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psoul, in Local Teachers Union Announces Plans to Invade Gaza in Order to Secure Government Funding

The title is the first punch but this line is the KO.

I can either get shot in a war overseas or I can get shot by some active shooter while I do a lesson about the Revolutionary War.


Also this:

“Listen Jack, the educators in the country are some of the most hard-working people I’ve ever met. They will make a great addition to the fight against terrorism. It’s because most of them have nothing to live for anyway because they can’t retire, they are in terrifying debt, and [the students] parents get to tell them what they can teach,” said Biden.

and this:

At press time, the teachers were holding a bake sale to raise funds for their airfare.

CobblerScholar, in Everyone Witnessing Second Coming Just Going To Pretend They Already Knew Jesus Christ Had Crab Claws For Hands
The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

…I have never seen a more perfect use of this


I came here wishing for this to be here. Wasn't disappointed!

WhyEssEff, in Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital avatar

what really blew up the hospital was the friends we made along the way

ForestOrca avatar

well played. uptoot for you!



Why have you done this?

ForestOrca avatar

It's just for you. Trying to stay sane with a little humor in dark times.

AOCapitulator, avatar

if we is the US and friends we “made” is taken literally…

oldGregg, in Report: You Could Quit Job Right Now And Just Play PS5 Until You Run Out Of Money

I’ve made it 9 months since I quit.

Lotta chicken and rice but I thought I’d take my retirement before I die in the food wars


Are you my roomate?


Hmm that’s an interesting chicken or egg problem. Which will come first, the food wars or the water wars?

Neato avatar

There are ways to purify your own water, as long as the contaminants aren't from something like nuclear, biological or chemical warfare. Subsistence farming is a LOT harder.


Especially with increasing effects of climate change. Unexpected droughts, floods, etc can decimate a subsistence farm very quickly


Bruh, I aim to the water wars. That’s starting next year, I believe.

michael_palmer, in Iranian President Stoned To Death With Mountain
DessertStorms avatar

I wish I had the patience to go and post this in reply to every tankie I've seen today defending the "honour" of this piece of shit in the name of Iranians who they've convinced themselves they can speak for (yet somehow never speak up for their best interests, only in defence of their "great leaders" interests, curious.. 🤔🙄).

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

I’m so glad I don’t really see them much anymore


What’s a tankie? I keep seeing that term on Lemmy and nowhere else. I feel like I should know it by now.


To my understanding this means historically a western communist who supported the USSR’s interventions (with tanks, hence the name) in Eastern European countries (Hungary, Czechoslovakia, maybe also East Germany) when the Warsaw Pact was a thing. More broadly someone who thinks the Soviet Union was a good regime.

pelespirit, avatar

From what I’ve been told, it originally was communist countries that use tanks against their people (like Tienanmen Square). It’s getting muddled by the countries that use tanks against their people, so I don’t know what it has become.

DessertStorms avatar

Tankies are people who claim to be communists, but who exclusively support authoritarians and their oppressive regimes, past and present, because these authoritarians call themselves communists (think believing Nazis were socialists because it was in their party name), even though their actions have nothing at all to do with communism, and fascists co-opting leftist language to gain power being a well documented phenomenon.

It's pretty easy to tell really: if a project is/was stateless, classless, and moneyless - congratulations, it's almost certainly communism, and those who support it are communists (or possibly one of several varieties of anarchist, like myself).

However if one or any of those conditions aren't met, and/or there is a single dictator or a small group of cronies holding on to power claiming they've been met, but the reality is clearly different - congratulations, you basically have run of the mill fascism on your hands and those who support it are tankies (who, as I pointed out in OP, almost always speak up and in defence of a "dear leader" but never in defence of the people themselves, because all they care about is the regime, not the people living under it).

In the case of the fediverse, there are a couple of dedicated instances almost exclusively occupied by tankies, who have made it their goal to essentially troll and brigade anyone who doesn't agree with their, frankly bizarre, views (calling it "dialectics" to make themselves feel better). They're generally easy to avoid though, by blocking individuals, or their entire instance.


So would someone who thinks North Korea is a democracy because it’s in the name, “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea” be a Tankie?


Thanks for the in-depth explanation.

DessertStorms avatar

No problem, glad I could help.

Just to add, pelespirit is more or less right about the origin of the word, you can read more on the wiki

Wxnzxn, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, western tankies especially can be very weird. Meanwhile, the actual communist party of Iran has nothing good to say about him.


The only regret of the people of Iran and the families of the survivors of the horrific crimes committed by the mercenaries of reaction and tyranny, over the death of Ebrahim Raisi, is that the opportunity for his historic trial in the not-too-distant future has been lost.


Damn, based.


It should be noted that the Tudeh party has it’s HQ in Europe, hence them being all Bertie Big Bollocks about this news. They are banned in Iran.

The communists also helped overthrow the CIA puppet regime in the first place, which seems to have helped them not one jot.

