umbrella, (edited ) avatar

fuck it, pirate everything.

if they lost respect for our money, i dont see why we should respect theirs.

if buying is not owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.


Copyright infringement was never stealing to begin with. If I steal your pencil, you are no longer in posession of it. If I copy or download your pencil, we both have a copy, and you are not deprived of your property.


Delusional, how is this upvoted? You’re stealing value from the holder. You get something you shouldn’t have, and they do not get something they should have. Let’s call it what it is even if some don’t believe the system is fair.

Buying should be ownership to use for personal use in perpetuity. So in that sense downloading a copy of something you’ve paid a purchase license for should never be illegal.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )
insomniac_lemon avatar

I would say this falls apart when it gets to physical copies. Used sales, trading, borrowing, watching/playing together, recap videos or long-form reviews etc all can "deprive" value from seller's immediate perspective (also for some things: DIY, clone recipes, dumpster diving etc). Also I don't expect a company to have even the ability to determine if a downloader has ownership (especially if the only record is a physical receipt) before firing legal scares at people. It is even more pointless when a product is past its original life cycle.

Fresh in the box office and before ROI sure, I can see a point (say for the source of a cam rip). But I could also see reviews or comments, spoilers etc to possibly have a greater effect than the cost of 1 ticket.

Either way I'd say if people have the ability to pay, they will if the product is good and the company/service is respectable. That's the point here, that paying customers are ultimately screwed over (just as I'm sure most employees/creators not at the very top were, because money). Also unsatisfied customers, lack of demos, lack of agreeable purchase methods/terms (also, too much splitting with subscriptions), lack of ability to give more direct support to creators (rather than publishers) etc.

That and I don't think the government should do much to protect the profits of highly successful entertainment companies who have massive budgets on lackluster ideas and underbaked products. The news of being able to trash a nearly-complete movie for a tax writeoff is terrible, for instance.


Buying a digital copy of something you cannot download is an oxymoron. It only makes sense if you subscribe to a service.

lemontree, (edited )

So steam, basically? Less likely that they’ll be shutting down anytime soon, but still.

Edit: people downvoting don’t seem to understand how steam works


Not a good comparison. With Steam, you download the games to your computer. If Valve ever went out of business, they could unDRM the games, or you could crack them.

Either way, you download the games onto your computer. That’s not the case with Funimation.


That’s why it’s better to buy from gog


Why? You also buy licenses from GOG, despite their and their shills’ best efforts to make you believe otherwise.


It’s completely DRM free. You download the game and that’s it, you can run it from your computer forever

wizardbeard, avatar

The only difference with Steam is that you have to crack the game files, and Steam DRM is notably easy to bypass. Either way, once you have the files you have it.


Is it? I should look into that

wolfshadowheart avatar

SteamDRM on GitHub



Vendetta9076, avatar

Whether its “allowed” or not, I assume you I own every file from my steam library.


so they’re going to refund all the people that purchased this stuff, right?




I’m pretty sure it all goes to Crunchyroll. I don’t think you’re actually losing anything, just having it moved to a different platform

(edit): Nevermind, I didn’t know digitally redeemed blu-rays and stuff were a thing. You’ll lose those if you have em but tbh I can’t imagine very many people do.


How these companies don’t realize these incompetent decisions push formerly paying customers into piracy is actually beyond me.

Does every c-level employee in these companies have brain damage?


They don’t care about losing customers to piracy just like fast-food restaurants don’t care about losing people to grocery stores.

They’ve realized it’s more profitable to take further advantage of an ever-shrinking pool of customers.

If you can charge 1 customer twice the price of what you could charge 2, then you make more money because you require less overhead.


I definitely agree with you but I’m not sure how far they can take this in an economic situation that is currently devolving into a major recession and has all the macroeconomic factors of an incoming second depression.


Because their best interest is to appease shareholders and not excellent service. The problem which will emerge in 5 years time is a problem for the next CEO.


Not going to lie, i think most consumers will take this lying down and that’s what Sony is betting on. The amount that actually turn to piracy is so small, and the price hike easily makes up for the customers they’d lose. I’d say most people on Lemmy know how to pirate (if not are pirating already) so it’s a bit of an echo chamber here where we assume everybody is just going to pirate so as to stop lining Sony’s pockets.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

In my experience the main issue with piracy is the ads.

Nothing better than trying to watch a show with my kid then having an ad pop-up with a girl fucking herself


I’ve been pirating for years and never encountered an ad beyond subtitle ads. Is this anime specific or something?

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Nah the anime sites I use either don’t have ads or have normal ads.

It’s the movie sites I use that have constant explicit pop-ups


You’re not using adblocker?

