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acosmichippo, (edited ) in U.N. Chief António Guterres Calls for End to Advertising for Fossil Fuels avatar

say goodbye to motorsports without being able to greenwash oil.


Goodbye, you won’t be missed


There is Formula E, and other alternatives.

LarkinDePark, in US lawmakers advance Bill to sanction ICC over Israel probe

Today’s vote draws a line in the sand for lawless action by ICC officials," Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement.

We’ve got a fucking comedian here.

…largely symbolic…

…would bar US entry for ICC officials involved with the case, revoking their visas and restricting any US-based property transactions.


HumanPenguin, (edited ) avatar

revoking their visas and restricting any US-based property transactions.

So any icc employee who has settled in the US. Loses access to family. And is unable to sell property to fund moving them. To a less politically toxic nation?

It could be a ĺittle more then symbolism to the lives of anyone involved who has a visa.

Republicans seem to really ignore:we no longer live in a world where the girl/boy next door is your most likely wife/husband. Many of us human beings build relationships accross borders now the Internet is so linked to our daily lives.

LordWiggle, in Mexico's new president! avatar

I’m going to move to Mexico I guess. Here in The Netherlands, as well as most of the European countries, right wing extremism is on the rise. Who would have thought it would be Mexico to show we don’t have to live in a dystopian shit show.


Please do so, there is nothing more we love here in LATAM as clueless gringos arriving to be easily robbed

LordWiggle, avatar

Ha! Jokes on you! I’m poor because I have to spend 1900 euros per month on rent alone so there’s nothing to rob me of. You can’t even rob me of my dignity anymore.

Jokes aside, I’m aware of the major issues Mexico has. I’ve never been there but I would love to visit as it’s a beautiful country. But I’m too chicken to go due to the high crime rate etc. And tickets are too expensive, I wasn’t joking about having no money because my decent salary is being sucked up completely by rent, taxes, bills, insurances and food.

But I’m glad Mexico has elected a leader I could only dream of. I hope she can make a change towards better. Or at least, I hope she is what she looks like. I mean, is she really good or only looks like that (like the president of India). At least she looks like Merkel + + +

Shardikprime, (edited )

Bro spends in a month more than a local spends in a year and then says he is poor, thinking he has nothing to lose because he lost his “dignity” lmao

Here getting robbed is getting murdered. I suppose you may be entitled to say you have nothing to lose after that

LordWiggle, avatar

I need to spend that much for basics, like food and a roof over my head. I’m basically a slave, I need to work most of my life without being able to build up anything. No saving, buying a house, etc.

But I’m aware I live in one of the wealthiest countries, where I do not have to fear anything no matter where I go. I’m aware I’m extremely lucky to have been born here. I’ve seen how life can be different, when I went on deployment to the Middle East and Africa. I’ve been to horrible places and have seen horrible things.

But life here is extremely expensive. We make more money, but in the end we have nothing left after we payed all the bills to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I don’t have much to lose, as I’m depressed AF, alone as my wife left me, stuck with PTSD from when I was in the military, unable to enjoy life anymore somehow. So a holiday in Mexico where I snort loads of cocain with a bunch of hookers before I get robbed and killed doesn’t sound so bad really.


Please do so, I’m sure it will be worth it haha


Also, depending on what you move, make sure to take into account areas with drought, and future rain and heat patterns. Climate change is only going to get worse. Make sure you have a secure water supply to work with.

LordWiggle, avatar

Ok so I’m not moving for the coming 10 years for sure, and if I’m moving it probably won’t be Mexico. But the climate change thing is something I worry about. I live in the Netherlands, most parts are below sea level. The dykes are being reinforced, but the plans for now are finished in about 10 years and won’t be high and strong enough in about 5 years, so we need to start to reinforce it even more 5 years before the current plans are being completed. At the same time ground water levels are getting lower, so trees are unable to get water from the ground and die, so the roots will die too and won’t be able to hold the ground together. It’s getting harder and harder pumping drinking water from the ground. Next to that, salt seawater is normally held back in the ground by the ground water, but because it’s level is getting lower while the sea level is rising, salt seawater is making it’s way into the ground, killing more greenery because it’s polluting the groundwater and making it undrinkable. So I may be forced to move, as well as most inhabitants here if this shit continues. 10 to 12 million people forced to relocate due to lack of water AND too much water at the same time. Weird AF.


