
When are we gonna stop demonizing the other half of population, start understanding they may be right right at something and I may not be right about everything. People unite 🤝


“See we should all just come together and agree to believe what I believe. You should just accept that sometimes you’re wrong, even though I haven’t presented any evidence. If we agreed, we wouldn’t be fighting; therefore the charitable thing for you to do is to cause us to agree by changing your opinion to match mine”


I think once ppl unite we’ll find out we need no old guy in a suit telling us what’s the right thing to do for 4 years long and begin working on a parlament were truly wise individuals have their voice and a wide variety of professors are finnally listened. But we are too many to fit in a proportionally representative parlament and the only solution I see is dissolution of all big states into county governments and form only temporary intercity alliances.


Either say something that means anything or go back to Facebook.


People prefer circlejerking instead of trying to understand each other.

dylanTheDeveloper, (edited ) avatar

Louis Armstrong with his brother Lance Armstrong back in 89 both went to the moon. All so you could have smaller computers and political posts like this :/


so many things wrong here:

  1. lois armstrong played the trombone
  2. lance armstrong’s real name is buzz aldrin
  3. it was '69, not '98
  4. the moon landing was in no way politicized
  5. i am not using a computer, but a phone

I removed and moan as much as the next bloke, but yeah that comment hit me right in the soul (assuming I have one).

MaxVoltage, avatar

knives out

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Is this loss


this is a both-sides argument, and therefore wrong.

because i can convey my point in a short phrase, i am therefore the winner.


I’m so fucking sick and tired of seeing politics everywhere on lemme. You guys are worse than redditors with this shit


I’m sorry people aren’t posting content relevant to your personal preferences.

May I suggest you use filters, or perhaps go fuck yourself?


For a laugh, here’s what this definitely consistent person with a principled dislike of politics (which definitely isn’t just things they disagree with) posted immediately after their complaint:

US fed doesn’t recognize basic ethics laws, how unsurprising

A boring dystopia


Based. If you see something you dont like on the fediverse, you can ignore it (like a sane person) or filter it out (also like a sane person).

Jake_Farm, avatar

Too bad there is no working class left. The college educated left liked belittling blue collar workers too much.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Lmfao what?


The… The college educated left are still working class, the blue collar workers are also working class, you are working class, I am working class.

Unless you are part of the owner class, you are the working class.


I bet you felt really smart typing that


Everyone on the left is in the ruling class? Whoa! I’m rich!

c0mbatbag3l, avatar
  1. There’s no blue collar worker’s because it doesn’t pay enough.
  2. Educated people can and should work in blue collar fields, but unfortunately our society bases everything on money, so leaving blue collar work for higher paying jobs is literally the dear and fluffy capitalism you love so much. Anyone with an education is going to seek the highest paying job possible and none of those are blue collar.
  3. “working class” doesn’t mean field hands and electricians, it means everyone that isn’t a multi millionaire. I work in IT and am still working class, you work blue collar and are working class, the salesman that works for a bank is working class. Unless you’re the owner of a business entity and do not have to work to pay your bills, then you’re “working class.”
  4. The conservative ideology has ground the middle class into non-existence through the deregulation of the market and the abysmal failure of trickle down economics. Compounded by the uselessness of the Democratic party (cause they’re all just old money career politicians too, what a surprise) not doing a damn thing when they’re in control of the legislative branch. Not because educated people made fun of yokels too much. You’re drawing conclusions out of your feelings, not reality.

Bro, there are tens of millions of blue collar workers nationwide, and depending on the trade, pays exceptionally well. Not millionaire well, but well enough to live reasonably comfortably.


bruh this is the worst 4 panel ive seen this week


This is best content on Lemmy this month.


If by ‘worst’ you mean ‘bravest’ and ‘truest’ and ‘most important’ then I agree


Making fun of rightoids sure is brave on this site…


making fun of the right wing is a victimless crime as they don’t believe victims

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Making fun of conservatives on a largely liberal-communist website, damn nothing braver than that lol


Aren’t liberals and communists bitter enemies?

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Sorry I’ll try to illustrate this better.

Liberal ----> Communist

As in, anything to the left of conservative which is the majority user base of the lemmy community. Yes I’m aware liberals are capitalists still, don’t try to play these stupid games you know what I meant.


I’m not trying to play any stupid games, I’m asking you a question.

