Type And Object Composition (Raku)

Practically anything from our surroundings has its own life cycle, with a beginning and the end. Understanding these cycles is a key to understanding how things work and how these processes can be used for our purposes. In the context of Raku language the most common cycle we deal with is lifetime of an object. Then again, depending on what is being discussed, the cycle could be considered very narrowly, with focus on what particular code does; or more extensively, starting from call to a method-constructor. This article is going to take the most extensive approach by going as far as considering how types are coming to be, and by stretching the subject all the way down to object destruction (when and if that happens). Most focus here would be given to the class as a type kind (according to the definition in the Metamodel: Archetypes article), but other kinds are going to be covered too from the perspective of a type object lifetime. For this article I’d expect you to be at least basically familiar with the Metamodel Object Protocol. There is an introduction to the MOP in an earlier publication of this series. Though it is quite basic and doesn’t provide all the necessary details, I hope that what is not immediately clear in this text can be understood from the context. Otherwise I should apologize and add that writing a textbook was never the plan as a lack of resources at my disposal makes this a nearly impossible task. Where We Don’t Start The lifetime of a type object begins, apparently, in the source code where it is declared and then gets parsed and prepared by the compiler. The preparatory work complexity mostly depends on the kind of type object. For example, to create a generic we’d only need a name. But for a class or a role a lot of pieces are to be collected from the source, then thrown together to be later fit to each other to form something useful. The part to be omitted in this article is the grammar implementing the collection job. Firstly, because it would make a better topic for an article on how the parser works; secondly, because at the moment when this text is being written the RakuAST parser is not fully ready yet, but there is already no point in studying the legacy one. Anyway, the general plan of building a new type object, in rough patches, looks like this: Find out what Metamodel class would be responsible for the new type object. Say, for Raku classes that’d be Metamodel::ClassHOW; for enumerations – Metamodel::EnumHOW; and so on. Determine the key parameters of the type. Create the new type object. Collect some more pieces. Add them to the object. When there is nothing more to collect then finalize it. Steps 4-6 are optional as not every type kind has them. Steps 1,2, and 4 are out of the scope of this text. We kinda enter into the middle of the story. And This Is Where We Do Start Here we pick up from the item 3 of the above list. It’s, perhaps, the most atomic and the most simple of them all because it is about calling the new_type method on a metamodel class. Sometimes it is all we need to get a type object ready. Say, for a generic one1: my \generic = Metamodel::GenericHOW.new_type(:name); say generic.^name; say generic; # This is going to die because generics can't be used directly Or slightly more complex, yet still a one-step production kind – subset: my \sset = Metamodel::SubsetHOW.new_type: :name, :refinee(Str), # subset MySubset of Str :refinement({ .fc.contains("foo") }); # where { .fc.contains("foo") } say "AA" ~~ sset; say "AAFooBB" ~~ sset; A digress. It is possible to play some tricks not currently available with the legacy Raku grammar but technically feasible. See this gist where we create a custom generic subset. Procedures are getting tricker with more complex kinds like enums, roles, and classes. And we’ll get there later. For now let’s have a closer look at the arguments of the new_type method. Apparently, to create different kinds of types different set of arguments is needed. Even the simple cases of generics and subsets have their own specifics when it comes down to the :name. It is possible to create a nameless generic type, but it doesn’t make sense because instantiation requires a name to locate the final type to replace the generic with. But a subset doesn’t need to be named to do its job. This somewhat complicates the parser’s life because prior to calling the new_type method it must pre-collect some information and what exactly is to be collected depends on what exactly is about to be created. For example, it may find a name for potentially named types: role Bar ... class Foo ... enum Baz ... Or base types for nominalizables, which would later give them predefined names: say Int:D.^name; role Foo[::T] {} say Foo[ Str:U() ].