@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I was a little weird to hear that loud bang and see all that smoke across the entire bridge a few seconds AFTER the ship seemed to steer right into the column.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Sound is slower than light.

@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The ship steered into the column, passed by and then about 2 or 3 seconds later there was a loud boom across the entire bridge followed by smoke across the entire bridge.


I went to college for a stem degree… IDK if it’s a scam, but I’m extremely far from happy with the value proposition. And my school was relatively affordable.

Of course, that’s not a problem with colleges but with policy, imo


College isn’t a scam per se, but the for-profit system as it exists now totally is. So is the myth that everyone needs a college degree - an increasing number of jobs are removing that requirement because it’s bullshit and actually limits the recruiting pool for a lot of jobs. It also encourages hiring management with degrees but no experience over internally promoting experienced workers without degrees. Ever had a new manager come in, change everything until it all sucks, then get a promotion or new job a year or two later? A lot of college degrees are mostly just a license to fail upwards.

@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

College isn’t a scam per se, but the for-profit system as it exists now totally is.



Unrelated to the content, only to the format, but what odd iteration of Facebook(?) or its like is this from? Is this the mobile interface of FB these days?


That’s definitely the official Facebook app, using dark mode. Looks just like mine, right now.



Good ol Sure Wish I’d Finished Training.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Ok so the bridge collision seems like an obvious accident to me, no questions there from me.

But that photo of the truck I can’t figure out how this happened and I suspect aliens and/or bigfoot might be involved somehow.

FarFarAway, (edited )

Im not sure im going to explain the well, but…

I think they backed into the pole and it bent the bar (or whatever that guard thingy is called) up and under so much so that the pole ended up behind the bottom rail of the bar. The metal bar, then, spang back into place somewhat. And the pole “bent” / angled backward (from the ground). When the trucker tried to moved forward to get off the pole, the pole got snagged in the hole due to the spring action and got ended up getting dragged back to its more upright position, and it ended up as you see it in the picture.

I dont think the hole in the ground from the pole is from it being dragged forward, so much as from it being pushed backwards.

Edit: someone I know that has family that drives trucks says that it also could have occurred if the other trucks on the side weren’t there to begin with and the person was trying to turn and the trailer swung out and the pole got dragged past the first hole and into the second hole. I’m kinda skeptical it could happen that way considering the direction the pole was dragged in the ground but who knows. it’s just another perspective. But he also thinks the picture is photoshopped so…

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It makes sense that the trailer backed over the pole so far it got under the bar. But the trail behind the pole indicates that it was dragged forward. It seems like he backed over the pole causing it to bend and go under. Then moved forward causing it to poke out above the rail and then it dragged forward causing the asphalt to be ripped up the way it did.

But why didn’t the bar break? It must be made of alien materials!

And who put the pole in the middle of the parking lot? Probably bigfoot.

Bigfoot is working with the aliens confirmed!


Well, like the pole started out getting dragged backward, and then forward again…the white spot on the ground is where I think the pole originally started out, and there’s damage in front and behind that mark.

I think it didn’t break cause it’s meant to keep cars from plowing underneath the truck. If it broke it would defeat the purpose, and the car would end up with the driver somewhere under the trailer, decapitated or something…

I’ll take aliens and Bigfoot in cahoots too! I bet one of those shape shifting cryptids had a hand in it too.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it didn’t break cause it’s meant to keep cars from plowing underneath the truck. If it broke it would defeat the purpose, and the car would end up with the driver somewhere under the trailer, decapitated or something…

Ok, maybe the aliens are off the hook.

On closer inspection there’s a grey metal thing on the ground that I think the poles were meant to protect. If that’s the case then judging by the remaining poles and what looks to be a concrete surface, it looks like it probably originally was where the damage to the asphalt starts. So the pole was in the middle of the parking space. You can see the other pole is in a parking space too, just not in the middle.

But if that’s the case then raises another question. Who the hell designed this parking space?

Bigfoot. Obviously.

I’ll take aliens and Bigfoot in cahoots too!

I kinda just want bigfoot conspiracy theories to make a comeback. At least those ones only made people spend more time hiking. The ones we got now make people want to burn down their own capital. Make conspiracies bigfoot again!

I bet one of those shape shifting cryptids had a hand in it too.

Skinwalkers? Nope. Let’s not do those ones. Too creepy.


I don’t think Knowledge is a scam, but I firmly believe that the current College system(at least in the US) is a scam or at the very least super predatory, it’s one of the only types of debt that you can’t bankrupt on, and if you try to go for anything more than a bachelor’s you’re likely not going to be able to pay off the loan due to interest accumulation.


They didn’t use…ok our colleges now are trades schools you pay to go to. People used to apprentice for careers. Paying for education used to mean an actual education, not job training.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I would say predatory is the right word, unless you have money.

Although I would not put most community colleges in that boat.

@lennybird@lemmy.world avatar

Hear hear.

I had a better education from more passionate teachers at community college than I did at university.


