
Nice graph!

By the way, any reason to share this here rather than !dataisbeautiful, as you did for the Boeing one? Genuinely curious


Ahah, didn’t actually expected anyone to recognize I was the same person as the Boeing graph, time to create a new throwaway account I guess 🤷

I post a lot on Lemmy, mainly content I find on over social networks, and I try to avoid posting on, it’s getting too much activity, and really hurting the decentralized aspect of Lemmy, which imo is its biggest advantage.

I’m not criticizing the mods or admins or, just saying that for the content I post, I try to avoid putting in there


No worries, I’m sure most of people didn’t notice.

Definitely agree on the fact that LW is a too central on Lemmy. If you want to discuss this, we created a community recently on that theme: !fedigrow. Feel free to join, some discussions might interest you!


Thanks, just joined!


Looking forward to see you there, you indeed post a lot, I’m sure you’ll have interesting insight

yuli, avatar

31… SEASONS???


35, actually. The graphic is a few years old.


I’m just nitpicking but why are 7.7 and 6.6 arbitrary the thresholds for the colour change? Also, why is one 6.6 red while another two are yellow?


maybe the displayed value was rounded but the value for the color wasn’t

bstix, (edited )

It appears that the colours are not on a fixed scale. The season averages and individual episodes are coloured using different ranges.

It ranges from lowest to highest regardless of the value. Like conditional formatting in Excel does if you don’t specify the scale.

The seasons average ratings range from 6.1-8.4, so it goes red to green in the span of 2.3 points.

The episodes range from 3.9 to 9.3, so it goes red to green in the span of 5.4 points.

The full IMDb ratings range from 1-10. This should have been used as a basis for the colouring instead. The overall average on IMDb is somewhere around 7, so it would be fine to skew the colours so the middle/yellow was at 7, but it should be able to represent any possible ratings.


I agree, almost all episodes still get a passing grade. Using 1-10 as a basis, it would paint an entirely different picture.


I think it’s fair to colour seasons and episodes with different scales because they are measuring different things.

Due to the Central Limit Theorem, average of 20+ episodes will have a smaller standard deviation than individual episodes.

For example, an individual episode with a score of 6 you’ll probably watch. A whole season with a score of 6, maybe not.


Should probably also be acknowledged that the sample size is not going to be the same.

You’re going to get a bunch of people piling in to highly rate the early episodes that they remember watching when they were kids, but a significantly lower number are going to be voting on the episodes that came later.

Really the whole premise of trying to compare and contrast the seasons for such a long running show that existed before IMDb even started is flawed on many levels.


If the music labels are botting up Spotify playcounts, are media producers botting up IMDb ratings?


Yes, it has been observed that IMDb sometimes get a lot of new “single post users” putting in 10/10 ratings on Disney movies that otherwise scored badly.


A very nice wave seeing the series decline… The only problem with it is it seems a little skewed to have 5.5 in strong red…


I think the idea is that probably around 4.5 it becomes un airable on national tv


How people rate things is skewed. 5 really means there isn’t anything redeemable about it.

For someone to mark below the midway point it tends to be because they are offended or upset about it. At that point a quality rating isn’t appropriate, it should be 0.


Why are you assuming that there’s some uniform rating standard that every person is committing to?


That’s just how humans are. The average rating is 7. If it was perfectly even it would be 5. But it isn’t. We are objective or rational when we’re asked to put a number to our personal opinion.


what’s the deal with 9th episodes being good every now and then

sanguinepar, avatar

Maybe the last episode before a season break or something?


Maybe the 9th ones are the Treehouse of Horror ones?

sanguinepar, avatar

I’m not disputing that The Simpsons declined in quality, but I do kind of question the high scores for the first season or two.

I’m not a superfan or anything, but my perception of the show was that it took 3 or 4 seasons to really get good?

qevlarr, avatar

Uhm, the values are going up after a few seasons

sanguinepar, avatar

Indeed but I’m questioning the scores themselves in S1 and S2. Put it this way, I didn’t think that those seasons were considered almost as good as most the next 8, I would have expected them to be mostly in the 6.8-7.2 range.


They were amazing when they came out, which is when they were rated.

sanguinepar, avatar

I don’t think that’s true though - these are the IMDb ratings, which remain open, and didn’t exist when the episodes came out.