DessertStorms avatar

western tankies especially can be very weird

Right, and they call anyone who disagrees with them, even actual communists, "McCarthyists" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Seriously though, anyone who sees any reason whatsoever for communists to support the Iranian government mustn't have a single fucking clue what communism is about.. They're a fucking joke (if only they didn't go around giving leftists such a bad name)..

That's a fantastic, and not at all surprising piece of information though, thanks for sharing!

cannedtuna, in Local Teachers Union Announces Plans to Invade Gaza in Order to Secure Government Funding

Joseph Flannery, a 7th grade Social Studies teacher, admitted he’s looking forward to his deployment.

“I’m in my late 50s and I’m sad to admit I get winded walking from my car to my classroom, but I thought about it and I can either get shot in a war overseas or I can get shot by some active shooter while I do a lesson about the Revolutionary War,” said Flannery.

Fucking gold.

asteriskeverything, (edited )

But you’re only being shot to protect innocents in one scenario (:

(As a teacher, if that wasn’t obvious)



(As a teacher, if that wasn’t obvious)

Never met highschoolers huh?

Gradually_Adjusting, in Man decides it’s just easier to become climate change denier than waste his life washing out food containers avatar

The real joke is how annoying it is to clean plastic waste before recycling it, only for it to end up not getting recycled at all

We have been played for actual fools


Cleaning plastic for recycling and believing it gets recycled is important to make people accept plastic in their lives. It was never really about recycling.

_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

Corporations have been doing this shit for 50+ years and have never been held accountable.

HubertManne avatar

its worse living in a condo. The chance everyone will put in appropriate things 100% each week to the recycling dumpster is pretty much nill and then it gets mixed up in a truck with the other area condos. I wash my stuff but am almost certain its all going to landfills.


I sort my stuff only to open the mixed waste bin to put in my small mixed bag and I see bags of clearly sorted plastics and cardboard thrown in there.


Sorting at the consumer level isn’t even the real problem. It’s the fact that most plastic isn’t even recyclable and of the kinds that are, there’s no guarantee that your town has the facilities to recycle those. The whole system is broken and never actually worked.


Remember in the 90s when everyone switched to plastic bags to save the trees or some bullshit? The manufacturers / oil companies knew that plastic recycling didn’t work and they pushed it so hard anyways.


Ugh I forgot about that after losing my job, going broke, and moving back in with the parents. I still get pissed that at least one of the coworkers can’t get it right though.


The real joke is plastic recycling to begin with. It’s an inferior product, one much more likely to produce harmful microplastics.

Almost as bad as biodegradable plastics.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling is supposed to be the last resort, not the first choice for profits.


There are some Rs that they like, though:

  • Revenue
  • Republicans; and
  • Registered trademarks

Don't forget the hard one


I seem to remember some of the biodegradable plastics being chill and some of them just decomposing into like micro plastics way faster which doesn’t matter at all and sucks, somebody reading this get me a source on that it’s 12:16 and I’m tired


I’m not sure about the chill ones, but most of them just put starch in the polymer chain at various intervals. Bacteria break down the starch, which visibly breaks down the plastic, however it leaves behind tiny polymer chunks - microplastics.

I imagine a good biodegradable plastic is quite expensive, probably more so than other green alternatives.

HubertManne avatar

What really gets me is when I was young there was little to no plastic and we had plenty of convenience food with mainly paper, glass, and metal.


Personally, I think the 1982 Tylenol Murders were the flashpoint that ignited the rise of overpackaging. Everything is tamper-proof sealed, which means more plastic.


Am doing work with plastics. When someone says “made with 100% recycled plastic” I automatically know it’ll be brittle and it’ll suck. Sadly, plastic isn’t really recyclable. The bonds break down in the injection machine itself if you leave it a minute too long (heated). Now imagine getting a product that was injected properly, cutting it up, then remelting it, making pellets out of it and then melting those pellets to inject again. Plastic isn’t metal, it doesn’t melt and freeze without loss of strength.

JoMiran, in Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes avatar

The fact that it wasn’t obvious that this headline was satire until I looked at the URL, really says something about Elon.

Zipitydew, (edited )

Honestly though this is one car system Tesla might be able to get close to having no team of their own.

The brakes on all their cars are designed and supplied by Brembo. Tesla certainly has some people making sure they’ll fit. But that step is only needed when a new model is being designed. Once the model launches Tesla can make a quality person (lol) work with Brembo on any revisions.

Edit - if not clear I agree with you and am wondering if The Onion is predicting the future again.

becausechemistry, in “Growing up in poverty never did me any harm” insists man psychologically compelled to wish similar financial hardship on others

Rings similar to “My daddy beat me and I turned out fine,” says man who considers it okay to beat children


Look at me, boy... I am the Daddy now!

Doing this for your own good!!!


Woah woah woah. Beating and spanking at two totally different things. Just because I hit my kids…wait. Okay. Uh. Just because I discipline them by slapping their…okay, yeah…I guess they are the same thing. But it’s totally fine, because I grew up fine. I think?

MajorHavoc, in Left-Wing Group Too Disorganized For FBI Agents To Infiltrate

“he’d already aroused suspicion by interrupting a meandering discussion of principles with a straightforward plan of action.”

