bennieandthez, avatar

Bro studied in Iowa 😐


Lots of Chinese citizens come to the US to study. Look into the Confucius Institute (孔子学院). Many (probably most) universities in the US have partnerships with them (which has led to many conspiracy theories by paranoid people).




Real OG


I wonder how long it takes hexbear to blame white western liberals for their leaders weak personality?


Does hexbear like china?

ikidd, avatar

I think you mis-spelled “fellate”.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

That is what you do to USA, though.

yogthos, avatar

Hexbear really does live in your head rent free eh?


No, just quoting a comment I saw there earlier. Observations can be fun if you let them.

NickwithaC, avatar

They have too cute a logo for such ugly ideas. It’s not fair!



  • Loading...
  • Honytawk,

    He even drove almost 500 kilometer

    tallwookie, avatar

    not fast enough, clearly


    “Let’s work together and topple this invisible wall” Mr. Kwon said in the Twitter post

    He described himself as “dedicated to overturning communism.”

    showing images saying “use our votes to overthrow the government”

    Hoh boy


    Yeah I was expecting stuff like “Maybe don’t chain people into apartment buildings because one dude got COVID?”


    That be treason.

    No country likes treason.

    pleasemakesense, avatar

    Counter revolutionary let’s run him over with a tank


    Voting is the proper way to overthrown the government. The other ways are more violent.


    What about when the “proper” way doesn’t work?


    Get on your jetski


    Don’t forget them 5 barrels 🙃

    iridaniotter, avatar

    Vote harder

    7heo, (edited ) avatar


    iridaniotter, avatar

    That’s what happens when you don’t vote hard enough and let a crooked government come into power!


    Non-violent revolution. Worked for us in Czechoslovakia.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Nothing wrong violence as a last resort. Especially in reply to violence used against you.


    I’m not a violent person. I abhor it honestly.

    That being said, actual self defense is always valid.

    That’s why I train and carry.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    Yep. Pacifism without an exception for self defense is just suicide to me.


    France welcomes him with open arms. Anything to piss off China really.


    Lemmygrad and HexBears Xi groupies: “You just committed a graaaave sin”


    China simps will find a way to say this is also exactly like what America would do


    “Someone will find a way to make this about America” he said, immediately making it about America.


    Treason and sedition is a no-no around the world…

    There’s a difference between going “yo government y’all suck” and “let’s take up arms and overthrow the government”

    krolden, avatar

    He was trying to cross a border illegally. So yeah, its exactly what america would do, except maybe they would have shot him.


    Does america arrest people LEAVING the country?


    Yeah, and put them in Guantanamo Bay

    krolden, avatar

    This guy was arrested by south Korea, not China.

    Oh yeah and america definitely does.


    Yeah the American government always imprisons those who make fun of them. Exactly the same as this for sure.

    krolden, (edited ) avatar

    Please show me where he was arrested for criticising the Chinese state.

    Pretty ironic comment coming from @SnowdenHeroOfOurTime I thought liberals had labelled him a russian spy


    It’s in the article.

    and spent time in jail in China for subversion

    krolden, avatar

    but he didnt escape from jail and steal a jetski


    Yeah I’m sure the Chinese government would freely admit to that being the reason lol

    yogthos, avatar

    Chapter 10 in this book gives lots of examples of political repression in US where activists have been harassed, arrested, and even assassinated by the state…/DemocracyForTheFew16147062951821

    The fact that you think US government doesn’t do these things says a lot about the effectiveness of western brainwashing.

    queermunist, avatar

    Rich boater fucks around, finds out.


    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Haha apathy about a citizen escaping political persecution

    You’re a piece of shit for this comment

    queermunist, avatar

    Stop believing propaganda lol


    Hey you first buddy

    queermunist, avatar

    Yeah, somehow China brainwashed me from the other side of the world despite not speaking Chinese lol


    It is pretty weird tbh

    queermunist, avatar

    It can’t possibly be that you have been exposed to propaganda from your own country!

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    “Everything that isn’t my view point is propaganda”

    Cool 1984 tactics buddy, propaganda sadly still has a real world definition for which my calling out your apathy to a scenario (fictional or not) is most certainly not l m f a o

    I know you feel like you’re right and justified rn (or maybe you’re just another furry avatar troll) but you look like an absolute prick to everyone else.

    queermunist, avatar

    Look at that fucking jet ski! This is not some poor victim of oppression. This is a wealthy idiot who fucked around and found out.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Suffering is suffering dude… surely someone who’s actually fucking Queer would understand that no?