It’s basically the same. Here’s info from the nelson TV ratings: ……/List_of_The_Simpsons_episodes

sanguinepar, avatar

Fair enough. As I said at the start, it was just the impression I had - evidently not the case :-)


I’m glad you asked actually. Looking up any info is not easy. Apparently nelson TV ratings are really hard to look into these days. Even in that link I tried to follow the refrences for more info and hit a dead end pretty fast.

Also I find it interesting that they do match up with the IMDb numbers. Because your not wrong, the nostalgia is strong for those early seasons. Pretty cool is not unwarranted.


If you were around during the early 90s on Usenet you would see a lot of people talking about how Simpsons peaked in season 1. More grounded. More focused on struggling family.


You have to remember the setting…the first couple of seasons the Simpsons was a huge change from standard sitcoms in the late 80s. It got eyes on it as it grew into itself.


I was gonna say these ratings are at least a decade removed from that context, but TIL that IMDb has been around since 1990.


I was seventeen when the Simpsons became their own show. The cultural impact was enormous and immediate. By the summer of 1990, images of the Simpsons were freaking everywhere. Clothes, glasses, miscellaneous trinkets, everywhere.

So it’s not really necessary for the first couple of seasons to come short against seasons three and four.

The seismic wave the show caused from its beginning were enough to garner those scores you see.


The ratings in the graph reflect this. The first couple seasons were solid 7-8 seasons. The next bunch of seasons were solid 8-9.5 seasons.

Also, seasons 1 isn’t great in hindsight. But it was still groundbreaking and probably factors into its score.


To get uniquely good, I’d agree, but I recently started rewatching from the start and it starts strong. At least for a start, anyways. Some cliche plot lines, but it’s never JUST the main plot line so even the cliches aren’t boring or lazily done.

sanguinepar, avatar

Fair enough - I’m not as familiar with the earliest seasons, so it was more the impression I had than a definite opinion :-)


During the first 3 seasons Simpsons was animated by KlaskyCsupo, “animation executive producer” and “supervising animation director” was Gábor Csupó. After he left animation style changed to more conventional.

So while the characters, writing and plotlines were not as genial as in the following seasons the animation style was much more interesting, with strange perspectives and point of views, distorted spaces, etc. Just look at this early recording:

Edgarallenpwn, (edited ) avatar The twister mouth might be the most known/famous creative decision during the KlaskyCsupo seasons. After the Simpsons they worked on Duckman which feels like a series more suited to their animation style.

KlaskyCsupo also animated for Rugrats and Aaahh Real Monsters as well if those early seasons seem familiar but you can’t put your finger on why.


I think I’m going to need to see this in motion

infeeeee, (edited )

Here is a compilation:

I never noticed this, it just looks like this for a few frames, but yeah, it’s a strange design choice, it makes the characters look like they are made from clay or rubber.

sanguinepar, avatar

For anyone wondering the top rated episodes here, all at 9.2 are:

S5E2 Cape Feare
S6E6 Treehouse of Horror V
S6E25 Who Shot Mr. Burns? Part One
S8E2 You Only Move Twice

And just as I was finishing that, I noticed that one episode has a 9.3, d’oh!

S8E23 Homer’s Enemy

MissJinx, avatar

Just want to add that nobody is talking about the decline of tv itself. Its not only the simpsons but the whole media.


Exactly. This needs to be baselined with aggregate ratings for TV or at least the genre.


I went into ye olde Plex server to see what 8-23 is about and immediately went “yep. That tracks.”

Azuth, (edited )

Love how even IRL people forget about Frank Grimes. good ol Grimey


Change the channel Marge!


I watched the Simpsons as a kid. Never thought much about it, but Homer’s Enemy is the one episode that resurfaced in my mind as an adult decades later.


I agree with the graphic.

However, I recently completed a straight watch-thru of every Simpsons episode, and while watching the lackluster episodes from seasons ~20-~30, I have to acknowledge one thing:

Quality of the show and its writing have noticeably improved since around Season 32.

The most recent episodes feel more centered on the family and much less on bizarre cameos and really outrageous situations. It actually feels like a show about the Simpson family and treats the characters more age-appropriately.

I don’t like that they lost/recast established voices of minority characters (Apu, Carl, Dr. Hibbert, etc), I do think the quality and the focus of the show is much better than it has been in almost 2-decades.