To be clear, 37 other candidates were murdered. Leaving this final one the pick of the cartels as the survivor.


I’m glad you made this reply on every comment, otherwise I might not have read it 40 times

Klear, (edited )

To be clear, 37 other comments were deleted by mods. Leaving these final 40 the pick of the mods as the survivors.


They’re just using it as a signature like those “anti-AI license” guys.

atx_aquarian, avatar

I think everywhere you’ve posted this has been relevant to those particular threads. I appreciate you carrying that torch.


If you do or know someone that will do, please take into consideration that the housing market in México, right now, has been favoring foreigners and that in some areas, they’ve displaced the locals and raised prices so much that they can’t afford to be there anymore (be for shopping, working, etc.). Please don’t contribute to this and research before, do not try to pay in euros/dollars, come legally and work legally.

LordWiggle, avatar

That’s seriously fucked up. I wouldn’t want to contribute to that. Sadly, I’ve seen this shit way to often and I strongly oppose to it.

captainlezbian, in Mexico's new president!

How the hell did Mexico get a Jewish president before the USA? We need to step up our game.

But also good on her and on Mexico. She sounds exactly like the sort of person I’d want running my country.

drunkpostdisaster, (edited )

We got close once. Unless you want to count Netanyahu

eldavi, (edited )

they also approved gay marriage and socialized medicine before we did & do


It’s interesting how ahead their government is with some things and behind it is with others (generally speaking they have a lot of crime in their larger cities).


It’s harder to take out crime when the organized crime is outfitted with similar gear to the army and the army is highly corrupt due to the cartel paying better.

America was fortunate that we were able to snuff out our organized crime before they had access to modern technology that made it near impossible to snuff out their movement.

It’s hard to arrest a group of cartel all at once if they never leave their heavily guarded fortresses for Sunday brunch like the mafia did


Another issue is that they’re civilians. You could bomb their facilities but bombing civilians, especially when they’re your own citizens, is a pretty bad look.


To an extent yes, but you’ll have a hard time finding many reasonable people to protest bombing military grade cartel facilities. Many innocent civilians have suffered at the cartels hands and governments the world over are familiar with the extent of the cartels crimes, I don’t think it’d be a significant problem.

You know what they say about eggs and omelets after all


Don’t disagree, it’s just fascinating to see it all play out.


Same-sex marriage by two weeks (12 and 26 of June, 2015), so not exactly much.


how long on the socialized medicine?


Considering it hasn’t happened in the US yet…

Aceticon, (edited )

“X years, Y months, Z days and 1 second”

“X years, Y months, Z days and 2 seconds”

“X years, Y months, Z days and 3 seconds”

“X years, Y months, Z days and 4 seconds”

“X years, Y months, Z days and 5 seconds”

“X years, Y months, Z days and 6 seconds”


Wish it was shorter, health care here is stupid. :(


This is not true.

radicalautonomy, (edited )

More misinformation, eh? Really going all in with it, huh?

Marriage for same-sex couples nationwide was legalized by the Supreme Court of both countries: Mexico in August 2010, and the United States in June 2015.

As for socialized medicine, Mexico clearly has it, and the United States clearly does not.

BombOmOm, (edited ) avatar

they also had gay marriage … before we did

The US legalized gay marriage nationwide in 2015; Mexico didn’t achieve the same until 2022. (Timeline section)


Mexico City had the world’s largest population of Jewish folks before Israel was created, iirc.

captainlezbian, (edited )

Huh, I definitely would’ve guessed it was New York City. I suppose I was mistaken about the ethnoreligious diversity of my neighboring country


United Sates of Israel

DrJenkem, avatar

Not at all surprising to me. America is deeply reactionary. Made worse by the fact that our electoral system gives disproportionate representation to rural areas.


How the hell did Mexico get a Jewish president before the USA?

there just aren’t that many places as racist as the good ol USA man.


You have a self-declared zionist in office now.