^name; Or refinee and, perhaps, refinement for subsets: subset SS1 of Int; # no refinement subset SS2 of Real where * > 10; # and refinee, and refinement Eventually, it is up to a metamodel class to define its requirements by declaring parameters in the new_type method. It is always possible to find out more by looking at the signatures. A way to do it is using a lookup in Rakudo’s sources under the src/Perl6/Metamodel directory2: ~/s/R/r/s/P/Metamodel$ rak 'method new_type' | less3 ClassHOW.nqp:48: method new_type(:$name, :$repr = 'P6opaque', :$ver, :$auth, :$api, :$is_mixin) { GenericHOW.nqp:21: method new_type(:$name) { NativeHOW.nqp:24: method new_type(:$name = '', :$repr = 'P6opaque', :$ver, :$auth, :$api) { CurriedRoleHOW.nqp:62: method new_type($curried_role, *@pos_args, *%named_args) { ParametricRoleHOW.nqp:37: method new_type(:$name, :$ver, :$auth, :$api, :$repr, :$signatured, *%extra) { PackageHOW.nqp:19: method new_type(:$name = '', :$repr, :$ver, :$auth) { ModuleHOW.nqp:20: method new_type(:$name = '', :$repr, :$ver, :$auth, :$api) { ConcreteRoleHOW.nqp:47: method new_type(:@roles, :$name = '', :$ver, :$auth, :$repr, :$api) { NativeRefHOW.nqp:25: method new_type(:$name = '', :$ver, :$auth, :$api) { Mixins.nqp:2: method new_type($class_type) { EnumHOW.nqp:56: method new_type(:$name!, :$base_type?, :$repr = 'P6opaque', :$is_mixin) { CoercionHOW.nqp:33: method new_type($target, $constraint) { ParametricRoleGroupHOW.nqp:40: method new_type(:$name!, :$repr) { DefiniteHOW.nqp:38: method new_type(:$base_type!, :$definite!) { SubsetHOW.nqp:55: method new_type(:$name = '', :$refinee!, :$refinement!) { At this point the story ends for simple type kinds like the mentioned above generics and subsets. Raku parser is going to have some more fun finalizing them for our code, which may include installation of corresponding symbols into a lexical scope for named types. But for complex kinds more has to be done before the finalization phase can be entered. Type Object Preparation A complex type kind needs to be prepared first. Where previously it was possible to find out what to do by inspecting the method signatures, now comes the hard part because one has to know protocols of every kind to be prepared. Take, for example, an enum: my \my-enum = Metamodel::EnumHOW.new_type(:name, :base_type(Str)); my-enum.^add_role(Enumeration); my-enum.^compose; my int $index = 0; sub create-enum-value(\key, str \val) is raw { my \enum-val = Metamodel::Primitives.rebless(val, my-enum); enum-val.^get_attribute_for_usage('$!key').set_value(enum-val, key); enum-val.^get_attribute_for_usage('$!value').set_value(enum-val, val); enum-val.^get_attribute_for_usage('$!index').set_value(enum-val, $index++); enum-val } my-enum.^add_enum_value(create-enum-value("foo", "Foo")); my-enum.^add_enum_value(create-enum-value("bar", "Bar")); say "--- Custom enum"; say my-enum.("Foo"); say my-enum.^enum_value_list; All lines between the call to new_type and the first say – they are about preparing the new enum4. Though, generally speaking, the type itself can be considered as “ready” after the call to compose, what sense an enum without values makes? This example is as straightforward as possible. The only complication I brought into it is giving it the Str base type. In the real life sometimes more operations are to be done, depending on such factors as how the values are declared, or if there any traits applied, etc. For myself I separate the operations into “filling with content” and “fine tuning”. Since classes are the kind which can have most diverse kinds of content and the biggest number of parameters to tune, it would, perhaps, make good time to switch our attention to them. Class To give you an impression of how complex a class is, let me copy over here the declaration of Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW class5: class Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW does Perl6::Metamodel::Naming does Perl6::Metamodel::Documenting does Perl6::Metamodel::LanguageRevision does Perl6::Metamodel::Stashing does Perl6::Metamodel::AttributeContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::MethodContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::PrivateMethodContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::MultiMethodContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::MetaMethodContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::RoleContainer does Perl6::Metamodel::MultipleInheritance does Perl6::Metamodel::DefaultParent does Perl6::Metamodel::C3MRO does Perl6::Metamodel::MROBasedMethodDispatch does Perl6::Metamodel::MROBasedTypeChecking does Perl6::Metamodel::Trusting does Perl6::Metamodel::BUILDPLAN does Perl6::Metamodel::Mixins does Perl6::Metamodel::ArrayType does Perl6::Metamodel::BoolificationProtocol does Perl6::Metamodel::REPRComposeProtocol does Perl6::Metamodel::InvocationProtocol does Perl6::Metamodel::ContainerSpecProtocol does Perl6::Metamodel::Finalization does Perl6::Metamodel::Concretization does Perl6::Metamodel::ConcretizationCache Scary, isn’t it? However, creating a new dummy class is only one step extra, compared to the creation of a generic: my \my-class = Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(:name); my-class.