/kbin meta

bleuy007 avatar

I'm not sure I understand why "Threads" and "Microblogs" are separate entities in kbin. From my understanding, "Threads" are like Reddit's link/image posts and "Microblogs" are like text posts. Why are these only viewable in separate tabs? It seems like a bad thing to completely separate certain content from the same Magazine and make it unable to view everything at once. Am I misunderstanding something?

cody avatar


Microblog = smaller posts, on any topic and seriousness.

Threads - articles, more meaningful entries, longer posts. Where the OP usually expects extensive interaction with other users

For example, your post is a short question. You should get an answer and that closes the topic. In threads in this case, there should be a description of the problem, ideas for a solution, information on what causes what, etc. Or a link to such content.

VerifiablyMrWonka avatar

@bleuy007 Microblogs are where posts from the wider fediverse show up - generally from Mastodon. As they have no attached information about threading etc a best effort is made to just show them.

Magazine mods can associate hashtags with their magazine and then anything from the fediverse tagged with that ends up showing in that magazines microblog section. This is a great way to bring in a lot of content you can interact with even if it's not in the longform KBin/Lemmy format.

NotTheOnlyGamer avatar

If you're here from Reddiit, please remember to use the boost link in the post rather than the Upvote button, as the Upvote is meaningless to a user's reputation.

Nepenthe, (edited )
Nepenthe avatar

Lemmy doesn't currently have a boost button. Boosts are literally Mastodon's version of a retweet button and since kbin is more compatible with mastodon than lemmy is atm, kbin users have one too.

Unfortunately, incorporating Mastodon's system on a standard forum hasn't panned out quite well -- people are WAY more likely to downvote something than they ever are to reblog it, causing perfectly civil users to have a -400 karma balance. The kbin dev has already acknowledged that it's unbalancing things a bit, so hopefully that should be handled when he gets through the 900 other things. Until then, upvotes on Lemmy I assume are normal, but upvotes on kbin's side are literally just for looks.

Welcome, btw. It takes a while to get used to things here, but I hope you aren't finding things too difficult :)

Nepenthe avatar

for Lemmy users there doesn't seem to be a running, total tally the way there is on Reddit.

To be honest with you, I would rather kbin's karma be handled in the same manner that lemmy handles it. I see no reason for it outside of sorting. Communities could lock the ability to post behind a minimum karma like reddit did, but nobody can really pretend bots won't just get around the limit by reposting a single picture of a cat.

I sense by far what having a visible reputation on a user's profile is going to lead to is just a bunch of karma farming. The low-effort reposts, mindlessly repeated one-liners, and constant bitchy one-upmanship are all things I'd be very glad to leave behind me forever. I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten til I left, and now whenever I end up back on reddit for something, the whole thing just makes me tired. I seem to have been a frog, boiling alive in mean little shitposts.

Damaskox avatar

How does one embed a GIF so it shows in a comment without clicking any links?

Test: https://tenor.com/fi/view/this-is-just-sad-sad-angry-mock-horror-gif-11156785

Test 2: <div class="tenor-gif-embed" data-postid="11156785" data-share-method="host" data-aspect-ratio="1.77515" data-width="100%"><a href="https://tenor.com/view/this-is-just-sad-sad-angry-mock-horror-gif-11156785">This Is Just Sad Angry GIF</a>from <a href="https://tenor.com/search/this+is+just+sad-gifs">This Is Just Sad GIFs</a></div> <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://tenor.com/embed.js"></script>

Test 3: I tried to add it as a picture as a file from the computer but editing this comment doesn't add it.


I see no difference tbh, but you do you. I wish the feature was/is there for people to use, but I enjoy not seeing gifs and having them auto load and hope for counter options.

Damaskox avatar

@Fiivemacs Yeah well, I suppose some folks rather not see emojis neither.
Though they take less space in your eyes than GIFs, they may not always deliver the same feeling what the sender intends 🙂

Semmelstulle avatar

Is it just me or does the Lemmy community actively ignoring the existence of kbin? I see a lot of posts explicitly mentioning Lemmy users but only posts from kbinners mention both platforms.

Semmelstulle avatar

@melroy Lemmy look it up

@melroy@kbin.melroy.org avatar

@Semmelstulle I'm joking. I'm a kbin developer.


Can someone please remind me how to open a Lemmy community in kbin? Maybe this is a bigger issue on mobile.

