What are the biggest issues for you for the 2024 presidential election

I’m new to Lemmy, and trying to get a gauge on the community. Unfortunately, it seems that it’s just gonna be another heavily left wing website, but hoping that the smaller pockets of users will be reasonable.

What are the issues that the Conservative community here cars about most?

@tallwookie@lemmy.world avatar

stop sending money overseas. balance the budget, decrease spending. end nanny-state programs. delete the tax laws and do them all over again to remove loopholes.


Agreed, I’m a tax accounting and simplifying the tax code is something extremely vital for the future of our country.

The problem is it feels too far gone, it would take an absolute overhaul because of how complicated taxes are, and I don’t have faith our politicians can or wants to overhaul the tax code.


I have the same sentiments as the other 3 commenting on this thread. To add one thing, I dislike trump and I truly hope the GOP nominates someone other than trump.

melmc avatar

Trump is way past his sell-by date. If Republicans nominate him they will lose. https://exploding-heads.com/c/desantis4president


I just want someone to bring us back financially and to the level of world peace that we were experiencing in 2019. This runaway inflation that we have experienced the last year or 2 has got to stop


I agree, I’m an accountant now, and very fiscally conservative.

In my lifetime the most fiscally conservative president we’ve had is clinton. Bush and Obama spent trillions on a useless war in the middle east. Trump spent absurd amounts as well, and it’s arguable how much was necessary due to covid restrictions.

But the one thing I absolutely value is less military intervention. Trump, whether it’s due to him or not, didn’t get us involved in anymore military conflicts.


Trump managed to bankrupt several casinos that he owned. He couldn’t manage a dollar if someone rolled it up and pointed him to a line of coke.


He also ran 100 successful companies, is one of the most famous men in the world and was synonymous with the ‘New york big shot’ culture that we valued highly for 30 years.

Whether you like it or not, he’s had much much much much more financial and social success in his life than you could ever imagine for yours.


Oh yes, you can rest assured I strive to emulate the trump. You’ve never actually seen what he did to NY and NJ during the late 80s and 90s right? He doesn’t know how to run a business, much less a country.


Ew gross, why would you try to emulate trump, he’s a disgusting human being.


My “single issue voter” issue is guns. I firmly believe that if you want gun control, you’re either an idiot or a bad person.

I also think immigration needs to be curtailed. Its just companies importing cheap labor.


The number one cause of deaths for children in the U.S. is firearms. The U.S. is unique in this. Most other countries have been able to figure it out and deal with it, and they do so through gun control.

I firmly believe that if you want gun control, you’re either an idiot or a bad person.

You honestly believe that following in the footsteps of the rest of the developed world to reduce the deaths of children makes somebody an idiot or a bad person? That’s ridiculous.


The number one cause of deaths for children in the U.S. is firearms. The U.S. is unique in this. Most other countries have been able to figure it out and deal with it, and they do so through gun control.

Only if you don’t count under 1s and you do count 18 and 19 year olds. Lying with stats at it’s best.

You honestly believe that following in the footsteps of the rest of the developed world to reduce the deaths of children makes somebody an idiot or a bad person? That’s ridiculous.

Yes. Have you seen the rest of developed world?

Australia prohibitted fucking Muskets and now they banned Hentai (which is the government basically saying “You are not adults, drawings are for adults only”). They also can’t figure out how to house their people, and they’re going after Indigenous people. They’ve heavily curtailed freedom of movement, to the point a baby died because they couldn’t get care. At one point, there were only 4 affordable places for rent in the entire country, and they decided to keep importing people (a byword for cheap labor).

Britain is going after knives now, and they convicted a guy over a joke (as in a joke that was spoken, and was clearly a joke, not even questionably a joke). They’ve heavily curtailed freedom of speech. The NHS is failing, and they keep importing more people (cheap workers, not doctors) further overloading the system. Not to mention their housing crisis.

Canada is facing similar problems, going after native Canadians, healthcare system overloaded, housing crisis, cheap labor pushing wages down.

I’m not saying America is perfect, but Lord Almighty are they having a hard time, and it’s entirely self-inflicted. And lefties wonder why the right wing is on the rise.

PizzaMan, (edited )

Only if you don’t count under 1s and you do count 18 and 19 year olds. Lying with stats at it’s best.


I’m not lying with stats. It’s how this is tracked. Distrusting the experts is how we got into this mess in the first place.

Yes. Have you seen the rest of developed world?

Yes. I’ve seen how they prevent children from getting shot in their schools. We should do the same.

Not gonna bother touching the rest of what you said since it simply isn’t relevant to gun control.