I agree, community colleges generally are going to be at least half the price of a private school, unfortunately in most States community colleges only offer associate’s degree, either by choice or state regulation.

so anyone hoping to do a bachelor’s or a postgraduate degree are forced into larger University Systems where are the price is much higher per year.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

True, although many of them also have attached vocational schools. For example, Ivy Tech, Indiana’s community college system (the one I’m most familiar with but it’s not alone in this) offers both vocational and degree programs, so you can get an HVAC certification or you can go through the nursing school and become a CNA. They even offer an associate’s degree in fine arts.

Associate’s degrees aren’t always as good as higher educational degrees, but they will still likely get your into a better career than you would get with just a high school education.



Shame that a lot of universities are starting to ban credits earned at community colleges. Can’t get any more predatory than that.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

They are? Yeah, that’s utter bullshit.


Don’t know how long it’s been but there’s a lot of articles popping up within the last couple years on it, saying that various universities rejected credits for what was essentially the same exactly class using the same book and the same curriculum.

Meanwhile I was seeing posts on reddit and other socials talking about how crowded university classrooms were getting, with someone showing a picture that showed how the room was too full to meet standards for fire evacuations if necessary. It’s just absolutely nothing but greed at this point.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That’s fucking ridiculous.

I don’t know what my daughter is going to do when she’s college age. She’s 13 now. It’s only going to get worse.


Hell, 3 hours in polybridge would probably give the common sense to realize that supports do in fact, hold the bridge up

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

If seeing the very clear video of what happened doesn’t convince them, nothing will.

@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

It can be a scam, especially if your not gonna use your degree.


What is there to argue? Like there’s video evidence of it happening

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Same with 9/11. That doesn’t stop people.




There were no construction workers killed in the collapse! It was all fake!

The CIA caused the ship to lose power!

The ship was remote controlled! There wasn’t actually anybody on board until after the collision!

The “construction workers” were actually deep state black ops agents that were there to loosen bolts on the bridge to ensure it collapsed when the ship hit it.

And so on… Never underestimate the fantasies that conspiracy theorists can come up with.


Why is it that hard to believe that accidents happen? Just because something was interesting enough to reach headlines that means there had to have been an ulterior motive???

I know you can’t make sense of these people, but how the hell do you even make those leaps in the first place…

I’m going back to my cave.


My thought is they don’t have much positive going on in their lives so they get validation from these conspiracies. It makes them feel smart because they see the real truth.


What the hell are people debating here? A 150.000 tonne object crashed into a structure made of thin sticks (comparatively speaking). There is no doubt that the bridge would collapse. Especially since an arch is only stable if it is undamaged.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, but you forget: lots of people are stupid.


George Carlin never fails to be accurate: Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are even stupider than that.


He’s not accurate, though. That’d be the median person. With the average person I’d expect much more than half to be stupider than that.


Mean, median, and mode are measures of central tendency aka average. It’s usually context that indicates which measure we are using when we say average. A lot of the time, when speaking of the average person, we’re using the median or mode rather than the mean.

How many fingers does your average person have?


I was joking and also didn’t know that average in English can be any one of them.


What measure are we using? Standard IQ is normal distributed so the mean and median are the same


I was joking


How dare you insult our nation’s precious little conservatives!


“Can a cargo ship really lose steering even if power is lost?”

That’s the caption of a video I just went and found on Facebook shared by one of my distant hillbilly acquantances. I’m not even going to watch to see what it’s about.


Honestly it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to have backup power for the steering.


I have had more PhDs recommend against college than for it. I’m not joking. It’s scary.

They’ll tell you that if you can get by without a degree, by all means do or at least heavily consider it.

Education is undoubtedly important, as often evidenced by people’s lack of it. But even those who ran the gauntlet decades ago have lost faith in the system.

And now we have a whole new litany of problems on their way because of the rising prominence of GenAI and I can confidently say that academia is wholly unprepared for the shit storm coming it’s way.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m guessing that’s more because they’ve spent a good decade or so working on their degree, which is probably too specialized to get the job they want in their field.

There is such a thing as too much college too. PhDs are very handy if you want to be a professor or go into a very specialized field and hope there are available jobs. Not so much for everyone else.


I think there’s an inflationary effect where so many people go to university that a regular degree is devalued. It leads to people who wouldn’t otherwise do postgraduate study to do some to be as competitive as an undergrad degree was years ago. I see people sleep walking into postgrad study because they don’t know what to do after graduation because an undergrad degree is so limited nowadays


There is also the cost to benefit ratio. Even IF you can get a job in your chosen field, the cost of the education to get there and the increasing pace of industrial change as required knowledge grows and changes can make your degree not really worth the effort. While I certainly don’t know for sure, it could be conceivable that the world might not even miss half of collage graduates produced today. And most people could make a living with a “simpler and more focused” technical education.

The world will always need carpenters, plumbers, electricians, accountants, and garbage collectors. And perhaps not so many people with a Master’s degree in library sciences or maybe with the advent of AI, even human programmers.


We always seem to equate common sense and education.

I’ve met some dense people with PhDs. And some smart people that never got formal education.

Obviously best case is smart and educated. But you can’t teach someone common sense.


