It’s still setting in how much this new tarrif on renewables pisses me off and I was just thinking I’m to the point I’m so fucking pissed at Biden and every stupid fucking move he makes that I’ve moved on from reasonable arguments and at thisnpoint my reaction to somebody trying to tell me Biden isn’t a huge piece of ahit is pretty much “suck my fucking cock you dumbshit fascist hypocrite”

So in response to you insisting you’re not saying everybody has to vote for biden and then immediatly lecturing me when I pointed out that’s what youw are saying

suck my fucking cock you dumbshit fascist hypocrite

I hope Biden and every liberal who supports him gets hit by a bus.

He completely failed so badly the cou try is going to swing to fascism because he literally failed to prevent a better alternative and every one of you useless dumbshit liberals who has been carrying water for him is to blame.

I don’t give a shit if you try to say I’m to blame, I’ve watched for 20 years as you’ve blown every possible decision, emboldened fascism at every step, and even now are punching left harder than you are punching right.

If you want to win the election stop being cartoonishly inept fascists and stop blaming the people who have been right about everything for the last 30 years while you’ve fucked them over while simultaneously lecturing them.

I have more contempt for you than chuds because chuds are at least honest that they hate me and were opposed. You dipshits constantly stab me in the back while lecturing me for not thanking you hard enough.

This country deserves nuclear hellfire.


You need to take a deep breath. Are you hungry… Maybe have a snack?


I was going to vote for Biden but now I won’t because you acted with such brutal incivility. This is the most important election of our lives; democracy itself is on the ballot and you are turning people away from the polls before they’ve even opened. You are handing Trump the keys to the White House; you are ushering in the dark tide of fascism. Enjoy the next election, you have made it our last.

BurgerPunk, avatar

order-of-lenin perfect post. 10/10 No notes

Adkml, (edited )

I could not have come up with a more perfect summary of why not only are dems going to lose but they could not more fully deserve it.

You really think that’s a good answer, people voice all the completely legitimate reasons theyre fucking furious with this pathetic excuse of a political party and your answer is to infantalize them.

Seriously when Biden loses and you’re telling yourself it’s because of people who oppose genocide having morals being a bad thing I want you to remeber this comment.


It’s funny how you’re complaining about all the things “wrong” with this country, and yet you seem to be advocating for the candidate who wants to take away the rights of everyone who isn’t white and obnoxiously rich. Yeah Biden is a fairly typical politician, but what has he done wrong other than Israel? What could he have done better that wasn’t immediately blocked by the republicans? Or are you just mad that he’s trying to move forward instead of sucking the dick of the oil companies?

Seriously, if you think the “left” is the problem here, then you haven’t been paying attention to what’s been happening in the House and Senate over the last couple decades. Check out ever bill that would have improved your life, and who voted against it. Check out who was creating those bills that would improve your life, and who was creating bills that benefited big corporations at your expense. Which party is constantly being caught suppressing voters and sponsoring bills to take away your rights? Which party is saying they want less government influence while trying to pass bills to dictate what every can and can’t do? If you think the Republican party is doing anything at all with your interests in mind then I can only assume you’re a boomer who remembers the party from 70 years ago and hasn’t looked at anything they’ve done since then. Yeah politicians in general suck, but there’s only one party actively working to make your life even worse.

Maoo, avatar

I was taught that lying was wrong as a child yet Democrats keep lying to me about being a Trump supporter while being condescending.

Can you explain why lying to someone about something they already know is actually good and smart? Make sure to treat me like an idiot.

Adkml, (edited )

Thank you for starting off your comment by saying I’m advocating for Trump and letting anybody that isn’t blue Maga know you are a deeply unserious person.

I fucking hate Trump, my main critique of the dems is they’re incapable or more likely unwilling to meaningfully oppose them.

You are like a small child just lashing out and then retreating to simple absolutes like “if anybody criticizes liberals for any reason you don’t have to listen to them because they’re just big meany Trump supporters”

I wish that the logical conclusions of your political ideology that discards anybody who isnt immediatly useful would happen to you but since you’re a liberal I’m sure you’ll just keep smugly telling yourself everything is everybody else’s fault while stepping on the neck of the vulnerable you claim to care about.

I don’t have words to express my level of disdain for you.

Seriously if it turns out “genocide is bad” is a negotiable value if it’s too politically costly why should anybody believe you stand for anything.

