
IHeartBadCode, to lemmyshitpost in Felonies, gotta catch 'em all
IHeartBadCode avatar

I think what's wild is that particular group's incredible thought process of "oh yeah, the current guy is just doing a hit job on this other guy because he's running for President. He's sending all these various agencies after him. blah blah blah..."

And I'm just like. Or you know, simple answer is that guy is doing crime stuff and ought not to be doing crime stuff. To really over simplify the most recent crime stuff. The crime was he wrote the wrong thing on the sheet of paper. You look at the paper, it says it's for lawyer stuff. You look at the receipts shows the money went to hide sex stuff. Lawyer stuff ≠ hide sex stuff. Ta-da!

And a bit more detail. The whole argument that hiding sex stuff wasn't political money. Literally a letter between crime guy and other person handling political stuff was, we need to hide this sex stuff otherwise that could hurt us in election stuff. Like I get it that there's some folks wanting to believe that President guy is just mad at crime guy and wants to whatever him so that President guy can stay in office. But crime guy literally admitted crime stuff in letters he thought no one else would ever read. Crime guy is not a very smart crime guy.

I don't like current guy, don't get me wrong. But crime guy is an idiot. I just don't want an idiot back as President. There's just way too many people hitched to an idiot here and willing to go down with the ship. Crime guy is an idiot and he's getting smacked with a lot of the crime shit he's done because he's an idiot. There's not any other way to slice this. Crime guy is just not good at anything and is coasting on mom and dad money still. If anything, that Crime guy is still floating on some money is a testament to Crime guy's book keeper.

IHeartBadCode, to politics in Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. What is Biden’s next move?
IHeartBadCode avatar

Biden's next move: Nothing.

while 76% said a not-guilty verdict would have no impact

And this is playing pretty true with where I live. Pretty much Trump was found guilty, everyone spent 37.1839 seconds processing that new bit of information, and then went on with their day with the needle on how they will vote in November moving 0.3nm in either direction.

Like, how everyone is going to vote. That's already done. There are very, very, very few people who are left in the undecided category. So, this whole thing wasn't going to change the calculus of anyone running for office.

IHeartBadCode, to linux in Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
IHeartBadCode avatar

Do you use autocomplete? AI in some of the various ways that's being posited is just spicy autocomplete. You can run a pretty decent local AI on SSE2 instructions alone.

Now you don't have to accept spicy-autocomplete just like you don't have to accept plain jane-autocomplete. The choice is yours, Mozilla isn't planning on spinning extra cycles in your CPU or GPU if you don't want them spun.

But I distinctly remember the grumbles when Firefox brought local db ops into the browser to give it memory for forms. Lots of people didn't like the notion of filling out a bank form or something and then that popping into a sqlite db.

So, your opinion, I don't blame you. I don't agree with your opinion, but I don't blame you. Completely normal reaction. Don't let folks tell you different. Just like we need the gas pedal for new things, we need the brake as well. I would hate to see you go and leave Firefox, BUT I would really hate you having to feel like something was forced upon you and you just had to grin and bear it.

IHeartBadCode, to linux in Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox | The Mozilla Blog
IHeartBadCode avatar

Your browser hogs up 8GB of memory

That's not the browser doing that. That's whatever website(s) you're heading to that are making that many memory requests. The entire firefox binary isn't anywhere near that value.

Y'all got to remember, HTML5 is almost like it's own OS at this point. Your web browser is just a typewriter into the kernel and the sites you visit are the programs being managed. If you run /usr/bin/really_large_program, it shouldn't surprise you when your terminal is reporting the kernel allocing 8GB.

And boy are there a lot of very bad web programmers out there.

IHeartBadCode, to news in Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales (Update: He Was Talking About Made-In-Mexico Chinese EVs)
IHeartBadCode avatar

Donald Trump says random bullshit he cannot deliver on, that will appeal to his most rabid supporters.

The Biden Tariffs have way more impact on total EVs sales than reducing the EV credit to $0. The tariff blocks $6k EVs from enter the US, the credits just knocks $7.5k off a $50k car.

Like I get that us here in the United States are wary of Chinese things, but let's all be honest, American car companies aren't going to produce a sub $20k EV anytime soon. LiFePO₄ batteries have been a thing for some time now, the excuse the batteries are the main cost of the car is faux argument that US makers just aren't ready to stop subsidizing their other vehicle platforms with EV sales.

Trump's arguments won't do shit no matter which side of the aisle you sit. The thing killing wide adoption in the US of EVs is the US EV makers.