^ This … my father has his doctorate, yet is talking about chem trails, stockpiling guns and food for the coming apocalypse, and is a full on Trump supporting MAGAT right wing Christian.

casual_turtle_stew_enjoyer, (edited )

Wish Lemmy had some sort of awards, because also this exactly.


But you can’t teach someone common sense.

Therapists do that sometimes


Just out of curiosity - which country was your sample from, if I may ask?


US. So perhaps not representative of international trends. Altogether worrying with implications for US education standards though. The whole college/trade/career decision logic among the US public is seriously out of whack because parents kept preaching it was either college or burger flipping, unless you had a talent or parents with money of course.

The US education system, academia, and workforce are all incredibly and seemingly unappealably fucked. The bigger picture is just some madman’s abstract expressionism. I’m convinced the Russians are behind it all, somehow because just wtf it is actually looney levels of destabilizing and I fear it all comes crashing soon enough. But whatever, stop worrying and love the bomb I guess.


Basically, America’s poorer majority have the free choice which rich conglomerates they want to be exploited and/or drained dry by? Legalised wage theft, student loan debt, ludicrous cost of privatised healthcare - spoiled for choice which monopoly to hand their entire fortune over to, really…


Pretty much. I had to explain to my mother on the phone last night why I absolutely refuse to order anything from Amazon if I can get it brick&mortar without any issue and she couldn’t understand it. “You’d rather pay more? Why not just wait the couple days for shipping?” That’s not it mom, yes I like being able to immediately receive what I paid for in a transaction, as well as the opportunity to inspect it’s package before I pay for it, but that’s only the tip of the shitberg. I will gladly go pay more elsewhere because that money is often times going back into my community in at least some fashion and I can trust that my experience as a consumer will be better when I shop with the little guy who says my patronage matters and that they appreciate it rather than the unaccountable tech conglomerate that got its start by exploiting a flaw in a book vendor’s billing system for their own profit.

“I’m voting with my wallet” “…by paying more elsewhere” “sigh yes mother that’s how this often works, welcome to late stage capitalism”


I have no formal training in building bridges. I actually only learned what a bridge was yesterday. Anyway, here’s what I think happened and I will fight anyone who tells me different.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

and I will fight anyone who tells me different.

That’ more proactive than most sudden bridge experts who just call anyone who tells them different a liberal cuck.


Just use HostNetwork, why would you use a bridge


Same dunce heads who argued against vaccines

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I mean, colleges are fucking expensive and their biggest appeal is a promise of a high paying job. Even public ones still eat up your soul and you may not necessarily be ready for “the job market” after graduation, or even academic life. Wholly different discussion.

Still, no way in hell I’ll doubt that a bajillion ton (tonnes, whatever) of inertia can bring down a bridge. That’s effectively an asteroid boulder slowly rolling down hill


Same. I was thinking, “yes, college IS a scam, but I wouldn’t argue with most experts in their respective fields.”

@lambda@programming.dev avatar

I don’t think college is a scam. I think they are way overvalued in America. I think trades should be pushed more for sure.


True. I could also probably generalize it to most industries in the USA are scams.

But you know… Capitalism…

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

“I just don’t see how the whole bridge falls over that fast”

Bruh it is a ten million ton cargo ship bumping into it, do u think it’s just gonna bounce off?


Bro, it’s a trillion ton bridge. You’re comparing a bug flying into a windshield and telling me the windshield should break. R u serious 4 real?

Huyuck. Sorry for that. But this is the kind of shit you’re going to have to deal with. So you better have an answer for it.

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

“If I hit your kneecap with a hammer, I’m only taking out one support, but your hole ass is hitting the ground” seems like a good response


You see, gravity is just a theory see.


Sure you can build a bridge they can withstand a crazy like that. It’ll cost more than the cities it connects and nobody has a budget for that.


Pfft, just put big magnets on either side of the bridge to make sure it goes in the middle!


Magnets stop working if they get wet, like under a bridge




Yeah but it literally floats so how heavy can it be?


Physics does not work that way goodnight!


it floats way better than i do, so it can’t be that much heavier than i am. and let me tell you, there’s no way i could topple a bridge by running into it


But that could mean the ship is actually a witch! And witches do have a history of bringing down bridges.


That ship was about 100,000t.

There’s a fairly crude equation in the American bridge engineering standard that relates impact load to the mass of a ship, which is:

P =√(DWT) ±50%

Where DWT is the deadweight tonnage, and P is the impact load in meganewtons.

So in this case P=315MN ±50% which is 315000kN or 31500 tonnes of force…

For comparison, I’m working on a project where we’re going to build a new concrete bridge on the ground next to where it needs to go (under a railway) then wait until we have a planned week with no trains running and push it into position using jacks. That bridge is a 60m long 20m wide 8m high concrete box with 1m thick walls and top and bottom slabs, and we think we will need about 30MN to install it (one tenth of the impact load from that ship).

So yeah… that’s quite a hit.

JustZ, (edited )

Yeah but long tons or short tons. If they used shorter tons maybe the boat would have slipped right between the leg things. The tons were too long. 🪿


Reminds me of the Canadian Conspiracy Convention, CanConCon.


But can Ken can the long Ton Con on the CanConCon?

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