A person with good ideas that leaves their religion at the door would be swell right now. Religion only divides us into smaller, scarier groups. (See: Christian nationalism, women’s rights, the middle east, etc.)

That said, it is a damn shame Bernie didn’t have a fair chance.


She has Jewish ancestry, but she’s said she does not practice religion.

heavyboots, in Mexico's new president! avatar

Why the hell can’t we have candidates this awesome on the ballot here in the US?! 😿


You have Bernie Sanders, AOC

heavyboots, avatar

Yes, and I voted for Bernie when he ran and I would absolutely vote for AOC if/when she does run. Just… the choices in this election cycle are wanna-be, half-demented dictator-for-life vs a “moderate” Democrat who, while he’s gotten a surprising amount done, isn’t exactly renowned for pushing the corporations hard on climate change.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

Honestly, the stuff he’s gotten done over his career has been life changing for me. I hate that I have to give him credit for legalizing cannabis, but here we are.


You don’t like deciding which person who will be the oldest president we’ve ever had for president is interesting?

heavyboots, avatar

Yeah, it’s a pretty frustrating time to be leaning left. And given the chaos Trump would unleash, it’s not like there is any choice at all about whether or not to vote for Biden… 😿


bc mexico is actually democratic with significant proportional representation and not the weird arse shit merica calls “democracy”?…


Yeah 37 assassinated candidate runner ups being murdered speaks volumes about that


Hmm… so it’s not the electoral system that needs reform… Murcia just needs to murder more candidates?!


Yeah, kinda wondering why the cartels want her in office. Maybe she’s less good than she appears.

Also wondering why anyone would want to lead Mexico given that angering the cartels will get you cartel’d…


Maybe they don’t want her in the office, maybe they didn’t want the other guys they offed

wide_eyed_stupid, avatar

I’ll tell you what I told the previous commenter: They were not all runner-ups, that’s misinformation. The assassinations were not presidential candidates. They were local politicians, running for mayoral or council seats.

Which is also disgusting, of course, but no, the cartels did not kill off all her competition to get her into office.

wide_eyed_stupid, (edited ) avatar

They were not all runner-ups, you’re falling for misinformation bullshit (and stop upvoting misinformation, people!). The assassinations were not presidential candidates. They were local politicians, running for mayoral or council seats.

Which is absolutely fucking horrifying in and of itself, don’t get me wrong, but what you’re saying is just not true.

queermunist, in Joe Biden expected to sign executive order to curb immigration avatar

A Gallup poll at the end of April found that 27% of Americans view immigration as the most important issue facing the country, topping the economy and inflation.

Piss off your own base to appeal to less than a third of the electorate that isn’t going to vote for you anyway.


I find his base to be largely split on this issue. There’s the bleeding hearts who cry for amnesty (Sky Daddy bless their souls) and the at best ambivalent and at worst lipstick racist others.

queermunist, avatar

The part of the base that this anti-immigration move will anger is the same part of the base that’s already angry about the genocide.

It’s like he’s trying to piss them off specifically and as much as possible.


If the part that’s going to be pissed off is less than what could be won then is the risk worth taking? Some campaign manager must have thought so or this appeal against his own base is a terrible gamble.

queermunist, avatar

Yes I’m sure he’s not just doing this on a whim, but we’ll see how this pays off in November.

If he loses it’s his fault alone.


Nah they’ll blame the people he alienated. They did it for Hillary, they’ll do it for Biden. They block anything remotely progressive and then wonder why progressives don’t run to the polls for them.

Omegamanthethird, (edited ) avatar

I blame Hillary and the people who didn’t vote for her. They still had a choice. And it was a dumbass choice they made.

Edit: If you don’t vote for Biden, and Trump wins, you are culpable. That’s literally how voting works.

queermunist, avatar

If you don’t donate to Biden’s campaign and Trump wins, you are culpable. 🙃

Omegamanthethird, avatar

If you say so.

But voting is literally how we decide who is in power, and it cost nothing. SCOTUS being hijacked by radicals is a direct result of the 2016 election. Everyone got together and decided (through the Electoral College) that Trump was the person to lead us. Everyone had a voice. Some chose not to use that.

queermunist, avatar

Everyone got together and decided (through the Electoral College) that Trump was the person to lead us.

