@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Since instances love to defederate so much, we need an app to connect everything together again.

b00m avatar

Since instances love to defederate so much


@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

Not really


-Giuseppe Garibaldi


"The Federated Universe is neither federated nor universal" - Voltaire


Just like Random Variables

@WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar
@nydas@lemmy.world avatar

I’m using MemmyApp on iOS (TestFlight), and it’s working well. Getting content from kbin.social, lemmy.world & lemmy.ml based on subscriptions across all three.

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

All I need is an iOS client that fucking works!

Yes, buying an iPhone 8 was the worst decision I ever made


Lemmy creators are overloaded with the massive afflux of people generating 100s of bug reports and questions on top of all their work.

Make sure you donate to help them spend more time on the project!


@StarLuigi@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm using Lemmynade

MrFlamey, (edited )

Yes! I was just reading a post from the authors of Lemmy on lemmy.ml, and noticed I was not logged in. I assume that because lemmy.ml is another instance, I can't log in with my usual lemmy.world credentials, but since it is federated I should be able to post, correct? However, I am not sure how, and I think a lot of people would just try logging in normally, since it's just Lemmy, right? Lemmy.ml might be safe, but I think it could be possible to confuse people into entering their password for fediverse sites on malicious instances, which steal their credentials. It's a little bit confusing to noobs like myself to be honest.

An app that can manage credentials and post properly across compatible instances and show informative messages to notify the user if and why they cannot post would be very useful, managing multiple accounts seamlessly even more useful!

AbouBenAdhem, (edited )

I assume that because lemmy.ml is another instance, I can’t log in with my usual lemmy.world credentials, but since it is federated I should be able to post, correct?

I think the difference is whether you’re viewing lemmy.ml directly (as in, the URL in your browser starts with https://lemmy.ml/), or whether you’re viewing it via lemmy.world (or whichever site you have an account on).


for example, you can see other lemmy.ml community and post there by going to its @ like putting https://lemmy.world/c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml in the address bar, lets you access asklemmy on lemmy.ml via lemmy.world, and I think you can directly post to that community without login again with that instance's credential.




I wish there was a "log in from other instance" button, but I don't know how you'd implement that.


I expected the same and became confused trying to log in another instance.


I have not seen the need to manage multiple accounts so far. I am logged into thelemmy.club but am subscribed to lemmy.world which works fine since it is federated. I am able to reply to you from thelemmy.club. Most of the content I follow is from other (non club) servers and have not had any issues interacting with people.


You would need a separate account to participate in instances your home instance isn't federated with, ie anyone logged into lemmy.world would need a different account to use beehaw


I think this is where I lucked out when I had so many issues creating an account on lemmy.world. I ended up making an account at thelemmy.club instead and it seems I can see and respond to all content from here so far.


View Lemmy.ml from the Lemmy.world instance


Well think about it with this crude kind of inaccurate analogy.

You have a windows laptop. Your friend has a windows laptop. When you're logged in to your laptop you can send your friend email. And see his emails to you.

But just because your laptop is windows and his laptop is windows doesn't mean your windows log-in would work on his right? Lemmy works more like that. Reddit is kind of like one large windows laptop and everyone gets their own keyboard. Your log in works no matter which keyboard you use.

You may notice that Lemmy communities have the @ symbol like an email. So tech@lemmy.world is different from tech@lemmy.ml (just like how robert@yahoo.com is not the same account as robert@gmail.com). They MAY be made by the same Robert but there's no guarantee.

You really just need one account. So in the communities tab from your instance (Lemmy.world) you can search for the community on the other instance (Lemmy.ml) for example tech@lemmy.ml.

Your account let's you post and comment on @lemmy.ml posts


GNU + Linux laptop


Even when you understand all that, though, it does just feel weird and unintuitive that you have to search for the community you want to interact with from within your home instance, and can't just directly go to that instance's website, e.g. beehaw.org, and log in.

Having an app (including a desktop app) to point people to that would just consolidate everything for a given user so that it's more intuitive, and so that you can easily switch between accounts or set it up to see posts from all your accounts together, would make it a lot easier on newbies, and make navigation more convenient for everyone else as well.


You don't need to make multiple accounts though? You go to lemmy.world, or wherever your account is and find your communities, anywhere in the fediverse from there.

To expand on the above analogy, if you are on your laptop, and your buddy is on his laptop hooked to the same network and you need a file off his computer you don't go to that computer to create an account and get the file, you just access it through the network you are both attached to. You can make comments and post all through the network.


Coming from reddit is fun app, I don't really understand how what you're proposing would work. You want the same functionality of having a separate account on each instance, but consolidated into one app to easy switch between accounts/instances, right?