No need to get rude about it.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

You’re asking a question meant to illustrate that I don’t know what I’m talking about because you didn’t understand my original comment or you are trying to discredit me because you believe I’m conservative. I’m not, I just think the meme itself is derivative and doesn’t understand the POV of conservatives. They aren’t convinced gay people have all the money, they just hate LGBT people in general because they’re bigots and believe the economy is shit for different reasons entirely.

Strawman arguments seem to be a commonality everywhere, it’s not really useful outside of circle jerking that you’re smart and no one else is.


I think you are overthinking my comment.


I hear what you’re saying, but this is why words are so important. They have meaning. Especially political ideologies.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Which is why I said liberal to communist. Moderate left to far left.


Political comics are hard to critique because people see it as an attack on the message and not the abysmal quality.


Isn’t the message the point? Aren’t political cartoons historically the epitome of low-brow art? No one here is writing a thesis on Line Thickness and 17th Century Liberalism Themes In Dilbert.


I think the content is good. The art feels a little rough, not sure if it is a style or not. If the original author is new at this stuff, this is pretty good. Everyone has to start somewhere.


The funniest part is how the artist felt the need to write “the left” and “the right” on the characters as if this highly intellectual commentary is too subtle to understand without help. We’ve reached below the point of crappy editorial cartoons.


It is too subtle to understand. Without the labels, they’re just random people and the message is lost. We’re not talking about random dumb dumbs that don’t understand how Western oligarchies work, we’re talking about the conservatives that actively cheer it on.

iAvicenna, avatar

The LGBTQ does not steal your money, they steal your sex!


That’s fine. I’m not using it right now anyway.


I knew it!

Witchfire, avatar

Dang LGBTQ came by and turned me gay. Now I can’t stop fantasizing over other women! I mean, gestures wildly up and down


“If two men or two women can form a household based on an equal separation of responsibilities and reliance on one another, how am I gonna convince my wife God wants her to do the dishes while I drink beer and yell?”


You went wrong at “convincing”. Send it, hope for the best ;)


They don’t want your money, honey, they want your love


Aw, that’s lovely 🥰

Arcity, avatar

Immigrants? So elongated muskrat?


Exactly. normally when we think “immigrants” we think of the peniless illegal people who crawl under the fence or swim around it. No. The real enemy immigrants are the wealthies.

Especially the ones buying up all our real estate so houses sit empty and cost too much for anyone to live in them.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

And the solution is?

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Bro thinks an utopia will work


If that’s what you think this says, then you completely misunderstand anarchism.

This book describes current and past societies that have functioned using anarchist principles such as horizontality, mutual aid, none of which are utopian, but all of which are significantly more equitable than systems like capitalism, feudalism, authoritarianism, and statehood.


My ex-wife liked to practice horizontality with everyone she met.




I, too, choose to practice horizontality with SatansMaggotyCumFart’s wife



Very important distinction.


Thank you for the link! AnarchistLibrary is cool but sometimes it’s hard to find the solid stuff from the tumblr rants.

I agree, it’s amazing how “revolutionary” it is to hold the idea that people can lead and cooperate just fine without a someone “on top” making all the rules everyone just follows because they say so. Some people just can’t fathom not being lead around by the nose.

They think we’re utopian, but I’d rather work towards an equitable world using anarchist principles, knowing it won’t create a utopia, than give up and let greed and hatred win out because that’s the status quo.

“This current situation is the best we’ve got so far” is such a low bar.


Amen. One of the things I like best about anarchism is it introduces concepts that we can begin to practice immediately vs. awaiting some future revolution.

I really like the book I linked because to me it’s so much easier to read and digest than some of the famous works by authors like Kropotkin or Goldman.

Audible Anarchist has also uploaded a few chapters from the book, which I’ve been listening to on my walks:…/UCaO1QA8QL99_eb0XhJI2Fyw

Arelin, (edited )

Democratically owning the means of production among the workers. Instead of some greedy rich guy who’d want to give as little of the profit as possible to the people actually making the product or providing the service.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

You mean capitalist cooperatives? They exist and even Milei wants to turn Aerolíneas Argentinas into one


That’s an oxymoron. There is literally no such thing as a capitalist cooperative. By definition, co-ops are socialist. Also, the right wing populist wants to socialize the airlines?

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Yes, he does want to give the airlines to the workers

Also touch some fucking grass to see how agricultural cooperatives work under capitalism


Co-ops and unions are certainly steps in the right direction, but they’re more like temporary band-aids over Capitalism instead of implementing proper Socialism.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Because proper socialism always devolves into tyranny


As capitalism is currently doing…

Diprount_Tomato, avatar



[gestures wildly at everything]

Diprount_Tomato, avatar


Arelin, (edited )

How so? Cuba has one of the most open democracies in the world. Plus free healthcare, no homelessness, and enough free high level education to provide Italy with doctors during the pandemic.