If I open a federated community I see this in kbin : https://imgur.com/a/oFQnMqj

And if I click the link to ‘Browse more on the original instance’ I’m brought to this screen : https://imgur.com/a/uNCvirP

And there is no option to subscribe without creating an account on that instance.

I think I might have read you need to search with a specific phrase but I can’t find where I saw that.



Sorry not sure I understand. Let me try another example and maybe that will solidify it.

I’d like to join this community: https://imgur.com/a/lJX8b7u

When I search @asklemmy in kbin.social is see this: https://imgur.com/a/oeDPZ8i

I tried modifying the link you previously posted to show as : https://kbin.social/m/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Which shows as : https://imgur.com/a/ysUutXx

But this community has far fewer subscriber and comments than the “original” Lemmy community, as seen here: https://imgur.com/a/givdaoE

So I am just trying to figure out… why? And how can I fix this? And how can I iron out the process? Thanks in advance!

@stillnotahero@mastodon.social avatar

Is there anyone out there in the #fediverse who might be able to help answer a question for a recent #redditMigration refugee trying to learn his way in this world?

#kbin #kbinMeta #lemmy


Just reading my feed it appears that Kbin social is getting porn spammed by some 4chan site. Anyone else seeing this?

Arotrios avatar


Yep - I posted about it here about an hour ago. From what other users are describing on that thread, it looks like a coordinated porn bot phishing attack from several domains, that then uses multiple redirects which potentially leads them to load websites in the background that could infect your system. Info on the links thanks to @DarkThoughts who risked it all in the name of science.

Chozo avatar

@gentleman Of course! The Kbin UI for Mastodon definitely isn't super intuitive yet. Hopefully that process will improve a bit once some of the upcoming Kbin updates get released.


blazera avatar

"The magazine from the federated server may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance."

I dont understand this issue. Why is it taking a week in some cases for some text or image from another server to make it here? Is it bottlenecking somewhere? If so how do posts from other servers get here in seconds?

rodhlann avatar

@blazera I believe this message is due to the fact that the timeline for these federated magazines is only from the point at which it was added to Kbin. There's no historical context (and never will be) for that federated magazine. This warning is letting you know that there may be more content in the originating instance. (please correct me if I'm wrong!)

ernest avatar

Why can a banned user from another instance continue to post to my magazine? He's clearly in the ban log but can still post.

cendawanita avatar

@crossmr the way it's set up (partly because the instance is meant to be proof of concept) is that every mag's name becomes a hashtag that will be slurped. Try looking at your magazine panel... Hold on... Once you're there then the tags tab should be to the right.

:( But I think this is definitely a flaw/worthy to raise a ticket because double-checking with mine, my magazine's name is not one of the tags i can delete.

@NOOBMASTER @cutitdown

cendawanita avatar

I'm very sorry, atm it does sound the only thing left you can do is deleting his posts as it shows up on the blog

@NOOBMASTER @cutitdown @crossmr

GoodKingElliot avatar

I'm new to Kbin, and I can't find where to browse communities (whether located on Kbin or, more usefully, across the Fediverse).

I also joined a Lemmy instance, and there it is straightforward:

That link lets me scroll through all the communities, or search.

I do see the magnifying glass, so I can search for communities. But I don't see a way to browse communities.

I like other things about the Kbin layout and feel, so I'd like to try to stay here. But so far it doesn't seem easy to browse the Fediverse communities here.

(Also, I was trying to add a POST, but I don't know how to do that. Just switched me over to MICROBLOG. This is not very straightforward.)

Madison_rogue avatar

@GoodKingElliot I'm going to follow this because I keep getting routed to microblogging instead of actual posting.

That said, if you want to find different forums, click "Magazine" at the top toolbar, and it will route you to different forums. You can then "Subscribe" and/or "Search" like you would for Subreddits. If you click on the dropdown menu next to your username, it will give a few different "view" options. click "Subscribed" to select a feed of your subscriptions. It is not default, and if you want to view subscription feed right now you have to choose it every time. If you click on the kbin icon at the left it will give you the equivalent of "r/all."


yeah their terminology is confusing, and who knows, maybe someday they'll change it. I learned what they are, so now I get it more and can help you.

