PabloDiscobar avatar

PabloDiscobar avatar

Don't answer to @DarkThoughts, he is a troll who is mass downvoting comments of people disagreeing with him, from their history. I noticed that some of my comments were downvoted for absolutely no reason and that was him.

Darkthoughts, if you keep doing this I'll report you to the admins of your main instance.

PabloDiscobar avatar


Don't talk to this guy.

PabloDiscobar avatar

Yes, you are the troll. You've been warned.

OC The AI genie is here. What we're deciding now is whether we all have access to it, or whether it's a privilege afforded only to rich people, corporations, and governments.

I know a lot of people want to interpret copyright law so that allowing a machine to learn concepts from a copyrighted work is copyright infringement, but I think what people will need to consider is that all that's going to do is keep AI out of the hands of regular people and place it specifically in the hands of people and...

PabloDiscobar avatar

Not where I live.

PabloDiscobar avatar

I can't believe that you are blaming the green people! Those people are the one who consume the less and begged you to consume less. Did you do it? No, you didn't. Had people like you listened then we wouldn't be in our current situation. You wanted the ultimate comfort no matter what and you listened to nothing. We've been talking about greenhouse effect since the previous century.

You will never move a boat with nuclear, you will never move an airplane with nuclear, you will never fertilize a field with nuclear. Stop dreaming.

Also, these kinds of protestors are the same general group of people who stopped nuclear power from becoming a bigger player back in the 1960s and 70s. If we'd gone nuclear and replaced coal, we almost certainly wouldn't be sitting here at the beginning of what looks to be a major global warming event that's unlike anything we've ever seen before. It wouldn't have completely solved the problem, but it would have bought us time.

Short sighted view of the problem. First there is not enough uranium for everyone.

Second, nuclear power is reserved to stable countries.

Third, there is no uranium in the EU, making it yet another tool for pressuring countries.

An AI may be able to help us develop ideas to mitigate global warming, and it seems ridiculous to me to go all luddite and smash the machines over what will be a minuscule overall contribution to it given the possibility that it could help us solve the problem.


"The AI will save us!"

Eat less meat! How hard is it to compute! So turn off your stupid AI and eat less meat. Do it now, stop eating meat.


If you don't do what ten thousands of scientists are telling you to do right now then you will never do what a robot tells you to do. Your face when the AI will tell you to stop eating meat. "But this is not possible, we can't do this, the AI is wrong! We need a bigger AI!!"

omg, the denial.

But let's be real here; these hypothetical people smashing the machines are doing it because they've bought into AI panic, not because they're afraid of global warming. If they really want to commit acts of ecoterrorism, there are much bigger targets.

Like the tires of your car.

PabloDiscobar avatar

I assume you haven't heard of aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines.

You are talking about military equipment. I'm talking about trade. There are more than 100k cargo ships today.

Also, nuclear power can be stored in batteries and capacitors and then used to move electric vehicles (including boats, planes, and tractors), so I don't know what the hell you're even talking about.

You will never, ever, EVER make 100k cargo ships move on battery power.

There are better targets for ecoterrorism

The latest buzzword.

PabloDiscobar avatar

Lower fatalities is a function of the driver type, not of the car.

I think the rush to recreate communities is a bad idea.

If you recall reddits growth many of their communities evolved as offshoots of a single generic community. This made it easier for people to see discussions they normally would not get involved in, and once the posts in a similar category reached critical mass it moved to a sub Reddit....

PabloDiscobar, (edited )
PabloDiscobar avatar

This uncontrolled rush killed magazines. For example /m/hardware. I wanted to start something, but it was already reserved by someone who never posted anything in a month, not a post, not a comment anywhere. There is no link to other mags on the page, no rules, no nothing.

I messaged the guy to get the magazine back but never got any answer.

PabloDiscobar avatar

The name hardware was kind of a "catch all" to answer generic questions and to give exposition to other smaller niche magazines like monitors, memory, ssd, motherboards, datahoarders, homelab, you name it. Calling it something else would have defeated the purpose.

PabloDiscobar avatar

No one will type pchardware. But we could have added links to other non-IT magazines.

PabloDiscobar avatar

A house is worth peanuts without water, this should be priority number one when purchasing a house. We should avoid cities and move closer to mountains where the rain will provide enough stream.

PabloDiscobar avatar

We say goodbye to our quality of life.