All while the world’s current top superpower is right beside them, sees them as an enemy, and has a still ongoing embargo on them for 60 years now to prevent them from trading with other countries. That’ll hopefully change once China’s Belt and Road Initiative is complete though.

Clearly this model works. It does require expelling landleeches, plantation owners and billionaires if they don’t hand over the means of production to the workers (like Cuba did after the revolution), but I don’t think most people would mind that.

It also historically requires fighting off the US though because military, oil, and other private corporation owners can’t exploit Socialist countries as much, which is harder.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

That first paragraph already proves that you can’t be reasoned with


I can’t think of anything to refute your comment

So you understand my point. Thanks lol

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

No, it’s just pointless to argue with someone so out of touch with reality he believes Cuba is one of the most democratic countries

Arelin, (edited )

It is though? People directly nominate individuals in their area, and the ballots are checked in public where anyone can attend.

This results in a Parliament that evenly and properly represents the entire population. That’s why Cuba has an unusually high percentage of women in the government, 53.22% now (U.S has 29.0%), and better LGBT rights than the U.S. nowadays.

The power of a proper democracy.

Being rich as an advantage is also taken away by banning advertising yourself/anyone. You need social connections with the people in your area (Socialism) instead.

Not knowing something is fine, but being ignorant and arrogant about it is unfortunate. Though I suppose it is unbelievable, if you’re in a Capitalist country, to hear that a nation has solved homelessness, starvation, and education by just changing its political/economic system (and fighting off the US after).

Imagine its sheer potential once it can trade with other countries with that massive advantage, after the US is eventually forced to stop the embargo.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Why is dissent brutally repressed then? Also writing walls of text won’t make you right


Downvoting in a discussion is kinda cringe bro ngl, specially without replying why

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Bro got triggered


Lmaoo you downvoted that too. Are karma numbers that important to you?

Arelin, (edited )

You mean the 2021 “protests”? Most of it was pro-government/revolution ones against CIA-backed ‘protests’ that were spun up by Fox News to be pro-US; by blurring out signs and the like. And a fake Twitter campaign run by bots.

Second thought made a great video covering the whole thing; he has sources in the description.

This is nothing new for the US; the CIA staged a coup in Iran to overthrow the democratically elected Mosaddegh because his policies would benefit Iran instead of US’s oil companies, caused a mass killing in Indonesia in 1965 and a coup in Chile to replace it with a military dictatorship for similar reasons. Great way to justify military action.

These aren’t declassified until decades later for obvious reasons. They’re called “color revolutions” and are staged by billion dollar US corporations to set the stage for military or political action. Best way to spot them is seeing if they have US-flags or have signs with generic lines like “Freedom”.

Also writing walls of text won’t make you right


Thanks for the “wall of text”! Also, the meme is good.

I didn’t know long form writing was inherently bad to some TIL 😂


Ayy glad it helped someone 🤝🤝


People always say this and then fail to provide a single example of when proper socialism existed and then destroyed the country.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

“This theory when applied didn’t end like in the book, therefore it’s not really that theory”


Communism without actually sharing isn’t communism. Democracy without fair elections isn’t democracy. Socialism without the socialisation of the benefit of production is not socialism. Your ignorance of these things doesn’t change what they are.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Again, the “the theory when applied doesn’t look like in the book so it’s not real communism”


North Korea calls itself democratic. Everyone in the country votes for a new leader every five years. It’s just that there’s only one name on the ballot.

One would be foolhardy to call that democracy.

One would be even more foolhardy to argue that this means that democracy is a stupid idea.

Likewise with socialism.

LemmysMum, (edited )

No. The theory when applied doesn’t follow the book. The difference is something called contextual nuance, and you have no grasp of it.

Your position is like North Korea claiming democracy doesn’t work because they say they are one and it’s not working.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

No, it’s not a democracy because it doesn’t even bother following actual democratic principles. It’s just like Napoleon’s idea of democracy: I am the people, therefore if I have absolute power I’m being democratic.