IHeartBadCode, to sneerclub in we're not Nazis btw
IHeartBadCode avatar

The biggest issue with these people is they use “reason and logic” to arrive at their belief, but literally fail to connect dots because of their removal from reality.

the problem is most acute in countries that are “technophilic, pluralistic, educated, where women have rights”.

It’s not because women have rights though. It’s because rich fucks like his mentor Musk absorbs the majority of prosperity in nations. If there’s no hope, there’s no reason to continue.

The only places where the birthrate is not falling to unsustainable levels are countries where the average citizen earns less than $5,000 (£4,000) a year

And this isn’t even true. Places like India, even the poorest of the poor regions, are seeing their population boom quickly decline. So while technically they haven’t hit negative values, they’re already moving in that direction.

Whenever you hit max value for a resource, you’ve hit peak that resource, and humanity has hit peak humanity in terms of how the various governments and economic systems view value in their fellow mankind. Economic systems have no additional value to give (or value that they WANT to give) to human beings. There’s just no additional investment going into that resource. We’ve hit peak humanity in an economic sense, so there’s just zero reason for something to grow if nothing is being invested into it.

This would be clear to this couple if their heads weren’t so far up their asses.

IHeartBadCode, to politics in Trump ends speech to 'mostly boos' after going 'off prompter' and 'making fun of' his host
IHeartBadCode avatar

I imagine he’s spaghetti throwing at the wall hoping something sticks

Because if nothing sticks, man the justice system is going to fucking grind his ass up. That or he flees the country. That man has used nearly every delay tactic the justice system can afford a person. A two time loser is going to have a very difficult time convincing them to give him a third chance.

IHeartBadCode, to becomeme in Louisiana First in US to Make Possessing Abortion Pills a Crime
IHeartBadCode avatar

Louisiana got to pave them roads somehow.

IHeartBadCode, to worldnews in New tests confirm milk from flu-infected cows can make other animals sick — and raise questions about flash pasteurization
IHeartBadCode avatar

Preheat and homogenization were not testing in these processes. Both are steps used in most US milk that would likely inactivate the virus. Moral of the story is still you are an idiot if you are drinking raw milk.

Fragments of the virus that are being found in about 20% of all milk sampled. These fragments have not been shown to be enough to make anyone sick. The fact that we're finding fragments and not intact viruses in store bought milk is a good indication that the various processes used for milk in most locations is doing the job it was intended to do.

And most important of all: This is the current state of evidence gathered on this topic, that state could change with various factors at play and/or the addition of new evidence. Because apparently for some people they have forgotten that "things change as time progresses".

IHeartBadCode, to becomeme in Louisiana First in US to Make Possessing Abortion Pills a Crime
IHeartBadCode avatar

Punishment for those wondering is as follows:

  • For the drug Flunitrazepam : Prison with option of hard labor for no less than one year, no more than ten years. At discretion of the Justice a fine no more than $5,000.
  • For any other controlled substance under this law : Prison with option of hard labor for no less than one year, no more than five years. At discretion of the Justice a fine no more than $5,000.

For those wondering, Flunitrazepam is the generic name for Rohypnol, aka the date rape drug.

IHeartBadCode, to news in Woman looks to sue after NJ casino refuses to pay disputed $1.27 million slot machine prize
IHeartBadCode avatar

Roney Beal, 72, a Shamong, New Jersey resident

This person has literally nothing else to do but hammer this lawsuit until their untimely passing.

When Beal told them that she would call her lawyer, they told her to get out of the casino and to not return. The Beals were then escorted off of the property, Di Croce said.

But this person is literally 72, the casino could hypothetically just wait them out.

Di Croce hopes Bally’s wants to make this situation right with Beal. After suffering a heart attack last year, Beal turned to the casino for enjoyment.

I mean and there's a good chance the lawyers just drag for as long as they can. Odds are favorable for the casino winning on things just sorting themselves out naturally here.

IHeartBadCode, to news in Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker behind 'Super Size Me,' dies at 53
IHeartBadCode avatar

Like for his liver problems. Fast food doesn't do that.

Well there is also NAFLD. When your body runs out of places to put fat, it'll start putting it in the liver. Fat in your liver will damage it.

Not saying that, that's what happened to this guy. But you can kill your liver with fat, it doesn't just have to be alcohol.

Watch 'Fed Up'. Because it's not just fast food that's a problem.

