@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Helicopter carrying Iran's President Raisi crashes in mountains, official says"

No comment.

@mcmenguc@mstdn.social avatar

@b9AcE do you believe he was assassinated by feminists to spread the women’s rights? You sound like like someone celebrating colonialism because it killed a dictator.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@mcmenguc How do you get to that conclusion from me saying "No comment."?

@mcmenguc@mstdn.social avatar

@b9AcE my bad, this one was put under wrong post.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@mcmenguc OK.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The helicopter crash with President Raisi of Iran has been officially blamed on "bad weather".

Considering the whole theocracy thing, shouldn't that mean "god did it" and it must be a "punishment" for recent theocracy policy changes, out of which the most notable would be a drastic increase in brutal sexism imposition and State-murder sentences executed?
So... maybe don't do that, but resign in penance?

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people of Iran receive the news of President Raisi potentially having died in a helicopter crash,
with fireworks:


@Nic@tooter.social avatar

@b9AcE sometimes, news are not so bad... and if the iranien people are happy, so am i.
Thanks for the news and the work you provided here.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@Nic Thank you! :-)

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Reportedly huge urgent deployment of brutal repression forces into Tehran, to stop the people from celebrating that President Raisi may have died in a helicopter crash:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Video showing conditions when the search and rescue team began searching for President Raisi of Iran after the helicopter crash, plus how it looked about half an hour later.
The rescue work is being impeded by there not being Internet generally available,
which would be because of government policies.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Another reaction from the people of Iran on the news that President Raisi may have died in a helicopter crash,
yeah still just celebratory fireworks.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Heavy rain in now in the area where the helicopter crashed with President Raisi of Iran.

If there is some deity/ies, they don't seem to want Raisi to be found...


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The people of Iran's fireworks celebrating the potential demise of President Raisi of Iran continue.


@Lazarou@mastodon.social avatar

@b9AcE haven't seen celebrations like these since Thatcher died!

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@Lazarou ...and these are just the preemptive ones, so far.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Heavy rain continues in the area of Varzaqan, East Azerbaijan province of NW Iran, where President Raisi may have been killed in a helicopter crash.

Aryen TV reports that Iranian media has claimed that parts of the helicopter have been found, but that the Red Crescent search and rescue workers have denied that claim citing very poor conditions for searches due to the heavy rain.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Celebrations for the potential death of President Raisi of Iran, in Saqqez, the hometown of Jîna/Mahsa Amini:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Iran's (counter-)Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) are being sent out into the heavy rain to find and rescue oppressor Raisi of Iran after the helicopter crash:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Gorgan, northeastern coast of Iran, also fireworks for the potential death of President Raisi, at now over 6 hours after the crash and Raisi still not having been found.

Reminder that prooobably anyone getting caught celebrating will be sentenced to be State-murdered by the theocracy's courts-system.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

In the hometown of President Raisi of Iran, Mashhad in the northeasternmost Razavi Khorasan province, the people celebrate with fireworks the potential death of Raisi in the helicopter crash this evening:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Firework celebrations continue in Saqqez, hometown of Jîna/Mahsa Amini in the eastern (Iran-held) part of Kurdistan/NW Iran, over the potential death of President Raisi of Iran in a helicopter crash, still not found almost 7 hours later.

"Women! Life! Freedom!"
"Long live Kurdistan!"


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The specialized Red Crescent search and rescue workers looking for President Raisi of Iran after the helicopter crash reportedly stated that they don't have adequate equipment, so ask Iran's covert ally Turkey for help with night-vision helicopter.

Of course you know who was responsible for spending funds on brutal repression forces against the people and on imperialist expeditionary forces instead of on the people's wellbeing including... the Red Crescent.
It wasn't the people. It was the rulers. Like the President and above the President the "Supreme" "Leader", which President Raisi was said to be intended to become after the current one.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Some of the transportation of equipment that the regime began immediately upon hearing the news of President Raisi of Iran potentially being dead, mostly to and within the eastern (Iran-held part of) Kurdistan from what I can tell, here seen in a better video from the vicinity of Kermanshah, W Iran.
They are scared. Very scared.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The temperature now at Varzaqan, where President oppressor Raisi of Iran's helicopter crashed is reported at +7°C with continuing rain and it's supposed to stay below +10°C for the next ~10 hours. Raisi is/was 63 years old and to my knowledge not particularly fit.
I dunno.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@b9AcE I just heard on the Beeb that they have got 70+ search parties out, looking for it.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@Tooden Yeah, but also rain (previously heavy but subsiding) leading to reportedly very difficult muddy conditions making searching on foot difficult and most land vehicles probably same or worse. so would need air and then must have night-vision at the moment, which apparently was a problem.
Well, EU said it sent an offer of access to surveillance sattelite imagery to search the area for Raisi and team, according to Reuters, but that may be diplomatically difficult.

I dunno.