Basically Cuba on steroids

I copy-pasted my answer because you copy-pasted your comment

LemmysMum, (edited )

The only thing like Napoleon’s around here is your ego. Shame you don’t have the brains to go with it.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Love your response, totally not an ad hominem

LemmysMum, (edited )

Of course it’s an ad hominem dumbass, I was insulting your lack of intelligence because I’ve already destroyed your argument but you’re literally too fucking stupid to clue on.

If you want to keep being clowned on like a child, keep being as ignorant as one. Running circles around you as you try to keep up is great practice. They say you shouldn’t argue with idiots like yourself, but that’s a skill issue imo.

I don’t expect your inevitable reply to miraculously be tempered with newfound cognizance either. I expect you to continue to act within your very restrictive personal limitations.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Exactly when did you “destroy my argument”? I bet it’s right next to the tooth fairy


The messages are there, I’d tell you to read them but comprehension isn’t your strong suite given that you didn’t pick anything up the first time through.

Thank you for proving my point.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Whatever you say, just stop whining


No one’s forcing you to espouse your stupidity.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

And you keep whining…


You’re the one whining to me. Why do you keep coming back? Is it because I’m the closest thing to an emotional connection in your sad life?

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

No, it’s because I want to shut your commie ass up


You can do that by not responding, I even told you that, but as I’ve been pointing out this whole time, you’re not smart enough to reign in your ego long enough to let go of me. I should be flattered that you find me so enthralling as to keep returning.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

I keep returning because you keep returning like a fly


You keep returning because your ego is all you have after getting schooled like the child you continue to act. It’s so funny. This feeling you keep having? It’s your stupidity hurting you for your own actions.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

You claim I am the one that keeps returning out of pure ego yet you always want to answer last, curious


Yes, because you still have a lesson to learn. You’re just very slow.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

And you keep coming here


Well yes, how else will the slow child learn.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Was that aimed at yourself?


Is that the best you can do? Who am I kidding, of course it is.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Just like the best thing you seem to be able to do is keep coming here out of pure ego


You can’t even come up with your own shit you have to regurgitate what you’ve sucked out of my ass as I shat all over you.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Or maybe I’m using the Uno card, who knows


You sure don’t. That’s been proven.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

What’s proven? That you keep coming here?


Well if you know you know. We know you don’t.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Know that you’re doing exactly what you say I do presumably for the same reasons you claim I do?


Sure, that would be a morons take on it.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

You haven’t stopped coming back


You haven’t learned your lesson. Slow kids take longer to teach.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Keep coming back.


Yes you do. Because I’m the closest thing to a personal relationship you’ve ever had.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

-Said while doing exactly the same


Oh no, I already told you why I was here, but you’re too slow to pick up on it even when told directly.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Or you’re too slow to realise you’re doing exactly what you’re complaining about


If self-awareness was a disease you’d be the healthiest person alive.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

-Said the least self-aware person ever

Literally just shut TF up and leave this thread


Really, you’re back to being this stupid? Who am I kidding, you never stopped. Do we need to start again about how the only way this ends is when you learn the lesson I’m teaching? The slower you are the longer it will take.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

How don’t you get tired of being a fucking asshole for several days? Guess that’s your usual self, and I also guess that’s why the only personal interaction you seem to get is being an egotistical dickhead

Also, the only lesson someone needs to learn here is you taking more showers


Lmao, that impotent rage won’t get you anywhere.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Being a moron with a zealous desire to have the “moral high ground” won’t either


So why do you keep trying?

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

That’s what I want to ask you


Because idiots like you have important things to learn, I can repeat myself again if you still aren’t catching on. Like I’ve said almost a dozen times by now, the slow ones take the longest.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Who TF do you think you are to teach anyone anything? You’re also definitely doing what you preach not to do


I’m the perfect person to teach this lesson, the fact that you don’t know what it is, is just more proof of your idiocy, I’ve told you but you’re too slow to keep up. It’s OK, I have no qualms continuing until you learn your lesson. The best part about the lesson I’m teaching is it doesn’t require you to even know what I’m trying to teach you because the only way this conversation ends is once you have learnt that lesson.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

You haven’t answered my question in any part of your pedantic rambling, so I’m asking again

Who TF do you think you are to teach anyone anything? And why don’t you touch some grass instead of being a fedora-tipping prick?


Why don’t you walk away instead of inflicting me upon yourself? I know why, ego, belligerence, stupidity, the list goes on. The lesson I’m teaching is one in humility. You want the conversation to end? Then jog on princess.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Who do you think you are to teach humility? You’ve shown the opposite for like 5 days and been an absolute egotistical asshole obsessed with having the moral high ground

At this point I should just block you for being the most annoying person I’ve ever known on the internet


And in doing so you’d have finally learned your lesson. But you’re stupid which is why you’re so slow. Told you a few times now the stupid ones take the longest. Jog on sunshine, if you’ve got the balls. Or will you come crawling back for more like you have for 3 days?

