I'm a trans girl 🏳️‍⚧️ !!

I’ve never really felt fully comfortable being open about myself on big platforms like Reddit, but on here it feels a lot safer, especially since adopting better digital hygiene.

So I’m just kinda saying it explicitly for the first time that I’m a trans girl. I like myself, I like my body, even if it’s not perfect yet, and I like being pretty. I’m even slowly coming out more and more in real life too! Idk, everyone congratulate me or something haha

Things are hard, but I like how accepting the federated side of the internet has been so far to me.

@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Locking due to continued transphobic comments.

Congratulations again Kaity!


What is digital hygiene?

@-Emma-@fedia.io avatar

I'm pretty sure she's talking about Information Security (IPSEC), Operation Security (OPSEC), and generally being privacy-conscious. So like, being careful about how much personal information you share, so as to protect against doxxing and other bad stuff.

spirinolas, (edited )

I like myself, I like my body, even if it’s not perfect yet, and I like being pretty.

What do you mean “yet”? You perfect the way you are. Don’t try to be a girl. Don’t try to be a trans-girl. Fuck labels. Just be Kaityy.

@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

OP has stated they are a girl and that they are trans. They’re not forcing themselves to be anything, this is who they are.

spirinolas, (edited )

That’s my point, be yourself before anything else. I had a comment removed for telling someone they were perfect the way they are. This is the wrong place for me.

@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You literally said, “Don’t be a girl. Don’t be a trans-girl”. OP is a girl.



That’s ok, I’m not really interested in this conversation.




I’m glad you found a safe space! Hopefully with time people in RL will accept you as well. If they don’t then fuck them, they’re not worth having in your life in the first place.


That’s so cool! Don’t listen to the haters, they’re just jealous :3

ClockNimble, (edited )

Congratulations! Skirt go skinny.

Also, very important. Pockets are a rarity >.<

@Luminia@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yay! I’m really happy for you! It’s wonderful to be able to like yourself so congratulations on that! 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


So happy for you!!


You can be a biologically-male woman all you want, that is your choice and your right, but you need to make sure not to give kids the wrong idea because they are young and impressionable and it could make them confused. Boys need to understand that they are not women and will never be women, their role isn’t to bear children, it’s to meet a woman and be the father of a child.


Oof your comment is wrong in sooooooo many dimensions

VeganTomato, (edited )

Nothing I said is in any way wrong my dear. A man’s role isn’t to bear children, it is to meet a woman and father a child with her. I don’t know if you noticed but we aren’t capable of bearing children, we’re not seahorses, we’re mammals, and in mammals the females bear the children. It’s just basic biology my man 😎

@myxi@feddit.nl avatar

A woman is a lot more than a just bearer of a child, you fucking delusional piece of rat shit. I am confident this incel created this account solely for the purpose of trolling.


You are right, a woman also cooks, and cleans for her man, get cooking sweetie

rivvvver, (edited )
@rivvvver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

basic biology when advanced biology walks in 😮

fr tho being female/male/intersex should not ever dictate who u get to be as a person and what ur societal roles are allowed to be. fuck that ancient conservative belief and just accept us for being who we are.


Do you really want children to be confused and mutilate themselves under the false idea that they are girls when they’re really just using their imaginations?

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

Kids do not care. They need to be taught how to be bigoted.


So you think kids should be made to transition their gender, even if they’re just playing pretend?

rivvvver, (edited )
@rivvvver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

no, i dont. and thats why i support trans kids instead of forcing them to live as who u decide them to be based on their fucking genitalia alone.


Have you ever thought that “trans kids” might just be some poor confused kids just playing dress up and having fun, that’s what I was growing up. It would’ve fucked me up beyond belief if someone made me become a girl. Yet that’s what you’re suggesting for these other kids who are likely in similar situations.

@rivvvver@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

nono, im not suggesting forcing any gender on children. they can play dress up all they like, and if its ever more than dressup, i will still support them if its what they want.


I reject the premise that a child can be momentarily confused and end up getting full gender reassignment surgery. That’s just conservative fear-mongering that is willfully ignorant of all that’s involved in gender-affirming care.