I feel seen.

underisk, avatar

a) Organizations and Conferences

  1. Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
  2. Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your “points” by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate “patriotic” comments.
  3. When possible, refer all matters to committees, for “further study and consideration.” Attempt to make the committees as large as possible—never less than five.
  4. Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
  5. Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.
  6. Refer back to matters decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to re-open the question of the advisability of that decision.
  7. Advocate “caution.” Be “reasonable” and urge your fellow-conferees to be “reasonable” and avoid haste which might result in embarrassments or difficulties later on.
  8. Be worried about the propriety of any decision—raise the question of whether such action as is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might conflict with the policy of some higher echelon.-

Wow, that’s literally what Maxim Katz in Opposition Council did


TIL that the OSS completely undermined the global business culture.

Those bastards!!!


Maybe the OSS are the real socialism!


It’s a great read


The best part is by publishing this far and wide, anybody pushing for “careful consideration” and actual reasoned planning is immediately suspect, which leads to less reasoned decisions, which usually means more mistakes. If a victory is somehow won through violence of action and not careful planning, the support structure isn’t there to maintain the victory, nor are the people who win that victory well-suited to careful planning before the next engagement. The boring stuff is often what wins wars, simple things like plenty of fuel, adequate hygiene facilities, and dry socks can literally mean the difference between a division surrendering or winning a battle.

j_roby, (edited ) in Old Man Who Doesn’t Like Rap Song Somehow on Right Side of History

Contrast this with his reaction to T-Pain’s cover of War Pigs

Edit: link to T-Pain’s live cover

Edit2: Alt Link


Holy fuck, every member of that band truly understood the assignment. That guitarist and drummer though… that was amazing. Thank you for posting this, my day is better for having watched it.


Saw T-pain live once unexpectedly, absolutely awesome dude and performer.


Hey you just cost me an hour


Worth. Every. Second.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

His cover of Tennessee Whiskey is worth the price of admission. The rest is just gravy


35-years ago, I never thought I would see a popular rapper and his band belt out such a faithful rendition. And a crowd of black people rolling with it! Wild times!


That was sick, thanks.


Amusingly enough the Onion article mentions this.


It’s The Hard Times. They put out good stuff too 😉


It really is an awesome cover.

livus avatar

@j_roby thanks that whole thing is great.


Nice, thanks for sharing the cover itself! It really is a delight

MelodiousFunk, avatar

…damn. That was great.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Holy shit that blew me away. Thanks for sharing!


You got an alt link?


My favorite solo is always the “aight I’m just gonna leave you to it, bye” solo lmao

aeronmelon, in Bully Suspended for Verbally Harassing Peers Argues He Was Just Pushing Boundaries With His Comedy

I knew this was fake the moment it said the bully was actually suspended.


Now I wanna find the old director of highschool and kick him in the face like a world cup penalty. He should have suspended the bunch of them and by not doing so, allowed not only MY life to be ruined (temp) but also the bullies ENTIRE life to be ruined. Since they probably ended up in jail since noone showed them boundaries

FlyingSquid, avatar

A bully doxxed my daughter and they were given group counseling sessions where they were made to apologize to each other (my daughter dared to get angry at her for the doxxing).

We are so fortunate to be able to live on a single income so I could take my daughter out of that hell and put her in online school.

She was so bullied. By so many kids. The administration didn’t do a thing no matter how much we begged and pleaded.

RIP_Cheems, avatar

Kids nowadays are so violent. Literally last year when i was still in high school, all the freshman and sophomore were getting into fist fights over the dumbest stuff, like one kid stole another’s frozen yogurt.


I didn’t have that experience when I was in in high school, but in middle school the children were absolute fucking menaces, I mean complete scum of the Earth behaviour. Actual 11-13 year olds assaulting, harassing, and driving other kids to suicide attempts with absolutely 0 remorse. Although in high school people did get into fights for stupid reasons, but in general people were at least mature somewhat.

Drusas, in American Psychological Association Announces “Feeling Like Dying But Not Really Suicidal” New Baseline For Normal Mental Health

Too real.

D3FNC, in Israel claims Hamas base was located inside dead journalist

Israel just openly doing a war crime 100% speedrun just daring anyone to say anything that hasn’t been filtered through an entire PR department

The level of arrogance on display in not realizing how devastating the consequences of this open genocide will be makes Americans look meek and humble by comparison.

Ordoabchao avatar

They have the full backing of the US to commit this genocide, so...


I was going to speak up against the murder of civilians in an open air prison by an apartheid state, but I didn't want to be labeled an antisemite.

  • most of the world

Simple, we change the definition of antisemite from “discrimination against all jew” to “strong criticism against far right Israel government who commit war crime for decades”.

Nougat, in When You're Feeling Low, Just Remember I'll Be Dead In About 15 Or 20 Years

The Onion, if you're reading this, you have to be prepared at a moment's notice to publish a follow-up to this article, from the same author, which simply says, "I'm finally dead."


Can that day be today? Pretty please?


“Thanks for waiting?”

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