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

What lesson would I have learned, “Don’t bother talking to narcissist assholes”?

Now go back to your cave and look for another person to pray upon


You’ll be learning the lesson on how to shut the fuck up and walk away with your tail between your legs, a lesson you’re seemingly well overdue. You know how to end this, but you can’t, you’re a cuck to my influence, you’ll come back again.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Knew you couldn’t stay away, good boy, now roll over.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Good little cuck. Now beg. Like you have for three days to be released from my grasp because you lack the willpower to check your ego.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

TF is even wrong with you?

Blocking you, creep

LemmysMum, (edited )

Shame that you have to use a block to manage your ego though it’s not surprising. We both know you couldn’t stop replying of your own volition, you lack the willpower.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

The theory when applied ends up not following the book… I wonder why?

LemmysMum, (edited )

The theory when applied ends up not following the book… I wonder why?

Because you can’t read, as proven.

The difference is something called contextual nuance, and you have no grasp of it.

Your position is like North Korea claiming democracy doesn’t work because they say they are one and it’s not working.

You can continue acting stupid, but in your case I’m not sure it’s an act.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

North Korea’s definitely working. If it didn’t work it would have collapsed. It’s still hell, but a working one


Is the Democratic Republic Of North Korea a Democracy? Because you’re trying to say yes.

Like I said, it’s called contextual nuance and you have no grasp of it.

You can continue acting stupid, but in your case I’m not sure it’s an act.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

No, it’s not a democracy because it doesn’t even bother following actual democratic principles. It’s just like Napoleon’s idea of democracy: I am the people, therefore if I have absolute power I’m being democratic.

Basically Cuba on steroids


Exactly, and that’s why everything you’ve ever known as communism and socialism is in exactly the same boat. They didn’t follow the actual communistic or socialist principals. They were all little north Korea pretending to be those things.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

Except they did


Like I said, you can continue acting stupid, but in your case it’s probably not an act.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

They “socialised” the means of production


You’ve never read a book in your life, you have no clue what that phrase means. You have just proven yourself genuine and not an actor. You are a moron.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

How do you give the means of production to a concept (the collective) if not by giving it to the institution that supposedly represents it (the state)?


By actually distributing the value generated to the workers. It doesn’t require the state to do anything except legislate paying workers their worth. Adequately taxing those with means to pay for social services for those without. You know, actually benefitting the lowest rung of the social hierarchy beyond letting them beg for scraps and die.

I’ll give you a hint, no one is being paid what they’re worth while a profit margin exists because every dollar of profit is a dollar exploited from the supplier, the worker, and the customer, for the benefit of the mini kings of capitalism.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

That’s not giving the means of production, that’s just giving the benefits of production

LemmysMum, (edited )

Which if you knew how to read a book you’d realise is the point. Like I said, you’re not pretending to be a moron. You’re just parroting shit you heard elsewhere with no understanding of it’s actual meaning or context, and you’ve definitely never read any of the books these ideas come from. You are the equivalent of a child telling a physicist that they don’t know how particle physics works because of what your friend told you in kindergarten.

Go read a book and stop being a willfully ignorant dumbass. Not that I have any hope you’d understand the concepts in them but you’d have to learn something from osmisis at least.

Diprount_Tomato, avatar

You’re telling me that while parroting “seize the means of production” when you only seem to want to abolish positive balances


See, that works for a farm.

I don’t see how it works for a $40 billion chip fabrication plant.

Arelin, (edited )

Work isn’t just physical you know. Management, planning, etc is work too, and they’d get paid according to how many want to do them, and how hard they are.

The difference is, like I said, that some greedy rich bastard who’d want to give as little of the profit as possible to the people actually making the product or providing the service wouldn’t own that means of production.


Simple. You know all those scientists that work at $40 billion chip plants? They would actually take the $40 billion and not some random suit who doesn’t do any of the actual work. Executive leadership is important, but it’s not worth 1000x the average worker’s salary.


So who builds it? Do you just get together with 40,000 of your friends and go “hey if everyone here chips in a million, we can compete with TSMC”?


Oh no, a challenge. Let’s not even try.


Organizing it through a Socialist government would probably be the easiest.