Not momentarily confused, I mean deeply confused for a long period of time, are you deliberately misunderstanding me?

Schmoo, (edited )

And being “deeply confused” for a male child means not wanting to act out the traditional role of marrying a woman and bearing children?

From your original comment:

You can be a biologically-male woman all you want, that is your choice and your right

But then you say:

Boys need to understand that they are not women and will never be women, their role isn’t to bear children, it’s to meet a woman and be the father of a child.

So which is it? Is it the right of any person to identify as they choose, or must you act out the traditional (conservative) gender role predetermined by your biological sex?


It is imperative that one have biological children to help carry on the species.


Biological children, huh… You must be especially triggered to spam like an idiot, you little snowflake. As if you’d be anything but a temporary inconvenience.


That’s a fine perspective to have, the moral imperative to have children is a common enough feature of various religions and cultures. It is, however, just one perspective. One which you have no right to force onto others.

Here’s my perspective:

Every person has the inalienable right to self determination. One’s body is inviolable and subject to one’s own will alone. Having children is a personal choice that no one else can decide for you.

You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. By all means, be fruitful and multiply, but don’t demand that trans people hide themselves from children because you’re afraid of the ideas they might have. If you agree that people have the right to choose then you should have no problem with it being an informed choice.

Steak, (edited )

Good luck dude you’re arguing facts to a bunch of 16 year olds that don’t know their asshole from a hole in the ground.


The man’s “role” is biological and infallible, you make it sound like it’s so inflexible. But it’s also so delicate and so easily influenced that children might be confused. How can it be both?

Is it actually about children instead? Well it’s no one but the parent’s responsibility to teach the child, right? So stop telling other people how to live

solarbabies, (edited )
@solarbabies@lemmy.world avatar

You clearly know nothing about biology, otherwise you would know https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2020/06/15/the-myth-of-biological-sex/?sh=7454cfcd76b9.

To summarize:

  • Chromosomes don’t mean shit: People exist with XY chromosomes who present outwardly as females.
  • Genitals don’t mean shit: 2% of humans (2.8 million per year) are born with ambiguous genitalia.
  • Hormones don’t mean shit: Testosterone levels overlap between males and females.

You can be biologically-homo sapiens all you want, but you should grow up out of your delusion that you’re mentally capable to do anything other than peeling potatoes.


I fought for this country, what have you done for this country, get a Gender studies degree? LMAO


What country are you talking about? The Lemmy country? What country did you fight against?

ClockNimble, (edited )

“Fought and bled for some oil executive to have their number to go up”. There, fixed it for you!

I’ve consistently done everything I can to make those that society has left behind or treated poorly have some comfort. Some joy. Some happy memory of someone who was genuinely happy to help them and be fulfilled by it.

At the same time, let’s use your own argument against you. A gender studies degree? So you are aware biology and gender studies exist beyond what you are capable of understanding, and yet still refuse to accept their outcomes?

You fought for this country, showing you believe in awarding recognition based on merit. So if someone takes all the steps and jumps through all the hoops to transition to their ideal gender, shouldn’t the merit of their struggle be awarded?

TLDR: You are wrong. Easily wrong. That’s alright, I used to be wrong, too. It really f***ing sucks and I hate being wrong. That’s life. There is always more to learn and new things to experience. There’s a whole world out there, and that isn’t even counting the mysteries of space.


Fuck off TERF. Weak ass sorry excuse for a vegan.


Ooh I struck a nerve didn’t I, keep coping loser 🤣


I am sure you struck several nerves in your head repeatedly to be filled with hate like that.


You think I’m filled with hate, and yet your the one lashing out at me SMH.


You’re arguing with a troll lol.