I’m not saying America is perfect, but Lord Almighty are they having a hard time, and it’s entirely self-inflicted.

They have self inflicted lower rates of children firearm deaths. Here in America it is only growing.


I’m not the biggest gun guy myself, all I have is my dads old .22, but gun rights I definitely would like our future president to respect.

I’m for some of the more basic restrictions - but what is being pushed by the left (‘assault’ weapon bans, semi automatic bans) is atrocious and unconstitutional. It seems obvious to me that to work to ban something, you should at least try to understand it. But the left seems obsessed with trying to ban guns with absolutely 0 knowledge about them


I own 16 guns. I support banning AR-15 style assault weapons, gun owner insurance (like car insurance), and I am donating time and money to get it done. I work every day with Europeans. Their kids don’t have “active shooter” drills. My daughter is scared to death of going to school, and I don’t blame her. This has got to stop.


BS you own 16 guns. AR15s are the most common rifles around.

And also you aren’t required to have car insurance to own a car.


Well, 15 if you discount the 50 cal TC Omega black powder. I’ve an 8mm Mauser kar98 complete with WWII Nazi symbols, My bird guns include a Browning 16ga o/u and a Remington 1100 3.5", there’s a 22 Marlin in there, a 44 mag Pardner single shot for sabots, etc etc etc.

Just because I own and use a good number of firearms, that doesn’t mean I’m brainwashed by the corrupt, sleazy NRA.


I can’t tell if you’re a bad person, or just an idiot. The AR is no more deadly than any of those, aside from the 22lr.


AR-15 style assault weapons,

What do you mean by this?

Semi autos?

Scary looking rifles?

Long barrels?

Their kids don’t have “active shooter” drills

We literally had gun clubs at school without these issues. It’s clearly not a gun problem, it’s that our young adults and kids aren’t mentally healthy or getting the help they need. The school system is failing, and our society encouraging single parent households is causing a lot of these problems, too.

My daughter is scared to death of going to school

And your daughter is a child and looks at things childishly. The only reason she should be scared is if it’s over reported and over exposed to people. The chances of being in a school shooting is extremely extremely extremely low. If she was more reasonable and had an adult to help her understand life, she’d be more scared of dying in the car ride to school.

and I don’t blame her

Without knowing fully your parenting style, I’d blame you. Somewhere, your child has become overly anxious of an extremely unlikely scenario. Should we ban any metal post above 10 ft tall because some kids are scared of being struck by lightning?


You went from not the biggest gun guy with his grampy’s 22 to guy with all the same bs arguments as all the rest of the gun nuts really quick didn’t you?


Do I have to be the biggest gun guy to respect the constitution?

I’m not the biggest protestor, but I’m for everyones right to protest, see how that works?

Your daughter, against all logic and reason, is ‘scared to death’ of going into one of the safest places in the world. You’re the adult, you should at least see logic and reason, but instead you seem to foster an environment against that, and once you’re challenged you don’t have an argument back.

If you don’t want to respond to a comment, why reply?


Your daughter, against all logic and reason

Firearm deaths are now the number one cause of death for children in the U.S., and this problem is unique to the U.S.

It’s well within reason to be scared of it.

The sound of children screaming has been removed


Because the statistics you’re using counts 18 and 19 year olds as children despite other death statistics properly including excluding 18 and 19 year olds in children deaths.

It’s well within reason to be scared of it.

Once again, it’s not. Is it within reason to be scared to death to take a car ride to school? The chances of dying in a car crash is much much much much much more likely than dying in a school shooting.

I think the reason your child is scared ‘to death’ of dying in a school shooting is because of your fears. Please don’t pass your unreasonable fears to your children.


Because the statistics you’re using counts 18 and 19 year olds as children despite other death statistics properly including excluding 18 and 19 year olds in children deaths.

X to doubt

Is it within reason to be scared to death to take a car ride to school? The chances of dying in a car crash is much much much much much more likely than dying in a school shooting

Not anymore. Firearm deaths have surpassed motor vehicle deaths.


Not anymore. Firearm deaths have surpassed motor vehicle deaths.

You misread my statement. Are you claiming that school shootings cause more deaths than vehicle accidents?

Source please.



“Since 2016, that gap has narrowed, and in 2020, firearm-related injuries became the leading cause of death in that age group”


Okay, that’s firearm related injuries.

What about Mass school shooting deaths?

Come on man, at least argue in good faith. This is very simple.

PizzaMan, (edited )

Okay, that’s firearm related injuries.


What about Mass school shooting deaths?

Also up. And not all school shootings are mass shootings.