Gibberish. Everyone got together and decided that Clinton was the President, then the Electoral College overruled the democratic will of the majority and we got Trump anyway. Everyone has a voice. $ome voices matter more than others.


No, pretty sure it’s everyone who doesn’t find supporting genocide a big enough deal to seek another path for the election. Everyone supporting Biden now is responsible for propping up a bad candidate.

Gsus4, (edited ) avatar

Fair enough, trump’s guys aren’t coming for me first, they are coming for the Gaza protesters, they are coming for abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, they are coming exactly for the rights of people refusing to vote for Biden…it’s sort of ironic. You can read what you are enabling here: ……

queermunist, avatar

“Vote for my guy or I’ll let Trump kill you”

This is a hostage situation.

Gsus4, (edited ) avatar

If I had a vote, I’d be voting for the guy stopping trump from killing you, what else do you want me to do, if even you won’t help yourselves in the simplest way possible?

queermunist, avatar

Trump lost the popular vote the last time he won because America isn’t a democracy. I voted against him twice, and the second time I voted against Trump to “stop fascism” all I got for my vote was a fucking genocide.

I want you to stop victim blaming. Our only choices are between polite Hitler and rude Hitler, you don’t know enough about American politics to even understand how fucked we are.

Gsus4, (edited ) avatar

choices are between polite Hitler and rude Hitler[🙈] , you don’t know enough about American politics to even understand how fucked we are.

Oh, I understand more than I’d like to have to, the far right all over the world follows the US circus as their script, with complete liberal complacency.

queermunist, avatar

Okay, just remember that polite Hitler is doing a genocide, and the liberals around the world are right there beside him.

I’ll give Biden one thing: his support for genocide has managed to sink the USs international reputation even further and delegitimize it’s bogus “rules based international order” so badly that now even Mexico is joining the case against Israel in the ICJ. He’s goose stepping the US right off a cliff along with his closest allies, he’s practically the accelerationist choice, and the only alternative is just worse in all sorts of different and stupid ways.

Hopefully my death is quick and painless.

Gsus4, (edited ) avatar

“Polite hitler” doesn’t encourage his groupies to go kill minorities with judicial impunity, shut up with that, it’s like you have nothing to lose, but you have a lot left to lose. There is an objective difference, even if they were the same underneath, by setting an example of abhorrence and dogwhistles for their minions to follow in his country and abroad.

queermunist, avatar

Pro-Israel groupies are attacking student encampments and getting away with it.

The difference is that polite Hitler doesn’t openly provoke those attacks. He just quietly enables and protects them.

Gsus4, avatar

Alright, good luck with that!


You are enabling, your making the unacceptable choice. No candidate has any more privilege than another. Your making up a narrative, your being dishonest and your goal is cause harm.


If the person who is better for the country loses then it is all of our faults. In a democracy it’s up to the citizens to know the candidates, understand the system and what people can and can’t do, understand how the election system works, and be aware of what the stakes are.

Political campaigns attempt to hold your hand and pull you in a certain direction because it’s in their best interest to do so, but the blame for what happens in January 2025 rests with all of us.

queermunist, avatar

But I hate this country.


Does that hatred include all the people who are affected by the consequences of our elections?

queermunist, avatar

Literally a hostage situation.


It’s called living in a society, my dude

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

You’re saying “vote for my guy or else” and then acting like it’s my fault hostage takers are going to execute me.

But also, that’s complicated by the fact that America is a blight on the world. The world would literally be better off if this shit hole declines because it can’t fuck with everyone else in the world anymore.

Israel, for instance, wouldn’t be able to do genocide if the US was no longer able to provide weapons and protection.


You’re saying “vote for my guy or else” and then acting like it’s my fault hostage takers are going to execute me.

I did not say who to vote for or even that you should vote. I only made the point that it’s the people’s responsibility to educate themselves on what is possible and the best course of action. (Then when you said you hated the country I asked if that includes the people.)

But also, that’s complicated by the fact that America is a blight on the world. The world would literally be better off if this shit hole declines because it can’t fuck with everyone else in the world anymore.