@Tooden@aus.social avatar

@b9AcE Yeah, they said that conditions had increased the difficulty. Putting out extra effort due to duty, perhaps.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@Tooden Yeah, I was thinking along those lines too.
It would be embarrassing to a regime like that, I suppose, if it got out that they had just given up immediately and gone home because of rain and mud, so may be just putting on a show until enough time has passed to be able to declare a through and valiant effort, or something.

Especially authoritarian regimes value perceived "prestige" above possibly anything else, so its opposite, embarrassment, is unacceptable and probably considered a risk of encouraging a liberatory uprising again.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Iran's covert longtime ally Turkey believes it has found the helicopter crashed with President oppressor Raisi of Iran, using a drone, here https://osm.org/go/zRcOJFbkN near the village Dizaj-e Tavil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dizaj-e_Tavil and has sent that information to Iran according to Turkey's primary State-propaganda outlet Anadolu Ajansı.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The "authorities" of the Iran-regime and the chief of the Red Crescent announced that they have reached the exact place of the helicopter crash and are conducting a thorough investigation.

So far, no traces of the helicopter's occupants have been found.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The first video I have seen of the post-crash presidential helicopter of oppressor Raisi of Iran.
Still no people found.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Raisi's helicopter exploded and apparently hit a mountain while flying, and according to the initial information all the passengers were killed.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"News" agencies in Iran now reportedly confirm that President Raisi of Iran and all the companions in the helicopter died.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Feared" is subjective, Reuters.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian die in the helicopter crash, Iranian official tells Reuters"

@MusiqueNow@todon.eu avatar


Hey Raisi!

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Thank you for your sacrifice, Martyr Helicopter.


@zdl@mastodon.online avatar

@b9AcE Maybe some alt text to explain what this is?

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

...and here's a song to play you out, dead Prez Raisi.

"I'm a Woman"/"Song/Anthem of Equality"


@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

@b9AcE Waking up with this news makes my day...my month even.

But hey, it was God's will, ain't it ;)))

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@MMRnmd I could hardly sleep at all because I was so anxious to get the final declaration and now I must go to the dentist in about an hour.
Wellp, worth it, I spose.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

In response to the people's widespread expressions of joy online over the death of the president of Iran, the "Iranian Cyber Police", a.k.a. "FATA", threatens that "we are carefully monitoring cyberspace" and warns to not publish "any content that in any way provokes and disturbs public sentiments", by which they presumably mean joy over the death of a mass-murder and mass-torture responsible oppressor.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Joy and laughter in Iran upon hearing that President oppressor Raisi had died in the helicopter crash.


18+ b9AcE,
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Reporter apparently recording at the Raisi death crash site under duress from "security" forces to keep going.
I thought people might find it interesting to see as it is both longer and more up close than what I had seen previously.

CW for the video: Maybe? It's a multi-lethal crash site and I'm legally blind, so there might be details that are very unpleasant, but if so I didn't see them.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Congratulation to the people of Iran on this blessed [today]"
The death or President oppressor Raisi of Iran celebrated by the people with cookies and cake.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Messages are being sent by government officials declaring presence at mourning events for President Raisi to be mandatory.

Now THAT's how you show that you know that...
...the people doesn't mourn, because the person spent their life dedicated to acting like a piece of putrid shit, responsible for politically motivated mass-murder, etc.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

More fireworks and dancing celebrating the death of the mass-murder responsible Butcher of Tehran, President oppressor Raisi of Iran,
here seen in three videos from Mahabad, Saneh/Sine/Sanandaj and Saqqez (hometown of Jîna/Mahsa Amini).


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

In Moscow, the people bring flowers to mourn the death of a member of the Death Board and responsible for decades of mass-murder, mass-torture, corruption, political persecution, the end of the Butcher of Tehran, President Raisi of Iran,
while in Iran the people celebrate the death of an oppressor.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Well, Raisi was a very useful tool for fellow escalationist NATO, so I am sure they are genuinely sad.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

The next Iran presidential election has been scheduled for June 28,
to replace the Butcher of Tehran Raisi who unfortunately died instead of being prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

An interesting factoid:
The picture currently in this article was published by the State of Iran's IRNA as of the relevant helicopter after the crash and therefore was used by major news-media worldwide and then as a result also smaller more trustworthy outlets like here ANF,
but Public Service TV of Sweden pointed out it can not possibly be a picture from that event, as the picture had already been published online at least 4 years ago and time doesn't work like that.
Also, the part shown is the tail of a fixed wing aircraft, not a helicopter and has different decoration from the crashed helicopter.
Worldwide major news-media really should learn to not trust authoritarian regimes' "news" (propaganda) agencies.
Never trust an authoritarian.

It is unfortunate Google chose to remove the ability to do image-searches sorted by date or filtering by "before: [date]" and so on as we previously could, making defense against fakes and scams much more difficult as new results will out-flood older ones, while the better tool TinEye simply has too little of the Internet indexed to be reliable.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Even under the genocidal warfare conditions inflicted by Netanyahu, Biden and gang, the people in Gaza celebrated the death of President oppressor Raisi of Iran with sweets and declarations that "God is Great".