Edit: Just read the other commenter. Where do you watch shows with your kids? TV or Computer? If it’s on Desktop or Laptop it’s easy af, but Smart TV less so but not impossible.


Ah, I stick to torrenting. Pirate stream websites have always seemed sketchy to me.


Adblockers or torrents mate. I’ve not seen an ad in over 18 years.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

I’ve been meaning to look into adblockers but I really only use these sites for shit that’s not on streaming services so I don’t really think about it until it arises


Or just get it so you don’t have ads on YouTube

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Do adblockers work on smart TVs? That’s the only time I use YouTube.

Thorned_Rose avatar

If your TV is Android based then there's the SmartTube app. YouTube without the ads and tracking.


Look into dns ad blocker, you can avoid a lot of ads on your entire network with this "one simple trick ". No additional hw or sw needed.


It’s 2024 man, tormenting a movie takes about 10 minutes and then you neither have to worry about ads nor connectivity for the rest of the movie


Why do you have torment it? What has it ever done wrong to you? 😭


ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

I’m gonna be honest, I’ve tried torrenting before and maybe I’m just an idiot (most likely), but I’ve never been good at figuring out which fuckin button is the actual download button and I’m tired of ghosting my pc


Sounds like 90% of your problem is ads then. Or going to shitty sites. Get on a decent tracker - even the good old one - and have an adblocker installed


Don’t listen to this guy. He exists to overcomplicate things because he’s just trying to fit in with other losers.

Download an adblocker. Stop using ‘smart’ features. Hook your computer up to your TV and get a wireless keyboard/mouse combo.

This isn’t difficult, or complicated.


What part of my post was complicated? I quite literally said 90% of his problem is ads…

I’m really sorry that you lack the curiosity or confidence to figure out installing qbittorrent and, uh, clicking a link, but I need you to understand that “hook your computer up to your TV and get a wireless keyboard and mouse combo” is going to be more complicated and finicky for most people. Particularly people with kids who don’t want a computer just sitting awkwardly in their living room.


If you set up qbittorrent with the built-in search you can torrent stuff without ever opening your browser


Firefox + ublock origin would be your best scenario for privacy and security. Privacy because all these ads track your page loads and attempt to generate a unique id for your browser based on your loading time of certain pixels, and security because nearly half of all ads (and more than half of all links on google search and nearly all ads on google search) are viral loads just waiting for an accidental click.


Ever heard of BitTorrent? Just get the video and watch it locally


Use an adblocker.

SynAck, avatar

@KravenTheHunter @trackcharlie plus, it gives them a reason to justify the higher prices because they have to be protected from all those big, bad pirates out there taking food out of their kids mouths by not paying their extortionary rental fees.

They're actually counting on people to pirate stuff to create some weird sense of inflated value for their products.


An jus as one piece is kicking off not only it’s final saga but more of its successful live action. The Great Pirate Era is really upon us!


Exactly. It’s time to take back your data and OWN YOUR SHIT people. Local Host and Mass Store.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Also backup


No backup? No mercy!

TheInsane42, avatar

Local and off-site. (Not cloud)


Disclaimer: this absolutely sucks and I’m baffled that they’ve made this move at all.

That being said, I don’t think folks have noticed the very specific situation where this is the case:

Users who redeemed digital copies of a Blu-ray or DVD purchased from Funimation were granted access to the streaming service, where they could store and stream the purchased program or film.

They are very specifically removing the free digital copies that came with buying hard copies via Blu-ray or DVD. It still sucks, but no one is losing a digital product they outright bought.


kinda feels like selling someone a burger and fries, taking away the fries and then going “no one lost a burger”. the digital copy is part of what was purchased, and its been taken away from purchasers with no recourse. The digital copy was part of the deal.


I chipped in when my friend bought Paranoia Agent on Blu-ray because he promised me the digital copy, so this does affect me. Granted, after learning the news I “found” some rips online for my NAS, but still. It’s not okay.


I see where you’re coming from, but I don’t think that excuses anything. If you bought a hard copy with the understanding that a digital copy came with the purchase and now they’re taking away the digital copy, that’s still a Darth Vader “I’m altering the deal” type move.

yamanii, avatar

Doesn’t matter at all, they gave the copies, it’s the costumers property now and is being taken away.

PetulantBandicoot, avatar

Still shitty, but at this point, anyone buying Blu-Rays and DVDs should chuck that stuff on Plex/Jellyfin and be done with it.

Stern, avatar

You’ll own nothing and be happy

funny, i dont feel too happy


Any tools to rip stuff from Funimation?

Maybe this way folks will preserve it.


I don’t think there’s anything on funimation that hasn’t already been ripped and posted on nyaa or private trackers.

Unless it’s some really old or obscure stuff.


Just download it from nyaa like a normal person.