If we translate this use case into the existing rif app layout, the subreddit selector panel on the left would need to have like lemmy instances instead of subreddits, with communities nested under each instance.

So you would have a different frontpage for each instance, which consisted of only the posts for communities hosted by that instance. Maybe I'm on the wrong track here, or you have a better idea of how it'd work.

How is that better or more intuitive than just having one personal frontpage for all of your subscribed communities? That way you don't even need to make a conscious decision to browse beehaw posts, they're just in the same feed as everything else.

I feel like it's more about the way you're thinking about posts being hosted on a particular server and what that means. In the context of Lemmy it only means something where the post you want is on an instance that's been defederated from for whatever reason, and even then only in terms of community discovery. Otherwise it's kinda meaningless in terms of your interaction with posts.

Thinking of the given community as a community 'on beehaw' per se is only really pertinent in cases where the fact it's on beehaw alone has some kind of impact on how you interact with it, e.g moderation style. But even in that case, moderation style could equally be an attribute you ascribe to the community itself, rather than beehaw. e.g. preferring r/games over r/gaming.

This way it makes more sense to think of the community as a lemmy community than a beehaw one, which seems fairly intuitive to me. Plus, that way the instance is doing the link aggregation and not your phone, which would be problematic for users and for scaling the ecosystem


Great explanation! Thank you for your service



One of the last messages from the developer of Sync had said they were considering making a Sync for Lemmy... The guy's attention to detail and customizability of Sync for Reddit has me hoping real hard for that.


That would be amazing. I'm sure it would be a lot of work, but I don't think he would be starting from scratch. I would think he could use many existing components. I'm sure many people would pay for it, I know I would.


Someone posted a Github link to a initial method of displaying Lemmy via a Reddit app but I bet it's incredibly basic and buggy, maybe that will be a starting point for it though? 🤞🏼


Oh my god if JDL made Sync for Lemmy I would buy it yesterday. I was a Sync Dev user for like 5 years, such a great app and the developer is amazing.


Absolutely! Sync was my favorite Reddit app. It's perfect. Take my money guys.


I'm 11 years into using Sync.

My first year of college, the only smart device I had was an iPod Touch. After I found Reddit, I installed Alien Blue on the iPod as my first Reddit app experience.

A couple years later, I bought my first real smartphone, which ran Android. And I was so keen to try to find "the Alien Blue of Android" I tried probably half a dozen Reddit apps. It didn't take me long to recognize Sync as the uncontested best of the lot, and I've been using it ever since.

Until now.

@pory@lemmy.world avatar

I would actually spend money on Lemmy Sync. Though I'd also love if some of the Reddit app devs went grey hat and implemented token spoofing like Twidere on Android has for Twitter - that app lets me view my Mastodon "timeline" and Twitter timeline in the same feed by telling Twitter's API that it's totally the normal iPhone Twitter app.


Considering the Reddit API changes are leaving an enormous amount of mobile dev talent flapping in the breeze, I'm really looking forward to seeing some really innovative apps in the nearish future.

@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

I'm actually kind of enjoying the partitioned nature of the fed. I use the Jerboa app when on mobile to access Lemmy, and when I'm on my PC I use kbin.

When I was on reddit, I'd switch from mobile to PC or vice versa and just see all the content I just browsed on my other device. Now it's a fresh batch every time I make the switch (which is pretty regularly!).

That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a unifier. I remember back when AOL Instant Messenger and the 5 or so similar IM services were the cream of the internet, and keeping up with friends on each was a real pain in the ass. Then a program called "Trillian" came along and linked them all together with one clean interface, and it was fucking amazing. I could definitely see the fed benefiting from a similar service.


Trillian was good stuff. Then came Pidgin, which was free and open source if I recall correctly. At one point I had AIM, MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, and ICQ all going at once.

@rcmaehl@lemmy.world avatar

Pidgin was the (bird) shit


I've been using Jerboa for Lemmy on Android. It's pretty good so far. Still getting the hang of Lemmy in general.


I assume there isn't really any app for Lemmy on iOS? I didn't find anything. I didn't expect to, but still disappointing.


Same but its incredibility buggy and unintuitive for me


It definitely has bugs. I had to load this thread 8 times to get the correct comments to load. Some of this could be user error, buts it's a free app that works pretty dang well.


I'm pretty sure its the only actively maintained app on f-droid


Yeah, it's barely working for me at all, and I've been trying it for at least a week now. Sometimes I've written out long comments only for them to just vanish forever with a little error message.


Same here.