You realize you’re literally taking political hostages right?

“Endorse my genocide of Palestinians or else the same thing could happen to you, other vulnerable minorities”

Great coalition building strategy you’ve got there.


I love how you said above that you are giving all these legitimate reasons for hating Biden, and yet the only thing you really said was pro-Israel is bad (no objections there), and somehow pro-renewables are also bad. And yet when I asked what else you think he did wrong or what he could have changed that hadn’t been voted against by the conservative congress, you just completely ignored it.

Maybe the problem here isn’t people like me trying to vote for the least-damaging leader (because face it, it’s either going to be Trump or Biden and nothing you say will change that)… maybe the real problem here is that you’re arguing against what you assume are problems that would go away if Biden wasn’t in office. Show me a good candidate that could actually win the office and I’ll be happy to vote for them. Otherwise the best we can do is voting against the one who is going to hurt the most people.

robinnn, avatar

and somehow pro-renewables are also bad

Biden just signed into law higher tariffs on green energy products produced in China (where the vast majority are produced) in order to restrict supply and keep up the price of solar panels, EVs, and semiconductors in the US. Biden is building the same border wall Democrats were calling Trump a fascist for demanding in 2016, and expanding the immigrant concentration camps to boot. There’s also the proxy war in Nazified Ukraine where Ukrainians are thrown into the meat grinder for the MIC and the exhaustion of Russia’s resources, the continuation of global US military occupation and debilitating murderous sanctions on the DPRK, Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela. I fail to see where Trump is significantly worse.


I fail to see where Trump is significantly worse.

Are we talking about the same Trump who set into motion and takes credit for destroying women’s rights to the own bodies, and normalized racism again? Destroying other countries is par for the course with pretty much every other president, but Trump takes the cake in his success at tearing apart his own country.

robinnn, (edited ) avatar

When was racism not normalized in the US? Wrt abortion, as I’m sure you know it was democrats who refused to codify Roe v. Wade and made it all the more easy for it to be torn down, Biden in the first place openly stating he’s not in favor of “abortion on demand.” The reason it wasn’t codified, though, is that it then couldn’t be used as a campaign strategy by the democrats in future elections. As I said earlier in the thread under this post, it’s well-known that Hillary and the DNC attempted to elevate Trump in the GOP as preferred opposition as well as democrats more recently funneling millions of dollars into the election campaigns of Republicans who deny the validity of the 2020 election results because this makes for what they believe is easy competition. It feels ridiculous to have to mention as well that Roe v. Wade was repealed under Biden’s presidency, and if Biden doesn’t have the power to reverse this then what are you campaigning for?


Unfortunately you’re right about racism… It seemed like it might have been getting better at least (although obviously it was still there under the surface), but then mister pussy-grabber made it seem like it was perfectly ok to hang out with the Proud Boys and openly hate anyone who was different. We’re not going to fix racism in a generation or two, but at least we had gotten to the point where it was mostly frowned upon in mixed company to talk that way, which meant the kids weren’t hearing it as often and understood there was a reason for it. Now a generation that could have sparked a real change has just been face-slammed with open hatred from a standing president and we’ve probably been set back a full generation on the subject. A similar argument can be made for LGBT+ where people who thought it was finally safe to be themselves are once again being attacked in public.

I’m not surprised about the DNC pushing Trump as a candidate in 2016, hell nobody believed he could win. As for pushing denialists and others… I’ll have to look into that, it’s not something I have heard about before. I still find that a lot easier to swallow than the GOPs constant tactics of direct voter suppression though

robinnn, avatar

We’re not going to fix racism ever as long as the US exists as a settler-colonial state that keeps the majority of black people in worse conditions and imprisons them en masse. It’s not about rhetoric.

I still find that a lot easier to swallow than the GOPs constant tactics of direct voter suppression though

Don’t you get it? The Democrats are elevating Republicans so that they can do and campaign for these exact things which then motivates you to vote for the “lesser evil.”

For pushing denialists, here’s one source.

Maoo, avatar

Dems use the threat against women’s bodies as a way to buy your vote. They don’t actually do the thing they could’ve done at points over the last several years, i.e. codify abortion rights into law at the federal level.

They also could’ve gotten RBG to resign or had literally any fight whatsoever over Garland. Instead they immediately made paper thin excuses and their voters happily clapped along. They even characterized the (milquetoast) call for RBG to resign as sexist, lol.