Dude, that’s over 700 episodes, most of which suck ass. Why would you do that to yourself?


How do you know they suck ass if you haven’t watched them?

Legitimately, what is it about the Internet and this show specifically where people feel compelled to sound off on something they are not actually watching, and haven’t watched in years?


Based on the graphic, people watching them think they’re ass as well tho…

Kinda the whole point of the post.

missphant, avatar

The graphic in the post does cut off 4 seasons before the current one and also before where the top level comment mentioned writing got significantly better again.


The graphic shows a stellar first 9 seasons, a medium next 15 seasons, and a terrible last 8 seasons… so the majority of them are medium with equal about good and bad episodes.


Honestly, the scores aren’t really terrible for the most part. The colors of the graphic are certainly painting it worse than it is. Dark orange is still up to a 6.7 rating, which isn’t bad, and that’s close to the average for the majority of the “bad” season. What hurts them the most is that the first 10 season were so good, the delta between them and after was large.


Honestly, less than 7 on IMDB is bad.

Most average things fall between 7-8, 8+ is really good, 6 and lower is bad. So the colours actually do lineup with the score imo.

5 absolutely doesn’t mean average on IMDB. If something gets a 5 then it’s absolute dogshit.


Are you aware of the concept of subjectivity?


Well then let’s throw this entire post out of the window and not talk about it at all, if we’re taking the EvErYtHiNgS SuBjEcTiVe approach


Sounds great. It’s a stupid post.


Not necessarily, context is pretty key on IMDb. There are plenty of shows and movies that get review bombed, especially if they’re tackling a controversial subject. And nowadays, if anything has even the slightest hint of either being “woke” or alrernatively making fun of “woke” subjects, either side will come in and drop a ton of 1’s, dropping the rating significantly. This happens with videogames all the time, too. The most famous example being Last of Us 2, where the game itself was really quite good (e.g. gameplay, design, pacing, etc), but because it included a trans character and a certain event at the beginning with a key character, the internet went rabid and bombed the shit out of the game at launch.

Lojcs, (edited )

Imdb ratings mostly range between 5-10, and 6-8 range usually has the most difference within it. Even with ‘controversial’ items that seems true. Not to mention Simpsons isn’t that controversial of a thing


Oh, I’ve checked in with new episodes occasionally over the years, and they were awful. Legitimately, I’m sounding off on this show because in many ways it defined my childhood. What is it with the internet that people feel compelled to sound off on someone sounding off?!

The bigger issue is that 35 seasons of the Simpsons is over 380 hours of continuous television


Eh, I enjoy it. I’ve never stopped watching it. Even if I don’t particularly like an episode I’m always glad I seen it.

I’ve been looking forward to that shit my whole life. It’s gonna hurt when they do cancel it.


The literal worst episode of Simpsons is still pretty good honestly. It’s not as good as the best episodes of Simpsons, but it’s still better than most TV shows.


What’s the worst episode? I think the lady gaga one used to have the lowest review score but I’m wondering if a more recent episode has taken the crown


Actually good point, I was thinking the lady gaga episode, but I don’t know if at this point that is still the lowest rated. But really, even not going by ratings and just going each persons personal opinion, the worst episode they can think of, or even while they are watching it, thinking, " this isn’t a great episode". It’s still better than most other stuff on tv, just not a good episode of simpsons.

Kind of like saturday night live, even the bad episodes and seasons are still a pretty good show. And easy to appreciate the effort involved.


I distributed the watch over a long period of time—I only ever watched episodes while on a lunch break at work. It was an effective way of unplugging and just watching something “familiar”. I would typically bang out (up to) 2-episodes/day, 5-days a week over the course of about 2-years.

I just checked, and I have not watched the most recent episode, but I’m sure I will while on lunch sometime next week.

I would argue that majority are not as bad as you imply, though some are a tough watch—like the pointless travel shows, I recall Denmark and Canada as being a difficult watch.


I have to agree, the recent seasons feel like they have a cohesive story and often even pull away from the 3 piece storyy telling they were doing between seasons 20-30.

I wonder if there was a new writer brought on from s32 onward who’s responsible for the uptick.


I caught some clips of a recent season and the VAs just sound so old and tired. Regardless of the current writing, just let the show end. Have the writers write for something else.