Oh I know. But taking abuse and letting off steam is the only thing TERFs are good for in this world. So why not take the opportunity :)


@marcie I got a gun just like. Cope, Seethe, and dilate, you libs haven’t won the gun war yet.


one day you will sob and regret your life decisions, or be consumed utterly by your hate if it hasnt happened already

you are a filthy pig that thinks it knows cleanliness

so go ahead. Reply. keep pretending you got it right


Ur such a troller


@sircalico You got no arguments because you know it’s true


No??? I don’t need arguments to know it’s not true You’re just lying to yourself about gender-related things


Keep telling yourself that bud…


How about you tell yourself how not to be an asshole


I’m not the one being an asshole buddy, I’m just speaking the hard truth no one wants to hear.

@dabaldeagul@feddit.nl avatar

posts the same image of your dick 100 times

I’m not being an asshole!!! Pls somebody give me attention :(

@cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world avatar

Making entire account just to hate on other people looks like a very sad way to spend your time.

@RecursiveParadox@lemmy.world avatar

Why would you feel the need to type that out in a tread where a woman is just trying to express feeling happy about something that has nothing to do with anyone else?

Bloom, (edited )

I see it a bit differently. I think your role in life is whatever you define it to be. Whatever makes you happy.

Would you say any infertile woman is not a woman? Did they fail life because of it? Would you say people that don’t want children are neither men nor women? Is there a difference between being female and male? Sure! But not being able to bear a child doesn’t disqualify you as a woman. Gender is just a construct society made up.

It’s good to question your identity, so you can be who you truly are.

Edit: No reply… I was hoping for a good discussion, but I guess that’s out of the question as you did reply with insensitive and superficial comments to others 🤷‍♀️ You can do better

ClockNimble, (edited )

So what is your take on when someone with XX chromosomes experiences standard expression of FOXL-2 for part of the gestation, but stops functioning before finishing primary sexual characteristics?

How does that fit under a biological classification? Are they meant to bear children? Be a father? Will they ever be a boy? A woman?

Furthermore, are there other genes that inform your thesis to the above statements? How would their expression through developmental stages possibly affect the expressed sexual characteristics in both normal and impeded function?


Yeah let’s focus on trans people, and ignore all the religious bullshit we feed our kids, or all the violence we show them. Its mind boggling how Americans are afraid of some nudity, but simultaneously show kids cartoons where violence and murder are just normal.

I worry about the poor boys that don’t like women and have an idiot like you as a parent.

I have a boy and trust me boys are not growing up thinking they are women. There are more people in jail/prison in the USA than there are trans people, so now all boys are growing up confused thinking they should be in prison?


Agreed on basically all points, but tbf there are more people imprisoned in the us than an awful lot of more popular categories than trans folks.

VinnyDaCat, (edited )

Dude what is wrong with you?

If someone wants to transition then let them transition. It’s not brainwashing children considering there’s many people in their lives for them to look up to and make their own decisions based on.

Also, men have no obligations to be fathers, nor do women have any obligations to be mothers. People are allowed to be happy, and not act like animals, constantly breeding for the sake of continuing their lineage.


You’re talking about convincing kids that they are girls just because they like to dress up, do you not see how fucked up that is? Really, honestly, if a kid liked playing dress up and would grow out of it but you coerced them into gender transitioning and they end up miserable and confused for the rest of their life, you don’t see what’s wrong with that? Really? WTF is wrong with you??


same 😎


So happy for you!

Seems like you got the identity part figured out. The hard part is getting to feel comfortable being yourself within your environment. This part of the internet is a safe place, but it also provides a false sense of security. Real life is where the real battle is, and a lot of us are probably going through the exact same thing where real life is either too scary or too unfriendly for you to feel comfortable as yourself right now. At least that’s what it’s like for me.

Digital hygiene is actually the reason I started a dedicated account here, to fully express myself on some topics that I might not want others digging through my post history for. Though the ultimate goal is no longer needing this account.

Spend as much time as you can doing stuff that makes you feel pretty. Everyone deserves to look in a mirror and to smile at their own reflection!


You go, girl! Congrats on coming out here! You are loved :)


Not just a trans girl but also just a girl!


We’re glad you’re doing well!

so uh are you single?

@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I appreciate you were trying to show support, but please don’t sexualize our community members.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I like myself, I like my body

in the end that’s the only person whose opinion matters :)

i’m glad that you can feel safe enough here too! <3

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