    Or are you that troll I smelt from the beginning. I love our talks.

    queermunist, avatar

    Okay but I’m literally a communist, like??? Do you think I feel bad for the suffering of wealthy idiots with giant godamn jet skis who declare themselves enemies of communism?

    Look. We’re entering the next Cold War, and it’s probably going to go hot this time.

    Pick a side, lib.


    Capitalists and leninists can both be wrong. I’m fine with small c communism myself. But staunchly opposed to the system lenin created.

    queermunist, avatar

    The world isn’t going to be around forever and you can’t cling to ideals while everything burns. You have to pick a side.


    Things aren’t binary. Something you above all people should know. Though irony knows no depth.

    queermunist, avatar

    Non-alignment is possible, but I doubt you support that either lol


    There are ideologies beyond the two Cs or nonalignment.

    queermunist, avatar

    Ideology is for idealists lol

    I’m a materialist. I’m hitching my wagon to the actually existing alternative to the American empire.

    yogthos, avatar

    once somebody comes up with one that actually works then we’ll talk


    What exactly did he find? A country better than china? (china is cringe)(china genocides due to communism)(genocide is an inherent part of communism)

    queermunist, avatar

    He found the inside of a jail cell lol


    I agree on most of your points except that :

    • genocide has nothing to do with communism.
    • China is no longer communist. At all. You got your private property, private economy and the list goes on.

    While I agree that a ‘pure’ Marxism application leads to dictatorship, it’s still an interesting ideology responsible for most of social progress in Western Europe for example (look up what role commies had in liberated France and what laws they put into place : we’re talking health care, paid leave, etc…)

    China’s a technocratic dictatorship, if you have read Marx, you KNOW he’s rolling in his grave thinking about how China twisted his works.


    Eh, kinda yes but really no. Communism always leads to autocracy, which again always leads to genocide. So saying communism doesnt lead to genocide is splitting hairs and doesnt really help with preventing genocides

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    SKCG didn’t want to identify him but someone else identified him anyway. lmao why do the agencies even try.

    o_d, (edited ) avatar

    That shirt is giving big “Fuck Trudeau” vibes. It’s funny how libs who claim to be leftists will cheer on Chinese right wing extremists (Kwon Pyong) just because “China bad”.


    Word soup

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Your brain is a thinner soup

    queermunist, (edited ) avatar

    right wing means things I dont like

    oh shid oh fug I misread the comment I thought it was typical liberal accusations of China being right wing 😳 😓

    o_d, avatar

    I can see how the phrasing of my comment could be taken that way. Edited for clarity.

    o_d, avatar

    Here’s another article that claims him to be a “critic” of the Tiananmen Square “massacre”. A thing that objectively did not happen.


    I should learn early 2000s CSS so I, too, can make a website full of fun notions.

    queermunist, avatar

    I should learn to read! 😅

    Never trust a boater.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Kk tankie

    o_d, avatar

    Kk dronie

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Good one


    average lemmygrad member


    Didn’t the US 4th Psyops Group literally admit to organizing Tiananmen Square in their recent recruiting video?

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    More retarded Tankie propaganda. You will never find a legitimate source that backs up your claims.

    From the sites “About” page

    The second objective is to develop a correct theoretical line in particular… In short: pro-Stalin (against historical nihilism, anarchism, etc.), pro-China (for their chosen road of Reform and Opening Up and against “Maoism” and Sinophobia), and pro-“identity politics” (for a broad understanding of class and against the idealization of “patriotic white workers” as the revolutionary subject, etc.). We consider the populist strategy of courting brittle and ineffective “united fronts” by leaving serious questions of principle unaddressed a mirage.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Westerner genociders: we decide legitimate sources of information for everyone around the world, get in line, untermenschen!


    It’s true guys, Tiananment Square massacre didn’t actually happen. I have an irrefutable photographic proof:


    o_d, avatar

    Good one. If only you had bothered to click the link in my comment, you would see a well sourced article that does in-fact thoroughly debunk this propoganda that you’ve internalized so much.

    Some highlights:

    There’s more, but if you’re not willing to even consider that you’ve been lied to about this event, then there’s really no point in me putting in any more effort.

    Blursty, avatar

    Why didn’t he just take a plane? Just a stupid publicity stunt.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    You really didn’t think this one through huh

    Blursty, avatar

    Maybe you can explain it to me? Nobody else can.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Citizen of dictatorship country criticizes govt with a fucking t-shirt

    Is aggressively pursued for beating and jail time

    Flees to other country, gets caught anyways by said dictatorship.