Fed Up does the same problem that Super Size Me did. Blame everything on one boogeyman. In Fed Up it's all sugar's problem and sugar is problematic, DO NOT GET ME WRONG HERE, sugar is NOT good for you. But there's a lot of bad guys out there, not just one.

It's a good one to watch. People should go watch it, but understand, the end conclusion they try to hammer is "sugar bad, if we got rid of sugar everything would go back to normal." And that's hardly the conclusion people should arrive at. There's zero evidence that simply taking sugar completely out of your diet will lead to better outcomes for the obese.

If you are overweight, you absolutely should get sugar out of your diet, but it needs to be a holistic thing. You need to add more fiber, take more green leafy vegetables, increase your daily activities, exercise, get better restful sleep, and so on. It cannot be, just do this one crazy thing and that'll solve it all.

Again, it's a good documentary, y'all should watch it if you haven't already. But it goes hard on trying to make sugar the lone culprit here. And I think that's what I got disappointed about the show. But I can't really toss it too much shade because they are right, everyone really needs to decrease their sugar intake. It's just that, we need to do a little bit more than just that one thing.

That's all I'm saying. Nothing but love for your recommend there, it is good, y'all should watch it. But that's just my 2¢ on what bugged me about Fed Up. Y'all take it with grains of salt.

IHeartBadCode, to news in Greater Idaho movement: 13 counties in eastern Oregon have voted to secede and join Idaho
IHeartBadCode avatar

There is a legal way to do this:

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress

— Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1

Nebraska and South Dakota have a compact that's been approved by Congress that has land swap between the states based on where the river is when particular assessments happen. So land leaving one state and going to another state isn't unheard of. If you go look at NE and SD's border in the southeast corner of SD, you'll see the river and the border is pretty tight. Now compare that to states that have no such compact like Arkansas and Tennessee. River and the border are all kinds of messed up.

The thing is, both Idaho's and Oregon's State assembly will have to vote on it as you indicated. It's not up to the citizens to dictate when a state's border can be redrawn. Once Idaho and Oregon have a compact, they will need to send it to DC for Congress to vote on it. If it passes both the House and the Senate, the new compact can be enforced and the new borders drawn.

From what I've heard Oregon will not even begin to entertain this notion.

But yes, this is completely legal in the Constitution and we've done it before too. And we even have had the case where we took one state and split it into two happen before as well. Virginia and West Virginia. So we've used this part of the Constitution enough to know exactly how it needs to go down.

Is it going to go down? IDK. California said they were going to split up into 3, 4, 5 different States, not holding my breath on that one either. Would be pretty neat to redraw Idaho though. Never liked it's weird long edge on the west side. Now it'll look like someone giving the middle finger or something.

IHeartBadCode, to technology in Thanks for the memory, South Korea tells nation's chip makers – now build processors
IHeartBadCode avatar

Okay look y'all. RISC V is a lot of different things. I think when people say RISC V they're hoping some shit over ARM for SoC. That's likely to not happen as RISC V just doesn't have major advantages over ARM to justify the costly swap.

But RISC V as the chip that glues a bunch of controllers is already underway. Chiplet designs that handle IO between the CPU and your various disks are already big things that RISC V dominates in.

So will SK produce RISC V, yes. Will that stop producing ARM SoCs? Absolutely not. RISC V is an open ISA, but an SoC stack requires a lot of things which still need to be licensed, so RISC V isn't as "open" as some would like it to be, at least in SoC. So it's not THAT much cheaper than just sticking with ARM.

In China where IP is like "who dis?" RISC V is getting big because it's open and China likes getting access to that kind of knowledge. But ARM SoC in China still has a lot of inertia, but that steam can run out a lot easier there than say South Korea because of the "who cares about IP?". So if any of you are pulling your Milky-V out and saying "NUH UH!", that's why.

And don't get me wrong, I love RISC V conceptually. I've got a LicheePi here that pulls PDFs beautifully and prints them off on my Brother printer. I love what China is doing with RISC V and yeah, I can see why the US has beef. But most SoCs that come out of South Korea are ARM and there's very little reason (*it's not THAT much cheaper) for them to move off of what they already know.

But they are going to be producing the eff out of some RISC V chiplets. If you don't need everything a SoC requires, RISC V will get the job done.

IHeartBadCode, to technology in Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
IHeartBadCode avatar

What's wild is that one of the people who write anti-cheat software was saying they needed to get their shit working on Linux like yesterday.

So I mean, it crazy that Windows is literally having some folks scramble on how to get their shit working on Steam/Linux.

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