Y’all are a domesticated animals to your political class and the only thing you seem to be able to do is to try and get others to join you on your path to the abattoir.


No one is advocating for Republicans.

Rom, (edited ) avatar

Criticism of Biden is not an endorsement of Trump. No one here is advocating for Trump. No one here is voting for Trump.

Yeah Biden is a fairly typical politician, but what has he done wrong other than Israel?

“other than Israel” like his lifelong, unwavering support for a genocidal apartheid state is just a little whoopsie-doodle and he isn’t knowingly and willingly arming an entire fucking genocide. Fuck you.

But besides that: He has failed to protect trans rights, has failed to protect women’s rights (Roe was overturned under Biden, remember), has failed to raise the minimum wage, has drilled for more oil than any other president in history, has made no meaningful actions towards climate change, has expanded Trump’s racist border policies, he’s warmongering with China and Iran, refuses to cancel student loans, sent uniformed thugs after people peacefully protesting his awful decisions, busted a rail strike, has done nothing about COVID (which is still happening), and he still owes me $1400. To say nothing of all the racist policies and warmongering he supported during his decades as a politician before becoming president.


Well thanks for at least providing an honest answer since the other guy couldn’t answer a direct question to save his life.

So a few things I’m curious about… how would Biden have changed the SCOTUS ruling on Roe? He can’t just unilaterally overrule them, and any bills for women’s rights that you try to push through congress will get nuked by the conservatives. What’s left?

Regarding the minimum wage… Yes there are still some sectors that are exempted, but Biden did push through an increase to $15/hr that covered a lot of workers. Big surprise, the only ones to challenge this increase were the GOP.

What else can anyone do about COVID? We couldn’t even get people to wear masks at a time when their own family members were dying from it every week. Hell the county next to me defied a state mandate for masking, and then they had the nerve to get mad when someone in my county suggested closing off the hospitals to them since their own hospitals were over capacity. You just can’t fix stupid.

And I didn’t mean to come off as dismissive when I said “other than Israel”… I just meant that yeah this is a big blunder and I have no objection to holding him partially responsible for this. It’s worth noting though that nearly all of Congress is also introducing and voting for bills to provide aid to Israel’s genocide.


Well thanks for at least providing an honest answer since the other guy couldn’t answer a direct question to save his life.

You don’t get to be a condescending asshole and then whine over stuff like this; incredibly soft posting

Rom, avatar

So a few things I’m curious about… how would Biden have changed the SCOTUS ruling on Roe? He can’t just unilaterally overrule them, and any bills for women’s rights that you try to push through congress will get nuked by the conservatives. What’s left?

If he’s so powerless to do anything why should I vote for him? Literally what have the Dems ever done with regards to abortion rights, other than using it for fundraising? Why do conservatives have all the power to do whatever ghoulish shit they want yet Dems are entirely powerless to do anything about it? Why didn’t the Democrats try to enshrine abortions rights into law during one of the three times they had control of the House, Senate, and presidency during the nearly 50 years Roe was in effect (once each during Carter, Clinton, and Obama)? I want them to do fucking anything about it, because despite all the lip service, as far as I can tell they don’t actually give a shit. “The GOP would block it” is not an excuse for not even trying.

Regarding the minimum wage… Yes there are still some sectors that are exempted, but Biden did push through an increase to $15/hr that covered a lot of workers. Big surprise, the only ones to challenge this increase were the GOP.

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema were both Democrats and they blocked minimum wage from passing. If the Democratic Party can’t even get their own people in line to pass the most basic things why should I vote for them? The $15 minimum wage Biden enacted only covered federal workers, which is 370,000 / 164.5 million = 0.22% of the entire US work force. And raising the minimum wage was a campaign promise, which he immediately dropped after one attempt and hasn’t tried again. Why should anyone believe any promise he makes in the next six months if all he can manage is one (1) half-assed attempt at raising the minimum wage to one that was barely enough to live on a decade ago, let alone now after massive inflation?

What else can anyone do about COVID?

Literally anything??? They did a whole bunch of shit in 2020. More stimulus checks, protections for workers, mandatory paid time off for anyone who tests positive, literally just not ending the things they were already doing. COVID never went away, it’s still killing people. Yet they just decided “whelp the pandemic is over, everyone back to work” and COVID was going to be a thing that kills people from now on. He’s the president of the united states, it’s literally his job to figure this shit out.