I've gotten in the habit of copying my comments before submitting them, just in case. Including this one.


Me2. But I do not see an option to add my kbin account nor my mastodon. I think it would be cool if this feels more integrative as in one app with different sections/views for the fediverse


Jerboa app has an account switching feature


I wish there was a way to have one account linked to multiple instances. Admittedly I don't understand this fediverse thing so i may be wrong about this but requiring a new account for every instance will get increasingly tiresome as the site grows and more instances are created.

@RouxFou@dormi.zone avatar

FWIW, any account can subscribe to any (federated) community. Right now it's really difficult to do through Jerboa itself, so I usually do it through the web app.


Is kbin.social just another community? And kbin just another app which presents said communities a bit different?

I have a mastodon, Lemmy and kbin account and would love to have one place to view all my subscribed content...


Yes. On kbin they are called magazines, but they show up as communities for me in the jerboa app even though my account is with lemmyworld.


If you have an account on an instance, you can see anything on other instances it federates with


I'm on Android and it seems to me like there is no other app but Jerboa for Lemmy.


Using it too reminds me of infinity for Reddit


I used to use Relay for reddit, and jerboa feels really familiar. It's development really picked up last release too. Still having an issue getting back to a comment context from a reply in my inbox, but I think that's a bug from last release and there's a pull request already.


I can't use Lemmy on mobile, it's all over the place. The Jerboa app is a lifesaver. The focus for Leemy has clearly been on getting the architecture right but the UI has been left behind. An influx of new users will absolutely NOT accelerate the resolution of these issues unfortunately. Here's to a long journey into the unknown! 🍻

@StarLuigi@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm using Lemmynade

@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

There are some bugs and an advance user may not like it but for a simple lurker as myself Jeroba has been working wonders. 100% recomend


Jerboa has been working well for me so far as well but I am pretty new too. It has been somewhat easy to navigate but I am trying to learn the whole fediverse thing at the same time.


Totally fair. I'm brand new today so it's been nice to play around with to get used to Lemmy. Still no idea to view things I subscribed to but I'm sure I'll learn!


Are you really a lurker if you're already commenting? (Speaking as a recovering lurker)


Same... I'm pretty confused about some stuff but it's close enough to reddit to where I'm kinda figuring it out


holy shit we're devolving back to rage memes? Last I saw this shit I rode a yellow bus to school

@briongloid@aussie.zone avatar

How long was this bus


as my girlfriend likes to tell me, length isn't relevant.

@nepatriots32@lemmy.world avatar

Is the bus purple now or something?




We need a better solution for fedichains


I wonder if there is a country or municipality somewhere where the busses are purple. They can't all be yellow, surely.

@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

This is a non issue tbh.

We will get there. I'm having a shit load of fun on here with you guys.

The nature of this platform is so that what we need will gradually happen based on the work we put it. I'm not into tech anything so I'm just thinking here.

I'm literally here for the journey


I'm not. I'm here for a replacement for reddit, as so many people touted this to be. As it is, it's a mess. I'm not going back to reddit on principle but most people that try out Lemmy are absolutely going to go back.


Commenting from the Memmy App beta for iOS.

Still early days, but it’s doing the basics quite well. They and Mlem are hoping for a 6/30 App Store release, so interesting times ahead.

@idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

I'm working on an Android app as well at the moment. Will also be trying to get a basic release out later this month.


Which app?

@Noxvento@lemmy.world avatar

What is the difference between mlem and memmy?


They are two different apps with different developers/contributors and different visions.

There's huge difference in where each are in their current stage of development, but keep in mind both of the apps will look & act completely different in a few weeks.

Mlem's beta test has met it's 10K user limit, but there's still room Memmy. Give it a try. Join the Discord after and talk to the developers/contributors about what you think - they're very responsive.


It's working like a charm. The developer is doing the best he can to fix and improve daily. I'm super impressed!



It's working like a charm. The developer is doing the best he can to fix and improve daily. I'm super impressed!


@rayquetzalcoatl@lemmy.world avatar

It feels like every post on Lemmy at the moment is "Why isn't this Reddit? Make it Reddit!"

"Just an idea", if you want Reddit, go to Reddit.


What we want is our shit in one place, without one asshole controlling what we see. Is that really such an impossible dream?

@Ataraxia@lemmy.world avatar

And I initially liked lemmy because or the small friendly community but I'm starting to run into the same issues reddit had as more people come to lemmy. Oh well!


I just got here from reddit and have no idea how this place works. All I know is that if you want all the reddit users to help this place grow someone needs to do a better job of explaining how it works or it needs to get way simpler.