Apparently yt-dlp has code to work with Funimation, that might work (i can’t check if it does)


Made a post out of it in, mind if I credit you? People should know, this info can be genuinely helpful


No but I also don’t think it’s worth mentioning me lol


You’ve mentioned an important thing that has already generated a lot of engagement (28 comments) and likes (270) under the post in a community with average, like, 10 comments and 30 likes, meaning it might be helpful to many here on Lemmy :)


Magnet link ? And maybe physical address of their head office, for sending them pre-paid pizzas as thank yous ?


For smart people, piracy is a financial problem.

Why pay more for things you can get for free? It’s not like the businesses you’re supporting wouldn’t rob you blind if they thought they could get away with it.

Even the ‘creators’ don’t get the vast majority of the money you spend; their landlords do. When they make more money, rent goes up.

I wish this generation wasn’t full of useful idiots with more money than sense.

dRLY, avatar

Very hard to convince people to buy things “legitimately” and have any trust in any of the “legit” options when they just go away so fucking easily. Stuff like anime has been a real weird example of both how horrible the corps on the Japanese side just squeeze every single fraction of a penny from stuff (fucking like two eps of a show on a modern DVD or even Blu-ray). But also feel zero reason to expand options in the first place. They were so fucking slow to get digital or streaming options. Same goes for the foreign outlets that get rights outside of J-land, but I am sure they were more likely to want to combat piracy via stuff like streaming. Funny thing about anime piracy is that it is literally the reason so many shows and movies were even seen and is the main reason so many people got into all of it. Back in the early 00’s when I made friends with people that had cable internet and ready to burn as many eps as they could fit on a CD-R and later DVD-/+R.

It was just so amazing to see all these shows that weren’t just completely altered by lazy US companies or ever likely to be translated. No US companies thought that Americans would ever understand or get into this weird Japanese stuff and not put money into it. But they sure started caring when torrents got going and the numbers were growing. One thing that has really pissed me off with legal digital copies of anime comes down to how it is still behind on basic shit. We have had multi-audio/subtitles on pirate copies and even on legitimate physical discs. But the legal versions of digital copies still have to be either bought in sub or dub. It is a slap in the face of fans to have to buy two different copies just to have multi-audio in Japanese and English. I thought that shit would have been left behind with VHS.

All of these companies demand our money and often charge prices that are just too high for their target audiences (especially teens that don’t have jobs like so many of us have lived through). And yet they seem to do everything possible to make the options for purchase so much less usable compared to pirate versions. I would take a fansub that might be a bit off but has actual passion for community and accessibility over legit copies every single time. But I am also more than happy to pay for things if I don’t keep being treated like I already stole it and should be grateful for being “allowed” to pay for it. I would love to pay for these things and know that the actual workers are able to live, and not just so overworked and not able to afford rent. But the entire media industry treats both the workers and the customers so fucking bad. They are making things worse for themselves by showing how we can’t trust our purchases to even be around from one day to another. So why shouldn’t we just take it and know that we will have it?

Given how lots of smaller shows and other things will never get re-prints or re-masters on modern media. It is also our jobs to preserve these things that the companies feel aren’t worth the money to do so if they aren’t. If I ever have kids, I would like to be able to know I can show them my favorites. Looks like I will also need to show them how to sail the digital seas and that “legit” options should always be treated as liars that steal your money AND take away what you paid for.



Buttplug for your thoughts ~(つˆ0ˆ)つ。☆


No US companies thought that Americans would ever understand or get into this weird Japanese stuff

I miss the subtitled “translator notes” about cultural things. US companies just change the meaning of things if there’s no easy equivalent.

dRLY, avatar

Gintama has some of the funnier versions of those notes. Can be annoying if you don’t care as they take it to 11 covering most of the screen to explain a reference to a bank scandal in the 90s or other very specific stuff. Cracks me up with the level of care about making sure you are aware of something used in a quick joke that might not really matter. Such a nice way to see and know random info on Japanese slang words and phrases in the context of a moment.


They're charging people higher prices and refusing to allow them to keep their digital content? They're basically just handing out the pirate hats and eye patches at this point.

Empricorn, (edited )

I literally wouldn’t advocate “sailing the high seas” if companies didn’t all aggressively accelerate enshittification and run toward consumer-hostile, short-term, endlessly greedy practices. And then there’s this, which is on another level. Storage is crazy-cheap these days, people…


I forgot Funimation even existed tbh. I’ve been torrenting for ages now and I have no use for Funimation or Crunchyroll. Yo the seven seas guys!

captain_aggravated, avatar

A simple solution is to stop consuming the work entirely. “Okay, you want to make it expensive and difficult to access your content, we’re going to stop liking your content. The market for your product has now completely ceased to exist.”

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