I just meant that yeah this is a big blunder and I have no objection to holding him partially responsible for this

You should be holding him entirely responsible for this. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing and what the weapons are being used for. There’s no excuse for genocide.

It’s worth noting though that nearly all of Congress is also introducing and voting for bills to provide aid to Israel’s genocide.

Fuck all of them too tbh. amerikkka isntrael

robinnn, avatar

Look at recent history of the other 3rd party runs, they spoiled the election for Gore and Hillary.


Rom, avatar

Look at recent history of the other 3rd party runs, they spoiled the election for Gore and Hillary

Shaming the voters because your candidate lost has historically worked very well, very good idea, keep doing that.

Maoo, avatar

Don’t worry Dems are doing a way better job campaigning for Trump by openly supporting genocide.

BurgerPunk, avatar

one candidate has already attempted to overthrow democracy

If Democrats actually thought this, Trump (at minimum) would have been in federal prison on Biden’s first day in office.

They either don’t believe he’s a fascist or are utterly incapable of dealing with fascists.


You want to throw someone in jail without a trial or having their day in court? I mean that’s exactly what Trump has said he would do to everyone trying to prosecute him, but in a fair society you make a case and take it before a judge. And a case this big requires collecting a ton of evidence and making sure you have an air-tight case to convict. How many court cases does he have against him already? Yeah things are moving a lot slower than most people would like, but pretty much any big case like this would also be moving at a snail’s pace. Everybody knows he’s guilty, however if you don’t get everything just right then he gets away on a technicality.

radiofreeval, avatar

They killed Fred Hampton by shooting him in the head point blank when he was defenseless and wounded. The US is capable of unspeakable barbarity and arresting someone with a show trial is nothing.


You want to throw someone in jail without a trial or having their day in court?

Lmao hell yes I do, this happens for literally every serious criminal case (and a bunch of not-so-serious ones, too). If you actually took the idea that Trump is a fascist seriously, you’d be asking why shouldn’t he simply have been shot.

Everybody knows he’s guilty, however if you don’t get everything just right then he gets away on a technicality.

If everybody knows a fascist is a fascist and your only solution is to follow the rules real hard and hope, you are a danger to the country and should be nowhere near the levers of power.

robinnn, (edited ) avatar

but in 2020 there was no way I was going to give up even one vote against Trump.

Democrats support Trump and the like in the GOP to have propped up extreme opposition and make you think it’s your own idea to vote for them as the “lesser evil.”


So to take [Jeb] Bush down, Clinton’s team drew up a plan to pump Trump up. Shortly after her kickoff, top aides organized a strategy call, whose agenda included a memo to the Democratic National Committee: “This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field,” it read.

“The variety of candidates is a positive here, and many of the lesser known can serve as a cudgel to move the more established candidates further to the right. In this scenario, we don’t want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more ‘Pied Piper’ candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican Party,” read the memo.

“Pied Piper candidates include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Ted Cruz
  • Donald Trump
  • Ben Carson

We need to be elevating the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell the press to [take] them seriously."

An agenda item for top aides’ message planning meeting read, “How do we prevent Bush from bettering himself/how do we maximize Trump and others?"

Maoo, avatar

You could also recognize that voting is a rigged process and is in no way the limit of political action. You can then choose to do things that are better than using bad game theory to try to get people to vote for a genocide.

radiofreeval, avatar

They probably won’t vote.

while at the same time not supporting Ukraine at all.



The war in Ukraine is lost.


Funny, that’s what you people said when Russia invaded two years ago.


No, I’m saying it because the front line is collapsing as we speak. I’m not a Putin-stan lol. I’d be persecuted in Russia.


Erg that sucks… I’ve seen some posts about Russia’s new offense but haven’t had the chance to look into what’s really happening. Guess I should find some time (not that my knowledge will change anything, of course).

somename, (edited )

While you might not agree with everything on our instance, the weekly news threads are pretty good at collating news and sources as things happen. It’s a decent thing to browse at least.


Much of that was because the US House of Representatives was sitting on its ass for the past how many months? There have been widespread reports of Ukraine rationing ammunition, effectively forcing them to cede ground. The recent passage of aid will start getting basic supplies in quickly. Don’t write them off yet.


A bigger reason is that their manpower is depleted from so many dead. Not to mention various defensive lines not getting built.