As the other commenter said, communities/subreddits are called "magazines" and you can click Magazines, then there's a search bar specifically for the magazines. On kbin.social, a large server, you'll be able to search for both lemmy and kbin forums there. I also click All for my feed since that seems to give me posts to look at more often

To make a new post, kbin calls that a Thread. "Post" on kbin is actually more like a tweet(twitter)/toot(mastodon). To make a thread, click Add a new article , or Add a new link/video/photo

I saved this post on Lemmy, which is a nice tutorial for kbin: https://lemmy.studio/post/46403


So I've created a magazine. How do I decide whether to add an "article" vs a "post"

Nepenthe avatar

Ngl, I chuckled a bit when I saw who Spark tagged. Out of now 137,504 users on this instance, I think we've run into each other some 4-5 times. Which isn't a bad thing, mind. Makes everything feel more like a community instead of a faceless horde.

That second reply took me a while to even put into words, and it definitely is an unusual thing to try to wrap your head around if you're not already used to federation as a default thing. I'd personally never even heard the word before a few days ago, unless it was off Star Trek. So I'm still having to break myself of seeing this as "the one and only forum that is better than all other forums and functions only as a forum." No. We're multimillions of people all using the same exact chat service from entirely different platforms. By necessity, we're going to end up with things it doesn't entirely make sense for a text forum to have, because half of us aren't on a forum. There's even Peertube, for instance.

I know I'm repeating myself, I'm just marveling at it. It's so cool.


@Nepenthe Yeah it's a weird, throwback experience to recognize some usernames on here. I have to admit I never really registered any user on Reddit — I'm sure that's mostly on me and how I used it, of course.

I get that sense of marvel. I've been feeling unsatisfied with my online experience for a while and so far this jump into the fediverse feels like it's addressing what I felt was missing.

rideranton avatar

kbin's API is coming soon! I've finished up all of the endpoints required for a useful API, so it will enter review soon! The PR is here

This will allow apps like @artemisapp to interact more effectively with kbin!

hariette avatar

already got my own test instance with the changes running. THIS IS SUCH A KILLER KBIN FEATURE! You the boss!

@franktaber@mas.to avatar

@rideranton I am hopeful that I can follow kbin discussions from mastodon soon.

Eigengrau, (edited )
Eigengrau avatar

Regarding hate communities that try coming here , there's also m/trutrans a truscum community i saw on top bar one day while working on userstyle

Currently empty but kill it before it takes root , hope these communities get banned and we defederate from instances like that

EDIT : Gonna use this to compile mags i encounter

EDIT 2 : Mags now listed here for better (organization|readability)

Eigengrau avatar

Rentry link lists every mag ran by owner of problematic mags for user safety ig , but i'd like to get 2nd opinion on that approach , riddled with doubts far too often

Eigengrau avatar

Am really starting to lose my patience . I may've no choce but to move instances , but then that would mean i can no longer maintain the list

DerpyPoint avatar

Anyone having issues deleting their posts? I tried deleting a photo myself and through mod options, only to get a 503 error every time. I can't even edit the title to get people to ignore it.

DerpyPoint avatar

@admin @ernest so it looks like we have a weird bug going on, I have notifications for every time someone does @admin@kbin.social Obviously, that isn't how you @ me but I'm still getting notifications for all of your messages


Hello, quick question about the interconnection between instances in the fediverse. I now have my account here on kbin.social and I have also created an account on mastodon.social some while ago that I've reactivated now since the reddit blackout. I have read that kbin can access mastodon, so do I need a Mastodon account at all? Can I possibly log in to Mastodon through my kbin.social account and use the Mastodon interface when I feel like it?

Also another thing: would this question better fit into the threads section or is it fine here with the microblog?

Rayspekt, (edited )

@dannekrose Thanks a lot for the reply, I already read your FAQ in fact :D The thing I don't get yet, is how I access e. g. Mastodon.social while being logged into kbin.social do I just search for a mastodon.social user and if yes, where do I do this?

Edit: I finally found out that I just can add @user behind kbin.social/u/ for example. Now I feel dumb that this took so long :D I'm amazed that it just works like this.

@Blakerboy777 @Otome@kbin.social


@Rayspekt @user @Blakerboy777 @Otome@kbin.social

Glad to hear! Also, in the main search box on the front page you can enter the account and search for it. You just have to enter @user (@ user @ exampledomain . com without any spaces in between the parts) to search as well.
Good luck!

bluGill avatar

@ernest I'm trying to reply to a federated toot and the add comment button changes to "sending" for a while then comes back without posting anything.


Anything more I can do? this problem has happened before but I can't figure out when/why


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