If you don't want all the reddit refugees that's fine too. Carry on!

can, (edited )

Well, you joined a big instance which could have downsides. As some communities will have already decided not to share content. Either way make sure you're sorting by "all" and not "local" to get the full experience.


My brother in christ no one wants reddit premium


We had reddit. They are going to take it away on July 1st. We are looking for a replacement. Lemmy doesn't have to be that replacement, but that is what people are looking for.

@nexusband@lemmy.world avatar

There's a slight difference in wanting the fediverse having the same usability as Reddit and it actually being Reddit.


@Lemmyin I just want that Infinity for Reddit get Lemmy and Kbin added to it.
By far the best Reddit client. I really love the gesture navigation on it.
There's no other app close to it.


Agree! You will pay thesubscription after 30 June? I don't want to because I don't want support Reddit new policies not even with a penny. Would be for the dev, but also would be money for the Reddit's dirty hands.


@solidsnake911 I'm not going to pay.

Why pay to use a platform that's already making money with my personal data or the data that I post on Reddit?

That's why paying makes no sense. Like paying for having online games on a console. I'm not into that stupid idea, that's why I play on PC and pay for internet to my ISP.
Paying to any console company to play online games is like paying to the mafia for "protection".

Same applies to Reddit.
I'm not falling in those mafia techniques.


For me it was Relay. Absolutely perfect in every way, and the gesture navigation was so intuitive. Currently using jerboa for Lemmy and excited to see where it goes or what other apps become available for it


Relay is amazing. At this point I couldn't give a shit if reddit ever goes back to "normal" but I'll hate giving up Relay. If only there was some way to log in to Lemmy on Relay.


Don't quote her on this but I think someone is or was working on a wrapper to translate API calls from Reddit to Lemmy. In theory that would make it possible for 3rd party devs like Relay to change the end points to Lemmy. Big if true.


I was looking the jerboa page and it called Lemmy a “federated” alternative to Reddit. What does federated mean in this context?

@Noxvento@lemmy.world avatar

A greedy company can't block your access.

@MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world avatar

It's it's own platform, but there's other platforms that cross talk and are all one for the end user.

It's basically reddits within reddits within reddits all communicating with eachother. There is a connect point between them, the individual instances, and they are ran by people willing to do so, they control the flow of communication based on the communities needs, in theory.

@baronvonj@lemmy.world avatar

I'm constantly swiping on comments and posts.



  • Loading...
  • DadVolante,

    I discovered Relay only a few months ago. It was easily my favorite way to browse


    I don't think this going to happen but we can wish


    I was looking at jerboa and it called Lemmy a “federated” alternative to Reddit. What does federated mean in this context?


    It refers to the fact that communities belong to a specific instance. These instances can federate, as in "be a whole, made out of two", or stay separate and stay isolated


    There is no central Lemmy servers. Everyone can run a Lemmy server, which is called an instance. The instances talk together and sync posts and comments between them.

    The admin of an instance (usually the owner of the server) is in total control of what goes and what does not on the instance, and which other instances to federate (sync) with.

    When you create a community, you choose an instance that the community lives on. The community is then in the hands of the admin of that instance and the mods assigned by the admin to that community.


    Try Mlem, it’s amazing

    @hikarulsi@lemmy.world avatar

    or better, join the development. It is open source

    @hikarulsi@lemmy.world avatar

    or better, join the development. It is open source

    @Someology@lemmy.world avatar

    Right. So, I DuckDuckGo for Mlem and get junk about stray dogs and other random garbage. What is Mlem?

    @gornar@lemmy.world avatar

    Sadly, looks like beta is full for now. Can't wait until it opens, though!


    Sad news, I wanted to try on my iPad. When it will be release on AppStore?

    @hikarulsi@lemmy.world avatar

    the iphone app is still in development, after that it would be the ipad app and vision pro apparently


    Thank you. I'll be waiting.


    Yeah it's so odd to me that your instance aggregates everything for you as opposed to the client doing it for you.

    @Lemmyin@lemmy.world avatar

    Love your avatar. I’m going to steal the idea :)

    @themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

    The instance doing it is what makes this work at scale. If there are 10 big instances where most of the content is generated, the traffic between them scales linearly with the number of posts.

    If your client is doing the indexing, not only is this a lot of computations for a phone that runs on a battery, but the amount of traffic for each server scales with the global number of users, which is untenable for most servers.

    If you really want to be immune to defederation (not quite literally, but in the ways that matter to you), your solution is to deploy your own home instance and federate with communities you browse. This is the client that will be doing the indexing. Of course you can get individually defederated but if you're not a nuisance I can't see why.

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