In the report by AryenTV the people say that
"Despite the pain and wounds we have in Gaza, we cannot withhold the support of our brothers in Ahvaz [Arab-majority province held as SW Iran], Iraq, Yemen and the Levant [all of old Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Cyprus as well as some more].
We share with Muslims the joy of the destruction of the murderous criminal, Raisi, and the destruction of a group of criminals with him."

AryenTV also reported that Iran-backed Hamas had immediately released a statement that it would "deal with" the people for rejoicing at the death of the group's imperialist overlord President.


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

People in Shiraz, S Iran, partying yesterday to celebrate the demise of President "the Butcher of Tehran" Raisi of Iran, yesterday evening:


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

In Tehran yesterday evening, an apartment complex sharing their joy over the death of the President "the Butcher of Tehran" Raisi of Iran, music, whistles and shouts into the night.


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@b9AcE Alt text:

  1. Photo of crashed helicopter.
  2. Portraits of the five killed, including the Iranian president, crossed out in red.
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@aral Thank you!

@alt@ni.hil.ist avatar

@b9AcE ooh who will the mulahs pick next?

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@alt Not me!
I uhhhm, sure hope, anyway.

@alt@ni.hil.ist avatar

@b9AcE haha imagine. I miss Ahmadinejad, he was so funny, always turning the tables on the american journos.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@alt "And now, I have decided as Supreme Leader that to show that it is truly an appointment of God through me, we will just pick one person as the next Prez of Iran from the whole world's population at random and whomever it is will be perfect by decree.
And the appointee is...


@alt@ni.hil.ist avatar

@b9AcE and then biden will make a speech condemning you, Israel fires missiles at your house, it's a whole thing.

Would actually make a good comedy premise, get Adam Sandler to play you.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@alt So very inconvenient.
Maybe I could just, self-un-coup?
Declare that henceforth anyone taking a job as Head of State anywhere is thereby unfit for office, then sneak out the back door whistling Bella Ciao?

@MusiqueNow@todon.eu avatar


From what I gather, this may be premature to say, but well, I'm an optimist:

Congrats to the people of Iran


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@MusiqueNow I have set a firm policy for myself to never be happy for anyone's death, regardless of whom, soo... I am... not at all sad, about this potential development.
(not saying anyone else should do the same)

@MusiqueNow@todon.eu avatar


I try to stay off the devices on weekends, and it's almost impossible for me to do.

Even though this is supposed to be a music resource, there's too much going on in the world to only focus on music. I end up checking the latest news anyway.

I just turned on my device a while ago, posted stuff about Malcolm X's birthday, and was about to get off, when I couldn't resist scrolling around and I found out about the helicopter crash.

My own view is, I'm so sick of fascists, I'm sick of the far right, I'm sick of dictatorships, and the rest of that ilk being so dangerous to the planet and it's people, that my empathy card is ripped up when one of them is dead!

So, Raisi can rot in hell

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@MusiqueNow That sounds like a very good outcome of the account, as not only "everything is political", but music tends to iften be very much so and also tends to be very much repressed among the first when authoritarians move in, so an account about music certainly should also contain antiauthoritarian news-activism and commentary, in my opinion.
MTV did too, when it was about music and was actually good, long, long ago. ;-/

Yep, still absolutely not saying you or anyone else should feel like I claim my principle is "better" or anything like that. It's just my own policy for me.
I have this thought that in theory the worse outcome than death for anyone that has inflicted a lot of suffering would be to realize what they have done and then feel personally obligated to compensate for the harm they have caused, or something. Of course it's extremely unlikely, but I would prefer it.

I don't know if anything like a hell exists, but if it does I am sure that's where Raisi would be continuing the flight to right now if it was a fatality.

@MusiqueNow@todon.eu avatar


(Actually, heaven, hell and God don't exist, but it's what we all say when we don't like someone. lol)


@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@MusiqueNow I sometimes say things like a person "will be remembered in infamy for as long as humankind is remembered" or similar, which is suppose is kind of my version of "hell" since I am a "strong agnostic", but a version of "hell" that is more certain to exist,
but also... unusual phrasing, so people may just get confused. ;-D

@chielk@mas.to avatar

@b9AcE @MusiqueNow I feel no regret at all for his possible demise, but I'm sure Jannaty will find enough equally bad and worse candidates for filling his place.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@chielk Hmm, yes, my life philosophy or whatever is something like "always expect worse than imaginable, while also always hoping for better than plausible".
I find it works both for preparing me for bad times and also at the same time to keep me strong through those bad times.

@ln@hachyderm.io avatar

@b9AcE They'd just spin it as him having been too lenient in the repression and being punished for half measures.

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

@ln Probably. Seems like a weak argument to me, but they wouldn't want to argue it the other way regardless, so... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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