Pensions are a result of our capacity to produce wealth, but as the cost of life will rise those pensions will be slowly erased. You'd better spare money as young as possible. The climate is guaranteed to get warmer for at least 20 years, whatever we do now. Based on the fact that we are not doing anything anyway you can safely bet on a constant raise of temperature for 40 years. So your pension will be your life savings.

Arizona and the region of the lake Mead will probably stop honoring the laws about water, you know, a state cannot confiscate all the water for himself yadayada

The importance of being vegan in one picture. But by now it's too late anyway.

PabloDiscobar avatar

Plenty of cities have good access to water. It's why most of them were built where they were in the first place.

That's the way it used to be.

Take the Rio Grande:

Water restrictions ordered in Rio Grande Valley as drought persists

'The actual lake is gone,' Zapata County judge says

McALLEN, Texas (Border Report) — The two largest cities in the Rio Grande Valley have implemented mandatory water restrictions as water levels in two reservoirs hit near-record lows due to an ongoing drought.

Rathmell gave Border Report a tour of diminishing Falcon Lake on Thursday, and at the time advocated that cities downstream in the Rio Grande Valley should be forced to conserve water.

Rathmell said that Falcon Lake is basically no more. It’s just an area where the Rio Grande river runs through.

Cities will become traps. It was convenient before but now it is becoming a death trap, don't purchase a house there, you become dependent on someone bringing food and water to you. If you are in the business of searching for a house, avoid cities.

PabloDiscobar avatar

"If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with Automobile, Aviation and Advertisement, I would shoot Advertisement twice."

PabloDiscobar avatar

Told ya.

Now that the insurance have lifted the taboo of stopping insuring people for climatic reason you will see more of those action everywhere.

PabloDiscobar avatar

ETA: I love that there is no algorithm showing me more of what I've already engaged with or more of what it thinks I want. I like being exposed to new stuff that I didn't know I wanted to read about.

And the mass of this new content is memes and low effort. There is no miracle. It worked at first because of the people who joined initially, we left reddit for a reason. But some people are already feeling the crowd effect and the fediverse hasn't reached his maximum intensity yet, far from it. So expect the default fediverse federation to get worse and worse, because spammers want a public.

I see no other direction for the people who want quality content to create their own federation. Sure you can put some limiters here and there but the fundamental problem will remain. No one ever said that everyone should federate with everyone.

I think we should give it time and see how things go, but there will probably be a lot of changes on the federation thing.

PabloDiscobar avatar

I'd at least hope you were arguing in good faith, but you're obviously not

Can't you just say "I disagree with you" instead of accusing people of arguing in bad faith? What's so hard with explaining why you left reddit?

Being in an instance with people who share similar topics is fine. Defederating from general instances, though, just puts you in a small bubble.

Wow, what a colossal waste of time it was. I spent time explaining the thing and that's all I've got in return.

I don't understand why you reject that any other solution other than defederation might work when it has worked for Mastodon, Pixelfed, etc.

The mass of content is different, the type of content is different. I don't know why you compare them. Reddit is the closest example of what we are aiming for and you refused to answer why you left reddit.

I'm done, I'm not spending more time with this.

PabloDiscobar avatar

Reddit did it fine.

Reddit has one unique instance only.

Reddit had moderation everywhere.

Still reddit is flooded by low effort content.

Mags should moderate themselves. Going back to the Reddit analogy, if a subreddit mixed memes and useful content, and I didn't want to see memes, I'd stop following that subreddit.

This is not reddit here. This is more like chaos. Reddit is an example of an instance completely defederated, with only one authority. You cannot expect the same here when you federate with everyone.

Neither do I, but that's ironically what we'd both get if we followed your suggestion of defederating from "generic" instances. Most useful and informative communities I follow right now are on and If we defederate from them just because you don't want to click the block button a couple of times, we would both lose access to most informative communities in this space.

No, they would probably post their useful information in a federation which promotes quality.

"just because you don't want to click the block button a couple of times"

As if I was the problem. We are only one month in. What do you think will happen in 6 months? Do you really believe that new users will follow your routine to block every sub posting trash? Of course they won't! They will follow the link to a federation that fit their style. Why not? What's the big fuss about federating with a select group of instance? Whats the drama about? I don't get it.