And complaining about such a tiny challenge is hilarious lmao


There are examples of exactly this occuring regarding renewables, there are community funded battery/solar farms here in Aus.

If it can be done on that scale, it can definitely be scaled up, it’s just a matter of willingness of the community.


The Left is right. This doesn’t make sense.


You climb to the top panels and start munching.


You mean the right is wrong… not helpful either sorry


and on the right… nothing’s left… 😔

saltesc, (edited )

Ah. So the “left” aren’t social left, they just see money as the answer to all social progression too. Got it. Well that explains our current Western progress and predicament. Lot of growing up to do if, as far as social progression goes, money is seen as a power rather than a weakness. Ain’t no one in need getting any that way.

History repeats and we all stay the same. New generation, another dollar.

At least “eat the rich” makes more sense. Robin Hood would rob the guy and not socially recognise them as a king. More important things to do.

Edit: I actually expected more down votes than this (7) and was wanting some discourse. Anyone? I’m looking for someone to state what’s not already called out in that a core issue is the perception of monetary wealth being a controlling factor of social imbalance—which of course it is with a society of that perception.

You’ve all got bank accounts drained for the people, not your house deposit, right? Right? Sorry… Left? Left?


The Left: Rich people are the problem

saltesc: So you agree that money is power? Gotcha!

Everyone: What does that even mean?

saltesc: Don’t dismiss my word salad without discourse!


Well, actual left doesn’t base itself on economical attributes. So it’s interesting to see a meme go straight to wealth while claiming leftism. Part of being on the left is recognisimg wealth as a faux controller and issue. Actual left doesn’t socially want in on it too. Actual left would aim at rejecting an acknowledgement of wealth by reinforcing services and freedoms to all without requirement of wealth, thus diluting the importance and value of money.

This comic almost opposes that by weighing importance of wealth. It’s insulting to leftism by claiming “this is left”.

A lot of the replies seem to be the trending American ideas of leftism which are very new and very unique to a $27T GDP with stonks of social issues. Kind of trying to force the two to connect, but that’s not how leftism works.

Y’all can literally Google it right now if you need to know what being left is. It’s social equality you’re meant to be working on, not getting a piece of the pie. Recognising and blaming distribution of wealth is literally opposing leftism because it’s acknowledging and giving finance power. The comic is more “I feel left out” when it should be “your money is nothing”.


TIL criticism of the status quo isn’t left. Neither is criticizing power dynamics. It’s not about sharing the cake equally but pretending the cake doesn’t exist. This will feed the hungry and house the homeless.

Sure, occupying empty houses will house the homeless but only if you are prepared for the power dynamics which is the police will evict you in no time. I wish money was nothing but force ain’t nothing and the state has a monopoly on force, so as long as they think money is something, it is. Good luck with your mutual aid initiative or what ever it is you are doing and we can try to change the system, but we can’t just ignore it.


States where the society views money as less important than social issues/equality already have and will continue to get progressive social benefits. You can’t put a value on something if every expects it to be free. Lack of wealth is not an issue when everyone expects things to be free. But by recognising wealth and pricetags does money become important and thus hoarded. Th cake isn’t money, it’s cake. You don’t need money redistributed for everyone to get cake when cake is expected as a social staple and offset by the society as a whole.

This is fundamental leftism. A society won’t achieve it if they’re focused on people having more money than them. “But how will I pay for cake if they have all the money?!” Uhhh, you don’t. You demand the cake and halt everything until you get the cake. Once everyone has cake, back to business as usual.

I can’t recall a single historical social issue that was resolved by acknowledging and redistributing wealth. Enough people just demanded it and social equality happened.


I love how you totally ignore my point. Sure, money isn’t the cake, but housing is. Good luck ignoring the cops that evict you!

Sure, I want a classless, moneyless, stateless society but on the way there, we can’t ignore what is. I’m not a Marxist but I think we can agree that Marx was left. He wrote a book “Das Kapital”. You can literally google what it is about.


I’ve read plenty of Marx.

I see your point. However, you are still not understanding. Fair housing can’t happen if you think it’s about distribution of wealth. Stop thinking it’s all about money. It’s about social equality. The left would introduce rental caps, tenant benefits, rental assistance programs, more rights and benefits to prevent unfair evictions. But also improve housing for renters to have more equal stance to own instead.

This is what left states do. Left is not considering and focusing on redistributing wealth as the centre of social inequality since it is not a social issue. Money comes after. It is a result. If a self-proclaimed “left” is so obsessed with money, I question their concern of actual social equalities because they too are only thinking about the money and there’s no resolve in that.