    Maybe if you weren’t a brain dead tankie troll you’d understand better buddy :)


    He wasn’t wanted. He was a free citizen leading a normal life after he was in prison for inciting violence against the government for spreading messages that Xi is equivalent to Hitler and participating in Tienanmen revisionism to glorify that time when students violently attempted to create a counter-revolution and killed 200 soldiers while the US cheered them on hoping for another color revolution.

    So after that he decides to pull a publicity stunt that he absolutely didn’t need to do and what he chose to do was flee to South Korea, a US military vassal state that literally just asked the US to station tactical nukes on it.

    This guy is as right-wing reactionary as they come.


    That’s an awful long winded way of saying he was jailed for wrongthink.


    And you claim he is the one guilty of revisionism.


    Chinese people don’t have freedom to travel…

    Blursty, avatar

    Lol what. Jesus man, who told you that?


    I lived there and experienced it firsthand. All residents of China must apply to travel within China. These days it’s mostly automated and quick for convenience, but you will be monitored at various checkpoints in the system.

    For the most obvious example, you must register with local police within 24 hours of arrival in your destination, a service hotels usually provide free. This means that you must present your travel documents to check in to all hotels. This applies to all people, not only foreign individuals. Moreover, all lodgings are not legally registered to host foreign guests. So there are many hotels that non-Chinese people cannot even stay in.

    I hope this helps relieve your incredulity

    Blursty, avatar

    Nothing you said backs up your original claim. And more importantly, is completely irrelevant.


    Lol you lemmygrad people hate hearing from people who have actually lived and worked in China.

    If he tried to buy an airplane ticket it’s possible he would have been denied. Riding a jetski across open ocean is pretty dangerous and not preferable. Also, there’s no guarantee that you will be allowed entry to your destination. Risky move all around. Especially because the Korean island of Jeju has visa-free travel for Chinese passport holders. So maybe it was a stunt but… Risky move.

    Oh speaking of passports, China stopped issuing new passports in recent years. I am not sure if they started back, but it was definitely an issue during the Shanghai COVID lockdown, as rich Chinese people were trying to leave and lay low elsewhere. It’s possible that the guy’s passport expired and he had no way of traveling by air.

    Blursty, avatar

    Lol you lemmygrad people hate hearing from people who have actually lived and worked in China.

    No it’s very interesting actually, when it’s relevant. You claimed that Chinese people didn’t have freedom of movement, then went rambling on about how Chinese people do have freedom of movement.

    If he tried to buy an airplane ticket it’s possible he would have been denied.

    You just pulled that out of your ass though, didn’t you?

    Riding a jetski across open ocean is pretty dangerous and not preferable.

    But it gets you in the news. It was a stupid gimmick and you know it.

    So maybe it was a stunt but… Risky move.

    So we’re in complete agreement.

    China stopped issuing new passports in recent years.

    Jesus christ man. Use your brain.

    It’s possible that the guy’s passport expired



    I mean, it’s obvious that you have no idea WTF daily life is like in China. I just ran down a list of possibilities and explained how travel works in China and you just posture like a bratty toddler.

    Why do you feel a need to knee-jerk glorify and defend a nation-state you’ve never lived in or associated with? I didn’t even badmouth the place, simply described a facet of life in China without hyperbole

    Blursty, avatar

    I just ran down a list of possibilities

    You were caught lying about Chinese people not having freedom of travel. You’re going to have to learn to accept that.

    Why do you feel a need to knee-jerk glorify and defend a nation-state you’ve never lived in or associated with?

    Because it’s a target of the USA. Simples.

    simply described a facet of life in China without hyperbole

    A completely irrelevant facet of life that had nothing to do with what we were talking about.


    You have a bizarre definition of freedom of travel

    Although I suppose on a grander scale, nobody truly has freedom of travel. But it’s rare for citizens of a nation-state to need to be granted access to other cities and provinces… So on a relative scale, they don’t. I’m not sure how you can say otherwise 🤔


    Because he doesn't want to be caught in a Chinese airport

    krolden, avatar

    He was arrested for crossing the border illegally. None of these articles say he was wanted for anything prior to this.

    Blursty, avatar

    Caught doing what? Was he a fugitive? For what reason?


    Tankies just can’t help tankie-ing, can they

    Blursty, avatar


    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Par for the course right here ^

    Blursty, avatar

    Third base over the bar hattrick.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    You’d know all about being behind bars wouldn’t you tankie :)

    Blursty, avatar

    Sorry what? Do your parents know you’re on the internet?

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Your only defense to everyone in this thread has been “what I can’t hear you”

    I’m the child though lmao. You’re a dog shit troll and tankie to boot, you aren’t going to be able to successfully insult or hurt my feelings dude sorry. Just who you are.

    yogthos, avatar

    try reading your own comments when you’re sober sometime

    Blursty, avatar

    My “defense”, to what? None of you have anything to say at all. It’s second-hand embarrassing.