Come on man, at least argue in good faith. This is very simple.

I am. Not sure why you care about the distinction between how a gun killed a child. In any case a child is dead which would seemingly be a disgrace to our nation. In either case it’s another child dead which makes all other children scared as is reasonable.


The comment I was responding to said his daughter was scared to death to go to school because of school shootings.

Hence me saying that’s an absurd fear to have, as the chances of that are extremely extremely so extremely small.

Hence the comparison between dying in a car accident on the way to school, being much much much much much much much much more likely than dying in a school shooting.

You pulling up all firearm related injuries is completely irrelevant.


Hence me saying that’s an absurd fear to have, as the chances of that are extremely extremely so extremely small.

“Extremely small” is an inherently subjective view of the statistics. Basing your entire argument off of something subjective generally isn’t wise.

Hence the comparison between dying in a car accident on the way to school, being much much much much much much much much more likely than dying in a school shooting.

Cool. That doesn’t matter though because school isn’t the only place that children are getting shot to death at. Schools are just one such place. Kids are plenty capable of being scared of being in multiple places. Schools are just one place of many they’re becoming scared of.

You pulling up all firearm related injuries is completely irrelevant.

It absolutely is, because firearms being the number one death of children is the reason why children are scared for their life in this fucked up country. It’s directly related.


“Extremely small” is an inherently subjective view of the statistics. Basing your entire argument off of something subjective generally isn’t wise.

I didn’t it, once again your reading comprehension could do some work. I said that she should be more fearful of dying in a car wreck.

Saying something is a small chance to happen is subjective, you’re right. Saying it’s more likely that she dies in a car wreck is objective.

That doesn’t matter though because school isn’t the only place that children are getting shot to death at

In the scenario that the daughter is scared to go to school because of school shootings, yes that’s what we are discussing.

, because firearms being the number one death of children is the reason why children are scared for their life in this fucked up country. It’s directly related.

We’re only talking about school shootings. If you want to talk about all shootings create your own thread


Saying it’s more likely that she dies in a car wreck is objective.

No, it’s wrong. Children are getting shot and killed by firearms more than they are dying from car crashes.

In the scenario that the daughter is scared to go to school because of school shootings, yes that’s what we are discussing.

School shootings aren’t the only way children are getting shot and killed though, so limiting the discussion to just that aspect is disingenuous.

We’re only talking about school shootings.

You are. I’m talking about ALL the various ways our children are mercilessly shot to death, meanwhile our country refuses to do anything about it.

If you want to talk about all shootings create your own thread

I’m good


No, it’s wrong.

It’s objectively correct.

Children are getting shot and killed by firearms more than they are dying from car crashes.

That’s not what we’re talking about. It may be what you want to talk about, but then start a conversation on a different post or different chain.

You are. I’m talking about

I don’t give a shit what you want to talk about. You replied to my comment.


Dude, I’m not even the OP you’re arguing with. I just happened to be reading through the thread and noticed your nonsense. Take a deeeeeep breath and think about yourself.


Your response attempted to attack my character, and despite that I responded to you.

Do you have a response to my argument or you just want to say I lied and use all the ‘same bs arguments’ (that somehow you can’t argue against??) as the ‘rest of the gun nuts’ (anyone that doesn’t want to ban guns is a gun nut??)

I’m fully content with myself and my life, I don’t like you replying to comments with 0 valuable input just to call people lying gun nuts.


Maybe smoke some weed?


Don’t worry man, I smoke enough for the both of us.

Maybe don’t go out of your way to join a very small community on a very small post simply to insult someone on subjects you know nothing about?


Welcome to the internet


Ah, I see, In your head banning military style weapons of mass death is equated to banning everything. Got it. It’s difficult to have discussions with somebody so simple minded.

idiot. My daughter’s school had four lockdowns due to active shooter alerts in the last school year alone.

You’re lost cause, I’ll stop responding now…


The amount of hyperbole in your comment is appalling.


I’m asking.

You aren’t answering.


I just want Biden out of office. I've taken quite a hit financially since he took office.


Can you explain the financial hit you took and how it’s a result of his policies?


You like paying $4 for a drink that was $1 3 years ago? How about eggs being double the price or more?




not op but high inflation, decent dips in the stock market, gas still a dollar and a half or so over the average it was previously, etc


My grocery bill for 1 person went from $40-50 to $70-80/week.

My gas went from $30/tank to $50/tank.

I’m really blessed to be in a position where I can afford that without too much issue, and work from home where I can mitigate the effects of gas prices.

2 basic expenses of mine increased ~$160/month. I can’t imagine how hard it hits a single parent of 2.

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