Nobody said it’s only about redistributing money. We are talking about a 4 panel meme that says “Rich people are the problem”. It’s not a manifesto stating that redistribution will solve all our problems. It’s a meme saying rich people are the problem. They are the ruling class. Not everything utterance has to have the solution. Sometimes it’s enough to state the problem.

I’m full into solving the housing problem by occupying empty houses and self-organized groups around the concept of mutual aid. We need to abolish money and the state and patriarchy but sometimes it’s ok to “just” say “rich people are the problem”. This doesn’t imply that it’s the only one and that the solution is easy. It isn’t.

saltesc, (edited )

Rich people are the by-product of social inequality. The actual problem. Correcting these things would naturally dissolve the power of money since it devalues its place in society as it is less needed for basic social survival.

But in there lies the true issue. If no longer money—an artificial measure of tracking what is valuable in society—what is the next thing the same people will want to control? Our history is riddled with it. That’s the tricky part of we abolish money and it does sound awful nice like you say. Gold, water, people, currency, oil… It’s always something. But leftism looks to ensure things like this are avoided, not being side-tracked by trying to cure the symptoms. If you are a leftist, people wih absurd control of something (money in this case) are an indicatior equality has been neglected and there’s work to do. Step 1, look at what’s making them have so much control and start on all of those things. It’s not money. Money’s not even valuable to many of the left.

I see this comic and I don’t see leftism at all. I see someone upset about finance and doesn’t know what to do but blame a specific symptom of inequality impacting them. That’s not going to do anything and it’s not “left”. It indicates a value and focus for money that may even see them do the exact same thing if they amassed some, since it’s so important to them than much other else in the complexities of society, especially the actual problems causing it.

My triggering issue is it says “this is left” and “this is right” without sensing the irony. The money part is just…so primitive I couldn’t help myself. We see things on spectrums with many points peppered across for just a single individual. What upsets me is this primative two camp idea driving “Whatever I don’t like must be right/left” without actually understanding what these things are. It’s very clear of a naturally divisive society which is a breeding ground for social inequality. It smells distinctly US where almost many things (and historically so) are a really strong competition of one side versus another. Trying to drag leftism into that is actually opposing to its fundamental ideas. Neglecting the spectrum entirely is straight up regressive of social maturity and stability.

I don’t think many people on Lemmy actually know what they are except unhappy, and they are looking for comfort and hope in a home. But the principle ideas of leftism do not conduct itself this way, lest it never succeed in progression.

Edit: Also, I appreciate you sticking with me this far :) It’s okay if I’ve been exhausting enough now though. Exchanging thoughts and ideas is super fulfilling and we always get better for it, even if we don’t think anything’s sticking.


Bro wants to sound important and educated soooo bad. I actually giggled reading “economical attributes”. Like I don’t think even you understand what you’re trying to say.

It’s social equality you’re meant to be working on, not getting a piece of the pie.

Leftists want this. You’re not saying something revolutionary. The problem is that in America, getting democratic socialism with redistribution of wealth is much more realistic than a total social overhaul like you’re suggesting.

Recognising and blaming distribution of wealth is literally opposing leftism because it’s acknowledging and giving finance power.

Uhhh no. Capitalism and the govt give finance power. Recognizing and attempting to use the system to better the lives of people isn’t the problem, it just isn’t the ideal solution. It’s a stop-gap.

You can claim “true leftism” all day, but I live in reality where half-assed solutions are better than nothing.


No one knows what you’re talking about


Robin Hood liked the king. He was noble himself.


Oh yeah, haha. Prince*


Wtf are you trying to say


You calling me crazy? Just 'cause I got a hotel in my foot doesn't make me a boogalymoogalymoogaly!


What does your comment mean though? Feel free to attack my reading comprehension but i don’t actually think your comment is making a statement. Distill it so my slow ass understands and maybe (and that’s a big maybe) we can try to have some sort of conversation. Judging by the downvotes i presume your opinion is unpopular–i just don’t understand it well enough to see why.


Judging by the downvotes i presume your opinion is unpopular–i just don’t understand it well enough to see why.

Asked and answered. It’s incoherent borderline word salad and just comes across as really really trollish, especially with the edit demanding “discourse.”


My opinion is left and it’s annoyed that someone would say the comic is left.