Right?! Lisa sounded like a straight up old lady. And I’m still pissed about apu.


The show’s been running for 35 years. Lisa’s voice actor is 59 now. She is an old lady.


Marge and Mr. Burns are by far the worst. Burns does t even sound like the same voice actor now


Well, Marge’s voice actor is 73 now.


Yea, not a problem either, she tries, but she sounds her age too. Burns though, I saw a recent episode and had to look up if they changed the VA because it’s so different.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Thank you for actually acknowledging this.

The way the Internet talks about the Simpsons is so damn annoying. The vast, vast majority of them haven’t actually watched an episode and formed their own opinion on it in over a decade, they just keep repeating the same tired meme over and over again.

Long running shows have different writers coming and going, therefore quality fluctuates up and down over time. That’s one of the nice things about a long running show: it gets to experiment and let new blood invigorate new life into it. There is no singular “death”, there’s just hills and valleys.


You nailed it. Individual episodes are good bad and meh. I have a feeling if I was younger and exposed to the Simpsons now, I would’ve liked it just as much as I used to.

The constant shitting on the Simpsons needs to stop. It obviously gets good enough rating to keep on the air well over 30 years, so give it a rest.


There are plenty of bad shows on TV, the fact that its being made says nothing about its quality.


Yet next to zero continued 35 years


Lol, what? If you look at a list of scripted TV shows that have ran for 35+ years it’s going to be dominated by shitty soap operas. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Zoot, avatar

Those shitty soap operas generally get views, and it also goes to show that a cartoon is even more rare. The Simpsons is alright, and people clearly do watch it if its still running. Hell, most good shows only get 3 to 5 seasons now if they’re lucky!


I don’t count trash TV that changes often, sometimes even a different cast within the same couple of years.

Typical "technically something else is true " kind of stupid response that makes no difference to me.


Well yes, bad soap operas… And Doctor Who.


All of what you say is true of brand new shows as well, with even more room to experiment. I wish the Simpsons would just die and let new shows and new ideas take its place.

Honestly, what you’ve described sounds like a the Simpsons is an old, rich guy who pays young writers and artists to entertain him. Yes, he employs these people. No, I don’t think it’s anywhere even close to a good use of these economic resources. It’s for the same reason Hollywood makes so many comic book movies instead of dramas.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Homer no!! That’s Elon Musk! One of the world’s greatest inventors!!

Actual line from the show.


To be fair, that was back when the world liked him. It was topical at the time.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Nah that was around the time he started showing himself as being a bit of loser, but before he came out as an outright nazi.


Just got to that one recently. Painful episode. Not even Bowie could save it by the end.


Since when are IMDB ratings a serious metric of quality?


Episode 3 of season 6 is such an outlier. Too much romance for the Simpsons audience apparently.

fishos, avatar

It’s a clip show. Both low rating episodes from the first seasons are clip shows. That’s why. Clip shows are typically unpopular, even tho for The Simpsons, each clip is original and not a reair of a previous one. They’re “filler” episodes.

Gigan, avatar

I just started a rewatch of The Simpsons. I was only planning to watch the first 10 seasons though, juat because of the drop off in writing quality.


I was a major adult fan in my twenties who worked with people who could finish a Simpsons joke when anyone started a line from the show. I remember coming in and sadly announcing that I thought I didn’t like the show anymore. That was in the oughts. It had been in decline for a while at the time.

Des, avatar

my pirate collection stops exactly at season 9

i guess i can now call it my “criterion collection of the simpsons yaaaar”


I have it all because hoarding.

I’ve never watched past season 13. The last season I could get through is 12…

There’s some bangers in 10-12 though.

Des, avatar

my ancient hard drive used to have up to 12 i think. and you are right it was hit and miss there were a few goodies but so many bad as well

and then whatever happened with the really late seasons where the show basically became family guy i get sort of secondhand embarrassed watching


Gods, how right you are. I stopped after 12 watching as it came out, 10-12 had some great eps but many that I was just… bored watching.

I’ve seen a scattered few from 13-20 and they were nigh unwatchable. You’re totally right about the Family Guy-ication, and it’s not even early (good) Family Guy. It’s like watching newer Spongebob, after the writer (director?) quit.

I need to watch the Gaga episode. It sounds truly awful. I don’t know if I’m ready for that psychic damage.

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