^compose; my $obj = my-class.new; say $obj.WHICH; Even the name above is optional: there are anonymous classes in Raku. But this simplicity is not what we all gathered here for! Therefore it’s time to add some spices into the dish: my \my-class = Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(:name); my-class.^add_parent(Cool); my-class.^add_role(Stringy); my-class.^compose; my $obj = my-class.new; say $obj.WHICH; Barely any explanation is needed to get the point: this snippet is equivalent to the following declaration: class MyClass is Cool does Stringy {} Let’s pretend that our intention is to implement a new kind of strings – this explains the parent class and the role. Next in this section I’m going to discuss a couple of preparation processes. The order of subsections below does not reflect the order of the processes while code is compiled. Way more likely that they would interleave, depending on the particular declaration locations in a class source code. Traits Traits are applied as early as possible. As a matter of fact, anything between the package6 name and its body must be a trait. Yes, the is and does are too. Consider the example: multi sub trait_mod:(Mu:U \type, :$ctest!) { say $ctest; say type.^parents(:local); say type.^roles_to_compose; } class Foo is ctest('--- before is') is Cool is ctest('--- before does') does Stringy is ctest('--- after does') {} The output it produces is a clear demonstration of how trait application works: --- before is () () --- before does ((Cool)) () --- after does ((Cool)) ((Stringy)) Packaging Since classes are packages they can have symbols installed in their stashes. As you know, this is done with our modifier: multi sub trait_mod:(Mu:U \type, :$psyms!) { say $psyms; say type.WHO.keys; } class Foo { also is psyms('--- before our'); our sub foo {} also is psyms('--- after our'); } Yes, also is another way to apply a trait. The output of this snippet is not only about when a symbol gets installed into a package symbol table, but it is also about the intermixing of different processes during the preparatory stage because we have here a trait ➔ declaration ➔ trait sequence: --- before our () --- after our (&foo) Apparently, the sub is later available as Foo:: or for a full-name call Foo::foo(). Roles Adding a role with does is only the first step. It is like a statement of intent. Some extra efforts to be applied before whatever the role has to offer is used to form the final type object. Wait until we reach the finalization stage. Attributes Adding an attribute means creating an instance of Attribute class and pushing it onto the attribute list of a package (the package metamodel class must consume Metamodel::AttributeContainer role; Metamodel::ClassHOW does this). But similar to roles, the first step is the smallest, comparing to what’s being done at the finalization stage. The only nuance I’d like to get covered here is that the Attribute object is not the attribute itself. This means that the object is not the container which holds a value. The container gets allocated later and attached to the low-level object representation (a class instance, for example) and it’ll be one structure per each object. Contrary to that, there would exists a sole instance of Attribute, attached to its type object, and serving as a collection of attribute’s parameters. If it is not really clear what I mean, look at this code: class Foo { has $.attr; } my $obj1 = Foo.new(attr => 42); my $obj2 = Foo.new(attr => "The Answer"); my $attr = $obj1.^get_attribute_for_usage('$!attr'); say $attr === $obj2.^get_attribute_for_usage('$!attr'); # True say $attr.get_value($obj1); # 42 say $attr.get_value($obj2); # The Answer Type Object Finalization Here comes the complexity. Whatever’s been done before is like placing parts in boxes. Fitting them together is a different story which starts when .