This is embarrassingly naive. Do you think if the US gets turned upside down — aside from the people living there who don’t deserve to suffer — do you think that the US is going to just tuck away in a corner and the world will be a better place? It would take decades and an incredible amount of suffering before you’d have a US that could not fuck with anyone anymore. If you want to see a former superpower in decline, just take a look at Russia. The more they decline, the more they lash out. The more Putin consolidates power, the more suffering that is caused by the whims of a desperate madman.

You’re deluding yourself because you desperately don’t want the options you see ahead of you to be the only options. I don’t like the options either. But there’s no magical way to have the US get better fast or go away fast.

You make whatever choice you want. But at least try to be rational about it.


You’ll blame them if he loses.


Nah I’ll blame everyone else, I wasn’t counting on them anyway.


Not like he’s actually gonna do anything about the other two.

Is this just gonna be one of those things like him and zionism where he just suddenly wants to be as right wing as possible?


Even more so. That 27% likely won’t even hear about this since Fox News and other right wing outlets won’t cover it.


Weird that you think everyone left of the alt right view high immigration as an important issue

Omegamanthethird, avatar

This doesn’t mean that 73% don’t care.

Also, the “liberal” media has been hell-bent on scaring people on the border. Truth is, a lot of moderates are concerned about the border. And they determine elections. As president, he is expected to address people’s concerns.

queermunist, avatar

He doesn’t seem to care about people’s concerns over the genocide. He picks and chooses which concerns he addresses.


While you and I may care, and a lot of young college folks care.

Your “average” American could give shit less about what is going on in Gaza. If they even have any clue at all about it.

queermunist, avatar

Cynicism. A majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza. 55% disapprove to 36% approve.

If this goes on until November it will only get worse, but Biden doesn’t care.


Biden doesn’t care because he knows he’ll keep more votes than he loses by supporting Israel.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

The genocide is one that I can’t get over. I understand the bill that got Ukrainian aid. But he won’t even call it a genocide. Even with Rafah he backpedaled.

I honestly like or at least accept the majority of Biden’s term. But Gaza has been a disaster that he continues to botch.


What’s there to like? The further militarisation of the police? The expansion of Obama’s child caging programme? Housing crisis? Funding Nazis in Ukraine?..


He’s the one directly supporting it and making sure it happens. How’s he gonna call it a genocide?


As president, he is expected to address people’s concerns.

Offer void for progressives’ concerns.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Generally he has leaned progressive when he can. He doesn’t when he can’t. That’s literally all you can expect from him. I’d rather him win the election and continue to do as much good as he can than lose and let Trump do as much damage as he can.

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

Progressively doing genocide.


I’d rather him win the election and continue to do as much good as he can than lose and let Trump do as much damage as he can.

I’d rather people who are happy with him adopting Trump’s policies quit acting like anyone who has any criticism of him at all is a Trump supporter.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

This is far from Trump policies. And nobody said you were a Trump supporter.


How is it not? He’s doing the Muslim ban but for the Mexican border


He’s literally continued Trump’s border policies with the exception of family separation.

Omegamanthethird, (edited ) avatar

That’s a pretty damned huge exception. Also, the dumbass wall. Also a they’re a lot less restrictive to asylum seekers. Also, he tried to undo Trump’s covid immigration executive order, which got blocked by courts. Actually, they’re quite different. In fact if you think Biden’s policies are bad, you better hope and pray Trump doesn’t get back in.

Edit: How could I forget DACA.

queermunist, avatar

Also a they’re a lot less restrictive to asylum seekers.

The OP is about an executive order to crack down on asylum seekers.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

Yes, he is limiting the number of asylum seekers. Yes Trump is going to be infinitely worse if he’s elected.

queermunist, avatar

Infinitely worse? Try somewhat worse.

They’re not nearly as different as they should be.


Trump literally wants to be Hitler and turn the US into a dictatorship.

Have you NOT BEEN paying attention?

JFC, you people are in for a rude awakening if Trump actually gets elected. Of course, then it’ll be too late.

queermunist, avatar

What you fail to understand is that’s not infinitely worse, that’s somewhat worse.