But at the same time, a lot of those deaths and shattered defensive lines were because of a lack of supplies. I’m not going to make any claims on how much, but when the Russians are firing 5 shells for every 1 shell the Ukrainians fire off, that changes things.


Oh yeah I certainly agree. It definitely matters a lot. I just don’t the west has the industrial capacity currently to match that rate. Most of the arms were from deep, old, stockpiles, not fresh production. There’d need to be a pretty big reindustrialization push to get anywhere close.


From what I understand, the West has specialized more in precision ammunition, whereas Russia leans far more on dumb bombs. The industrial capacity is there, but the specific capacity needs adjusting. The West is seeing the first war in a long time involving a near-peer adversary running itself as a war economy, so this is also about getting production lines and supply chains up to the task. During WW2, the US was involved in production on the side of the allies via the Lend-Lease Act before it officially entered the war, so there was time for it to specialize. Not that I am in favor of a world war or escalation, but I don’t think it’s good to be a sitting duck.

anarchoilluminati, avatar

With all due respect, you don’t understand shit.

If this war is purely dependent on the US supplying arms and funds to Ukraine, then it’s a lost war or at best just a proxy war.

Maoo, avatar

And we are still right.

AOCapitulator, avatar


420blazeit69, (edited )

Yeah, because short of escalating to WWIII the war was lost from the jump. Is being right about that for two years a bad thing? Is losing two years and a ton of casualties later worth anything?

queermunist, avatar

It would be a lot easier for Democrats to stop supporting Israel if Trump was the one bankrolling the genocide.


I honestly don’t believe that for a minute. You’ve got people who support Israel because that’s what they’ve been taught to do their whole life, and then you have people actually paying attention to what’s been going on and getting called antisemitic for calling out the genocide. Unfortunately the people who are unwilling to change their ways far outnumber the people who care.

queermunist, avatar

It wouldn’t cause all Democrats to flip on Israel, but a lot of Democrats are only supporting Israel because of inertia. Supporting Israel is just normal, so that’s what they do. If Trump were president it would force them to rethink how “normal” their support actually is.

You’re underestimating how much Democrats hate Trump. If anything could force them to rethink anything it’s agreeing with him.


Heh maybe so, but is it really worth the risk of the damage Trump would do if he were in office again? Judging by your nick, I’m sure you’re aware of all the harm he’s done to the LGBT+ community?

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

What I’m also aware of is the fascist march against queer folk in the US has been pushing forward unabated under Biden. No matter who wins we’ll probably see the first bans on changing gender on birth certificates, we’ll probably see a challenge to gay marriage Court jurisprudence, and we’ll probably see hate crimes against us continue to rise to new horrible heights.

Under Trump Dems were out in the streets, but Under Biden all the Dems just sit at home and don’t do anything about it. Dems only care about queer folk (and Black people and religious minorities and immigrants) when it’s politically convenient.

Not in my name.


Same way they opposed Trumps immigration policy as much as they could but let Biden silently do the exact same thing.

Drusas, to worldnews in Dutch Police Smash Pro-Palestine Protest Camp

And I was so proud of the Dutch just yesterday.

krimson, avatar

I think the vast majority of us condemn what Israel is doing. Unfortunately our government does not. Same goes for other European countries. Heck, Israel will probably “win” the eurosongfestival tomorrow.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

I would be glad if Israel wins Eurovision. It will destroy its credibility forever, as well as that of most if not all European sports/theatre/culture events, including FIFA and UEFA.


Sorry I wasn't clear. I was proud of the Dutch because of the limited police response.

ZWQbpkzl, (edited ) to worldnews in Yemen Braces For Impending Massive US-Led Air/Ground Campaign

I’d expect the US to announce that they’re going to go put boots on the ground in Yemen before they do so. If they’re going to do it unannounced then it’ll be some JSOC psychos not the marines. Not a “massive” invasion.

davel, (edited ) to worldnews in Yemen Braces For Impending Massive US-Led Air/Ground Campaign avatar

Aren’t you glad you updated your post title now, @yogthos? :P

Yemeni sources indicate that the departure of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS Gravely from the Red Sea is part of the preparations for the coming assault.

lemmyseizethemeans, to usa in Portland State University Pauses Ties with Boeing as Campus Protests Spread

Hell yeah P-town! Represent.

delirious_owl, to usa in Texas State Troopers in Riot Gear Crack Down on UT Students’ Gaza Protest avatar

Joe hill is watching

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