^compose method is called on a type object template. Don’t forget that our focus is on classes now. Other kinds of types may not need any finalization, as it was stated earlier. Some don’t even have the compose method. But since our focus is on the class kind, not only Metamodel::ClassHOW has it, but the method itself is the biggest among other metamodel classes. Though before digging up the secrets of a class composition it might make sense to exercise yourself by looking into much simpler, but doing similar job, compose method of Metamodel::EnumHOW. Class You could follow the actual source of the compose method alongside with reading the text. This time the order of subsections would more or less follow the order of processes in method’s body. Roles And Attributes And so, we have a box of parts that we need to assemble into a class. But is their set complete? Likely not if the class is consuming roles. At this point roles are treated, first of all, as containers from which the class picks remaining parts it needs. Technically what happens here is each role gets specialized first. Then a dedicated worker object called Role To Class Applier is created which, given the list of specialized roles, prepares its workspace to be ready for the final application. At the next step the specialized roles are used again to seed class’ type checking mechanism, so we can tell if Foo ~~ Stringy in our userland code, for example. Then comes an unavoidable trick which lets us handle the role-imported attributes when a “diamond” role consumption is encountered: role Apex { has $.attr; } role Left does Apex { } role Right does Apex { } class Bottom does Left does Right { } An older version of Rakudo compiler would error here because it was thinking that $!attr Attribute objects coming from the Left and from the Right are different attributes (they are, in fact, different instances at this point) and that this is is a conflict. It is also possible that Bottom declares its own $.attr in which case it has to be the winner. It’s not a big deal when we just work with attribute’s object, but a public one brings in its accessor method and measures must be taken to prevent importing a wrong accessor from the roles. The trick allows to resolve these conflicts by composing class’ attributes first and applying the roles afterwards. Only when all of it is done the remaining (imported) attributes can be eventually composed; though not immediately after. MRO It is OK to call the compose method more than once as the class could be dynamically changed at run-time and need some adjustments to be done. But some of its parameters are considered immutable and are to be computed only once ever. The MRO is one of them. It gets built right after the roles are applied, because by then we already know all our parents. Though if there are no explicit parents a default one would be implied. Normally it is Any7. Multi Candidates And, Again, Attributes Composition postpones another operation too: incorporation of multi-candidate methods. It is not easy to tell at the early stages of class composition where proto of a multi-dispatch method would come from. Largely due to MRO not being known until lately. When MRO is computed we have means of finding out if there is already a useable proto in one of our parent classes. Having all multis incorporated also means that at this point all methods are properly installed on the class and composing the attributes sourced from the roles is safe as no explicitly declared method would be in trouble because of an imported attribute accessor of the same name. Setting Up Instance Finalization This is just a single method call in the compose method body, but it is very important for correct functioning of an object. Finalization step is, first of all, about invoking DESTROY submethods and doing it in the right order. Depending on what Raku language revision created the class, it is also mandatory to make sure that DESTROYs of consumed roles are included into the order too (Raku v6.e and later). Miscelaneous At this point the composition makes sure all stubbed methods got their implementations, i.e. there is a method stubbed { say "something useful" } for method stubbed {...}. Then the class boolification mode is configured (so that simple cases can be easily optimized). And, then a fallback hook gets installed if there is user-provided FALLBACK method. BUILDPLAN A class can be very complex, considering that attributes may have many means of getting initialized, depending on their types, and/or presence of explicit initializers or defaults, on wether is built trait applied, and wether constructor submethods been present. We need a plan to do it all in order and miss nothing. We need a BUILDPLAN to be precise. What it is and how it works worth a separate article, but in the meantime a pick into Metamodel::BUILDPLAN could satisfy one’s curiosity itch. I plan to touch the subject later in the text, but only one aspect of it. Finalize The Finalization: Composing Representation Whatever we’ve done so far was about building structures, describing the type object. Now, as every part has been picked up and plugged into its rightful place, the time has come to tell the backing virtual machine to compose an in-memory representation of the new class. The method compose_repr of Metamodel::REPRComposeProtocol is responsible for this task. When it’s done our VM is going to have a low-level structure which describes our new type and lets the VM to take care of aspects such as memory allocation per object instance, type checking, and others. A class may have different VM representations. The default one is called P6opaque. But there are others too. Finishing Touches By now the composition is basically complete. All left to be done is publishing some of the earlier collected information to the VM in order to let it know about things it can use later, at the run-time. Things like method cache, for example. Also, the last step is to install and, perhaps, propagate user-declared meta-methods like method ^my-meta(...) {...