I have been paying attention, have you? We’re already doing genocide, our prisons are already overflowing, we’re already federally prosecuting protesters, yet somehow you think everything is fine. This election is between rude Hitler and polite Hitler. That’s it.


ROFL, spoken like someone who is spoiled and has no clue what’s coming.

queermunist, (edited ) avatar

I’m trans in a red state, no matter who wins the election they’re probably going to take away my hormones and then my life is over. I’ll either become a homeless refugee in a blue state or… do something drastic that would get me banned if I talk about it.

Biden isn’t going to stop them. He hasn’t stopped them from taking away abortion rights, why would he give a shit about me?


I’ve heard the bit about being a homeless refugee in a blue state before from trans people. For you, is it just because of the expense of moving or are there other factors? More expensive housing in general?

queermunist, avatar

I’m paying off a trailer still so I won’t be able to move it, and my resume is dogshit. Also all my family are in red states so that’s not an option.

But the biggest problem is I’ll have to get out of here fast if they decide to restrict my access to hormones. I will not be detransitioned. By any means necessary.


Less restrictive on Asylum seekers? They can’t just cross the border anymore. The BP lets a small number in every day, leaving thousands of people at the mercy of Mexican drug cartels while they wait to cross. They wait to cross because Biden didn’t restore the international standard of declaring asylum on the soil of the country in which you want asylum. Instead he’s trying to force asylum seekers to use an app and visit American consulates in the country they need to flee. And forcing them to stay in the country they need to flee until we tell them it’s okay to leave.

Nothing about this is humane or legal under our own laws or international treaties which we’ve signed and ratified.

Biden undid the covid order in a way he knew would be struck down by the courts. The exact same way we got Trump’s muslim ban struck down. Unlike Trump’s Muslim ban he did not try again until he also made the asylum policy above where anyone availing themselves of the old way gets summarily denied and deported.

He did all of this in plain view and you can’t be assed to find the actual actions, just their PR releases.


It’s not like the Dem base will switch their votes to Trump.

At this point, now that the nominees are decided, the political game is to attract the swing vote, which is mostly “tough on crime,” anti-imigration, and anti-taxation (as it applies to them directly).

Even though none of these policies are actually good for those in the middle.


Or, and this is crazy, he could go ask the left for votes instead of trying to pull us all even further to the right.

queermunist, avatar

It’s not like the Dem base will switch their votes to Trump.

Treating them like guaranteed votes is going to result in people staying home. It’s bad strategy.

Omegamanthethird, avatar

You’ll still see things like student debt relief getting pushed. But something like immigration reform he has to do to get swing voters and hope his base understands. Otherwise he just won’t have enough votes to win.

It’s not a bad strategy. It’s the only strategy.

Fuck him for Gaza though.


But something like immigration reform he has to do to get swing voters and hope his base understands.


Fuck him for Gaza though.

Lmao. Socdems are hilarious.

JayTreeman, in Chinese spacecraft successfully lands on moon's far side

I keep seeing people discount Chinese achievement because they 'steal' the tech.
I don't think my country could pull this off even after stealing all the tech.
It's quite an achievement. I hope this'll show people what's coming. China isn't rising anymore. They're rolling out of bed. The next century belongs to them


thinking about Werner Von Braun and the peenemundeYea I’m not sure anyone has a leg to stand on when it comes to “stolen” technology and space


Predicting the next century seems a bit much. But I’m glad they are experiencing success, I hope we all benefit from their discoveries.

HumanPenguin, (edited ) avatar

Honestly the USA would have issuez pulling it off today. After creating the tech taken from german desigbs over 50 years ago.


german desigbs

They were good desigbs, though.

HumanPenguin, avatar

Lol. Visual impaired typing on a phone. I feel no shame in the odd typo.

But yep germany has a very long history of scilled engineering. Before and after Nazi control.

jdnewmil, in UK ambassador to Mexico reportedly sacked after pointing gun at staff

Yes, this was an appropriate response. I hate people who wave guns around like they are toys.

ShortFuse, (edited ) in While the US and EU are putting up barriers to Chinese cars, Australians are buying them at record levels

Well, I feel misled. The graphic shows a Volvo as a Chinese manufactured vehicle.