    I’m the troll and you’re posting strings of copypasta and gibberish. Sure mate.

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

    iridaniotter, avatar
    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Lmao, way to skip over the atrocities that occurred for the thousands of years prior to 1776 lmao

    But yeah people in power have been committing disgusting acts of violence since the dawn of time.

    Wanna talk about war crimes committed by countries? No problem dude. Let’s start with the Middle East suicide bombings, 9/11 then we can move on to Chinese concentration camps for Uyghurs. Russias current war crimes etc etc etc.

    Countries aren’t the problem it’s the people in power across the globe.

    iridaniotter, avatar

    Amerikkka was formed in 1776 dummy

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Intelligent point - par for the course so far lmao.


    heres the very beginning of the linked article that you’re asking about: The jet-ski escapee is Chinese rights activist Kwon Pyong. He had posted pictures on social media mocking Chinese President Xi Jinping, and spent time in jail in China for subversion.


    Yeah there’s no way that guy was allowed to buy train tickets, let alone airplane tickets. He probably had no passport

    Blursty, avatar

    Yes I read that. So he did time and was released… go on.

    What were you trying to say?


    Common lemmygrad user trying to understand what their reading type a comment


    These sinophobes are just incapable of thinking at this point. It’s fucking ridiculous

    Blursty, avatar

    One of them just told me that:

    Chinese people don’t have freedom to travel…

    smh, the poor simple bastards have no minds of their own.

    krolden, avatar

    That was in 2016

    Henry, avatar

    LOL, love that T-shirt


    "While his means of entry into South Korea in violation of the law was wrong, surveillance of the Chinese authorities and political persecution of Kwon since 2016 are behind his life-risking crossing into South Korea," Lee said.

    "He is now weighing whether to apply for refugee status in South Korea or choose a third country," he said.

    Well, that's nice. Glad they don't even consider sending him back or something. Hope he gets out of this well.


    If this had happened in my country (UK) he’d be in a concentration camp by now.

    Nice to know some countries are still civilised


    Or Rwanda. They love sending immigrants to Rwanda.


    They haven’t actually managed to send anyone yet have they? Courts keep blocking them


    You are correct. Braverman and Sunak are appealing the decision by the Court of Appeal because they're inhuman but so far no one has been sent to Rwanda just yet.


    They’ve also said they want to take away our human rights laws and leave the ECHR. Once they take away all those pesky human rights we’ll be all set. I, for one, am sick of all these fucking humans acting as if the human societies that humans built should serve humans and protect humans and encourage humans to prosper. Humans rights? Makes me sick. Can’t wait to get rid of them and show these humans who really matters, the people really in charge: [character limit reached]

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    I hear they have a really nice hotel there.

    downpunxx avatar

    bad yelp reviews

    Observer1199, (edited )


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  • valentino,

    do you live in a cave or something? The UK is full of rapists and imprisoning people for doing wrong-thinking à la 1984

    yogthos, avatar
    iridaniotter, avatar

    Feel free to be smug when the floating death trap of an “asylum center” burns up like Grenfell 🥴

    CabbageRelish, (edited )

    That’s literally what concentration camps are. Points where you “concentrate” a population you’re trying to control.

    Outright murdering the people you have in them was a Nazi death camp thing, but the Brits were probably most famous for using them before that while attempting to suppress colonial rebellion.


    My apartment in America is a concentration camp ☹️


    You joke, buy people have been pointing that out for decades now. There is a reason the term Ghetto is still a common descriptor for these areas to this day…


    “Ghettos” aren’t just apartments; they’re specifically segregated (and not by the minority’s choice) and often substandard/impoverished/oppressed.

    Trying to equate ghettos with mere high density is nothing but racist NIMBY bullshit.


    If there apartment seems like a concentration camp then it is likely subsidized housing, which is statistically likely to be part of a ghetto.

    I have nothing against high density, living… the top commentor said their apartment feels like a concentration camp, and my point is that it essentially could be.

    WeirdGoesPro, avatar

    Paywall. ☹️


    Wasn’t for me, try clearing your cookies

    RickyRigatoni, avatar
    WeirdGoesPro, avatar




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  • PrettyFlyForAFatGuy,

    We’re talking about the existence of of the camp here, not how it will be expected to run.

    Are you questioning the existence of the camp on the fact this is a torygraph article.

    Bibby Stockholm has been in the news recently, i would consider that a concentration camp too. Temporary structure in which asylum seekers are to be concentrated


    He means a boat

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