Every time someone mention defederation it's like we kicked a hornet's nest. People will run away from memes. And defederation is an adequate tool for this. You can stay if you want, other people will leave.

If, however, we simply filter some of the most active communities' content out, and enable users to keep blocking out stuff they don't want to see at all, you can get a good mix of all the content you follow, and you can still go directly to the communities in which you want to read every single thread and read every single thread. We could even have a /sub and a /filtered-sub, where in the first one you'd see aboslutely everything, and in the second one you'd have a Reddit style sub tab with a mix of content of the various communities you follow.

You won't win this race. Eventually people wanting quality will rejoin people wanting quality on another federation.

And that's fine IMO. /r/all was unusable on Reddit, too, and I think that's fine because it's not made for you or me. Some of my friends loved /r/all, though, and refused to use the sub only view. I think like on Reddit, /all is meant for people who want to see content from absolutely everything and like living in chaos, basically. I personally don't see the point of that, so I'd rather follow /sub. But I want /sub to have all of communities I follow, and not have most communities arbitrarily cut out because, again, you alone don't like memes.

Fine, you are welcome to stay with the meme enjoyers. It makes me wonder why you are not on reddit. If reddit "does it so well" why didn't you stay on reddit?

PabloDiscobar avatar

I don't think your answer addresses what the OP is talking about at all and it's getting kinda scary that the immediate answer to every small issue people have on the Fediverse seems to be defederation. People do love their echo chambers apparently.

I did address the point. My conclusion is it cannot be done reliably by an automated system and that we have the choice of blocking manually or defederating.

What I want, and I think that's what the OP is talking about, is simply to have a way to slow down the posts from the more active communities - kinda like how Reddit didn't show you all of the content of a very active sub when you were on your main feed, but only the hottest threads, and you'd get a mix of threads from very big active subreddits and smaller more inactive subreddits. I love the LOTR meme communities, for example, but I don't want to see all of their posts on my main feed, since it drowns out discussions from other smaller communities. All we need for that is a limit to the amount of threads you can be shown from every community on your main feed.

Then I already mentioned why it cannot work reliably: "how would you make the difference between useful posts and spam from the same mag? You can't, it's just too much content to sort out."

So you want the insightful posts being hidden from a mag because someone else in the same mag spammed memes? Because that's what you will get. Sorry but I don't want that. I want to be out of this meme bubble. We are slowly encountering the same problem than reddit had.

I dislike the idea of "federations devoted to a topic"

Nope, I did not say "devoted to a topic". I said "In the end it will come to a federation made of instances with the same moderation policy."

I said "moderation policy", I didn't say "topic". I said that hobbyists would start the process, but they will probably federate with other hobbyists from other domain as long as they share the same moderation policy.

/all will soon become unusable anyway. It was great at the beginning, but the more people join and the more it will become unusable. You didn't really think that all instances would always be federated, right?

RFK Jr. suggests COVID-19 could have been 'ethnically targeted' to spare Jews (

Anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made another eye-popping statement this week, and this time it was about the origins of the novel coronavirus.The New York Post reports that Kennedy floated his new conspiracy theory about COVID-19 during a ...

PabloDiscobar avatar

You call this "good thing"? Lol, we call it the american circus. Keep it for trash subs where it belongs. Those people want attention and people like you naively give it to them. Who's next? Hunter biden? Marjorie stuff? Keep it for trash subs.

PabloDiscobar avatar

There is a problem here.

This website quotes the new York post, which Is a domain known to spam fake news. Many users have blocked the new York post, for this reason.

By quoting the new york post, from another domain, it comes down to bypassing the block decision of the users.

PabloDiscobar avatar

It is OP's problem. It comes down to "quote the original source".

PabloDiscobar avatar

Hi, Spammy! Stop spamming everything you see on the interweb and quote the initial source.

OC Entirely Automated AI-Powered Balanced News Site*

For the last few months our team has been working on an entirely automated AI-powered news site. I am excited to announce that v1.0 is finally being released. This version includes full coverage with every article generated from 2 left leaning, 2 right leaning, and 2 neutral sources. We have also added an anonymous commenting...

PabloDiscobar avatar

Their comments are very probably AI generated too, for astroturfing reasons.

They will prime the pump with inflammatory comment to push you to react and you will end up working for them with your comments.

PabloDiscobar avatar

Autoremove the subs with zero activity. After one month allow another admin to take a shot.

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