While the comic is focused on distribution and accumulation of wealth being an issue, actual left recognises finance as an issue. Society doesn’t require wealth for equality. People can be rich in leftism. Leftism is social. Social issues is what it addresses. Thinking “left” is somehow attached to finance is fundamentally anti-social. Thinking money should be better disteibuted and not hoarded by the rich is acknowledging money is power which is anti-social.

None of us with national healthcare systems got them by considering money and the rich and who has and who doesn’t have money. We got them by acknowledging health as a social issue. Money be damned.

None of us with nationally assisted higher education got it by considering money and the rich and who has or doesn’t have money. We got it by acknowledging education as a social issue. Money be damned.

None of us that with gun regulation got it by considering money and the rich and who has or doesn’t have money. We got them by acknowledging public safety as a social issue. Money be damned.

This comic… “Nah, it’s money, hey. That’s what’s stopping us. I’m left 👉👈” It’s kind of insulting to the ideology. And I expected backlash on here because Lemmy seems to be riddled with backseat leftists that don’t actually know what it is. By acknowledging money as some big value implies that when it comes time to pay for social equality, Lemmingtons and the author of this comic will be upset to be getting less money. That’s not an issue when money takes anback seat to social progression aka actual left.


I think his comment is reading way way too much into it. The comic is basically saying that “left” is willing to question authority, while “right” takes it as gospel and asks for more.

There’s also the claim that criticising weath disparity while living in a very weath-centric system is somehow an endorsement of that weath-centric system.

Guy seems to just want to dump on the idea of left, so I’ll leave a downvote and let him dump in peace.


Thanks for taking the time to break that down for me. I will just go ahead and attack my own reading comprehension–i never would have deduced that from their comment, no way.


You criticise wealth disparity, yet live in a capitalist society. Curious. I am very intelligent.

HelloHotel, avatar

Ive made the same errors as @saltesc before and probably worse. For me it came from a depressed headspace and bad mindset.

watson387, avatar

Could it also have something to do with the fact that nowadays what’s called “the right” in the US are extremists and what’s called “the left” are center-right/right wing?


Maybe. Seeing some of the follow up commonts, it feels more like a no true scotsman fallacy.

“You can’t be left without being extreme left” “the left doesn’t do moderate left things!” “Thinking about money proves you aren’t left!”

As if wanting anything less than a money-free socialist utopia yesterday isn’t left enough.


You and all of the new conservative sign ups on Lemmy need to go back to 4chan or Truth and have your circle jerk. Lemmy was safely claimed by leftists. You’re gonna have a bad time here.


You’re making bold assumptions and trying to place me in a tribe you see the world as—but I’m of none of the things you mentioned nor even close. You feel you can say that without much thought or concern though because you feel as though you’re protected in your camp, why would you declare it so loudly that I know where I am? The reality is, your camp is small, one of millions, and insignificant in global society and culture. You also clearly know as much about conservatism as leftism if you think anything of what I said was ideals or association of conservatism. This must be just what you’ve learned in your camp.

But, hey. You keep fighting that “us vs them”—whoever the fuck they are—thing you got going on. That’s the irony of your self-painted banner. It doesn’t help the world progress and encourages we remain conservative of its old social ways and setbacks.

Tribalism is for the old, the weak, and a disgrace on what we’re supposed to be and could be. The world’s long been too small for you to bark like a yard dog and be intolerant of everything that walks by. Maybe it’s time you start reading about the things you claim to hold so dearly. Or don’t. I’m a 4chan “conservative” after all. Nazi next, hm?


True story, the US is a state founded by immigrants.


Illegal immigrants, no less.


And before the decade-long process of today, even the legal immigrants had it way easier.

Want to be an American? Great*, get on a boat, avoid icebergs, get off the boat at a port of entry, and talk to someone who will misspell your name.

^* ^Experiences ^may ^vary ^based ^on ^the ^foreign ^scapegoat ^at ^the ^time.


no no, I’m not the child of immigrants! I’m iTaLiAn AmeRiCan, gosh.





The rich Americans are seldomly native Amaricans, so the meme is right about the immigrants holding all the money.


But there’s that one really rich Native American dude with the casino so it’s ok


If anything that’s an argument against immigration, considering what happened to the people that lived there before


Well as long as they promise not to systematically murder us with vastly superior technology


Too bad the US is not what the natives made it to be 🤷… they didn’t like what the immigrants did, but money is a very powerful thing.

Fal, avatar

Immigrants. I always knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them


I'd like to buy your rock

Octopus1348, avatar

I read “cock” 💀

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