Sales of Chinese made EVs in Australia

  • Tesla - 46,116
  • BYD - 12,438
  • MG - 5,928
  • Volvo - 3,949

They’re counting Tesla as a Chinese EV.


Where were they manufactured?


Isn’t there a Chinese Tesla factory?

ShortFuse, (edited )

In China. But the majority of Teslas are manufactured are in China, and no one really considers Teslas “Chinese cars” or “Chinese EVs”.


So manufactured in China like the article says.

ShortFuse, (edited )

Doesn’t stop it from being misleading.

It’s called “burying the lede”.


It’s misleading based on your arguably less important criteria, but OK

ShortFuse, (edited )

Wow, you think Teslas are “Chinese EVs”. You’re literally the first person I’ve encountered to think so. Also why lead into an article with a graphic of the least selling vehicle?


In Australia they’re all manufactured in China. So it’s a Chinese car.

Cars in high developed economies like Australia have until recently been mainly manufactured in highly developed economies like EU, Japan, US etc.


Still, the BYD figure is nothing to be scoffed at.


Because the Australian Teslas and Volvos are made in China. It’s a Chinese EV. Volvo is owned by a Chinese Company.

TheDeepState, in Children Among Dozens Killed in 'Appalling' Israeli Attack on UNRWA School

Why does Biden support genocide?


I don’t know. Why does Trump support it even more strongly?

circuscritic, (edited )

Butterymales vibes.

Also, Trump isn’t the President. So whatever he may, or may not do, is hypothetical… It’s also irrelevant to what Biden is actually doing…you know, because he’s the current president…

floofloof, (edited )

I know. The concern is just that people will run from Biden to someone even worse, not realizing he is even more extreme in his support for Netanyahu. So it seems worth mentioning. I know there’s no ready answer. The electoral system leaves Americans no good options.


Because Trump’s a piece of shit.

I’d go so far as to say anyone who supports genocide is a piece of shit.


Better question, how much worse will it be if Trump is elected?


Will his ego allow him to be as humiliated by Israel as Biden has been?

Iheartcheese, avatar

How come we aren’t allowed to discuss how bad Biden is being over this without people just saying ‘Trump is worse.’ You can discuss one without bringing up the other. A condemnation of Biden is not supporting Trump. Nobody here was saying lets not vote for Biden. I am voting for him because obviously Trump is worse. But that is literally the only defense of Biden when it comes to all this. “Trump would supply even more bombs to blow up children with.”

That’s literally whats just happened. Those are most likely bombs paid for with my tax dollars and so many of Biden’s cultists refuse to allow you to criticize him.


The problem is it’s been co-opted by Trumpers, Russian bots/influence and right wing nuts.

So unless a comment carries an explicit statement of something along the lines of “Still going to vote for him”, I will treat such comments as simply another attempt to dissuade Biden voters to get Trump in office

Iheartcheese, (edited ) avatar

Gotcha. Ok so we got that out of the way. Why does Biden support genocide?

WraithGear, (edited ) avatar

As far as i can tell, Biden is historically pro isreal. Openly refers to himself as a zionist. His religion demands that isreal gains power in order to attempt to make the bible only embarrassingly incorrect. His parents instilled in him that due to WWII the Jews are justified in taking the land and this includes their current encroachment. He has been the main and highest paid donar recipient of pro isreal groups for his 5 decades in politics . Changing course now would force a critical evaluation of his 5 decades of blindly giving unwavering support to Israel and recognition that Palestinians are people. Also the US has made enemies of everyone in the region, and Israel gives us a “foot hold” there.

All this makes the finding of a genocide a mere consideration for his polling numbers.

Iheartcheese, avatar

That sounds about right. So thats what we are left with. Vote for geocide or mass genocide in November.

Do you want 50 blown up kids or 150? Vote now!


It boggles my mind that you can type out “I’ve already decided everyone who disagrees with me is faking it” and still think of yourselves as reasonable.

Iheartcheese, avatar

Pledge your loyalty to Biden then you are allowed to criticize him.


Because he is the poster child of conserving the Reagan-enshittified status quo, and the US administration is attempting to continue keeping a leg up on the cold war it desperately wants to continue.