}. And this is, finally, it… Class Instantiation Beginner could make a mistake by considering object construction a simple and cheap operation8. Why, it’s just Foo.new! Well, for compiler’s sake! Foo.new(:attr)… Remember the earlier mentioned BUILDPLAN? When built it is a list of little arrays, no longer than three elements each, where the first element is an operation code, and the remaining ones are operation arguments. For example, an entry like (0, 'Foo', '$!attr') tells us to seek for attr key in the hash of named attributes passed into the constructor (:attr above) and use its value as initializer for $!attr. Roughly, there is code somewhere which is busy interpreting these codes and executing the plan so that when its done our fresh new object instance has all attributes set and all constructors executed if no errors took place in the meantime. I say ‘somewhere’ because there is an interpreter method, implemented by the CORE class Mu, but otherwise the compiler does its best and tries to produce an optimized version of the interpreter. Anyway, optimized or not, a class of many attributes wouldn’t be too fast to setup during object construction time. And this is not to mention that memory allocations alone often contribute to the overall performance penalties. Though somebody would tell this story better than me because my experience with the guts of MoarVM is limited; not to mention that we are mutual enemies with the JVM backend! Just kidding. A little… Construction And Destruction The only aspect of BUILDPLAN I would touch here, though rather tangentially, is class constructors, except for what can be found in the documentation. Starting with Raku v6.e submethods are no longer imported from roles into the classes. It means that if your role declares a TWEAK submethod it will be called, no matter if the consuming class has its own TWEAK or not: use v6.e.PREVIEW; role R1 { has $.r1; submethod TWEAK { say ::?ROLE.^name, " TWEAK"; } } class C does R1 { has $.c1; submethod TWEAK { say ::?CLASS.^name, " TWEAK"; } } my $obj = C.new(:c1(42), :r1("answer")); Try removing use v6.e.PREVIEW and see what happens. Internally the difference lies in the extra entries added to the BUILDPLAN – one per each submethod found on any type object involved into MRO composition. There is an interesting consequence of this: a role can declare own BUILD submethod without affecting the overall object construction. Wether it is useful somehow or not – I don’t know. All cases where I may need some extra processing of constructor arguments are well covered either by overriding the method new, or by manipulating initialized attributes in a TWEAK. Despite of this subsection title, I barely have something to add about the destruction stage on the top of what can be found in the documentation. Except that don’t expect to find any entry for DESTROY in the BUILDPLAN. After all, it’s a plan to build something, not to demolish! Phew! This was a big one. I’m happy about finishing it! All samples are Rakuified from the perspective of using Raku-specific .^ call of metamodel methods, and from the perspective of using Metamodel:: namespace. In NQP code the namespace would be Perl6::Metamodel::, and typical invocation of a metamodel method would look like $obj.HOW.method($obj, ...). I would try to remember to be explicit when the code in a sample is NQP, but even if I forget these two traits would clearly indicate the language used. ↩ With RakuAST development the Perl6 part is likely to either change or be gone at all. ↩ I use Raku-native rak utility instead of grep or ack whenever possible. The original output doesn’t indent by method statement. I done it manually for better readability. ↩ Don’t focus on the details of the sample for now. They purely for demo purposes. ↩ This and other links to the Rakudo source code are pointing at 2023.06 release of the compiler. This would let the article to remain consistent even if the sources change. ↩ Remember that any class or role is, in fact, a package. ↩ A brave one may risk changing the default parent to another class, it’s possible. But this may have consequences… ↩ At this moment think of me as pointing finger at own mirror reflection. Memory is like that, it wouldn’t let go some of the memories about mistakes made… ↩

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