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  • Fidel_Cashflow, avatar

    Zionism ≠ Judaism, and to conflate the two is deeply antisemitic. Cut that shit out.

    BeatTakeshi, (edited ) avatar

    Your analysis is right but I think you mean Zionist lobbies. Many Jews have been vocal and condemn Israel’s action. Just because Israel calls itself a Jewish state dies not mean Jews accept to be assimilated with its actions, far from it.

    I also agree it’s a miscalculation

    KoboldCoterie, in NAACP asks Biden to halt weapons to Israel as he seeks to shore up Black voter support avatar

    Biden’s whole campaign is riding on “Look how bad it would be if Trump got elected, this is the most important election of your lives!”, yet he seems far less concerned when he’s asked to win back some voter support by stopping the widely unpopular supply of weapons to Israel…


    good cop, bad cop routine

    Taleq, in Mexico's new president! avatar

    In October 1991, Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari went to Stanford University to give a talk on the benefits of Latin American neoliberalism, but was met with a demonstration against it. The angry college girl holding the sign with the inscription “Fair Trade and Democracy Now” in English is the current president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum

    En octubre de 1991 el presidente mexicano Carlos Salinas de Gortari fue a la Universidad de Stanford a para dar una charla sobre las bondades del neoliberalismo latinoamericano, pero se encontró con una manifestación en su contra. La chica universitaria enojada que sostiene el cartel con la inscripción “Comercio justo y Democracia ahora” en inglés es la actual presidenta electa de MéxiClaudia Sheinbaum Stanford University 1991co, Claudia Sheinbaum

    gimsy, (edited )

    And the picture from 1991 is in black and white?


    Edit: seems I was wrong in my assumptions


    Man, you must’ve thought a whole 2 seconds about that comment.




    Not everyone bought their first 5MP digital camera on the same day.


    Almost everyone was shooting on film in 1991, as digital cameras were usualy NTSC resolution or 1024p and very expensive. And B/W film was always cheaper than color but both were quite affordable by the 1990s.

    Snowclone, (edited )

    They still had newspapers in the 90s. And some pictures you can only find on old newspaper micro film. So they’re in black and white. Even color printed newspapers would catalog their back issues in black and white.


    color printed newspapers would catalog their back issues in black and white

    Why? It’s not expensive to set one copy aside and keep 365 of them a year into some cold dry storage, right?


    The archives aren’t newspapers, they are pictures of the newspapers on film that’s ment to be read from the film and not developed.

    Spez, (edited )

    It’s obviously scanned from a newspaper. Not everything is a conspiracy…

    Edit: Found another picture:

    reverendz, in How Kenya's new university funding model is killing dreams


    Zerush, avatar


    user224, in Several killed in Czech train crash, dozens injured avatar

    Four people died and more than two dozen were injured

    Some 23 people were injured in the collision, according to Interior Minister Vit Rakusan.
    He said that 20 people sustained minor injuries and three were moderately injured.

    My math isn’t mathing here…


    In Czech news it says 4 dead and 27 hospitalized. Some are released already.

    In the morning news it was little bit fuzzy but now these numbers are confirmed by police.

    EtzBetz, in World-first tooth-regrowing drug will be given to humans in September

    The trial, which will take place at Kyoto University Hospital from September to August 2025, will treat 30 males aged 30-64 who are missing at least one molar.

    Is only testing on men still a thing in science? Since stuff can have different effects between genders, this could be bad for women.


    I can understand it from a very basic level of ‘simple first’ but if you’re doing human trial s you should be on a complex level already


    It’s not precluding a subsequent trial that includes women.

    Having said that, it is a little odd that it’s a men only trial.


    ADepending on the science being done, genders are preferred. In many cases it’s men due to less complex chemistry and internal anatomy. Men are more basic to start off with less risk of imbalance or damage if things go unexpectedly. Considering the nature of what’s being done, this isn’t at all odd for this trial. Sciences doesn’t recognise gender bias unless it’s studying gender bias.


    Yeah of course. But as you’re saying, it’s just a little odd. History shows that focusing on one gender does eventually have bad consequences for the other gender.

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